24 August 2014

CP-news 23.08.2014 @CristPolit


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Malafaia vai de Marina | Radar on-line - Lauro Jardim - VEJA.com

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Silas Malafaia
veja.abril.com.br - O texto do post corretamente inicia no condicional: “Se …”. Mas, a provável candidata do PSB deve se cercar de todas as garantias, estabelecer uma espécie de cordão sanitário em relação a possíveis...

Clube da Evangelização

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Com. Canção Nova
clube.cancaonova.com - Você também encontra o áudio completo do programa "Sorrindo pra Vida" na Loja Canção Nova e também pelo telefone (12) 3186-2600. A Palavra meditada, hoje, está em São João 16,7-11: "No entanto, eu ...

Compra de livros representa 82% das operações com Vale-Cultura

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livrosepessoas.com - A ministra da Cultura, Marta Suplicy, divulgou nesta sexta-feira (22), durante a abertura da 23ª Bienal do Livro de São Paulo, os dados atualizados sobre o uso do vale-cultura, criado para fomentar...

Has Pope Francis Endorsed U.S. Airstrikes in Iraq? | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - WASHINGTON — Amid rising global alarm at the targeting of religious minorities by the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS), Pope Francis has ratcheted up the Holy See’s demands for “action” — inc...

Pastor diz que Jesus não era socialista

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Foco Cristão
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Novo livro procura mostrar princípios econômicos retirados da Bíblia Chad Hovind, pastor da Horizon Community Church, em Cincinnati, Ohio, acredita que ao longo de décadas “os cristãos sofreram um ...

Síria: número de mortos sobe para 191.369

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Paulo Teixeira 3147
portasabertas.org.br - O documento destaca que o número de mortos é subestimado devido à falta, em alguns casos, de elementos de verificação ou ao fato de muitas mortes nunca terem sido registradas por qualquer das cinco...

Funding an Unborn Baby's Death is NOT Charity

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lifenews.com - by Andrew Bair | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 8/22/14 5:59 PM As the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge sweeps the internet, abortion activists have decided to put their own spin on the viral fundraising ...

Pastor que chutou santa diz que igreja católica vive de mentiras

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Foco Cristão
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - Rompido com a IURD, Sérgio Von Helde está lançando um livro Em 12 de outubro de 1995, Sérgio Von Helder, então bispo da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, tornou-se conhecido mundialmente por ter c...

[POINT RHEMA]®: Não há barreiras - Álvaro Tito - Recordar é viver

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Carlos Roberto, Pr.
pointrhema.com.br - sexta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2014 Não há barreiras - Álvaro Tito - Recordar é viver Não há barreiras - Álvaro Tito - Porque Recordar é viver Postado por Carlos Roberto Silva, Pr. às 21:03 Enviar po...

8 Warning Signs in Declining Churches

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Thom Rainer
thomrainer.com - Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 20:30 — 18.8MB) Subscribe via iTunes • Subscribe via RSS • Subscribe via Stitcher The most common factor found in declining churches is an inward f...

Extreme Unction: Responses | Maureen Mullarkey

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First Things
firstthings.com - My earlier essay on Extreme Unction generated a considerable volume of mail. All of it was thoughtful. There were simply too many to quote, or to include in a single blog post. So, herewith are two...
Meio Ambiente

Vídeo: profecia incrível sobre as eleições no Brasil, dita em 2011

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Silas Malafaia
verdadegospel.com - Assista à impressionante profecia sobre as eleições no Brasil, dita em 2011, em uma igreja brasileira nos EUA:

Gaza: Hamás mata a 18 colaboracionistas tras el asedio a sus comandantes | Internacional

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internacional.elpais.com - Hamás ha matado a 18 palestinos a los que acusaba de colaborar con Israel. Lo ha confirmado la agencia de noticias Al Ray, vinculada a la organización islamista, y la propia televisión del grupo, q...
Arte & Entretenimento

Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer by Max Lucado - Special Pre-Order Offer

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Max Lucado
teamlucado.com - We humans are prone to failure. We're experts at muddying, mixing, and messing up our lives. Who among us hasn't looked up from the bottom of a pit and realized he dug it himself? Who hasn't fallen...

Pr. Everaldo defende nossos princípios no Jornal Nacional; assista a entrevista na íntegra

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Silas Malafaia
verdadegospel.com - O candidato à Presidência da República, Pr. Everaldo Pereira (PSC), apoiado pelo Pr. Silas Malafaia, concedeu entrevista ao Jornal Nacional nesta terça-feira (19) e defendeu nossas posições. Clique...

When the Game Stands Tall isn’t a bad film

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Catholic Telegraph
thecatholictelegraph.com - Hunger Games star Alexander Ludwig plays the star running back with the difficult father figure, and his acting is among the film’s best. Michael Chiklis, best known for playing The Thing in the Fa...

Julio Severo: O discurso vazio de Roberto Aguiar

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - O pior ainda está por vir. Segundo o entendimento de Roberto Aguiar, as leis morais não deveriam existir em nossa constituição, porque “querer obrigar o mundo, insubmisso a Deus por vontade própria...

BREAKING: California to force Catholic universities to buy elective abortion insurance

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Andrew Bair
liveactionnews.org - In a disturbing reminder of the threat of religious liberty in the nation, the state of California today reversed a decision which had allowed two Jesuit  Catholic universities to exclude paying fo...

Descubra o que é | Cantinho da Criança

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Com. Canção Nova
blog.cancaonova.com - Oieeeeeee… Hoje estou estou aqui pra dizer que um anjinho chamado Juliana Bananal de 12 anos que deixou aqui uma msg no dia 26 de Setembro de 2009 não está mais entre nós. Infelismente a dengue lev...
Arte & Entretenimento

9 Social Justice Books to Read This Fall

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relevantmagazine.com - When we think of social justice, we typically think of action, and action is certainly vital, but we also need study and reflection to help us understand the complexity that surrounds any given iss...

O Efeito Marina Silva ~ Jakson Pedreira

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Jakson Pedreira
jaksonpedreira.blogspot.com - sexta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2014 Um após o outro, coordenadores de campanha e membros importantes do PSB abandonam Marina. Veja no Estadão, em vermelho: Depois da saída de Carlos Siqueira da coord...

Entenda mais sobre relacionamento conjugal no Congresso do Ministério Eliezer

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - Nas reuniões do ministério, os participantes contam com ministrações focadas em assuntos como cura, libertação, autoestima e relacionamento entre pessoas que buscam alguém com quem possam estabelec...

Propósito de Jejum e meditação na Palavra por 21 dias

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Diante do Trono
diantedotrono.com - Propósito de Jejum e meditação na Palavra em preparação para o  Congresso de Mulheres Diante do Trono em Curitiba “Porquanto, estais cientes de que não foi mediante valores perecíveis como a prata ...

El poder del Reino de Dios

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Pastor Cash Luna
casadedios.tv - Al Padre le decimos: “Tuyo es el reino, el poder y la gloria” y debemos notar que son tres cosas diferentes.  Reino es el gobierno del cielo, como podría ser la democracia en la tierra; el poder es...

It’s Impossible for a Student to Violate the First Amendment - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - High school senior Kendra Turner was suspended for saying “Bless you” when a fellow student sneezed in class. Not for saying “God bless you,” mind you, but simply “Bless you.” Her enraged teacher a...

Arquidiócesis alienta “ice bucket challenge” para financiar centro católico pro-vida

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - WASHINGTON D.C., 22 Ago. 14 / 08:18 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Es posible que usted haya visto al menos un video esta semana de alguien echándose encima un balde de agua helada y desafiando a otros a...

Dawkins misses joy of those with Down syndrome, critics say :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - Advocates of those with Down syndrome have strongly criticized prominent atheist Richard Dawkins’ suggestions that it would be immoral not to abort a child diagnosed with the condition. “People wit...

Justiça manda intimar Eduardo Campos para depor na Lava Jato - Fausto Macedo - Linkis.com

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ln.is - People are already having fun with Linkis.com, sharing links easily and customizing them in few simple clicks. It's super cool automation feature does everything for you. Sit back and have fun whil...

1ª Terapia do Amor no Templo de Salomão

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Edir Macedo
bispomacedo.com.br - Você provavelmente já sabe que Cristiane e eu começaremos nossas palestras da Terapia do Amor no Templo de Salomão a partir de 28 de agosto. Alguns pontos importantes que gostaríamos de compartilha...

“As pessoas estão cansadas de religião”, afirma Bruno Branco

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - Um momento agradável no aconchegante Café CentoeQuatro (BH) com o cantor Bruno Branco proporcionou uma conversa que tocou em assuntos de religião a política. Mineiro, pós-graduando em Direito e emp...

This Will Be the Death of America: Discrimination Against God-Given Rights - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - On August 7 TheBlaze printed a story that encapsulates why American Exceptionalism is in deep doo-doo. Titled “Read the Note the Restaurant That Offered a 15% Discount for Praying Released After Th...

[VIDEO] Sacerdote pide a comunidad internacional evitar que Estado Islámico cometa genocidio en Irak

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 23 Ago. 14 / 12:27 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El P. Luis Montes, del Instituto del Verbo Encarnado, lanzó un llamado a la comunidad internacional a tomar las medidas necesarias para evitar que ...
Arte & Entretenimento

NCRegister | New Chastity Series Focuses on Real Love

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ncregister.com - According to a study done by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, 80% of unmarried youth who identify as Christian become  sexually active between the ages of 19 and 28. I...

Instituto Ordem Livre

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Instituto OrdemLivre
ordemlivre.org - Postado em 22 de Agosto, 2014. Tag Ensaios, Autor Ralph Waldo Emerson Ao lidar com o Estado, temos de nos lembrar de que suas instituições não são autóctones, embora existissem antes de nascermos; ...

Professor explica principal missão do leigo:atuar na sociedade

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Canção Nova Notícias
noticias.cancaonova.com - O testemunho do cristão leigo na sociedade deve acontecer em vários âmbitos como na vida profissional, familiar e política Luciane Marins e Padre roger Araújo Na liturgia da Igreja Católica, agosto...

Crivella10 |O Rio em boas mãos.

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Marcelo Crivella
crivella10.com.br - Agenda do Crivella 11h: Caminhada no Calçadão de Nova Iguaçu. Ponto de encontro: Praça Rui Barbosa.OBS.: Cronograma sujeito a alteração.

«Jesús es la luz de mundo», dibujan en sus tiendas los cristianos perseguidos en Irak

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Elentir ن
hazteoir.org - Despojados de todo, martirizados, amenazados en su tierra... Pero siguen dando testimonio al mundo: aferrados a la fe en Cristo, mantienen y muestran su mayor tesoro.   REDACCIÓN HO.- Religión en L...

Liturgia | Sexta-feira – 20ª Semana do Tempo Comum – Ano A

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Filipe Benício nasceu no dia 15 de agosto de 1233, no seio de uma rica família da nobreza, em Florença, Itália. Aos treze anos, foi enviado, com seu preceptor, a Paris para estudar medicina. Voltou...

Por amor | Lagoinha - Part 1

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - Aquela conversa deve ter sido frustrante para os discípulos. Mas para nós, passado tanto tempo, ainda é luz. Jesus lhes diz que vai preparar-lhes lugar; e que sabem o caminho (Jo 14.4). Nesse momen...
Meio Ambiente

86 toneladas de alimentos han sido incautadas en Bolívar

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Marcus Vinicius
actualidadvenezuela.org - Durante el mes de agosto, han sido incautadas 86 toneladas de alimentos aproximadamente y 50 mil litros de combustible, así lo indicaron representantes del Gobierno nacional durante la instalación ...

Ferguson Riots: The Death Rattle of a Great Nation in Moral Confusion - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Michael Brown was a black thug, no better or worse than a white or Hispanic thug. As I reflect on this I think of a similar incident in Florida. If Michael Brown had a brother, he would look like T...

Caritas Irak pide a comunidad internacional frenar violencia

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - MADRID, 22 Ago. 14 / 12:39 pm (ACI).- Hasta ahora más de un millón de personas han huido de sus hogares en el norte y centro de Irak a medida que los extremistas musulmanes sunitas del Estado Islám...

Os motivos do recrudescimento da perseguição aos cristãos

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Gospel Prime
artigos.gospelprime.com.br - Chocou o mundo o vídeo que foi divulgado pelo grupo islâmico radical ISIS, com cenas da decapitação de um de seus reféns, o jornalista americano James Foley. Obviamente, as cenas são, além de impac...
Arte & Entretenimento

Saturday of the Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time

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usccb.org - Gospel mt 23:1-12 Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying, “The scribes and the Pharisees have taken their seat on the chair of Moses. Therefore, do and observe all things whatsoever...

19 Most Refreshingly Commonsensical G.K. Chesterton Quotes, Depression, Despair, and Hope and More! | Daily News

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ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from

Aprendendo com os erros de Sansão – Parte 4 | Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - O que pode fazer para que o líder se torne um homem solitário. No capítulo 2 eu falei sobre a influência da cultura no comportamento dos cristãos na Igreja. Comentei sobre a onda de individualizaçã...

Aborto: ¿problema de salud pública y protección de la mujer?, por Constanza Saavedra Caviedes - Tribuna Abierta

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infocatolica.com - Pero, ¿cuántos abortos son los que realmente se practican en nuestro país? El Dr. Elard Koch, epidemiólogo y director del instituto Melisa, hizo en Chile un estudio serio, reproducible, en base a e...

Declarações do Padre Ciro Benedettini sobre o telefonema do Papa à família Foley

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Felipe Aquino
pt.radiovaticana.va - Cidade do Vaticano (RV) – Após o jantar desta quinta-feira, o Papa Francisco telefonou à família do jornalista norte-americano, James Foley, barbaramente assassinado no Iraque pelos milicianos do E...
Arte & Entretenimento

Knights of Columbus and Gary Sinise Unite to Aid Veterans | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - ORLANDO, Fla. — Actor Gary Sinise’s respect and admiration for military men and women goes far beyond his role as Lt. Dan in the popular 1994 film Forrest Gump. For generations, members of his fami...

* " Turismo da morte".Número de doentes que vão à Suíça para se suicidar dobra em quatro anos.

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Comunidade Shalom
blog.comshalom.org - O conhecido turismo do suicídio ou turismo da eutanásia não para de crescer na Suíça, o único lugar onde ocorre o fenômeno, segundo revelou uma pesquisa da Universidade de Zurique. Entre 2009 e 201...

Editora Central Gospel

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editoracentralgospel.com.br - Editora Central Gospel - Loja Virtual, desde 2007 - Todos os direitos reservados Preços e condições de pagamento exclusivos para compras via Internet. Ofertas válidas até o término de nossos estoqu...

America on the brink of civil war?

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WND News
wnd.com - Prompted by increasingly troubling events at home and abroad, Michael Savage pushed his publisher to make his new book available for pre-order as soon as possible. That book, “The Coming Civil War:...

Al Jazeera’s Ferguson Publicity Stunt - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - We are seeing the herd mentality of the media at work in coverage of Ferguson, Missouri, and even some conservatives have joined the pack.  In The Weekly Standard newsletter that arrived in my inbo...

Papa Francisco nombra nuevo Obispo en México

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - MÉXICO D.F., 22 Ago. 14 / 12:07 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- La Santa Sede informó que el Papa Francisco nombró al P. Gerardo Díaz Vázquez como nuevo Obispo de Tacámbaro (México), al aceptar la renunci...

Caricatura femenina

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Yoani Sánchez
14ymedio.com - Una mujer dice en la televisión nacional que su marido le "ayuda" en algunas tareas domésticas. La frase le podría sonar a muchos como la máxima aspiración de cada fémina. Otra señora asegura que s...
Meio Ambiente

Criação e Evolução: quem está com a razão? | Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - Questiona-se muito o fato de o universo ter sido criado por Deus. Muitos cientistas e professores apoiam a teoria do Big Bang e da evolução das espécies. Como a teoria criacionista e a evolucionist...
Meio Ambiente

Promotores del aborto, decididos a infiltrarse en objetivos de desarrollo

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infocatolica.com - (C-Fam/InfoCatólica) A Girard le interesa particularmente el acceso a los «servicios SDSR» tales como la anticoncepción, la esterilización, la educación sexual «integral» para los adolescentes, el ...

Trecho da biografia de Taylor Swift fala sobre caso com Gyllenhaal; leia

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Cantora pop e atriz de 24 anos ganha sua ‘história completa’. Livro do jornalista Chas Newkey-Burden será lançado na Bienal de SP. “Ela é deslumbrante de um jeito óbvio, uma bela loira de pernas lo...

American missionary visits North Korea as silent ‘apostle of peace’

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - Since the end of the Korean War in 1953 no Catholic priest has resided in the North of the divided peninsula, where autonomous religious activity is effectively forbidden, and no enemy of the Commu...

Satanists Return Stolen Host to Archbishop Coakley | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma City's archbishop voiced relief that Satanists organizing a "black mass" in the city returned a stolen host that was to be desecrated, but restated his concern that the eve...

Nossa Senhora Rainha | Shalom Catholic Community

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Ainda Lucas, nos Atos dos apóstolos, coloca Maria no meio dos apóstolos, recolhida com eles em oração. Ela constitui o vínculo que mantém unidos ao Ressuscitado aqueles homens ainda não robustecido...

Become a Sponsor - See Which Children Were Sponsored Today

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Compassion Intl
compassion.com - Six hundred million children around the world struggle in extreme poverty. When generous people become a sponsor through Compassion International, the children see beyond their present circumstance...

Baby With Deadly Brain Aneurysm Doing Better After Doctor Saved Life With Superglue

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Kansas City, MO | LifeNews.com | 8/21/13 3:00 PM The baby whose live was saved after a physician used superglue to save her is doing well. Back in June, LifeNews reported on how ...

Eventos nacionais

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rccbrasil.org.br - O Encontro Nacional de Reflexão Teológica é um evento que busca aprofundar a temática do Batismo no Espírito Santo e a vida no Espírito, em decorrência dessa experiência fundamental na RCC, além de...
Arte & Entretenimento

America in Black and White: Why Do So Many of Us Respond to Ferguson So Differently?

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thegospelcoalition.org - One of the confusing things about the fallout from the shooting of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, is the differing perspectives of many blacks and whites, even those ...

Chuck Norris cranks up ‘wheels of war’ on Ebola

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WND News
wnd.com - News out of England this past week reads like a script for a remake of James Cameron’s “The Abyss,” yet I fear it didn’t get the attention it deserves. According to Reuters, researchers are prepari...
Meio Ambiente

La madurez de los cuarenta

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Yoani Sánchez
14ymedio.com - El número 40 de la revista independiente Convivencia ya esta disponible en Internet. La publicación ha mantenido por seis años una ventana abierta al debate y a la reflexión sobre la realidad cuban...

Deus Proverá

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Deus Proverá
blog.cancaonova.com - O programa Deus Proverá mostrou na última quinta feira uma matéria inédita com Monsenhor Jonas Abib visitando o Santuário do Pai das Misericórdias em sua reta final. Atendendo a pedidos de muitos v...

JV Team Decapitates Journalist - Interrupts President's Golf Game - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - “The analogy we use around here sometimes and is accurate is if a JV team puts on Laker uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant.” – President Obama to David Remnick on the threat posed by ISIS...

TV Aparecida transmite missa de São Raimundo Nonato dos Mulundus - A12

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a12.com - A TV Aparecida celebra uma das maiores expressões de fé do Maranhão, direto da cidade de Vargem Grande, a festa de São Raimundo Nonato dos Mulundus. Cortejo a São Raimundo Nonato de Mulundus realiz...

Obispos de Bolivia demandan transparencia en la campaña electoral

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LA PAZ, 22 Ago. 14 / 06:57 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- En un comunicado del 21 de agosto, los Obispos de Bolivia demandan “transparencia en la campaña electoral, presentación de planes y programas en ...

Archidiócesis alienta un «ice bucket challenge» alternativo para financiar centro católico pro-vida

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infocatolica.com - (ACI/InfoCatólica) En ocasiones nombrada como la «enfermedad de Lou Gehrig», la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica es una enfermedad neuro-degenerativa letal, para la cual no existe un tratamiento o cu...

La vida de Berishna, de 10 años, no vale nada

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hazteoir.org - Con sólo 10 años, esta niña afgana fue violada por un clérigo. Sus heridas y desgarros fueron tan graves que necesitó 22 días de hospitalización. Después del calvario sufrido, físico y moral, su fa...

Criacionismo: Daniel 8 e 9: A batalha é muito mais antiga

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - sexta-feira, agosto 22, 2014 Daniel 8 e 9: A batalha é muito mais antiga Enviar por e-mailBlogThis!Compartilhar no TwitterCompartilhar no FacebookCompartilhar no Orkut Marcadores: bíblia, Daniel, p...

Cristo Redentor é mote de romance da escritora Lucinda Riley

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Irlandesa lança novo romance neste sábado na Bienal do Livro A irlandesa Lucinda Riley, que viajou muito com o pai quando era criança, ouviu dele que ela deveria conhecer o Brasil. Guardou o consel...

Esqueça a “terceira via” e escolha a melhor via! Ou: Cuidado com o misticismo, a clorofila dos intelectuais

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Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - A tal “terceira via” tem um apelo emotivo forte. Romper com a bipolaridade, oferecer um caminho alternativo a dois extremos, eis uma bandeira e tanto. Mas antes de mais nada é preciso compreender m...

Dawkins misses joy of those with Down syndrome, critics say :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Denver, Colo., Aug 23, 2014 / 05:01 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Advocates of those with Down syndrome have strongly criticized prominent atheist Richard Dawkins’ suggestions that it would be immoral not t...

Catholic News | St. Louis archbishop outlines steps to end 'systemic racism'

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American Catholic
americancatholic.org - With the strife and violence continuing in the aftermath of Michael Brown's shooting death by a police officer in Ferguson, more than 500 St. Louis Catholics gathered for a votive Mass for peace an...

Minha vocação não servirá de nada, se eu não arrastar uma multidão para o Céu

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Aos 10 anos de idade, perdi meu irmão assassinado. Foi um golpe doloroso para minha família. Minha mãe, no entanto, buscou conforto em Deus, e começou a ir para a igreja de Santa Rita, que ficava p...

Ministério de Música e Artes: Aos moldes de Maria e José

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rccbrasil.org.br - Depois de sua partida, um anjo do Senhor apareceu em sonhos a José e disse: Levanta-te, toma o menino e sua mãe e foge para o Egito; fica lá até que eu te avise, porque Herodes vai procurar o menin...

Why Can’t All Historians Write Like This?

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thegospelcoalition.org - From the opening pages of David Hackett Fischer’s Paul Revere’s Ride (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994), 3-4. In our mind’s eye we tend to see Paul Revere at a distance, mounted on horseback, ...

Voice of the Martyrs : Persecution Watch

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Voice of the Martyrs
salememail.com - As we read and hear reports of the brutality happening in Iraq, pray for members of IS. Pray they come face to face with Jesus Christ and give their lives to Him. (Read VOM's book Saul to Paul to b...
Arte & Entretenimento

Feds spend $30,000 on warning to bird enthusiasts

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WND News
wnd.com - Biological threats are lurking in the backyards of bird-loving Americans, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, or USDA, plans to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a film campaign in a variet...
Arte & Entretenimento

Assistir ou não filmes como Harry Potter?

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Com. Canção Nova
blog.cancaonova.com - Este é um tema sempre muito discutido entre as pessoas que costumam rezar por libertação. Pois cada um teve uma experiência própria diante dos casos que atendeu, e portanto não podemos fechar esse ...

LCWR: business as usual despite cloud of Vatican mandate

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ncronline.org - Meeting here for their annual assembly, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious spent four days conducting the business any large organization requires -- despite the subtext of an ongoing Vat...
Arte & Entretenimento

Catholic school actors, alumni take stage in ‘West Side Story’

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The Catholic Sun
catholicsun.org - Valley Youth Theatre’s production of “West Side Story,” which runs through Aug. 24 at Herberger Theater, is also a Catholic school theater story of sorts. Three Catholic school alumni — two with le...

The Catholic Review > Home > Pope phones family of slain U.S. journalist

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L'Osservatore Romano
catholicreview.org - Pope phones family of slain U.S. journalist August 21, 2014 VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis phoned the bereaved family of a U.S. journalist killed by Islamic State militants in Syria. Jesuit Father Fed...

When the Game Stands Tall - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - NEW YORK (CNS) -- There's little to object to and much to honor in director Thomas Carter's idealistic fact-based sports drama, "When the Game Stands Tall" (TriStar). Catholic viewers in particular...

La historia de cómo Juan Pablo II y su Teología del Cuerpo guió al catolicismo a un pastor luterano - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Juan Pablo II fue un colaborador excepcional de Dios a la hora de llevar a miles de personas a la Iglesia. Primero lo hizo en vida y ahora desde el cielo. Gracias a él, a su espiritualidad, a su em...


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hazteoir.org - Tres consejerías de educación controladas por el PSOE están intentando acabar con los profesores de religión en la escuela pública marginando la asignatura de religión. Los consejeros del PSOE de C...
Meio Ambiente

Formiga 'paulista' é caso raro na história da evolução - Ciência - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Michelson Borges
veja.abril.com.br - Formiga 'Mycrocepurus castrator', descoberta no campus da Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), em Rio Claro (Divulgação/VEJA.com) Uma espécie de formiga parasita, descoberta no interior paulista...
Meio Ambiente

Editora Mundo Cristão - Notícia - Descubra-se ao ver sua vida refletida no espelho de Deus!

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Mundo Cristão
mundocristao.com.br - Como você se vê? Quais são as palavras e experiências que lhe vêm à mente quando está diante de um espelho? Rejeição ou aceitação? Satisfação ou frustração? O passado lhe incomoda? E o presente? Es...

EEUU anuncia un plan para grupos religiosos que no quieren pagar anticonceptivos

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infocatolica.com - (EFE/InfoCatólica) En un intento de sortear las objeciones religiosas que han surgido a la cobertura obligatoria de anticonceptivos que exige la reforma sanitaria firmada por el presidente Barack O...

Bergdahl Prisoner Swap Illegal, According to GAO - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - As reported by National Review, President Barack Obama’s trade of five Club Gitmo terrorists for traitor/deserter Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl was illegal. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issu...

El cristiano ha de saber dar, por Papa Francisco en twitterEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - El cristiano ha de saber dar, por el Papa Francisco en twitter, sábado 23 de agosto de 2014: Un cristiano sabe dar. Su vida está llena de sencillos gestos de generosidad hacia los demás.

Familia de James Foley agradece al Papa Francisco por el gesto de llamarlos

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - WASHINGTON D.C., 22 Ago. 14 / 02:15 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- “Fue muy lindo de su parte”, expresó este viernes Katie, hermana menor de James Foley, al referirse a la llamada telefónica que el Papa ...

Ferguson Officer Did Not Suffer Broken Eye Socket, Reports Claim as Darren Wilson Support Fund Exceeds $200k

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Donations for Darren Wilson continue to pour in despite reports claiming the Ferguson police officer did not sustain any serious injuries during his interaction with unarmed teen Michael Brown. On ...

Obama Administration Announces New HHS Mandate Rules | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - WASHINGTON — The Department of Health and Human Services issued on Friday new rules regarding its contraception mandate, which address both non-profits and closely held for-profit entities. The new...

Okla. archbishop relieved at return of consecrated Host :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Oklahoma City, Okla., Aug 21, 2014 / 04:35 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Oklahoma City's archbishop voiced relief that satanists organizing a black mass in the city returned a stolen Host which was to be de...

Extrabajadores del negocio abortista dan testimonio: si abres los ojos, solo cabe comprometerse con la vida

Partilhado por
Derecho a Vivir
hazteoir.org - Médicos, gerentes, administrativos... De empleados del gigante abortista Planned Parenthood, a dedicarse como voluntarios a la labor provida: el aborto se nutre de una falsa compasión, sólo importa...

When the Game Stands Tall

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - I never played high school football, but I was around it enough as a sportswriter — roaming the sidelines at hundreds of games, hanging out at practices, in locker rooms and in coaches’ offices — t...

Ministério Fiel

Partilhado por
Editora Fiel
ministeriofiel.com.br - Nesta geração, há uma significativa parcela de pastores evangélicos no mundo de língua portuguesa que tem um imenso sentimento de gratidão a Deus pelo ministério da Editora Fiel, o qual foi estabel...

Mt 13, 44-46 23/08/2014 - Evangelho do Dia - Santuário Virtual - Santuário Nacional - A12

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Santuario Nacional
a12.com - Mt 13, 44-46 - Disse Jesus: “O Reino dos Céus é como um tesouro escondido num terreno. A pessoa que o encontra esconde-o de novo. Fica tão alegre que vai, vende tudo o que possui para poder comprar...

Twitcom - Crie e participe de comunidades e grupos no Twitter

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twitcom.com.br - Para concluir sua inscrição, digite seu email para confirmação. Um email foi enviado, confirme clicando no link de validação. Houver tweets nos nests que sigo Alguém entrar nos nests que sigo Algué...

“Ele se humilhou" (Filipenses 2.8) - Estudos Bíblicos

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estudos.gospelmais.com.br - Jesus é o grande mestre da humildade de coração. Precisamos aprender diariamente dele. Veja o Mestre tomando uma toalha e lavando os pés dos seus discípulos! Seguidor de Cristo, tu não te humilhas?...

Officials brace Ferguson for exoneration of officer

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WND News
wnd.com - FERGUSON, Mo. – As darkness fell Thursday night, the few blocks of this St. Louis suburb that became the scene of nightly, often violent protests was calm as public officials milled about, assuring...

Catholic.net - La vida y la familia: regalos de Dios para cada uno de nosotros

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es.catholic.net - La vida y la familia: regalos de Dios para cada uno de nosotros El Comité Permanente de la Conferencia Episcopal Chilena emitió una declaración en la que la vida, la familia y la educación son cent...

Cardinal George Pell’s trucking company analogy outrages sex abuse survivors

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ncronline.org - One of the most powerful men in the Vatican, charged with cleaning up corruption and fostering financial reform, has outraged survivors of sex abuse by clergy by likening the church to a trucking c...

Banning us from watching this video of a criminal act is a step too far - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - There is a difference between individuals exercising their right not to view or share a video, and companies such as Twitter -- or indeed the police force -- denying people the right to view it On ...

Todos los Papas de la historia en una aplicación para smartphones

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romereports.com - 25 de julio, 2014. El Papa ha aceptado la renuncia de monseñor Paciano B. Aniceto como arzobipo de San Fernando (Filipinas). En su lugar ha nombrado a monseñor Florentino Galang Lavarias. También h...

"La Misa no termina" (Power point)Ecclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Ecclesia Relacionado:   misa power point Misa del segundo aniversario de la muerte de Amparo Cuevas Misa del Papa Francisco en Santa Marta con jóvenes jesuitas Homilía de monseñor Julián Barrio en ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Baby Shocks Medical Professionals By Learning to Feed Herself Three Days After Birth

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 8/22/14 1:01 PM Here at LifeNews, we know that babies do amazing things. But this one may take the cake. Amara Chiedozie is just three days old an...
Arte & Entretenimento

Don Carlos Osoro, obispo de Madrid. Una iglesia de porteras

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infocatolica.com - Alguien dijo de este país que es un país de porteras. Efectivamente una sociedad que se vuelve loca con los programas del corazón, la bilis, el páncreas y la bilirrubina, y que conoce mucho mejor l...

Carta Encíclica Ad Caeli Reginam, sobre a realeza de Maria, 11 de outubro de 1954, Papa Pio XII

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Canção Nova Brasília
vatican.va - 40. Nem a bem-aventurada virgem Maria teve apenas, ao seguir a Cristo, o supremo grau de excelência e perfeição, mas também participou ainda daquela eficácia pela qual justamente se afirma que o se...

'ISIS Beyond Anything We Have Seen,' Pentagon States as Persecution Continues in Iraq

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - As ISIS continues to kill Christians and religious minorities throughout Iraq and Syria, the Pentagon has issued a statement warning of the extremity of ISIS' actions and the danger the Jihadists p...

The FAQs: The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

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erlc.com - The Ice Bucket Challenge is a campaign started by the ALS Association to raise awareness and donations for ALS. The challenge involves people getting doused with buckets of ice water on video, post...

Does your faith impact your politics? Take our latest survey

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Evangelical Alliance
eauk.org - How do you decide who to vote for? Does your church ever talk about politics? What would you say is the most important issue facing the UK today?  Let us know your views and involvement in politics...


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Church of England
churchofengland.org - The Church of England is joining calls to encourage its members to pray, act and give to those suffering in Iraq. The Bishop of Derby, the Rt Revd Alastair Redfern, has written to all Church of Eng...

64% de professores relatam bullying entre alunos na internet, diz pesquisa

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Posts de estudantes nas redes sociais afetam relacionamento na classe. Segundo pesquisa, 40% dos alunos já sentiram medo por ofensas na web. O bullying na internet entre colegas da mesma escola sai...

The Pax Americana is Dead - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Thomas Friedman, the respected New York Times columnist, tried to do a beleaguered President Barack Obama a favor by publishing an summary of an extended interview between the two men, which was gr...

How the Hamas-Israeli Conflict Looks to Gaza’s Christians

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - The summer of violence in Gaza and Israel on Tuesday entered its fifth week after rockets, fired from inside Gaza, broke the latest ceasefire. After the attack, Israel recalled its negotiators from...
Arte & Entretenimento

'The Giver' praised for themes on free will, sanctity of life :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Washington D.C., Aug 20, 2014 / 12:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The new dystopian movie “The Giver” has drawn praise for its deep thematic content on the value of human life, suffering, free will and th...

ParishDesigner.com | Because Your Ministry Deserves Better Graphics

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Matthew Warner
parishdesigner.com - That gets you a professional designer cranking out three Design Packages each and every month for your parish. That's only $25 per package! If you sign up today, you'll be part of our BETA launch t...

More Women Picking Up Guns

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - But more surprising than those numbers is that it was CBS This Morning reporting that story earlier this week and doing so in a positive way.  As a native Texan living in the heart of gun-controlle...

What is the uniquely British contribution towards Jihad?

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Archbishop Cranmer
brotherivo.com - The terrible events in the Middle East and the appalling behaviour of the “Islamic State” terrorists rightly occupy our thoughts of late. Brother Ivo would like to write on other things but this se...

Inaugura Loja Oficial do Santuário no Morro do Cruzeiro - A12

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Santuario Nacional
a12.com - Morro do Cruzeiro - Separado da cidade pela Rodovia Presidente Dutra, é o ponto turístico onde acontece, toda sexta-feira da Quaresma, a tradicional Via-Sacra. A primeira cruz no alto do morro foi ...

Projeto tornará Bíblia Sagrada obrigatória em bibliotecas

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noticias.gospelmais.com.br - Um projeto de lei que tramita no Congresso Nacional poderá exigir que as bibliotecas públicas do país mantenham ao menos um exemplar da Bíblia Sagrada em seus acervos. A proposta, de autoria do dep...

Santa Rosa de Lima

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oarcanjo.net - Isabel Flores y de Oliva nasceu na cidade de Lima, capital do Peru, no dia 20 de abril de 1586. A décima dos treze filhos de Gaspar Flores e Maria de Oliva. À medida que crescia com o rosto rosado ...

Biden to China: "Not Second-Guessing" One-Child Policy

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Beijing, China | LifeNews.com | 8/22/11 1:05 PM Vice-President Joe Biden is in China to attempt to revive the financial image of the United States after a first-ever downgrade in...

News Briefs/Rss | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

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Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Washington D.C., Aug 22, 2014 / 04:55 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Religious groups have voiced concern over the latest set of suggested changes to the federal contraception mandate, while saying they will...
Arte & Entretenimento

On the firing of dissident theatre director Eva Wojciak in Poland - IFEX

Partilhado por
Index on Censorship
ifex.org - Ryszard Grobelny, mayor of Poznan, is seen at a charity event in 2012. By Tomasz Kitlinski Ewa Wojciak, director of Poland's Theatre of the Eighth Day, was fired by Poznan mayor Ryszard Grobelny on...

Roma, los años 60 y un barco por el Tíber

Partilhado por
romereports.com - 25 de julio, 2014. El Papa ha aceptado la renuncia de monseñor Paciano B. Aniceto como arzobipo de San Fernando (Filipinas). En su lugar ha nombrado a monseñor Florentino Galang Lavarias. También h...

Displaced Iraqis face daily struggle against desperation, anxiety

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ncronline.org - A typical day for many Iraqi Christians encamped at Ankawa, near Irbil, would probably involve another round of struggle against desperation, frustration, anxiety, boredom and fear. In email exchan...

Strange bedfellows

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WND News
wnd.com - Cast your vote now. All answers are stored anonymously.
Meio Ambiente

A força da vida consagrada

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - A vida consagrada é movida pela força extraordinária do amor que impele as pessoas a um compromisso! “A caridade na verdade, que Jesus Cristo testemunhou com a sua vida terrena e, sobretudo, com a ...

En Cuba apenas medio millón de ordenadores tienen conexión a Internet

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Ciro Sanches Zibordi
14ymedio.com - (EFE).- Cuba superó en 2013 el millón de ordenadores aunque solo la mitad tiene conexión a Internet, mientras que el número de usuarios a la red se acerca a los tres millones, según datos divulgado...

Gary Sinise, el actor de Hollywood que se hizo católico tras el 11-S: «La Iglesia, una roca para mí» - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Los Caballeros “cuyo gran y generoso trabajo caritativo y misión” y el trabajo de su fundación, el programa RISE (Restoring Independence and Supporting Empowerment) parecen hechos el uno para el ot...

Radio María Argentina – Papa Franciscoa | Francisco llamó a los papás del periodista decapitado en Irak

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radiomaria.org.ar - 22/08/2014 – El Papa Francisco llamó por teléfono a los padres de James Foley, el periodista estadounidense decapitado esta semana por un miliciano del Estado Islámico en Irak. El portavoz de la Sa...
Meio Ambiente

Catholic.net - Alimenta tu llama interior

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es.catholic.net - Alimenta tu llama interior Las apariencias de este mundo y la gran variedad de bienes materiales que se van introduciendo en nuestras vidas por medio del ambiente, en sí buenos y útiles, pueden hac...

Press Release: Do evangelicals make good neighbours?

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Evangelical Alliance
eauk.org - Nearly three in four evangelical Christians have given a firm thumbs down, in a recent survey, to the notion of Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland breaking away from the UK but were mixed about th...

ISSUU - InReview September 2014 by Church of England

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Church of England
issuu.com - In Review is a monthly tabloid sized (A3) newspaper published by the National Church Institutions of the Church of England. It aims to keep you in touch with the activities of the Archbishops' Coun...
Arte & Entretenimento

One Man Does Good Deeds Every Day to Help People -- It Will Make You Smile! (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Imagine going through life helping the same people and problems each and every day. Most people would get annoyed at the situation and other would stop after a while and go about their day. But, on...

Serie “Al hilo de la Biblia” - Eclesiástico veraz

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infocatolica.com - Dice S. Pablo, en su Epístola a los Romanos, concretamente, en los versículos 14 y 15 del capítulo 2 que, en efecto, cuando los gentiles, que no tienen ley, cumplen naturalmente las prescripciones ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ebola and the Glory of God: An Interview with Nancy Writebol's Family (including Nancy's Comments) | The Exchange

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - Before August 2, no one infected with Ebola had ever stepped foot in the United States, but that changed when Dr. Kent Brantly landed in Atlanta and walked into Emory University Hospital. Dr. Nancy...

Los símbolos de Madrid para los turistas españoles - ABC.es

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PP de Madrid
abc.es - Al igual que los turistas extranjeros, los turistas nacionales también eligen a la Puerta del Sol como el símbolo más representativo de la ciudad de Madrid. Bien comunicada por transporte público y...


Partilhado por
ultimato.com.br - A gente não lê a bíblia pra ficar inteligente. A gente não lê a bíblia pra ganhar debate. A gente não lê a bíblia pra Calvino pra Lutero. Agente não lê a bíblia pra provar doutrina. A gente lê a bí...

Obama administration announces new HHS mandate rules :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Washington D.C., Aug 22, 2014 / 10:33 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The Department of Health and Human Services issued on Friday new rules regarding its contraception mandate, which address both non-profits...

Abortionist Who Stored Bodies of 35 Aborted Babies in Freezer May Lose Medical License

Partilhado por
lifenews.com - by Cheryl Sullenger | Trenton, NJ | LifeNews.com | 8/22/14 12:31 PM Administrative Law Judge Jeff Masin has recommended that the notorious abortionist Steven Chase Brigham should have his last rema...

Marcelo Crivella diz que uso de maconha fez aviões caírem

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noticias.gospelmais.com.br - O bispo Marcelo Crivella, candidato do PRB ao governo do estado do Rio de Janeiro, causou uma grande polêmica com uma declaração sua sobre os motivos de ser contra a descriminalização das drogas. N...

News Briefs/Rss | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

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Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Detroit, Mich., Aug 22, 2014 / 12:01 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Cardinal Edmund Casimir Szoka, who had served as Archbishop of Detroit and president of the Vatican City State, died of natural causes at t...

JovemX - Tudo para Cristo, tudo por Ele!

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jovemx.com - O canal do Youtube “Não é Sério!TV” publicou no final de semana um vídeo bastante polêmico onde o responsável pelo canal de humor aparece fingindo estar possuído durante um culto da Igreja Universa...

SDG Reviews ‘When the Game Stands Tall’ | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - Sports movies love underdogs scrapping their way to the top. When the Game Stands Tall is about what happens when a ridiculously successful team finally stumbles. Not many people openly embrace the...
Arte & Entretenimento

Morgue Worker Admits Molesting up to 100 Dead Bodies - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - We’ve come a long way in our enlightened society. We know that all we need is love, and that love is whatever we want it to be. Now, we need to accept that love isn’t just for the living any more. ...

Gaza: Press vests fail to protect Palestinian journalists - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Local journalists are vital to reporting conflict, but are often the media professionals with the weakest protection. Index urges governments and media companies to champion reporters' rights and s...

California Forces Catholic Universities to Pay for Abortions for Their Employees

Partilhado por
lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 8/22/14 5:11 PM I told you this was coming. Now, Jerry Brown has decided to force two Catholic universities to cover abortion in their health insu...

¿Mostrar la libreta o el dedo?

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Ciro Sanches Zibordi
14ymedio.com - Los cubanos están preocupados por el anuncio, el pasado miércoles, de la próxima implementación en Venezuela de un sistema biométrico para la compra de alimentos y productos básicos. El anuncio ha ...

Papa Francisco llama por teléfono a familia de periodista James Foley

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 21 Ago. 14 / 05:08 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Papa Francisco hizo una llamada telefónica a la familia del periodista estadounidense James Foley, quien fue decapitado por los yihadistas d...

Extraordinarios en la prueba

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osservatoreromano.va - Incluso en la dura prueba que están afrontando, los cristianos iraquíes ofrecen a la Iglesia y al mundo un extraordinario testimonio de fe. Testimonio que ha «fuertemente impresionado» al cardenal ...
Meio Ambiente


Partilhado por
Diego E. Arria
elrepublicanoliberal.blogspot.com - El Movimiento Independiente Democrático –MID- es una EXPRESION DE LA SOCIEDAD CIVIL TACHIRENSE, NO PARTIDISTA, constituida, con la finalidad de promover, divulgar y dar soluciones, dentro de la nef...

Controle de distribuição de alimentos na Venezuela será feito por impressão digital

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News Feliciano
spotniks.com - O caos instalado no sistema de distribuição de alimentos venezuelano tem levado o governo a tomar medidas cada vez mais próximas de uma distopia moderna. A nova exigência do governo é um cadastrame...

Sarah Palin reta a Dawkins a conocer a su hijo con síndrome de Down, ejemplo de «belleza absoluta» - ReL

Partilhado por
Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Las declaraciones del científico y ateo Richard Dawkins han dado la vuelta al mundo tras asegurar por Twitter que es “inmoral” que no se aborte a los niños con síndrome de Down. A través de la red ...

Reflections on the Feast of Saint Symphorian - Crisis Magazine

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Crisis Magazine
crisismagazine.com - In a chapel of the great Romanesque cathedral of Autun in Burgundy hangs a monumental painting depicting a curious and compelling scene from antiquity. An eclectic and agitated crowd has gathered i...

WORLD | Are churchgoing Christians really succumbing to culture creep? | Andrew Branch

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - A couple’s sexual history is tied to their happiness in marriage, researchers with the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia said Tuesday. That may sound like common sense, but cu...

Iraque: Centenas de mulheres vendidas como escravas em Mossul

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - A notícia é do jornal ‘Tunisia Daily’. Num encontro de jornalistas em Paris, ocorrido no fim de semana passado, membros de uma família que fugiu recentemente de Mossul testemunharam algumas das mai...

Non Members

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C of E Newspaper
churchnewspaper.com - Non members and non subscribers can download a copy of The Church of England Newspaper and view the entire website by becoming a Day Member. Day Members receive 7 days access to the site, inlcuding...

Dissecando a Marina Silva ~ Jakson Pedreira

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Jakson Pedreira
jaksonpedreira.blogspot.com - quarta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2014 Marina Silva celebrou (ainda que internamente) o defunto E.C., Marina Silva não se posiciona, sempre está em cima do muro, mas quem afinal é Marina Silva? Para en...

Ongoing support - Funerals

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Church of England
churchofenglandfunerals.org - A place to be: sometimes after a funeral all that is needed is a place to sit and think. All over the country churches are open all day, every day, and anyone can walk in and take a few moments in ...

STF decide apurar relação de Collor com doleiro Youssef

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veja.abril.com.br - Na VEJA.com: O Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) abriu inquérito para investigar a ligação entre o senador Fernando Collor (PTB-AL) e o doleiro Alberto Youssef, pivô do bilionário esquema de corrupção...
Meio Ambiente

Los Planes PIVE tienen un impacto de 1.155 millones en Madrid

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PP de Madrid
madridactual.es - Los seis planes PIVE están generado un impacto económico en la Comunidad de Madrid de 1.155 millones de euros a través del ahorro en combustible y los ingresos fiscales derivados de las ventas, seg...

Richard Dawkins Apologizes for Saying Couples Should Abort Down Syndrome Babies, Try Again

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Atheist intellectual and author Richard Dawkins has issued an apology following the controversy over his recent remarks claiming that Down syndrome children should be aborted. Dawkins had responded...

What the New Majority-Minority Public Schools Mean for Christians

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - As a grade-schooler in Miami, the only other Hispanic in my class had the jealousy-inducing, grandiose name of Evaristo Monteiro (yes, it’s a cognate for Mount Everest). But this year, for the firs...

Patrice Douglas | Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District

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Susan B Anthony List
sba-list.org - “As a Congresswoman, we know Patrice Douglas will courageously defend unborn children and mothers and we are proud to endorse her candidacy. As a Christian, as a woman, and as a mother, Patrice Dou...

Transforming Lives Through School Choice

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Jason’s family was awarded a Children’s Scholarship Fund (CSF) scholarship, which enabled Jason to transfer to Incarnation School in upper Manhattan. To Jason, Incarnation felt “more like family.” ...

Fernanda Brum anuncia CD ao vivo e convida fãs para coral

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musica.gospelmais.com.br - A cantora Fernanda Brum já está desenvolvendo a produção de seu novo CD e anunciou a abertura das inscrições para os fãs participarem do coral na gravação ao vivo em setembro. Para participar do co...

Your Baby’s Development Month by Month

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - Editor’s note. This marvelous research appears on the webpage of Wisconsin Right to Life at www.wrtl.org/fetaldevelopment/monthbymonth.aspx. Watch the video to see the beginnings of life in the wom...

'I appeal to you with my heart full of pain' – Pope's plea to Iraqi President

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christiantoday.com - Pope Francis has written to Iraqi President Fouad Massoum, urging him to put an end to the "brutal suffering" of religious minorities at the hands of the Islamic State (IS). Delivered by the Pope's...


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cem.org.mx - Taller de capacitación en habilidades de construcción de paz para jóvenes de Pbro. Patricio Sarlat Flores Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPS ¡Descarga aquí la convocatoria al “Taller de capacitaci...

La Luz que hay en ti

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Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - Clases en directo desde el Miracles Healing Center. Lunes 8:00am Lourdes 3:00pm Astrid Martes 9:00am Angela Miercoles 8:00am Maria Torres 1:00pm Ramon Jueves 8:00am Ricard 12:00pm Astrid 5:00pm Ann...

TIC's y Derechos Humanos: Las colmenas de los gochos

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Diego E. Arria
ticsddhh.blogspot.com - viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014 Las colmenas de los gochos Por Luis Manuel Aguana Audio en https://soundcloud.com/proyectopaisvz/las-colmenas-de-los-gochos Muchas veces me preguntaron por el panal y ...
Meio Ambiente

A precária situação alimentar cubana

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News Feliciano
spotniks.com - A verdadeira história se escreve no coração dos povos. Nem os mais elevados sociólogos, psicólogos, historiadores e sábios que tenham existido ao longo de toda a história da humanidade poderiam car...

UN: 191,000 Have Died in Syria’s Civil War

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relevantmagazine.com - According to a new report from the UN Human Rights Data Analysis Group, the number of people who have died since the start of Syria’s civil war is twice as high as it was just a year ago. The agenc...

Journalist James Foley Turned to Prayer for Strength | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - MANCHESTER, N.H. — Prayer not only served as a source of strength for Catholic journalist James Foley — who was allegedly killed by militant Islamic State forces — but is now a foundation for his f...
Arte & Entretenimento

Abortion Activist Who Attacked Pro-Lifers Ordered to Pay Restitution

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 8/22/14 12:03 PM The abortion backer who attacked a pro-life man in a profane rant captured on video last month has been ordered to pay restitutio...

Goldman in deal worth $1.2B over US bond claims

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cnsnews.com - WASHINGTON (AP) — Goldman Sachs has agreed to a settlement worth $1.2 billion to resolve claims that it misled U.S. mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac about risky mortgage securities it sol...

WORLD | Midday Roundup: Combating the Islamic State’s ‘apocalyptic’ vision | Lynde Langdon

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Shock and awe. Speaking at a news conference Thursday, U.S. defense leaders called ISIS, the terror group scourging northern Iraq, the most dangerous threat the United States has faced in years. Be...

The Sewage Water is Up to Our Necks. Where are the Lifeboats? - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Can America survive Obama and the progressive/Islamic agenda? Those who plan to submit to slowly being boiled alive and just don’t have the strength, connections or courage to fight…stand over ther...
Arte & Entretenimento

Why so serious? Four thoughts that stifle laughter

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Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.ca - When was the last time you made your husband giggle to the point of snorting? Or the last time you got your wife to laugh so hard she spewed her morning coffee everywhere? What about the last time ...

What Was Once the "Pro-Choice Movement" Has Become Enthusiastically Pro-Abortion

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lifenews.com - by Wesley J. Smith | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 8/22/14 1:17 PM What used to be called the pro-choice movement is morphing into an agenda that is enthusiastically and unabashedly, pro-abortion...

Sharpton now Obama’s go-to-guy on race

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WND News
wnd.com - (POLITICO) A few days after 18-year-old Mike Brown was gunned down in Ferguson, Missouri, White House officials enlisted an unusual source for on-the-ground intelligence amid the chaos and tear gas...

Hoy la Iglesia celebra a María Reina, la que comparte la vida y el amor de Cristo Rey

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LIMA, 22 Ago. 14 / 12:01 am (ACI).- “Es una Reina que da todo lo que posee compartiendo, sobre todo, la vida y el amor de Cristo”, dijo San Juan Pablo II al referirse a la Virgen como Reina del Uni...

Weekend A La Carte (August 23)

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challies.com - Zondervan and Thomas Nelson are having a great $0.99 sale: Death by Living by N.D. Wilson; Strange Fire by John MacArthur; Jesus on Every Page by David Murray; The Dude’s Guide to Manhood by Darrin...
Arte & Entretenimento

Startup Launch Advice: Don't Talk To Press - Business Insider

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Scott Williams
businessinsider.com - Tech reporters frequently get the following question: “What advice would you give to startups that are trying to pitch you?”  It sounds counter-intuitive, but the honest response is: “Don’t talk to...
Meio Ambiente

Una «paga extra» para sumar inversiones de mejora de la ciudad - La Razón digital

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PP de Madrid
larazon.es - MADRID- Gracias a las medidas de racionalización de gastos y de optimización de ingresos que el consistorio madrileño puso en marcha en 2012 y que consolidó durante el pasado año, la liquidación de...
Meio Ambiente

A escola dominical vai acabar? Não é por falta de estudos bíblicos | Ultimatoonline

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ultimato.com.br - Ainda não há artigos publicados na seção "Palavra do leitor" em resposta a este texto.

Pimentel Mente

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gilton Ma
dilmamente.com.br - A OITAVA MARAVILHA DO MUNDO #SQN Fernando Pimentel colocou diversos outdoors em Belo Horizonte enquanto era prefeito para informar que tinha sido escolhido o OITAVO MELHOR PREFEITO DO MUNDO! E clar...

Groups attack vulnerable Dems on late-term abortion bill

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Susan B Anthony List
thehill.com - Anti-abortion groups are campaigning against three Democratic Senators in key battleground states who oppose a ban on late-term abortions.  A coalition of groups including Concerned Women for Ameri...

Fruit that's worth the wait - Tearfund

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tearfund.org - ‘Can I start with myself?’ says Catherine Mwangi when asked to give examples of transformation within her community. Through the Church and Community Mobilisation Process (CCMP), Catherine has not ...
Arte & Entretenimento

This Sleepy Dog is Not Really a Morning Person – He Howls Back at the Alarm Clock (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Like most of us humans, Oscar the Vizsla dog doesn't like waking up in the morning to an alarm clock. Instead of hitting the snooze button, which he probably doesn't know how to do, he likes to how...

The Catholic Telegraph Festival Guide

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Catholic Telegraph
thecatholictelegraph.com - THIS WEEKEND!!!!! AUGUST 22nd, 23rd, 24th TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA FESTIVAL 2014                       MONFORT HEIGHTS Friday, August 22, 6:00 p.m.-Midnight Saturday...
Meio Ambiente

CD “Tu Reinas” será lançado em setembro

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Evangélicos do Rio
lagoinha.com - O projeto foi gravado no Sertão Nordestino com intuito de chamar a atenção da Igreja e da sociedade para uma das regiões mais carentes do Brasil A líder do Diante do Trono, Ana Paula Valadão, anunc...

Is abortion justified when a baby is disabled?

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - The New York Times recently published an article titled “My Abortion, at 23 Weeks.” The author explains that she was pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl, but that the boy was diagnosed with a her...

Ohio archdiocese urges 'ice bucket' funds for Catholic center :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug 22, 2014 / 09:35 am (CNA).- Chances are you've viewed at least one video this week of someone dumping a bucket of ice water over their head and challenging others to do the sa...

Enfoque a la Familia

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Enfoque a la Familia
enfoquealafamilia.com - (Nota: Los audios de los programas se van publicando conforme van siendo transmitidos en radio, de acuerdo a la fecha de difusión y en periodos semanales, si desea adquirir un programa que fue tran...

Padre Paulo Ricardo - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Não tem uma conta? Inscreva-se agora e tenha acesso ao conteúdo integral do site!


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cem.org.mx - Hoy, Fiesta de María Reina y 370 aniversario del Seminario Palafoxiano, Puebla recibirá la gracia de 9 nuevos sacerdotes y 2 nuevos diáconos.  El Seminario es el lugar y tiempo donde la Iglesia ...

Video del día - Siento el amor de Dios dentro de mi ahora

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Un Curso De Milagros
themasterteacher.tv - Siento el amor de Dios dentro de mi ahora Lección 189 del libro de ejercicios Referencias Lecturas Compartir Descargar Pedir DVD Título: Siento el amor de Dios dentro de mi ahora Serie: Serie “Entr...

Virtue, Assault, And Our NCMO Culture - Millennial Mormons

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By Common Consent
millennialmormons.com - A Young Women’s teacher once took a piece of gum out of its wrapper and placed it in her mouth. After chewing for a bit, she took the gum out and showed it to her class. She asked if any one wanted...

Tragedia inaudita de cristianos en Irak y Siria

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lecristo.com - Se estima que las víctimas son cien mil cristianos. Hay evidencia de hombres cristianos crucificados, niños decapitados, mujeres vendidas en el mercado y convertidas en esclavas para uso sexual de ...

Malaysia: The newspaper that can't print "Allah" - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - An appeal for Catholic newspaper The Herald to be allowed to print the word Allah in its Malaysian-language edition has been turned down. Tom Francis writes It is said that the Muslim jurist al-Sha...

Of Exiles and Educating in the Tradition | Dale M. Coulter

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First Things
firstthings.com - Having taught a number of years at an undergraduate institution within the evangelical world, I observed on more than one occasion students who wrestled with the particular brand of Christianity in...

St. Louis officer suspended after video comments

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cnsnews.com - ST. LOUIS (AP) — The St. Louis County Police chief says an officer who had been assigned to patrols in Ferguson has been suspended while the department reviews a 2012 video in which the officer cal...

O poder da Ave Maria | Bíblia Católica News

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Bíblia Católica
bibliacatolica.com.br - Milhões dos católicos rezam frequentemente a Ave Maria. Alguns repetem-na depressa, nem mesmo pensando nas palavras que estão dizendo. Este artigo poderá ajudá-lo a recitá-la mais pensativamente. -...

WORLD | Are we winning the abortion debate or just having more babies? | Kiley Crossland

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - Americans may be growing more pro-life because pro-life families are having more babies, according to a recent paper by two Northwestern University sociologists. Examining data from the National Op...
Arte & Entretenimento

Mila Kunis Shares the Life-Changing Advice Robin Williams Gave Her as a Teen

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Big Hollywood
breitbart.com - The duo crossed paths on the CBS studio lot several years ago while working on separate projects. Williams, who was dressed as an elephant at the time, reportedly picked up on Kunis' nerves while s...

Marquette professor recalls James Foley as 'bright light' :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic Pulse
catholicnewsagency.com - Milwaukee, Wis., Aug 22, 2014 / 10:06 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Executed journalist James Foley was fearless in his quest to advance justice in the world, and his courage inspired many students at his a...

#BB4SP: John Bolton ➡ The Real Problem Is "A Commander In Chief Who's NOT Competent To Do The Job"

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Janie Johnson
barracudabrigade.blogspot.com - John Bolton ➡ The Real Problem Is "A Commander In Chief Who's NOT Competent To Do The Job" Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest .@AmbJohnBolton: I don't think Pres...

Praying for Our Christian Family ... - Focus on the Family Daily - Canada

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Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.com - A panel of guests discusses the current persecution of Christians in Iraq, how we can pray and how we can talk to our children about what's happening. Get Web-exclusives, resources, guest bios and ...

TIMO Quest Internships help define calling - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Africa (MNN) — Have you ever wondered if God has called you to missions? Sometimes it’s hard to tell, but the fact that you’ve spent time wondering might be a calling itself. Africa Inland Mission ...

Clerical Attire

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - Q. Our priest seldom wears clerical attire. He often comes over to the church in athletic clothes. Is this right?  A priest should generally wear clerical attire. Canon Law says, “Clerics are to we...

It Is Time to Revoke the Catholic Status of the LCWR, Did Jesus Really Die and Rise and Much More! | Daily News

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - Copyright © 2014 EWTN News, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material from this website without written permission is strictly prohibited. Accessed from
Arte & Entretenimento

Letting Leaders Run Their Race

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Scott Williams
bigisthenewsmall.com - I have been in a number of conversations with friends, colleagues and clients where the topic of discussion has been the inability or freedom to lead. I just recently had a conversation with a Seni...

Madrid suma hasta julio su récord de turistas y pernoctaciones - ABC.es

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PP de Madrid
abc.es - El Ayuntamiento de Madrid ha contabilizado en los siete primeros meses del año su récord absoluto de visitantes -4.777.960- y pernoctaciones -9.425.999-, según ha destacado el Gobierno local tras c...

Comunicação e Liturgia é tema de palestra em Belo Horizonte

Partilhado por
Arautos do Evangelho
gaudiumpress.org - Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais (Sexta-feira, 22-08-2014, Gaudium Press) "Comunicação e Liturgia" será o tema de uma palestra organizada pela Pastoral da Comunicação da Arquidiocese de Belo Horizonte...

State reverses abortion decision at 2 Catholic colleges - SFGate

Partilhado por
Live Action News
sfgate.com - Gov. Jerry Brown's administration has reversed an earlier decision to allow two Catholic universities to eliminate coverage of most abortions for employees, saying state law requires health insuran...

Archbishop outlines steps to 'dismantle systemic racism' - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - ST. LOUIS (CNS) — With the strife and violence continuing in the aftermath of Michael Brown's shooting death by a police officer in Ferguson, more than 500 St. Louis Catholics gathered for a votive...
Meio Ambiente

Frases do Dado, Formatura da minha filhotinha.

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Dado Moura
frasesdodado.tumblr.com - Neste espaço você encontrará algumas frases publicadas nos meus artigos. Você também pode contribuir enviando aquelas citações que durante a leitura, considerou importantes. Acesse: Dado Moura em o...

NATO Summit 2014 Time to Make Up for Lost Ground in the Arctic

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Heritage Foundation
heritage.org - The 2014 NATO summit will be held in September 2014 in Wales. As NATO’s combat mission comes to an end and Russia’s behavior becomes more aggressive this will be an important summit to define the f...

NATO Summit 2014: An Opportunity to Support Georgia

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
heritage.org - On June 25, outgoing NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen announced that there would be no enlargement at the next NATO summit in September 2014. Furthermore, he announced that Georgia woul...

NATO Summit 2014: Time for the Alliance to Get Back to Basics

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Heritage Foundation
heritage.org - The 2014 NATO summit will be held in September in Wales. The last time the United Kingdom hosted the NATO summit was in 1990, when Margaret Thatcher was prime minister, the Cold War was coming to a...

NATO Summit 2014 Stay Committed to Afghanistan

Partilhado por
Heritage Foundation
heritage.org - The 2014 NATO summit will be held in September in Wales. It will be the last summit before NATO ends its combat operations in Afghanistan and begins its Resolute Support mission to train, advise, a...

Cartoon of the Day: How to Get Obama's Attention - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - We have no tolerance for comments containing violence, racism, vulgarity, profanity, all caps, or discourteous behavior. Thank you for partnering with us to maintain a courteous and useful public e...

Sony/ATV vai processar Tiririca por uso de música de Roberto Carlos

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pavablog.com - A editora de música Sony/ATV Music vai processar o candidato a deputado federal Tiririca (PR-SP) pelo uso não-autorizado da música “O portão”, de Roberto e Erasmo Carlos, em sua propaganda no horár...

Websérie “Coração de Mulher” estréia em setembro

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† Adailton Batista †
blog.cancaonova.com - Coração de Mulher abordará assuntos do universo feminino. Apresentado pela cantora católica Ziza Fernandes, a psicóloga Judith Dipp, o Play Canção Nova estreia, na primeira semana de setembro, a We...

“PSB perdeu seu protagonista. E deve respeitar Marina”, diz candidato a vice

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veja.abril.com.br - Por Marcela Mattos, na VEJA.COM Filiado ao PSB desde 1986, o deputado gaúcho Beto Albuquerque, de 51 anos, foi escolhido pelo partido para integrar a chapa de Marina Silva ao Planalto como candidat...

Satanistas devuelven hostia consagrada luego que Arquidiócesis de Oklahoma inició juicio penal

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - OKLAHOMA CITY, 21 Ago. 14 / 08:01 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Arzobispo de Oklahoma City (Estados Unidos), Mons. Paul Coakley expresó su satisfacción porque el grupo de satanistas que había organiz...

Blessed are the Divorced – By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog

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By Common Consent
bycommonconsent.com - Many of us have recently participated in the “Eternal Marriage” lesson from the Joseph Fielding Smith manual. The lesson’s final section carries the heading “As a husband and wife faithfully observ...

ISIS May Already Be in US; Will Attack America If Not Stopped, Warns Rick Perry (CP Video)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - WASHINGTON — Members of terrorist groups like the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) may have already used the United States' loosely secured southern border to sneak into the nation, Texas Gov...
Arte & Entretenimento

Pink Martini band member Rieth found dead

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cnsnews.com - PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Police say the longtime percussionist for Portland, Oregon, band Pink Martini has been found dead. A police spokesman said Friday that the Oregon State medical examiner's offi...
Arte & Entretenimento

Miley Cyrus banned from performing in Dominican Republic based on 'morality grounds'

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Big Hollywood
breitbart.com - The pop star was scheduled to make an appearance in Santo Domingo Sept. 13, but the commission called the concert off Thursday after deciding her behavior goes against their 'morals and customs' an...

Conheça a história do Movimento de Schoenstatt

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noticias.cancaonova.com - O Canção Nova Notícias preparou reportagens especiais sobre os 100 anos do movimento de Schoenstatt. Nesta primeira matéria, conheça o início desta história que chegou ao Brasil no ano de 1935.

Diocese de Jundiaí – Jesus pede-nos para acreditar que o perdão é a porta que leva à reconciliação

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Diocese de Jundiai
dj.org.br - Divulgamos a seguir, os principais trechos da homilia do Papa Francisco na missa pela paz e reconciliação, celebrada em 18 de agosto, na Coreia do Sul. A minha estadia na Coreia está a chegar ao fi...

Greece: then and now - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Greece (MNN) — A recent photo-essay showed a sad reality in Greece: a decade after it was built to host the 2004 Olympic Games, the Athens site is in ruins. Despite a weak economy, the country met ...

La difficile recezione della svolta del Papa (se è svolta)

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Rodrigo Coppe C
ilfoglio.it - Cacciari e l’abbandono della “guerra giusta”, teologia e diplomazia attardate. Nel giorno in cui il premier italiano in Iraq promette ai profughi in fuga dal Califfato “non vi lasceremo soli” e il ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Meghan Trainor | All About That Bass | Track Review

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Focus on the Family
pluggedin.com - The world can be a cruel place for those who fear their body's shape and size don't measure up—or, more accurately, down—to celebrity culture's impossibly tiny ideals. And that's especially true fo...
Arte & Entretenimento

UpDated: Ice Bucket Challenges- The best people are all wet (videos)

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commdiginews.com - MARYLAND, August 22, 2014 – What is the Ice Bucket Challenge? It is a social media campaign started by 29-year-old Pete Frates of Beverly, Mass., who was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosi...

A educação e a formação dos valores

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mob de leitura
livrosepessoas.com - A educação empreendedora tem por base valores morais, que devem permear todas as atividades e atitudes em sala de aula, tanto dos alunos quanto dos professores. Um dos elementos que distinguem uma ...

Dawkins e a lógica abortista

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Samuel M de Araujo
reaconaria.org - Um grande esporte dos usuários da rede social é se indignar. Algumas vezes esse sentimento é justificado, em outros, sem sentido. Mas em certas ocasiões as pessoas se indignam com algum comentário ...

Pro-life blog buzz 8-22-14 - Jill Stanek

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jillstanek.com - Violations will be deleted and you may be banned. Threats will be immediately reported to authorities. Following these rules will make everyone's experience visiting JillStanek.com better. Our volu...

Fé, depressão e o caso do ator Robin Williams « Diocese de Osasco

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Diocese de Osasco
diocesedeosasco.com.br - O suicídio de Robin Williams, famoso ator de Hollywood, impressionou o mundo todo. Deborah Lubov, da redação de ZENIT em inglês, entrevistou em Roma o pe. Wenceslao Vial, sacerdote, médico e profes...
Arte & Entretenimento

Mary Queen of Heaven: A Quick Apologetic

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New Advent
patheos.com - Nothing is more of a hot button issue in discussions with our separated brethren than Mary. Kimberly Hahn said in her journey to the Catholic Church there are three problems: Mary. Mary and Mary. S...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia

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