15 June 2014

LiberdadeDeExpressao 14.06.2014 @livrexpress

LiberdadeDeExpressao News

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MUDANDO O PASSADO! Esquerdistas brasileiros invadem a Wikipédia e (re)escrevem a história do seu jeito.

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sociedademilitar.com.br - MUDANDO O PASSADO! Esquerdistas brasileiros invadem a Wikipédia e (re)escrevem a história do seu jeito.    A Wikipédia é a principal fonte de informação para um grande número de estudantes de gradu...

Por que o Mineirão se tornou um mico para o contribuinte - ÉPOCA

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
epoca.globo.com - Do alto, o novo Mineirão, com sua cobertura polvilhada de branco e suas casquinhas de concreto, parece a maior broa de padaria já produzida em Belo Horizonte. Dentro, haja recheio. Há 62.160 cadeir...

Volvieron a protestar en Brasil contra costos del Mundial

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Un Mundo Sin Mordaza
el-nacional.com - Aproximadamente 200 personas manifestaron este sábado en la ciudad brasileña de Belo Horizonte contra los elevados gastos del Gobierno en el Mundial de Fútbol Brasil 2014, mientras en esa localidad...


Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
justcoz.org - Ilustríssimo Sr. @DepBolsonaro @VEJA o desespero do PT, por intermédio da carta caPiTal, a qual é um folhetim governista, que tenta desqualificar a "Operação Sete de Setembro", com o artigo O desfi...

Olhar Digital: Polícia Federal vai investigar o Facebook a pedido do PT

Partilhado por
maria salvador
olhardigital.uol.com.br - O Facebook será investigado pela Polícia Federal a pedido do PT, que tem visto a legenda e seu provável candidato ao governo de Minas Gerais, Fernando Pimentel, ser alvo de ataques na rede social. ...

Uma vaia para a presidente - Liberzone

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Roger Rocha Moreira
liberzone.com.br - Mas sua sucessora não deixou por menos. Dilma, que já havia sido vaiada na abertura da Copa das Confederações, no ano passado, adicionou um novo capítulo à história das vaias presidenciais, na aber...

Polícia Civil divulga nome de universitária que ajudou a depredar viatura - Gerais - Estado de Minas

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em.com.br - A Polícia Civil divulgou na manhã deste sábado o nome de um dos presos suspeito de depredar uma viatura da Polícia Civil durante protesto realizado na última quinta-feira. De acordo com a nota, a u...

Educação se aprende em casa, diz Lula sobre vaias a Dilma - 13/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - O ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) criticou nesta sexta-feira (13) as vaias direcionadas à presidente Dilma Rousseff durante a abertura da Copa do Mundo, na quinta (12), no Itaquerão, e...

LIBERTATUM: O psiquiatra Lyle Rossiter nos comprova que o esquerdismo é uma doença mental

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Getúlio Santana
libertatum.blogspot.com - Liberal Mind traz o primeiro exame profundo da loucura política mais relevante em nosso tempo: os esforços da esquerda radical para regular as pessoas desde o berço até o túmulo. Para salvar-nos de...

G1 - Bombeiros controlam fogo em restaurante na Zona Sul do Rio - notícias em Rio de Janeiro

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g1.globo.com - Um restaurante pegou fogo no início da tarde deste sábado (14) na Avenida Bartolomeu Mitre, no Leblon, Zona Sul do Rio. Segundo o Corpo de Bombeiros, o estabelecimento fica na altura do número 450 ...

Operários de Belo Monte pagam sexo com vale-alimentação - 13/06/2014 - Cotidiano - Folha de S.Paulo

Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
folha.uol.com.br - A cada início de mês, o pagamento dos operários da obra da hidrelétrica de Belo Monte, no Pará, provoca um boom nos serviços de prostituição de Altamira (a 900 km de Belém), estimulando inclusive a...

Um Professor Liberal no Ensino Público - Instituto Liberal

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Getúlio Santana
institutoliberal.org.br - O relato pessoal de um professor de História da prefeitura de São Paulo que revela o caos e o domínio esquerdista na educação pública brasileira Sou professor concursado. Funcionário público. Tenho...

G1 - Incêndio atinge cooperativa de suinocultores em Encantado, RS - notícias em Rio Grande do Sul

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g1.globo.com - Um incêndio de grandes proporções atinge neste sábado (14) a cooperativa de suinocultores Cosuel, em Encantado, na Região do Vale do Taquari, no Rio Grande do Sul. De acordo com a Brigada Militar d...

G1 - Incêndio destrói oficina mecânica no bairro Compensa, em Manaus - notícias em Amazonas

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g1.globo.com - Um incêndio destruiu uma oficina mecânica na Rua São Pedro, bairro Compensa, Zona Oeste de Manaus. De acordo com a assessoria de comunicação do Corpo de Bombeiros Militares do Amazonas (CBMAM), a b...

Vão encarar | Radar on-line - Lauro Jardim - VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - BRASIL O PAÍS SEM FUTURO, dentro do SISTEMA PRESIDENCIALISTA. Precisamos tentar o sistema Parlamentarista. E se não der certo, chamar os militares de volta, como em 1964. LULA DISSE EM OUTUBRO/2009...


Partilhado por
Getúlio Santana
webpostagem.com.br - BOLSONARO PEITA O PP SOBRE APOIO À DILMULA E DISSE QUE SABE O PORQUE MAS NÃO PODE FALAR!!! :P Ele exigiu que seu partido se explique o porquê desse apoio à reeleição de Dilma e disse que essa roupa...

Vinte são feitos de escudo humano em assalto a caixas eletrônicos no RS - Notícias - Cotidiano

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suzi gayer
noticias.uol.com.br - Três assaltantes fortemente armados renderam cerca de 20 pessoas que deixavam o trabalho, na madrugada deste sábado (14), e as utilizaram como escudos humanos durante roubo a dois caixas eletrônico...

Imprensa internacional ridiculariza a abertura da Copa

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suzi gayer
liberdadeeconomica.com - Não foram só os brasileiros que ficaram decepcionados com a abertura da Copa em São Paulo. No mundo inteiro, a imprensa comenta os pontos fracos da cerimônia no Itaquerão. Os veículos reclamam, pri...


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suzi gayer
m.facebook.com - Rodrigues Marcos is on Facebook. To connect with Marcos, join Facebook today. Rodrigues Marcos shared Marcos Borges's photo. Marcos Borges Se eu fosse o professor, metade da nota seria considerada....

A busca petista pela hegemonia (Editorial) - Ricardo Noblat: O Globo

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Gidalti Alencar
oglobo.globo.com - Não se pode deixar de reconhecer características do PT como as de organização e de capacidade de mobilizar a militância. A legenda mantém das origens sindicais o vigor nas ações e, desde a fundação...

Fifa se cansa de críticas e rebate uma a uma; veja respostas - EXAME.com

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Roger Rocha Moreira
exame.abril.com.br - São Paulo - Durante toda a organização da Copa do Mundo, a Fifa - e também o governo - foi alvo de críticas e protestos. As reclamações vão desde o custo exorbitante dos estádios em detrimento a ou...

PSDB torna oficial candidatura de Aécio Neves à Presidência - Geral - Estadão

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Yasha Gallazzi
estadao.com.br - Agora é oficial. Aécio Neves foi oficializado como candidato do PSDB à Presidência da República, durante convenção nacional do partido em São Paulo. Seu nome teve a aprovação de 447 dos 451 delegad...

The Extra Hand Belongs to Michelle Obama's Mother. (Yeesh!) - Assignment Chicago

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Resist Tyranny
newsblogs.chicagotribune.com - So let me ask you a question. Am I wrong with getting upset when I receive a note from Jim Romenesko on Twitter saying he's about to publish a post about an extra hand that readers see in my photo ...

Convenção Nacional do PSDB - Transmissão

Partilhado por
Eduardo Bisotto

What to do When Forced to Perform 'Gay Weddings'

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Last Days Watchman
barbwire.com - Churches in Denmark are now compelled, by law, to host same-sex “weddings.” Tyranny’s appetite is insatiable. The secular-left’s hunger for power and control over its detractors can never be satisf...

#AcordaBrasil!: PADRÃO FIFA - PM de Cuiabá come cachorro quente no almoço

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Dr. Ética
blogdoparrini.blogspot.com - sábado, 14 de junho de 2014 PADRÃO FIFA - PM de Cuiabá come cachorro quente no almoço Refeição dos Policiais em Cuiabá, durante a COPA...  Olhem como são as coisas: O PT está reclamando das vaias q...


Partilhado por
Yasha Gallazzi
m.facebook.com - July Passos Me faz rir, o que adianta? Tanto que falarão e todo mundo no jogo. Esse recado vai mudar o que? Somente fazer o Brasil passar vergonha no mundo inteiro. Tristeza .... Passamos por mal e...

Thousands of Iraqis answer call to join fight against militants

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American News Watch
foxnews.com - Thousands of Shiite Muslims across Iraq took up arms Saturday and joined security forces in the fight against Al Qaeda-inspired militants who have invaded and taken over huge chunks of territory no...

'Rules for using drones by journalists too restricted'

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Index on Censorship
mediafreedom.ushahidi.com - 17:11 Jun 11 2014 Amsterdam, Stadsregio Amsterdam, North Holland, Kingdom of the Netherlands, The Netherlands   Legal Measure   Preventing Access to Sources of Information   Government/political pa...

O Brasil é maior do que a sua imprensa | Blogs OI | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Parece frase de efeito ou afirmação de político em véspera de eleição, mas é verdade. A gente se dá conta disso ao ler o noticiário sobre a situação econômica do país, quando ora vemos dados e prog...

Gene Robinson, el primer obispo abiertamente gay de la iglesia episcopaliana, se divorcia - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Gene Robinson, el primer obispo públicamente gay de la iglesia episcopaliana, cuya ordenación dividió profundamente a la iglesia en 2003, ha anunciado que se divorcia de su pareja Mark Andrew, con ...

Blog do Coronel: Pesquisa Sensus: Aécio encosta em Dilma. Diferença no segundo turno cai para 5,1%.

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Marisa Cruz
coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - A nova pesquisa ISTOÉ/Sensus realizada entre 26 de maio e 4 de junho mostra que a presidenta Dilma Rousseff caiu 1,8% em relação ao levantamento anterior, passando de 34% para 32,2% das intenções d...

Camelô de empreiteira | Augusto Nunes - VEJA.com

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Paulo Devechi
veja.abril.com.br - Haddad, como participante da trupe, tamem incita os nordestinos (vasta maioria mestiços) das periferias e favelas de SP contra os paulista “da gema” brancos e mais bem estabelecidos das regiões mai...

Católicos heterodoxos de EE.UU reciben fondos del lobby gay

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infocatolica.com - (Noticias Globales/InfoCatólica) Los formularios de impuestos muestran que la Fundación Gill, con sede en Colorado, hizo en 2012 una donación de 100.000 dólares para el Fondo para la Educación de C...

Segunda Tela - Band.com.br

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band.uol.com.br - O novo aplicativo da Band é uma evolução do app de segunda tela da emissora. Mais completa, a ferramenta reúne programação, vídeos, transmissões ao vivo e área de segunda tela para interação com os...

O Brasil por principiantes - | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - No Valor do dia de abertura da Copa do Mundo (12/6), o colunista César Felício faz uma síntese de abordagens da imprensa estrangeira sobre o panorama do país (“Brasil na Copa: ‘Welcome to the jungl...

M*A*S*H star: ‘Obama ought to be impeached!’

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WND News
wnd.com - Wayne Rogers, most famous for his role as “Trapper John” in the TV series M*A*S*H, unleashed a blistering verbal assault on President Obama, calling for his impeachment from office over the current...

F5 - humanos - Taxista encontra 40 ingressos da Copa no carro e devolve a mexicanos - 13/06/2014

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Myrian Rios
f5.folha.uol.com.br - São-paulino fanático, Adilson Luiz da Cruz, 42, sempre sonhou em assistir a um jogo da Copa no estádio. E ele esteve bem perto de realizá-lo, justamente, no Mundial que está sendo realizado no Bras...

NNGG celebrará su I FORO de COMUNICACIÓN con el objetivo de formar en esta materia a sus afiliados.

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NNGG Madrid
blogs.ppmadrid.es - El próximo 21 de Junio, a las 11:00 horas, NNGG Madrid celebrará su I Foro de Comunicación titulado “Política 2.0″ con el fin de fomentar la formación en este tipos de habilidades. En palabras de l...

The week of June 7, 2014 the most pivotal in decades - National Conservative

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Anthony G. Martin
examiner.com - The week of June 7, 2014 has been the most pivotal week in decades, perhaps in a century. In order for one to see it and recognize it, however, requires the ability to accurately connect the dots. ...

Descubra como pedir um prato de arroz e feijão no McDonald`s, ISSO É POSSÍVEL!

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Piadas Fail
portalinformado.com - E você achando que já sabe de tudo, está errado! Você sabia que podia pedir um prato executivo na rede de fast food McDonald`s? Pois é, a polêmica que começou no começo dessa semana, se espalhou mu...

El Papa Francisco nombra tres Obispos para Estados Unidos, uno en Canadá y otro en Uruguay

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 14 Jun. 14 / 10:55 am (ACI).- El Papa Francisco nombró hoy al nuevo Nuncio Apostólico para Uruguay, un Obispo para Canadá y tres nuevos Obispos Auxiliares para la arquidiócesis de Nueva Y...


Partilhado por
Piadas Fail
portalinformado.com - >Tem coisas na vida que lemos e não acreditamos, mas é verdade! Uma garota russa de apenas 13 anos, mostrou um projeto de uma nave que é possível alcançar a galáxia mais próxima da terra em 42 anos...

Revolutionary Band Laal’s Facebook Page is Now Accessible in Pakistan. Hooray? Not Really. · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - Social media in Pakistan was buzzing with anti-government sentiment last week after the popular Facebook page of progressive and leftist rock band ‘Laal’ was blocked countrywide. In a blocking spre...

Concern mounts ISIS threat could hit Lebanon

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WND News
wnd.com - BEIRUT, Lebanon – Apprehension here has risen significantly since the Sunni Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, or ISIS, has blitzkrieged its way from eastern Syria into west and central Iraq. In a...

Fighting for the Human Right to Water in Mexico City · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - The scarcity, contamination and discrimination in the distribution of water throughout the world has become one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. In Mexico, the problems regarding wat...

Envidia de Colombia: poder votar a #ZuluagaPresidente

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infocatolica.com - Mañana 15 de junio tendrá lugar la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales en Colombia. Dos candidatos «del mismo tronco» en teoría: Juan Manuel Santos, que opta a la reelección y Oscar Ivá...

Julio Severo: Consenso sobre Direitos LGBT Erodindo na Organização dos Estados Americanos

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - 14 de junho de 2014 Consenso sobre Direitos LGBT Erodindo na Organização dos Estados Americanos Consenso sobre Direitos LGBT Erodindo na Organização dos Estados Americanos NOVA IORQUE, EUA, 13 de j...

Terrorists sing of slaughtering Jews, Christians

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WND News
wnd.com - Its haunting repetition of the same few notes and open harmonies give a new video from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, ISIL, a definite Middle Eastern flavor. Its message about killing Je...

Why Some Minorities in France Vote for the Far-Right Political Party Front National · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - [All links lead to French-language pages unless otherwise noted.] When France's Eurosceptic right-wing Front National (FN) party topped the country's polls in last month's European elections, it ha...

5 Disastrous Obama Policy Decisions That Have Already Blown Up In His Face - John Hawkins - Page 1

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townhall.com - The only reason liberalism survives is because there's usually a good bit of lag between when a policy is being implemented and the time when the American people get to see the results. If American...

Catecismo da Igreja Católica

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Catecismo da Igreja
ask.fm - O que o catecismo diz sobre relacionamentos entre primos de segundo grau? Sou um garoto , q estou apaixonado pela minha prima de 2º grau , queria saber se é pecado , formar família , ter filhos ? R...

Viral video contrasts Marines’ view of 2 presidents

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WND News
wnd.com - An online video that had already gone viral is surging once again amid recent developments in Iraq, where gains made under President George W. Bush are vanishing under President Barack H. Obama. Th...

Altivez & coragem | Augusto Nunes - VEJA.com

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Augusto Nunes
veja.abril.com.br - Lula, durante um encontro realizado pelo PT do Recife, sobre o coro no Itaquerão que mostrou o que a torcida brasileira pensa de Dilma Rousseff, deixando claro que ficou tão indignado que não vai d...

Which Game of Thrones Woman Are You?

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medievalists.net -    The Game of Thrones is not just for men. Some of the strong women in the realm are Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark, Brienne of Tarth, Margaery Tyrell, Ygritte the Wildling, and Cersei Lannister. ...

se uma mae tiver gravida e o bebe acabar morrendo dentro dela, e na ultrassom ela souber q ele esta morto... seria um aborto tbm msm ele estando morto? e se ela tivesse correndo risco de vida eo medico dissesse OU ELA OU O BB MORRE? seria aborto tbm e pecado mortal?

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Catecismo da Igreja
ask.fm - se uma mae tiver gravida e o bebe acabar morrendo dentro dela, e na ultrassom ela souber q ele esta morto... seria um aborto tbm msm ele estando morto? e se ela tivesse correndo risco de vida eo me...

In 2007, Romney Predicted Current Events In Iraq So Accurately He Must Have Had A Time Machine

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Resist Tyranny
ijreview.com - At a campaign event in 2007, former presidential candidate Mitt Romney shared his views on what could happen in Iraq if the situation was not handled with care. He said: “You could see in the Shia ...

Translation for Obama's options on Iraq

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allenbwest.com - Democrats. Rewriting history through rose colored glasses. “One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them...

susto em quem para ilegalmente em vaga de deficiente - Marcelo Rubens Paiva

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Anna Celico
blogs.estadao.com.br - Aviso: Os comentários são de responsabilidade de seus autores e não representam a opinião do Estadão. É vetada a inserção de comentários que violem a lei, a moral e os bons costumes ou violem direi...

LA GRACIA del Domingo 15 de Junio de 2014

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infocatolica.com - Miembro de la Orden de Predicadores en Colombia; sacerdote desde 1992, por bondad de Dios. Mis dos motivaciones más fuertes han sido: (1) Comentar la Palabra de Dios, dejando que aparezca su perman...

‘A tempestade perfeita sem ajuda externa’, de Rolf Kuntz

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Augusto Nunes
veja.abril.com.br - Não subestimem o governo. A presidente e sua turma são capazes de criar por sua conta, sem ajuda estrangeira, a tempestade perfeita prevista no fim do ano passado por alguns economistas. A perfeiçã...

Medieval Images of the Human Body

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medievalists.net -    By the later Middle Ages there was great interest in anatomy and how the body worked. Medieval people made illustrations to explain medical and anatomical issues of human body. Here is a list of...

Court rules 2011 confiscation of podcasters' equipment was illegal

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Index on Censorship
mediafreedom.ushahidi.com - 22:01 May 22 2014 Lüneburg, Landkreis Lüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany, European Union   Arrest/Detention/Interrogation   Attack to Property   Police   Blogger/citizen journalist   Other   Female   ...

Iraq War Vet Explains How Screwed Up The Iraq Takeover is in one Heart-Wrenching Tweet

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Resist Tyranny
ijreview.com - As Obama allows Iraq to collapse under the onslaught of Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist group ISIS, Iran’s offer to help “contain” this threat is just another headline to most Americans. But to J.R. ...


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Pimentel: “vamos devolver Minas aos mineiros!”

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brasil247.com - Minas 247 – No plenário da Assembleia Legislativa de Minas Gerais, o ex-ministro Fernando Pimentel foi oficializado na tarde deste sábado (14) o candidato da coligação PT/PMDB/PCdoB/PRB/PROS ao gov...

La CEE pide que en las Misas se rece por el futuro Rey de España

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infocatolica.com - Y que se celebren Misas Votivas por los gobernantes El Comité Ejecutivo de la Conferencia Episcopal Española (CEE) acordó en su última reunión, celebrada el 11 de junio, remitir a los obispos miemb...

Lawrence & Wishart: A pedra que os construtores rejeitaram - Portal Libertarianismo

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Libertarianismo +
libertarianismo.org - Publicado em 15 de maio de 2014 | por Kevin Carson Parte considerável da esquerda esteve distraída nas últimas semanas pela disputa entre Lawrence & Wishart (uma editora marxista que detém os direi...

No es cierto que los ortodoxos o grecocatólicos casen a sus curas: el padre Cattaneo lo aclara - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Hay colectivos que insisten en pedir que la Iglesia Católica latina renuncie al celibato de los sacerdotes, poniendo como ejemplo a las Iglesias católicas orientales, las ortodoxas y las protestant...

Aqua-Momoan? - Film Grouch

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Rick Swift
filmgrouch.com - The latest rumor surrounding the DC Movie Universe today is that Jason Momoa has been cast to play Aquaman in upcoming Batman vs. Superman movie. Whether or not this rumor is true, Momoa has told a...

Finnish journalist: right to free expression breached

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Index on Censorship
mediafreedom.ushahidi.com - 19:24 May 22 2014 Helsinki, 7;8, Kluuvi, Helsinki, Helsingin seutukunta, Uusimaa, Southern Finland, 00120, Finland   Legal Measure   Defamation/Discredit   Corporation/large company   Private Indiv...

Kevin Drum: Speaker Gingrich Is Long Gone, But Fox News Still Spreads His Brand of ‘Toxic Rancor’

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newsbusters.org - Newt Gingrich hasn’t been an elected official in more than fifteen years, but according to Mother Jones blogger Kevin Drum, Gingrich’s vitriolic approach to politics during his years in the House o...

Kathleen Willey blasts Hillary’s ‘dead broke’ claim

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Resist Tyranny
mobile.wnd.com - Kathleen Willey, a Democrat activist who with her husband, Ed, founded Virginians for Clinton and helped send Bill and Hillary to the White House in 1992, is blasting Hillary Clinton’s recent claim...

Child Soldiers in South Sudan « Satu Vox

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Un Mundo Sin Mordaza
satuvox.com - Between 2001 and 2006, the SPLA pledged to demobilise all child soldiers. It was estimated that there were over 20,000 child soldiers in the organisation, which was in direct violation of internati...

O mito que o governo pode fazer melhor porque não precisa lucrar - Portal Libertarianismo

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Libertarianismo +
libertarianismo.org - Publicado em 16 de janeiro de 2014 | por Paul L. Poirot Como qualquer aluno de economia sabe, se existem dois ou mais produtores de alguma coisa ofertando em um mercado qualquer, o produtor cujos c...

Dilma, sobre vaias e xingamentos: 'Não vou me intimidar' - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

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News Feliciano
veja.abril.com.br - A presidente Dilma ao lado do presidente da Fifa Joseph Blatter durante cerimônia de abertura da Copa do Mundo realizada na Arena Corinthians, em Itaquera, na zona leste de São Paulo (SP) (Nilton F...

Coming soon: Europe after the Berlin Wall - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - In the summer issue of Index on Censorship magazine, we include a special report: Brick by brick, freedom 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. As Europe prepares for the anniversary of the w...

Sen. John McCain Stands Up To Liberal 'Morning Joe' Panel

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newsbusters.org - The panelists of MSNBC’s Morning Joe got a little more than they were bargaining for when they brought Sen. John McCain on their June 13 program. With the Arizona Republican making the case that th...

Carlos Nascimento volta à ativa com revezamento na bancada do “SBT Brasil” - Portal IMPRENSA

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portalimprensa.com.br - Depois de uma temporada afastado do SBT para o tratamento de um câncer no reto, o jornalista Carlos Nascimento tem voltado aos poucos à ativa. Se recuperando da doença, ele pediu à emissora para ap...

Favela: um lugar (quase) perfeito - Agência Soma - Cristianismo, Comunicação e Cidadania

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Cristianismo Hoje
soma.org.br - A quem conhece minimamente a realidade habitacional da população pobre do Rio, não surpreende a pesquisa recente que registra a disposição maciça dos moradores de favelas em continuar residindo nel...

Marco Feliciano critica decreto bolivariano de Dilma Rousseff

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News Feliciano
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Pastor disse que lei esconde golpe contra a democracia. O pastor e deputado federal Marco Feliciano, pré-candidato a reeleição, criticou nesta terça-feira (10), através de um artigo publicado em se...

Breaking: Florida governor signs law banning post-viability abortion

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liveactionnews.org - Florida governor Rick Scott signed a bill into law this morning which bans aborting pre-born children who have reached the age of viability outside the womb. Prior to this legislation, Florida enfo...

Teaching on marriage a matter of Gospel witness, archbishop says :: EWTN News

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Catholic News Live
ewtnnews.com - Thanking his brother bishops for their work in supporting marriage around the United States, Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone stressed the key role of marriage in spreading the Gospel. The San Fr...

Church group votes to boycott Redskins over name

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cnsnews.com - NEWARK, Del. (AP) — A major sector of the United Church of Christ is calling for a boycott of the Washington Redskins until the team changes its name. The Central Atlantic Conference passed a resol...

Harrolds.Blogspot.com: The Unmaking of the American World :: SteynOnline

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harrolds.blogspot.com - "The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money." -- Alexis de Tocqueville [Alexis Charles Henri Maurice Clerel, le Comte de Tocqueville...

Green Tea May Boost Your Working Memory 

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truthisscary.com - Aside from pure water, green tea is arguably one of the healthiest beverages around, with research pointing to impressive health benefits for your heart, bones, weight, vision, and even your brain....

Survey: 80% of Dads Say Media Portrayals of Fatherhood Wrong

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newsbusters.org - Well this is a pleasant surprise: the media incorrectly depict fathers, according to today’s dads – and, for once, the media agree. Just in time for Father’s Day, soap brand Dove hired Edelman Berl...

US Border Patrol arrest 4 Mexican police officers - Washington Times

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Bryan Fischer
washingtontimes.com - EL PASO, Texas (AP) - The U.S. Border Patrol says it had arrested four Mexican police officers who mistakenly crossed the border into Texas while searching for a man who had been shot in the leg. B...

Copa 2014: Jogadores de Portugal protagonizam cena curiosa em treinamento

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extra.globo.com - Fale com Extra Política de Privacidade Termos de Uso Ajuda Anuncie no Site Assine o Extra Digital Trabalhe Conosco © 2006 - 2014 Todos os direitos reservados a Infoglobo Comunicação e Participações...

El Gobierno asumirá cambios mínimos en la ley del aborto | Política

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Ignacio Arsuaga
politica.elpais.com - El Gobierno asumirá cambios mínimos en la controvertida ley del aborto para garantizar que las mujeres embarazadas de fetos inviables puedan interrumpir la gestación dentro de la legalidad. Así lo ...

O que o catecismo diz sobre relacionamentos entre primos de segundo grau? Sou um garoto , q estou apaixonado pela minha prima de 2º grau , queria saber se é pecado , formar família , ter filhos ?

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Catecismo da Igreja
ask.fm - O que o catecismo diz sobre relacionamentos entre primos de segundo grau? Sou um garoto , q estou apaixonado pela minha prima de 2º grau , queria saber se é pecado , formar família , ter filhos ? R...

WORLD | Melinda Gates: Abortion is not women’s healthcare | Courtney Crandell

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worldmag.com - Abortion should not be confused with women’s healthcare, philanthropist Melinda Gates wrote on June 2 in a blog post applauded by pro-lifers around the world.  Gates, a long-time supporter of inter...

The Lack of Major Wars May Be Hurting Economic Growth - NYTimes.com

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arq pedrinho2
nytimes.com - The continuing slowness of economic growth in high-income economies has prompted soul-searching among economists. They have looked to weak demand, rising inequality, Chinese competition, over-regul...

PSDB e partidos nanicos definem neste sábado candidatos para eleição presidencial - Política - Estado de Minas

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News Feliciano
em.com.br - Para comentar essa notícia entre com seu e-mail e senha Caso você não tenha cadastro, Clique aqui e faça seu cadastro gratuito. Esqueci minha senha »

The Christian And Yoga

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aheartforgod.org - “You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives.The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God.You are no longer your own.God paid a price for you.So use your body to honor God...

Rise of the 'career girl' abortion: Number of women aged 25 to 29 having abortions increases by 20% in a decade

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Henry Makow
dailymail.co.uk - I know a number of women now in their 50s who are childless. Nearly all of them got pregnant in their 20s and 30s and had an abortion because the time wasn't right. And they all say that if they ha...

Lost girl spent night alone in California woods

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cnsnews.com - SAN RAFAEL, Calif. (AP) — A 9-year-old New Mexico girl who got lost after she wandered away from her family's campsite in a Northern California park was found uninjured and in good spirits Saturday...


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Richard Bejah CFP®
richardbejah.com - Set some time aside to create your bucket list and stop putting off your dreams for “someday” The best way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as a magnificent adventure. This list is a ...

Whooping cough epidemic declared in California - CNN.com

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Ayesha Shaikh
cnn.com - (CNN) -- California is being hit hard with a whooping cough epidemic, according to the state's public health department, with 800 cases reported in the past two weeks alone. The agency says that th...

GMA Plays Up ‘Controversy Inside The Mormon Church’ And The ‘Shocking Move’ By Church Officials

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newsbusters.org - Officials inside the Mormon Church have chosen to expel two activists from its ranks “One who is pushing for women priests. The other targeted for questioning church doctrine” and ABC’s Good Mornin...

El Papa bromea con susto de Brasil en apertura del Mundial | Asegura el Papa que en partido de ayer ‘Brasil se llevó un susto’

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Andrés Beltramo A.
excelsior.com.mx - CIUDAD DEL VATICANO, 13 de junio.- El papa Francisco bromeó con un grupo de obispos latinoamericanos sobre el “susto” que pasó la selección brasileña, la víspera en el partido inaugural de la Copa ...

Obama Admin Knew of Allegations of VA Secret Waiting Lists

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dailycaller.com - The Obama administration knew about allegations of secret waiting lists at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) as early as 2010, The Daily Caller has learned. The current VA scandal involving s...

Protesto termina em BH com 16 presos após quatro horas de cerco da PM - 14/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - Manifestantes decidiram deixar a praça 7, no centro de Belo Horizonte, na tarde deste sábado (14), depois de quatro horas de cerco efetuado pela polícia. O protesto se destacou pela quantidade de P...

Repórter da Jovem Pan adere à sugestão de Lula e vai a estádio de jegue

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - “Nunca reclamamos de ir a pé (ao estádio). Vai a pé, vai descalço, vai de bicicleta, vai de jumento, vai de qualquer coisa. A gente está preocupado? Ah não, porque agora tem que ter metrô até dentr...

Cuba ballplayers chase dreams, big bucks, overseas

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cnsnews.com - HAVANA (AP) — Yulieski Gourriel's cellphone rang again and again as he strode, family in tow, through Havana's international airport. Friends calling to wish him well, he said. Travelers and airpor...

CitizenGO, en Roma con Paul Bhatti, da testimonio del martirio cristiano en Asia

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hazteoir.org - Junto al consejero especial del Gobierno paquistaní para las Minorías y hermano de Paul Bhatti (Premio HO 2011), quien sufrió martirio por entregarse a la defensa de la libertad religiosa y denunci...

John McCain Contradicts Himself On Iraq Victory

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - Sen. John McCain has spent much of the past week attacking President Obama's approach to the militant insurgency sweeping through Iraq, pointing to the lack of U.S. troops in the region as a factor...

Torcida volta a xingar Dilma em jogo da Copa em BH - 14/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Arteira Artesanal
folha.uol.com.br - Na base eleitoral do senador Aécio Neves, candidato do PSDB ao Planalto, a presidente Dilma Rousseff voltou a ser xingada neste sábado (14), desta vez na partida entre a Colômbia e a Grécia, disput...

SRK's Film Fan To Have International Action Director! - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - The biggest and the most anticipated film of 2015, Fan starring Shahrukh Khan, seems to have an even special team working on it. After getting the renowned special effects and makeup maestro, Greg ...

Mobile Site Preview

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Andrés Beltramo A.
m.yucatan.com.mx - Vista previa de su sitio

Aécio ameniza o tom e reprova xingamentos dirigidos à Dilma - 13/06/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
folha.uol.com.br - Após dizer que Dilma, ao ser vaiada, estava colhendo o que plantou, o pré-candidato do PSDB à Presidência amenizou o tom e reprovou nesta sexta-feira (13) os xingamentos feitos à sua principal opon...

Blogs brasileiros ocupam segundo lugar em ranking mundial de alcance

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - Em segundo lugar no ranking mundial de alcance, os blogs brasileiros só perdem para os endereços do Japão nesse quesito, segundo pesquisa divulgada pela empresa de pesquisa de mercado ComScore. No ...

Tsunami varrerá PT do governo, diz Aécio Neves - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Cristiano Kullmann
veja.abril.com.br - José Serra e Geraldo Alckmin prestam apoio à Aécio Neves na convenção do PSDB (Nelson Antoine/Fotoarena) Depois de três derrotas consecutivas nas eleições para o Palácio do Planalto, o PSDB oficial...

Itália bate os ingleses no clássico do 'grupo da morte' por 2 a 1 - Jornal Correio do Brasil

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Correio do Brasil
correiodobrasil.com.br - Sob o forte calor de Manaus, a Itália venceu a Inglaterra por 2 a 1 num grande jogo. Agora, ingleses e uruguaios já têm um duelo de vida ou morte na segunda rodada, quando se enfrentam em São Paulo...

Man exonerated in slaying faces new murder charge

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cnsnews.com - CHICAGO (AP) — A Chicago man who served 32 years in prison before DNA evidence overturned his conviction in the 1980 rape and slaying of a 3-year-old girl has now been charged with killing a man af...

Shruti Haasan Harassed Yet Again! - Oneindia Entertainment

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Ayesha Shaikh
entertainment.oneindia.in - Bollywood actress Shruti Haasan who is shooting for her Yaara in Dehradoon, Uttrakhand became a victim of harassment once again and this time by one of her fans. Shruti Haasan, Southern superstar K...

Metrô recebe multa de R$ 8 mil por demissões - São Paulo - Estadão

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Desilusão gourmet
sao-paulo.estadao.com.br - As 42 demissões por justa causa promovidas pelo Metrô para pôr fim à paralisação dos metroviários foram consideradas abusivas pela Superintendência Regional do Trabalho em São Paulo. Para o órgão, ...

Why Eric Cantor Lost | National Review Online

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Direita S/SE
nationalreview.com - Not since a 42-to-1 underdog named Buster Douglas knocked out undefeated heavyweight champion Mike Tyson in 1990 has there been an upset like economics professor Dave Brat defeating House majority ...

Com a corrupção morre o corpo, com a impiedade morre a alma.

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Sonia da S Santos
kdfrases.com - Link para blogs: Com a corrupção morre o corpo, com a impiedade morre a alma. (Santo Agostinho) Frases e Citações de Santo Agostinho

Pope Francis: 'The Mental Structure Of Fundamentalists Is Violence In The Name Of God'

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - Pope Francis said a lot in his recent interview with Spanish-language magazine La Vanguardia. The interview "A fundamentalist group, although it may not kill anyone, although it may not strike anyo...

Namibia's 'fairy circles': Nature's greatest mystery? - CNN.com

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Ayesha Shaikh
cnn.com - (CNN) -- From the air, the Namibian desert looks like it has a bad case of chicken pox. Spread across 1,100 miles of a narrow strip sit a smattering of barren polka dots, otherwise known as fairy c...

The Arab Spring Is Over Welcome To The Jihadi Spring

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rightwingnews.com - The Arab Spring is over. Welcome to the Jihadi Spring. Across a huge swath of what, up until recently, had been known as Iraq and Syria, a transnational movement of Sunni Islamic extremists has tak...

Sure, your child is so much better than mine…. NOT!! Grrrrr!!

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
texasbloggermommy.tpo.net - Leap Frog came out with a relatively new Tag reader called a LeapReader. Anxious to try it out with my 5 year old, I feverishly ordered the reader along with several books that it is meant to read....

G1 - Em Goiás, Campos lança Vanderlan Cardoso como candidato ao governo - notícias em Eleições 2014 em Goias

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
g1.globo.com - Em convenção realizada neste sábado (14) na Assembleia Legislativa de Goiás (Alego), o PSB oficializou o nome de Vanderlan Cardoso como candidato ao governo do estado. O evento contou com a partici...

BLOG do zeppelim: Pesquisa Sensus aponta nova queda de Dilma

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Roni D'Luque
zeppelim.blogspot.com - Esqueci, o Brasil vai ser campeão ... rss! sábado, 14 de junho de 2014 Pesquisa Sensus aponta nova queda de Dilma Pesquisa feita pelo Instituto Sensus mostra que a presidente Dilma Rousseff (PT) so...

Women's Health: Overweight and nutrition on prognosis in breast cancer

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel M. Research contributed by the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health The prevalence of childbearing age obesity is wide spreading in US, approximately, 50%...

Leadership for the Ages – Part Two of Some

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Steve Keating CSE
stevekeating.me - In the first post of this series we looked at the one key characteristic that all leaders must have. They must have integrity. Without integrity they can try to lead every day of their lives and it...

Just 27% of investors bother to vote - The Buzz - Investment and Stock Market News

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Terry Kinder
buzz.money.cnn.com - If retail investors received a "participation" grade, they'd definitely be flunking. A key benefit of owning shares in a company -- besides the gains or losses as the stock moves -- is the ability ...

Why Do "Social Justice" Christians Ignore Pro-Life Issues?

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lifenews.com - by David French | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/13/12 4:26 PM An abortion is the intentional killing of an unborn child inside (or partially inside) the womb. Again and again I see young social...

Se vês a caridade, vês a Trindade

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Sonia da S Santos
kdfrases.com - Link para blogs: Se vês a caridade, vês a Trindade (Santo Agostinho) Frases e Citações de Santo Agostinho

12 Reasons Why People Don’t Accept Jesus

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aheartforgod.org - So why do some people accept Jesus into their lives while some do not? Have you ever thought about it before? I mean, I went for a long time living without Christ myself (22 years to be exact ~ I’m...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: @Healthy Foods - Onions (Allium)

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - @Healthy Foods - Onions (Allium) The onion is a plants in the genus Allium, belongs to the family Alliaceae, a close relation of garlic. It It is often called the "king of vegetables" because of it...

Orden más contraorden igual desorden

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Fernando NunezNoda
politikaucab.net - Por: Pedro González Caro / Jueves, 12 de junio de 2014 Edward Snowden se define como “un ciudadano cualquiera”, pero pertenece a un grupo de jóvenes que han bebido de la cultura de la información y...

What I Have Never Understood About US Failure in Gun Control 

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - I am one of those people who have been fortunate to come to the U.S. and study. I came here in 2011 and graduated from Cornell in 2013. And let me admit, when I came here, like many others, I fell ...

Colombia y el continente un sólo destino

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Pablo Sánchez Somana
forolibertad.com - El próximo 15 de junio, no sólo se juega el destino de Colombia, sino el de toda América Latina. Elegir entre Santos y Zuluaga no es escoger entre la paz y la guerra, como quiere hacer ver Santos, ...

Twitter True Story ~ An Analytical Perspective

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Greg Wilson
socialnorth.com - We’re honored to welcome Elizabeth Monier-Williams, AKA @Analyticeye to SocialNorth. Elizabeth writes The Analytic Eye, a blog about communications, marketing analysis, social media and digital cul...

Pesquisa Sensus aponta nova queda de Dilma - NE10

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Paulo Devechi
ne10.uol.com.br - Pesquisa feita pelo Instituto Sensus mostra que a presidente Dilma Rousseff (PT) sofreu uma nova queda nas intenções de voto. No cenário mais provável, que inclui as candidaturas de partidos nanico...

Amnesty Lite Is Still Amnesty

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rightwingnews.com - Not since a 42-to-1 underdog named Buster Douglas knocked out undefeated heavyweight champion Mike Tyson in 1990 has there been an upset like economics professor Dave Brat defeating House Majority ...

Please do what you can to support my blogging & Twitter efforts. - Tom O'Halloran

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - Since creating TomOHalloran.com, I have been dedicating a MINIMUM of 5 hours a day, 7 days a week to reading news and opinion columns, creating blog posts and tweeting these out to make people more...

Julio Severo: Quem foi o primeiro esquerdista?

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Boa dia administradores do Blog "Julio Severo", estou aqui para repassar um conteúdo que recebi por corrente de e-mail, é um documentário sobre Stalin, muito esclarecedor, se puder rapassem adiante...

TIMStadium Mondiali - Social Wall

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Roni D'Luque
timstadium.it - Vivi l'avventura italiana in Brasile attraverso gli occhi di chi la segue in Italia e nel mondo. Scopri tutte le novità condivise sui social network relative ai campioni azzurri o scritte direttame...

Tava Tea: Organic Tava Tea Researches - The Ingredients of Wuyi Cliff Oolong tea and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

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Chantel Martiromo
tavatearesearches.blogspot.com - Organic Tava Tea Researches - The Ingredients of Wuyi Cliff Oolong tea and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Written by Chanel M. contributed by Kyle J. Norton, All right reserve Wuyi Cliff Oolong t...

Governo Federal apresenta programas para combater violência contra crianças e adolescentes

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Painel Brasil TV
copa2014.gov.br - O Governo Federal, em parceria com governos estaduais e municipais e com o setor privado, está intensificando programas específicos para proteger as crianças e adolescentes brasileiros durante a Co...

Start-Ups Need a Minimum Viable Brand - Denise Lee Yohn - Harvard Business Review

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Terry Kinder
blogs.hbr.org - Sometimes it seems like Steve Jobs’ notorious reality distortion field has extended to all of Silicon Valley. Some eager entrepreneurs think their new product is so brilliant and so unlike anything...

Dear Mom With a Prenatal Down Syndrome Diagnosis...

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lifenews.com - by Lauren Warner | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/13/13 1:15 PM Dear mom who just received a prenatal Down syndrome diagnosis, Except — unlike you, I was holding my new baby, Kate, in my arms wh...

Discurso na Convenção Nacional do PSDB, junho de 2014 - José Serra

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Mara Kramer
joseserra.com.br - O Brasil da era petista está vivendo hoje um milagre, um verdadeiro milagre, mas às avessas.   Estagnação econômica, investimentos para baixo, juros e déficit externo para cima, inflação alta, desi...

Socrates: Call no man unhappy until he is married. — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « Call no man unhappy until he is married. » Socrates Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Chaos in Iraq as al-Qaeda Militants Seize Major Cities and Towns

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - WASHINGTON — Iraq-based Sunni Muslim and al-Qaeda-affiliated militants overran the city of Tikrit and have already taken Mosul. Tikrit was the hometown of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Reut...

What You Are in Private You Are in Public

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aheartforgod.org - There’s a false thinking that exists in our culture. It’s the thinking that says what a person does in his private life has nothing to do with his public life. (It’s interesting to note that many w...

Soldiers killed trying to rescue Bowe Bergdahl, branded a deserter by comrades - Washington Times

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washingtontimes.com - At least six soldiers died while searching for Sgt. Bowe Bergdhal in hostile Taliban territory when he went missing in Afghanistan five years ago. And now, those who served with those six say Mr. B...

Dá-me aquilo que ordenas, ordena-me aquilo que queres.

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Sonia da S Santos
kdfrases.com - Link para blogs: Dá-me aquilo que ordenas, ordena-me aquilo que queres. (Santo Agostinho) Frases e Citações de Santo Agostinho

Pietro Lorenzetti: Christ before Pilate

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Art and the Bible
artbible.info - fresco — ca. 1330 Pinacoteca Apostolica, Vatican City Lorenzetti situates this scene in the loggia of the Siena town hall, the place where justice was administered.� Title: Pietro Lorenzetti: Chris...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Ischemic heart disease Treatments In conventional medicine

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Ischemic heart disease Treatments In conventional medicine Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular disease is defined as medical conditions affecting the cardiovascular system, including heart, blood...

A verdade que a mídia não mostra: A PRESIDANTA BEBUM DEU ROLÊZINHO EM PORTUGAL

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Ed Garcia
averdadequeamidianaomostra.blogspot.com - 9 de fevereiro de 2014 A PRESIDANTA BEBUM DEU ROLÊZINHO EM PORTUGAL Pela cara parece que a festa da presidanta em Lisboa foi muito boa. Precisou ser conduzida até o veículo.    Se não tivessem colo...

Lo tuiteé porque quise, a mi no me pagaron

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Fernando NunezNoda
dospuntocero.com.ve - El tema de la influencia en Internet está estrechamente relacionado con el tema de la “viralidad”. Seth Godin con su “estornudador” y Malcolm Gladwell con su trilogía “conectores, enterados y vende...

All The Lonely People - The Beatles - LYRICS !! - The Beatles Video - The Best Collection of The Beatles Videos

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The Beatles Video
thebeatlesvideo.blogspot.com - Home > Most Popular, The Beatles > All The Lonely People - The Beatles - LYRICS !! All The Lonely People - The Beatles - LYRICS !! All The Lonely People - The Beatles - LYRICS !! title

Zuluaga: “Sufrimos a las FARC porque Venezuela es un refugio terrorista”

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Pablo Sánchez Somana
noticiasdevenezuela.org - El candidato de Álvaro Uribe cuestionó con inusual dureza al régimen que gobierna su país vecino. También criticó los diálogos de paz con la banda guerrillera impulsado por su rival, Juan Manuel Sa...

Gênio da raça | Augusto Nunes - VEJA.com

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Paulo Devechi
veja.abril.com.br - Negar a realidade é um traço forte dos indivíduos com vocação autocrática. O primo Roderigo não pode acreditar na declaração da junta militar tailandesa de que o Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha não precisou...

-NO al ABORTO en Guanajuato, que se rescinda el MOU-

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org - ULTIMA HORA (3 de junio) Sumando Vida celebra la postura del gobernador por manifestarse a favor de la vida, pero le pide coherencia y que rescinda el MOU. Denuncia además que hayan gastado $112.52...

Michael Steele Says There Is a 'Lot of Interest' in Having Eric Cantor Run the RNC

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Jeffrey Levin
politicususa.com - Less then a week after Eric Cantor was stunningly crushed in a Republican primary election, RNC Chair Michael Steele is suggesting that Cantor might be suited for a position as the leader of the Na...

Ditadura: Serviço de Inteligência do Governo IDENTIFICA ofensores 'ilustres' de Dilma Rousseff no 'Itaquerão' - LIBERTAR.in - Frente de Libertação, Restauração e Resistência

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libertar.in - Esta é polícia do pensamento do PT, típico de uma ditadura... Durante todo o dia de ontem, o serviço de inteligência do Governo Federal debruçou-se em imagens e na listagem de ingressos da abertura...

Hobby Lobby Case Opens in the Supreme Court Today

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - This case is one of the most important cases that will be heard by the Supreme Court for some time to come. At the crux of the case is the question “Can the government force a company to do somethi...

Mensagem Edificante para Alma: Jogadores muçulmanos podem ser “afetados” pelo Ramadã na Copa

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Josiel Dias 【ツ】
josiel-dias.blogspot.com - Jogadores muçulmanos podem ser “afetados” pelo Ramadã na Copa Durante trinta dias eles precisam jejuar alimentos, bebidas e sexo entre o nascente e o pôr-do-sol Entre 29 de junho e 27 de julho os m...

BBC Sport - Gossip column: World Cup, Blind, Robben, Modric, Vermaelen

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - For a list of confirmed transfers, check out the transfers page. Visit our manager ins and outs page for a list of all the current bosses in the top five leagues in England and the Scottish Premier...

Ossami Sakamori BlogSpot.com: Refinaria Abreu e Lima. Há desvio de US$ 10 bilhões!

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Carlos Parrini
ossamisakamori.blogspot.com - sábado, 14 de junho de 2014 Refinaria Abreu e Lima. Há desvio de US$ 10 bilhões! Segundo a Petrobras, no seu site oficial: "Com o objetivo principal de produzir óleo diesel a Refinaria Abreu e Lima...
Meio Ambiente

Antarctic Glacier Melt Due To Volcanoes, Not Global Warming

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Doug Ray
dailycaller.com - A new study by researchers at the University of Texas, Austin found that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is collapsing due to geothermal heat, not man-made global warming. Researchers from the UTA’s I...

Women's Health: Vegetarian Lasagna Recipe - Who Doesn't Love Lasagna?

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel M. recipe contributed by Greggory Hammond Lasagna is one of my favorite foods ever! I am a vegetarian and have found a good way of making it. Hopefully you will like the recipe to...

#lugardealunoenaescola - Jornal O Globo

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Cris Guimarães
oglobo.globo.com - Coisa mais triste, a escola vazia em época de aulas. Não tem vozes escapando das salas, algazarra nos corredores, rodinhas de conversa na saída. É uma casa sem vida, um cenário de quase abandono qu...

Painel Brasil TV - Segurança Pública X Segurança Privada

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - O senhor está satisfeito com a segurança publica no Brasil? Você consegue viver sem a preocupação de como vai ser quando chegar em casa ou se o seu carro vai estar no mesmo lugar quando voltar. Bom...

Na saúde, o PT não tem remédio - José Serra

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Mara Kramer
joseserra.com.br - É praticamente unânime a avaliação positiva sobre a introdução dos medicamentos genéricos no Brasil, em 1999. Eles são clones dos produtos de referência, levam o nome dos respectivos princípios ati...

David Hume: Philosophy would render us entirely Pyrrhonian, were not… — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « Philosophy would render us entirely Pyrrhonian, were not nature too strong for it. » David Hume Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Marriage Champion Needs Your Encouragement

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nomblog.com - Last Friday, Theresa Gaffney, Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, filed paperwork to intervene in the case that overturned Pennsylvania's Defense of Marriage Act. She is...

The WWF Natural Reserve Oasi di Alviano

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wild-about-travel.com - The artificial Lago di Alviano in the Umbria Region was created in 1963 with the damming of the Tiber river. The area, covered by shallow waters, soon became the natural habitat for many species of...

ISIS Attempts to Establish Islamist Caliphate

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Terry Kinder
acting-man.com - I recall 11 years ago or so, when the US was about to invade Iraq, touting to my friends and coworkers about how destructive this would be. The first part, throwing Saddam away, was surprisingly sm...

Dave Brat’s Moral Values Victory 

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - Dave Brat’s victory over Eric Cantor (R-VA) was attributed to his Tea Party backing, when national groups like the Tea Party Patriots gave him no financial assistance at all. What the media ignored...

Save Meriam Ibrahim, Don't Hang her to Death for Her Faith Petition

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gopetition.com - The Save Meriam Ibrahim, Don't Hang her to Death for Her Faith petition to Government of Sudan was written by LifeNews.com and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition. Contact author here. Pe...


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americasfreedomfighters.com - What is known about al-Baghdadi, born in 1971 in the city of Samarra, Iraq, comes mostly from jihadist websites. He reportedly grew up in a very religious family and earned a doctorate degree in ed...

Aceprensa | Una fosa común llena de hipótesis distorsionadas

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aceprensa.com - “Una fosa común en un pozo negro ‘con los esqueletos de 800 niños’ en el lugar de un asilo irlandés para madres solteras”. El artículo así titulado del Daily Mail de Londres fue el desencadenante d...

Ignorance, Asteroids, a Great Earthquake and War in the Middle East

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aheartforgod.org - There is an ignorance when it comes to events unfolding. There is a lack of knowledge and a darkness. There is a veil over minds. (2 Corinthians 4:4) For many, they’ve chosen to remain in the dark ...
Meio Ambiente

Once In A Lifetime! These Stunning Images Show The Colorado River Finally Reaching The Sea.

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viralspell.com - It’s been a long time coming, but its’ finally happened. Thanks to an agreement signed between the United States and Mexico, the Colorado River once again reached the ocean and photographer Peter M...

Ferrari dismiss quit suggestions as 'pure speculation' - F1 Fanatic

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Esteban Eordogh
f1fanatic.co.uk - In the round-up: Ferrari have strongly denied any suggestion that they may consider a switch from Formula 1 to the World Endurance Championship following Luca di Montezemolo’s latest criticisms of ...

A ira gera o ódio, e do ódio nascem a dor e o medo.

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Sonia da S Santos
kdfrases.com - Link para blogs: A ira gera o ódio, e do ódio nascem a dor e o medo. (Santo Agostinho) Frases e Citações de Santo Agostinho

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Proctitis – Proctitis Treatments In Herbal medicine perspective

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Proctitis is is defined as a condition of inflammation of the anus and the lining of the rectum (i.e., the distal 10–12 cm) of that can lead to bowl discomfort, bleeding, a discharge of mucus or pu...

Toothy Grins Store: Get 40% Off On Tea Tree Oil Right Now...

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David Snape
blog.toothygrinsstore.com - Report:  At the time of this writing, you can get 40% off Tea Tree Oil by using promo code  40OFFOIL  is the promo Code:  You can use this coupon at two places currently. Amazon -   Simply go to  h...

PT lança candidatura de Padilha, o 3º poste de Lula - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

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André R. de Mendonça
veja.abril.com.br - Governar o Estado de São Paulo é, declaradamente, uma obsessão para o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Em 1982, ainda na ditadura militar, ele foi o primeiro candidato do Partido dos Trabal...

Poesia toda Prosa: MUDAR É PRECISO

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Enfermeira Celia
poesiatodaprosa.blogspot.com - sábado, 14 de junho de 2014 MUDAR É PRECISO * 101 maneiras para sobreviver a um caso de amor  e Preciso dizer que sempre te amei Postado por Mônica Raouf El Bayeh às 06:08 Reações: 

Mensagem Edificante para Alma: Evangélicos furam esquema de segurança da Arena Corinthians para evangelizar na abertura da Copa do Mundo

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Josiel Dias 【ツ】
josiel-dias.blogspot.com - Evangélicos furam esquema de segurança da Arena Corinthians para evangelizar na abertura da Copa do Mundo Na última quinta-feira um forte esquema de segurança foi montado no entorno da Arena do Cor...

BBC News - LatAm Beats: Brazil's Curumin

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Seductive samba-funk is the trademark of Brazilian musician Curumin. His sound also draws on hip hop, jazz, bossa nova and electronic elements. For BBC LatAm Beats, he performs an acoustic version ...

Israel in Political Isolation Over New Palestinian Government

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Jeffrey Levin
truth-out.org - United Nations - The United States' decision to "work with" the new Palestinian government has virtually isolated Israel: the only country so far to have publicly rejected the political alliance be...

Fisco perde três milhões de euros por ano no mercado paralelo de casas de férias - Observador

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observador.pt - As casas de férias ilegais custam cerca de três milhões de euros em IVA aos cofres do Estado todos os anos. A conta é feita por Luís Veiga, presidente da Associação de Hotelaria de Portugal, citado...

Folha Política: Aprovação de Dilma cai para zona de alto risco, segundo critério Datafolha

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Joselito Müller
folhapolitica.org - sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2014 Aprovação de Dilma cai para zona de alto risco, segundo critério Datafolha Imagem: Ueslei Marcelino / Reuters A popularidade da presidente e pré-candidata à reeleiç...

Two Lists You Should Look at Every Morning - Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review

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Julie Kay
blogs.hbr.org - I was late for my meeting with the CEO of a technology company and I was emailing him from my iPhone as I walked onto the elevator in his company’s office building. I stayed focused on the screen a...

Obama: 'Our Future Rests' On The Success Of DREAM Kids

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Doug Ray
nationalreview.com - President Obama reminded Democratic donors that “our future rests” on the success of people brought to the United States illegally as children, who would qualify for citizenship if Congress had pas...

Com azul caprichoso, Balotelli marca, e Itália vence a Inglaterra em Manaus

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Yasha Gallazzi
globoesporte.globo.com - Uma Copa do Mundo é capaz de mudar carreiras, reescrever histórias, transformar jogadores em gênios. Mario Balotelli, talvez, nunca seja um fora de série, nem conquiste o título de melhor jogador d...

Iran now invading Iraq Obama worried it's too politically sensitive to evacuate the Baghdad US embassy : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Iran is now invading Iraq, and the US embassy in Baghdad still isn’t being evacuated? Why? Because Obama is worried that if the US Embassy in Iraq is evacuated, it would be ‘politically sensitive.’...

Apoio à petição ao Ministério Público do Trabalho (mediação nº 001773.2014.01.00/0)

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Cris Guimarães
avaaz.org - Nós, mães, pais e responsáveis do Colégio Pedro II abaixo assinados apoiamos e somos também signatários da petição mediação nº 001773.2014.01.00/0 ao Ministério Público do Trabalho - MPT - para pro...

Dilma: O povo brasileiro não sente o que esses xingamentos expressam » Blog do Planalto

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Edmilson Papo 10
blog.planalto.gov.br - Em cerimônia nesta sexta-feira (13), a presidenta Dilma Rousseff falou sobre a abertura da Copa do Mundo 2014, na Arena Corinthians, em São Paulo, ocorrida nesta quinta-feira (12). Com relação ao c...

BLOG DO ORLANDO TAMBOSI: Aécio assume preparado para a campanha terrorista do PT

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Adeus #Petralhas
otambosi.blogspot.com - O senador Aécio Neves, que será referendado como candidato do PSDB à presidência, diz que tem bom estoque de "vacinas" contra a perversa boataria difundida pelo PT: ele não erradicará os programas ...

Women's Health: The role of isoflavones in cancer chemoprevention

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com -  Posted by Chantel M. research contributed  US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health    According to the study by Wayne State University School of Medicine, genistein, one of t...

Holiday Gifts | Gifts for Special Occasions

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cafepress.fr - Pourquoi garder tout le plaisir pour vous ? Offrez des bons-cadeaux CafePress et laissez les gens choisir ce qu'ils désirent, quand ils le désirent. Ils sont parfaits comme cadeaux de dernière minu...

Seneca “Life, if well lived, is long enough. “ — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Survey: MSNBC Has Trust Issues

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - MSNBC may be the number two cable news network, but when it comes to being trusted as the number one news source, the network comes in dead last, even trailing Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, acco...

Lois Lerner’s Lost Emails: Questions for the IRS

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sharylattkisson.com - According to the House Ways and Means Committee, the IRS reports having “lost” former IRS manager Lois Lerner’s emails to and from other IRS employees sent between January of 2009 and April of 2011...

This Guy Found Classical Swords Wanting. But Boy, Did He Improve On Them. That's Awesome.

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viralspell.com - Redditor neonicblast shares with us something extraordinary. Something that I would’ve thought belonged to the past. Well, I’ve been wrong before and I was wrong again. So let me present to you the...

If My People (chorus)

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aheartforgod.org - Mike Campagna (affectionately known by some as Pastor Mike) is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as th...

The Beatles - It Won't Be Long - The Beatles Video - The Best Collection of The Beatles Videos

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The Beatles Video
thebeatlesvideo.blogspot.com - Home > The Beatles > The Beatles - It Won't Be Long The Beatles - It Won't Be Long The Beatles - It Won't Be Long It Won't Be Long By The Beatles

Constitution? We Don’t Need No Stinking Constitution!

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socialismisnotanoption.com - Theme: “We already know that Barack Obama is seriously indoctrinated into the Marxist and Black Liberation ideology who believes that it was the white man who has ripped off his black, brown and Mi...

15 Pictures That Will Make Your Heart Stop

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nycblack.tinybytes.me - This is the sort of photo that screams "THIS WILL ONLY END BADLY!" We hope for his sake that was not the case. In other news, lots of people die while extreme skiing. How-to Remove Nail Polish In 5...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Dementia Treatments -In Herbal Medicine Perspective

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Dementia Treatments -In Herbal Medicine Perspective I. Dementia About 5-8% of all people over the age of 65 have some form of dementia, and this number doubles every five years above that age. Deme...

Faça o que pode. Deus não te pede mais.

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Sonia da S Santos
kdfrases.com - Link para blogs: Faça o que pode. Deus não te pede mais. (Santo Agostinho) Frases e Citações de Santo Agostinho

Toothy Grins Store: Tea Tree Oil Coupon

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David Snape
blog.toothygrinsstore.com - Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Tea Tree Oil Coupon Here is a nice Tea Tree Oil Coupon that you can use:   The coupon is   40OFFOIL   You can use it at both of these locations online:    http://GetTeaTr...

La culpa (no) es de la globalización

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Pablo Sánchez Somana
chileb.cl - Quizás usted haya visto un aviso en el que alguien dice: —“¡Se cayo whatsapp! Levanté la vista, hable con mi familia, parecen buenas personas”. O, seguramente, se ha fijado que si en la oficina, de...

Rius - Velho conhecido do Palmeiras, Japão inicia trajetória na Copa 2014

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rius.com.br - Além da variedade de seleções que já enfrentou ao longo da história, o escrete japonês poderá reencontrar no Brasil um velho conhecido: o Palmeiras. Com um retrospecto iniciado em 1967 e com seu úl...

"Second World Cup" From KRDS Visualizes The Twitter Battle Of 2014 FIFA World Cup

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Chuck Jones
business2community.com - During the IPL we saw how Twitter became the hot bed of conversations and same is the case with the ongoing FIFA football world cup. During the last world cup Twitter crashed repeatedly facing heav...

BBC News - Chuck Noll, most successful American football coach, dies

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - The most successful American football coach of all time, Chuck Noll, has died at the age of 82. Noll led the Pittsburgh Steelers to four Superbowl victories between 1975 and 1980. Local media repor...

Dos arquivos da Copa: Como o Brasil enganou o mundo com um meme · Global Voices em Português

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Global Voices em PT
pt.globalvoicesonline.org - Você se lembra do “Cala Boca Galvão”, o meme de Internet que se tornou um trote mundial quando milhões de usuários do Twitter começaram a mandar o famoso narrador esportivo Galvão Bueno calar a boc...

Facebook's latest move just the beginning of privacy issues

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Kimberly Castleberry
businessesgrow.com - I’m not the kind of guy who would typically say, “I told you so.” This week Facebook took another step to harvest profits from the lives of its billion users by allowing advertisers to target ads b...

Mississippi RINO Thad Cochran: Obamacare 'an example of an important effort by the federal government' : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Old crusty RINO loves ObamaCARE. He even admitted it to the Washington Post, saying that ObamaCARE ‘an example of an important effort by the federal government.’ Tell me, is Cochran a Republican? B...

CNN on Stranded Americans in Iraq - Tom O'Halloran

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - CNN is reporting that contractors are being evacuated from Iraq by their companies, but the State Department is not yet ordering any “staff changes” for diplomats at embassies caught in the fray. T...

Disgraced Democrat Busted For Sexting is Caught in Yet Another Creepy Social Media Embarrassment

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Doug Ray
soopermexican.com - Anthony Weiner just can’t keep his creepy name out of the headlines. This time he was caught “favoriting” a tweet about dating app Tinder, calling it the “ultimate sext machine.” You might think th...

ISTOÉ Independente - Brasil

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Edmilson Papo 10
istoe.com.br - Pesquisa ISTOÉ/Sensus mostra pela primeira vez, desde que começaram a ser divulgadas as enquetes eleitorais de 2014, que a sucessão da presidenta Dilma Rousseff deverá ser decidida apenas no segund...
Meio Ambiente

Brazil's recent fight against deforestation has been a huge success - Vox

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Jeffrey Levin
vox.com - All eyes are on Brazil right now because of the World Cup. But there's another Brazil story that deserves just as much attention — over the last decade, the country has made surprising strides in s...

PM prende 10 em protesto contra Copa em Belo Horizonte; ato é encerrado - Copa do Mundo 2014 - BOL Notícias

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noticias.bol.uol.com.br - A Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais prendeu dez pessoas mascaradas e portando punhal, coquetéis molotov e soco inglês no centro de Belo Horizonte, neste sábado (14). Os manifestantes ocuparam a Praça...

What are you going to do when they come for you?

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Robert Campbell sr.
sodahead.com - On the issue of race today within my home, I will give a brief overview of current events. My wife is half Native American and she has two loyalties: #1. The Indian nation as a sovereign people who...

Twitcom - Crie e participe de comunidades e grupos no Twitter

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jess cavalcante
twitcom.com.br - Para concluir sua inscrição, digite seu email para confirmação. Um email foi enviado, confirme clicando no link de validação. Houver tweets nos nests que sigo Alguém entrar nos nests que sigo Algué...

Dauntless Awesomeness | cowboywisdomnlicoaching

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Carlos Parrini
cowboywisdomnlpcoaching.wordpress.com - I now grasp every day I breath in visionary vims brimming with sunrise wise that shouts to the world I awoke this day with dauntless awesomeness yields my harvest of lavish riches… As I now realize...

Montesquieu: If the triangles made a god, they would give him three… — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « If the triangles made a god, they would give him three sides. » Montesquieu Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Gaza: décès d'un enfant blessé lors d'un raid aérien israélien - L'Orient-Le Jour

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lorientlejour.com - Un enfant palestinien de sept ans blessé mercredi lors d'un raid aérien israélien dans le nord de la bande de Gaza est décédé, a indiqué samedi un porte-parole des services de santé palestiniens. L...

Nana Kofi acquah | SHADDERS - The Premier Luxury Africa Fashion & Beauty Media

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shaddersafrica.com - The influx of so called photographers emerging on the scene is disheartening when you view their work on Facebook, from poor editing to meaningless  captured images makes me cringe. Purchasing an S...

What This Guy Did When An Elephant Came Barreling Down On Him Is Unbelievable. OMG.

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viralspell.com - I have never, ever seen anything like that before! And I’m not sure if the guy in the video you are about to see is the bravest man alive or simply insane. I mean, who in his right mind would even ...

Taxi Drivers in Europe Protest Uber Car Service

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Accuracy In Media
aim.org - WASHINGTON — Uber, the service that has done well in the United States, is now seeing opposition in Europe. There were protests in major cities across Europe, ranging from London to Paris to Berlin...

Roger Federer To Face Alejandro Falla For Halle Title - Tennis - ATP World Tour

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Esteban Eordogh
atpworldtour.com - Roger Federer soared into his ninth final at the Gerry Weber Open with a 6-3, 7-6(4) victory over Kei Nishikori on Saturday. Federer will vie for his 14th grass title and 79th overall after improvi...

Harry Reid called out on ethics charge

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wnd.com - A formal ethics complaint filed with the U.S. Senate charges Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., with abusing his political power to intimidate private citizens. The accusation stems from Re...

If Pelosi's a "Practicing Catholic" Why Can't She Follow Church Abortion Teaching?

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 6/14/13 11:39 AM House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi made more eye-rolling comments yesterday when she called defending legal abortions to the po...

31 Reasons Why Men Don’t Go to Church

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aheartforgod.org - Mike Campagna (affectionately known by some as Pastor Mike) is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as th...

Fifa responde Nicolelis e diz que transmitiu o que tinha para exibir - Notícias - UOL Copa do Mundo 2014

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Vera Lucia
copadomundo.uol.com.br - O que era para ser o ponto alto da festa de abertura da Copa do Mundo virou tema de uma polêmica. O esperado pontapé inicial do Mundial dado por um paraplégico até que aconteceu. O fato de ele ter ...

Toothy Grins Store: CVS HydroFloss

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David Snape
blog.toothygrinsstore.com - Wednesday, February 26, 2014 CVS HydroFloss  You cannot currently get a HydroFloss from CVS.   But you can get one here.    :) David Snape   Posted by David Snape at 8:02 AM Email This BlogThis! Sh...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Phytochemicals Phytic acid and Alzheimer's disease (AD)

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com -   Phytochemicals, the natural chemical constituent, protect the plants against diseases and form their outer's color. Phytochemicals may be next potential sources of new medicine for treatment of d...

O coração delicado sofre menos das feridas que recebe do que...

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Sonia da S Santos
kdfrases.com - Link para blogs: O coração delicado sofre menos das feridas que recebe do que das que faz. (Santo Agostinho) Frases e Citações de Santo Agostinho

Rius - Cantor Sérgio Reis passa mal e é internado em hospital de São Carlos

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rius.com.br - Sérgio Reis foi hospitalizado após passar mal na tarde deste sábado (Foto: Reprodução/TV Globo) O cantor Sérgio Reis passou mal em São Carlos (SP), no início da noite deste sábado (14), e foi levad...

Presidente de México: 'Quienes estamos en la Alianza y quienes se sumen deberemos dar pasos hacia la libre movilidad de bienes' | Mundo

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Pablo Sánchez Somana
latercera.com - En 2012, Enrique Peña Nieto renovó la imagen del antiguo Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), que gobernó México 71 años consecutivos (1929-2000), y logró imponerse en las elecciones preside...

Border agent laments Mexican gang members entering U.S.: 'Why are we letting him in here?' - Washington Times

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washingtontimes.com - Border Patrol officials are swamped by the number of minors crossing illegally into the United States and frustrated that they can’t turn away known Mexican gang members. Chris Cabrera, vice presid...

Snapchat, Facebook, Brogrammers & The Art Of Tech Hubris

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Greg Wilson
inventorspot.com - We have advertisers on our site, and they are our main source of revenue. We may at times receive a small affiliate commission when we mention a product on our site with a link to their site. The o...

15 Ways to Get More Twitter Followers - Virtual Lefty

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Chuck Jones
bit.ly - I gained over 1,400 twitter followers in 6 months with less than 2 hours per week of time invested. Now I know that’s not crazy high compared to what some “say” they can get for you, but when I not...

Você está enfurecido pelo problema do carvão na Turquia? Pois deveria. · Global Voices em Português

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Global Voices em PT
pt.globalvoicesonline.org - O carvão, rápido ou vagarosamente, quase sempre traz a morte. A explosão, e o fogo subsequente numa mina na cidade de Soma, na Turquia ocidental, no dia 14 de maio, foi um lembrete particularmente ...

BBC News - Prisons inspector accuses ministers of prisons 'failure'

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - The chief inspector of prisons has delivered a fierce attack on the state of prisons in England and Wales after dozens of already full jails were told to take in more inmates. Nick Hardwick warned ...
Meio Ambiente

Climate McCarthyism claims yet another victim

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breitbart.com - Rossiter, a former Democratic congressional candidate, has impeccably liberal credentials. As the founder of Demilitarization for Democracy he has campaigned against US backed wars in Central Ameri...

Obama's golfing buddy Boehner accuses him of taking a nap : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Neither Obama or Boehner or worth anything. Boehner, he usually attacks the tea party or conservatives instead of Obama and Democrats today accused Obama of ‘taking a nap’ as Iraq is on the brink o...

Hague y Jolie cierran junto a Kerry conferencia de violencia sexual - Internacional

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Un Mundo Sin Mordaza
eluniversal.com - Londres.- El ministro del Exterior británico, William Hague, y la actriz Angelina Jolie cerraron hoy la conferencia internacional para la lucha contra la violencia sexual en zonas de conflicto ante...


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