23 August 2014

CP-news 22.08.2014 @CristPolit


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Malafaia vai de Marina | Radar on-line - Lauro Jardim - VEJA.com

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Marcos Matias
veja.abril.com.br - O texto do post corretamente inicia no condicional: “Se …”. Mas, a provável candidata do PSB deve se cercar de todas as garantias, estabelecer uma espécie de cordão sanitário em relação a possíveis...

Pr. Everaldo defende nossos princípios no Jornal Nacional; assista a entrevista na íntegra

Partilhado por
Silas Malafaia
verdadegospel.com - O candidato à Presidência da República, Pr. Everaldo Pereira (PSC), apoiado pelo Pr. Silas Malafaia, concedeu entrevista ao Jornal Nacional nesta terça-feira (19) e defendeu nossas posições. Clique...


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cem.org.mx - Hoy celebramos a san Pío X, José Sarto, nacido en Italia en 1835. Fue el segundo de 10 hermanos. Al morir su padre, que era cartero, pensó dejar la escuela para trabajar a fin de ayudar con los ...

Nossa Relutância -

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Foco Cristão
maxlucado.com.br - Talvez a resposta mais surpreendente ao dom da graça de Deus seja a nossa relutância em aceitá-la. Nós nos sentimos melhor se nós podemos merecê-la. Então nós criamos malabarismos religiosos e pula...

Paycheck for Terrorism: $5,300 for Suicide Attack

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Wasfiyeh Idris, mother of suicide bomber Wafa Idris, surrounded by other female family members, holds a portrait of her daughter at her home in the al-Amari refugee camp near the West Bank town of ...

Perseverante na fé

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Kátia Bertunes
luziasantiago.cancaonova.com - “Empenhemo-nos com perseverança no combate que nos é proposto, com os olhos fixos em Jesus, que em nós começa e completa a obra da fé” (Hebreus 12, 1b). Para viver a fé e uma viva de santidade, é p...

Pr. Everaldo reforça posicionamento contra aborto, casamento gay e fala em privatizar a Petrobrás

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guiame.com.br - Na última terça-feira, o Jornal Nacional recebeu o Pr. Everaldo (PSC) para uma entrevista sobre o seu plano de governo. Outros candidatos à presidência da república, como Dilma Rousseff, Aécio Neve...

JM Notícia

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jmnoticia.com.br - Ana Clara Costa Eduardo Campos e Marina Silva em vídeo inédito da campanha de TV (Reprodução/VEJA) O horário eleitoral desta quinta-feira na televisão marcou a estreia de Marina Silva como candidat...

China é acusada de "crime" contra o cristianismo

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Paulo Teixeira 3147
portasabertas.org.br - Neste ano, centenas de igrejas na província de Zhejiang sofreram demolição parcial ou total como parte do que os ativistas descrevem como uma grande ação projetada para retardar o crescimento de co...

Clima de tensão na República Centro-Africana

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Paulo Teixeira 3147
portasabertas.org.br - Há três dias, o filho de um chefe local foi sequestrado por membros do grupo islâmico radical Seleka. A família do garoto pediu aos rebeldes para que o libertassem, mas eles o mataram e o seu corpo...
Meio Ambiente

Diante do Trono se desliga da Som Livre

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Foco Cristão
musica.gospelprime.com.br - O CD "Tu Reinas" chegará às lojas de forma independente a partir do mês de setembro A cantora Ana Paula Valadão gravou um vídeo para dizer que o CD “Tu Reinas” será lançado no mês de setembro tendo...

Padraig Reidy: When everyone is a journalist, is anyone? - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - If we are all journalists now, what happens to the privileges journalists used to claim? As news spread of a video showing the murder of American journalist James Foley by the Islamic State (ISIS),...
Meio Ambiente

NovaTerra Editora - Editora, Promoção, Livros, Certificação, Security+, Informática, TI, Infantil, Interesse Geral, Certificação, Notebook, Security+, Montagem de Micros, Java, BI no Excel, Códigos e Cifras, Humanidade, Era Moderna, Antigüidade

Partilhado por
Francisco Carvalho
editoranovaterra.sislojafacil.com - Nada melhor do que viajar com papai e mamãe para um final de semana na praia, não? O difícil é conter a ansiedade de entrar no carro e pegar a estrada para chegar logo e poder se esbaldar na areia ...

Al Jazeera Contributor Leaves Ferguson over Media Coverage: ‘We Should All Be Ashamed’

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Ann Coulter
mediaite.com - Ryan Schuessler, a self-identified freelance journalist, wrote a post on his personal blog Thursday shaming the news media’s behavior while they cover the events unfolding in Ferguson, Mo. Schuessl...

Gramsci e a comunização do Brasil - por Anatoli Oliynik.

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Não Ao Mensalão
sacralidade.com -      Não há ninguém que o doutor Li despreze tanto quanto a primeira-dama Jiang Qing. Mao casou-se quatro vezes. O primeiro foi um casamento imposto pelo pai, que parece não ter sido consumado. A s...

Narrative that made Ferguson national story unravels

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Joseph Farah
wnd.com - FERGUSON, Mo. – The narrative that drew the attention of President Obama and had him dispatch Attorney General Eric Holder to Ferguson, Missouri, continues to unravel. Nearly two weeks of racially ...

As carícias no namoro - meurelacionamento.net

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Dado Moura
meurelacionamento.net - Durante o namoro aprendemos que aquelas expressões de carinho muito comuns entre amigos, quando se trata desse novo momento na vida da pessoa, tendem a ganhar um diferencial. Muitas vezes, essa nov...

Poll: Majority Think Letting 9-Year-Old Play Without Supervision Should Be Illegal

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dailysignal.com - Philip Wegmann is a member of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation.

Cultos | Lagoinha

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - 18/08/2014 17/08/2014 – Culto Noite – Pr. Márcio Valadão 18/08/2014 17/08/2014 – Culto Manhã – Pr. Márcio Valadão 18/08/2014 12/08/2014 – Culto Fé – Pr. André Valadão, Ana Paula e Mariana Valadão 1...
Meio Ambiente

Vídeo: profecia incrível sobre as eleições no Brasil, dita em 2011

Partilhado por
Silas Malafaia
verdadegospel.com - Assista à impressionante profecia sobre as eleições no Brasil, dita em 2011, em uma igreja brasileira nos EUA:

Livros > Destaque > Livro Pertencemos a Deus : Loja Virtual

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Com. Canção Nova
loja.cancaonova.com - Neste seu último livro – produzido durante os quase dez meses em que lutou contra o câncer –, Pe. Léo nos apresenta uma realidade ao mesmo tempo simples e transformadora que diz respeito a todo ser...

Carência emocional

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - Em nossos atendimentos conhecemos muitos homens e mulheres tão necessitados de “alguém” que em sua ansiedade de sanar essa carência se precipitam tomando decisões erradas, ou têm tanto medo de perm...

Left Goes Nuts Over Truth About ‘Transgender’ Teen - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Last Saturday, I came across a USA Today story about leaders of a junior high school in New Jersey informing the mother of a 13-year-old boy, who believes he is “transgendered,” that he is not allo...

War on Christianity Still Alive and Well in America - David Limbaugh - Page 1

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David Limbaugh
townhall.com - Many reject the notion that a good segment of our popular culture and of our political class is at war with Christianity. But this is a real war -- not a phony one, such as the left's manufactured ...

Cardenal Filoni: Papa Francisco llevó al corazón todo lo que le conté de Irak

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 22 Ago. 14 / 05:16 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Cardenal Fernando Filoni, enviado especial del Papa Francisco para Irak, fue recibido este jueves por el Santo Padre para transmitirle las s...

Gobierno chino intensifica esfuerzos por establecer cristianismo “nacionalista”

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BEIJING, 21 Ago. 14 / 05:36 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El gobierno chino anunció que aumentará sus esfuerzos para promover y desarrollar una teología cristiana nacionalista, para ejercer un mayor con...

O saco de gatos de Marina, agora com Erundina na coordenação. Ou: Na democracia, o Brasil só teve dois presidente sem partido — Jânio Quadros e Fernando Collor

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Arrumem, por favor, um PRN — sim, refiro-me àquele partido-ônibus inventado por Fernando Collor — para Marina Silva. Vai que ela seja eleita presidente da República. No Datafolha, apareceu tecnicam...
Arte & Entretenimento

Knights partner with actor Gary Sinise to help veterans :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - Actor Gary Sinise's respect and admiration for military men and women goes far beyond his role as Lieutenant Dan in the popular 1993 film, “Forrest Gump.” For generations, members of his family and...

Como encontrar com Jesus diante das orações?

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Com. Canção Nova
blog.cancaonova.com - Encontre-se com Jesus no íntimo de sua alma, em oração, em qualquer tempo e em qualquer lugar; é você quem marca a hora e o local para falar com Jesus. Pode ser no seu quarto, no seu carro, na sua ...

Afiliadas | Somzoom Sat

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f cesar alb Tim beta
somzoom.com.br - [divider] Santa Quitéria ( FM 97,3 ) – Abrangências: Catunda Hidrolândia Groaíras Varjota Canidé Reriutaba Cariré Tamboril Forquilha Pires Ferreira Sobral Monsenhor Tabosa Guaraciaba ( AM 1190 ) – ...

Catholic.net - Homosexualidad: el mito romántico y la trágica realidad

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es.catholic.net - Homosexualidad: el mito romántico y la trágica realidad El movimiento homosexual presenta una visión idílica y romántica de su estilo de vida, a la que fielmente hacen eco la industria del entreten...

Guardando o coração | Blog do Bispo Edir Macedo

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Edir Macedo
bispomacedo.com.br - Bem-aventurados os humildes de espírito, porque deles é o Reino dos Céus. Mateus 5.3 Todos os dias o galo cantava bem cedo, e logo o sol aparecia. Ele passava o dia inteiro orgulhoso, gabando-se no...

Homosexual Choir Director in Illinois Fired - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Holy Family Parish in Inverness, Illinois has been at the center of yet another controversy spawned by the unholy effort to impose a “progressive” sexuality ideology on the entirety of society, inc...

Sad, enraging summation: How ‘appalled’ by Foley beheading was Obama? THIS appalled

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David Limbaugh
twitchy.com - What sacrifice? Why, President Tee Time’s of course! As Twitchy reported, the NY Daily News scored with a blistering Obama-slamming front page. You see, Obama gave a statement on ISIS and the barba...

Papa Francisco dedica 48° Jornada Mundial de la Paz a lucha contra esclavitud

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 21 Ago. 14 / 02:29 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- “Ya nunca más esclavos, sino hermanos”, es el tema elegido por el Papa Francisco para la 48° Jornada Mundial de la Paz a realizarse el 1 de ene...

Uma fábula de Esopo recontada por Marina Silva: “A Socialista e a Banqueira”

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Tudo bem, gente! Só o Brasil tem jabuticaba, ué. Pororoca, como a nossa, também não há igual. Somos ainda a única democracia do mundo que não tem um partido conservador viável. E “única” quer dizer...

Servir a Cristo de coração, diz Papa a consagradas da África

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Canção Nova Notícias
papa.cancaonova.com - Santo Padre enviou mensagem por ocasião da 16ª Assembleia trienal da Associação de mulheres consagradas da África Central e Oriental Um incentivo a servir a Cristo com todo o coração. É o que escre...

Da Marina quero distância, diz secretário-geral do PSB - Política - Estadão

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politica.estadao.com.br - DAIENE CARDOSO E JOÃO DOMINGOS - O Estado de S. Paulo Brasília - O secretário-geral do PSB e coordenador da campanha presidencial do partido, Carlos Siqueira, deixou nesta quinta-feira, 21, a funçã...

Catholic.net - Jesús es el Señor

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es.catholic.net - Jesús es el Señor Catecismo de la Conferencia Episcopal Española Versión multimedia Iniciamos aquí la publicación en formato multimedia del catecismo para niños Jesús es el Señor. Arguments agradec...

Ecco perché le parole di Francesco contro l'aggressore in Iraq sono coerenti con la pace e la dottrina della Chiesa - Famiglia Cristiana

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Dom Odilo Scherer
famigliacristiana.it - Ha ragione Alberto Melloni sul "Corriere della sera": le parole di Francesco sulla “Terza Guerra Mondiale fatta a pezzi, a capitoli” e sulla liceità di “fermare l’aggressore” in Iraq, hanno già fat...

Liturgia | Sexta-feira – 20ª Semana do Tempo Comum – Ano A

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Filipe Benício nasceu no dia 15 de agosto de 1233, no seio de uma rica família da nobreza, em Florença, Itália. Aos treze anos, foi enviado, com seu preceptor, a Paris para estudar medicina. Voltou...

Leigos generosos e atuantes a serviço do Reino

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CNBB Nacional
cnbb.org.br - Dom Roberto Francisco Ferreria Paz Bispo de Campos (RJ) O último domingo de agosto focaliza e celebra a vocação e missão dos fieis leigos/as. A palavra leigo no português parece indicar aquele que ...

Obama and Holder take over from Jackson and Sharpton - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - The Obama-Holder team has now taken over the investigation of the Ferguson, MO shooting. At the same time, that team has, apparently, effectively usurped both the city’s authority and the titles of...

Obispos europeos piden a las Naciones Unidas parar ciclo de violencia en Irak

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - Madrid, 21 Ago. 14 / 05:42 pm (ACI).- El Consejo de las Conferencias Episcopales de Europa (CCEE) ha enviado una carta firmada por los Presidentes de las Conferencias Episcopales de todo el contine...

A decapitação de James Foley: o que a mídia não está dizendo a você

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Gospel Prime
artigos.gospelprime.com.br - A cena é forte. Um americano foi degolado por um membro da organização terrorista EIIL (Estado Islâmico no Iraque e Levante). A cena foi filmada e divulgada com o objetivo de retaliar os recentes a...

Dom João Inácio Müller visita TV Canção Nova

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TV Cancao Nova
tv.cancaonova.com - Na manhã desta terça-feira, Dom João Inácio Müller, Bispo Diocesano da cidade de Lorena (SP), visitou as instalações da TV Canção Nova em Cachoeira Paulista (SP). A manhã desta quarta-feira, 20 de ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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usccb.org - Reading 1 ez 37:1-14 The hand of the LORD came upon me, and led me out in the Spirit of the LORD and set me in the center of the plain, which was now filled with bones. He made me walk among the bo...

Detroit mourns loss of retired cardinal Edmund Szoka :: EWTN News

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ewtnnews.com - Cardinal Edmund Casimir Szoka, who had served as Archbishop of Detroit and president of the Vatican City State, died of natural causes at the age of 86 at the local Providence Park Hospital. “We mo...

Reino Unido: políticas sociales con perspectiva de familia

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infocatolica.com - (Aceprensa/InfoCatólica) «La realidad es que en el pasado la familia no ha ocupado el puesto central que tiene en la manera de pensar de este gobierno», reconoce Cameron en un importante discurso p...

Papa telefona aos pais do jornalista decapitado por jihadistas

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Canção Nova Notícias
papa.cancaonova.com - Francisco manifestou sua proximidade e ficou impressionado com a fé da mãe de Foley Papa Francisco telefonou na noite desta quinta-feira, 21, para os pais de James Foley, jornalista americano assas...

Portas Abertas ajuda mais de 50 famílias iraquianas

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Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - Muitas pessoas deslocadas internamente (IDP, sigla em inglês para o termo internally displaced people)  – ou seja, refugiados em seu próprio país – encontram abrigo nesta cidade do norte do Iraque ...

Poll: Voters Overwhelmingly Oppose Executive Action On Immigration

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Drew McKissick
weeklystandard.com - American voters says they would prefer President Barack Obama work with Congress rather than use executive action to address the illegal immigration crisis at the border, according to a detailed ne...

Are Saints New Revelation? |Blogs

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - It seems, said my friend, that the Church contradicts itself. On the one hand, Catholic teaching declares revelation complete with the close of the apostolic era. Yet consider the canonization of, ...

Catholic.net - Evangelizar en Google + y otras redes sociales

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es.catholic.net - Aparte de Facebook y Twitter existen muchas más redes sociales. Vamos a tratar algunas de ellas y reseñar qué estrategias se pueden utilizar. Google +: Es una red social generalista, similar a Face...

Shalom realiza "Caia na Real" em Chaves

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - A Comunidade Católica Shalom em Chaves (PA) realiza de 22 a 24 de agosto o “Caia na Real”, cujo objetivo é levar a experiência com o amor de Deus a jovens e adultos. O principal momento do evento é...

Jovens de Uruaçu participam do evento vocacional Despertai

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CNBB Nacional
cnbb.org.br - Jovens de diferentes lugares da diocese de Uruaçu (GO) reuniram-se pela primeira vez no dia 2 de agosto, no Seminário Diocesano São José, para participar do “Despertai” 2014. O público estimado de ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Enemy enters the church in preacher’s clothing

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WND News
wnd.com - One of the most difficult concepts for people who hear the gospel message to grasp is grace: a gift – purchased by the supreme sacrifice –freely given. For bad people. People who are messed up. For...
Arte & Entretenimento

Feminism and Feminists Are a Big Part of What is Wrong With Modern American Society - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Feminism and feminists are a big part of what is wrong in American society today. Men and women are different. We have always been different and will always be different. This seems like stating th...

Hoy la Iglesia celebra a María Reina, la que comparte la vida y el amor de Cristo Rey

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LIMA, 22 Ago. 14 / 12:01 am (ACI).- “Es una Reina que da todo lo que posee compartiendo, sobre todo, la vida y el amor de Cristo”, dijo San Juan Pablo II al referirse a la Virgen como Reina del Uni...

Marina Silva, o colapso do sentido - 22/08/2014 - Reinaldo Azevedo - Colunistas - Folha de S.Paulo

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Reinaldo Azevedo
folha.uol.com.br - Nunca entendi, não creio que seja só por ignorância, o que diz Marina Silva. Esforço-me. Procuro identificar o sujeito da frase, busco o verbo, tento encontrar o complemento, procuro os termos adju...
Arte & Entretenimento

Dawkins: es ‘inmoral’ no abortar a un Down

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infocatolica.com - (La Gaceta/InfoCatólica) Es autor del libro The god delusion, traducido al español como El espejismo de Dios. Y promovió la campaña, en los autobuses de Londres, bajo el lema: «Probablemente no hay...

Forgetting the Meaning of Freedom - Dr. Ben Carson - Page 1

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Drew McKissick
townhall.com - Many people in this country were shocked when the U.S. Navy recently announced the removal of all Bibles from military hotels under their control. This was in response to pressure from the Freedom ...

Revealed: The Pope's war with the Vatican » The Spectator

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The Catholic Herald
spectator.co.uk - http://traffic.libsyn.com/spectator/TheViewFrom22_21_August_2014_v4.mp3 If you want to understand how Pope Francis is planning to change the Catholic church, then don’t waste time searching for clu...
Arte & Entretenimento

Phone call home | Features

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N. Catholic Register
marquette.edu - Marquette University has always been a friend to me. The kind who challenges you to do more and be better and ultimately shapes who you become. With Marquette, I went on some volunteer trips to Sou...

Evangelização nas escolas: jovens evangelizam jovens

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Na sexta-feira, 15 de agosto, jovens da Comunidade Católica Shalom em Quixadá (CE) realizaram um momento de evangelização com os estudantes de uma escola local, durante o intervalo das aulas. Tendo...

Catholic.net - Foro de laicos en España: "No ser indiferentes ante la situación iraqui"

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es.catholic.net - Foro de laicos en España: "No ser indiferentes ante la situación iraqui" La Comisión Permanente del Foro de Laicos de España emitió un comunicado en el que considera "una obligación, alzar su voz c...

Aluno do IEAD testemunha sobre curso Ardor Missionário

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ieadrccbrasil.com.br - Com objetivo de inflamar nas lideranças cristãs o carisma para assumir sua vocação missionária no seio da Igreja e da sociedade, o Instituto de Educação a Distância da RCCBRASIL oferece o curso Ard...

Um marcador inteligente que tuíta para lembrá-lo de voltar a ler

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Se você deixar a leitura de lado por mais de uma semana, o perfil do escritor aparece no seu Twitter para convidá-lo a retornar para as páginas do impresso Ainda que eu goste muito de ler, consegui...

Mohler on Ferguson: Love your neighbor, lead with empathy, don’t prejudge, wait for the facts

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dennyburk.com - I first addressed the issue back on August the 12th, which was then the first opportunity I had to speak to the issue. Since then I have not addressed the question because I wanted to stand by what...

Massive rescue proposed for trapped Christians

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WND News
wnd.com - RescueChristians.com Executive Director Keith Davis is thinking big when he talks about his plan, which already is getting under way, to rescue tens of thousands of Christians who fled to Iraq’s Ku...

Diocese de Oeiras (PI) sedia Assembleia Regional de Presbíteros

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CNBB Nacional
cnbb.org.br - Desde o dia 19 de agosto, mais de 27 padres das dioceses de Oeiras, São Raimundo Nonato, Picos, Teresina, Parnaíba e Floriano participam da 20ª Assembleia de Presbíteros do regional Nordeste 4 da C...
Arte & Entretenimento

Feminism Repeats Itself, the First Time as Tragedy, the Second Time as Farce - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Amy Austin (@amymarieaustin) is a British university student, a lovely blonde soprano, who wrote a blog post about “gender roles” that became something of a viral sensation among feminists. We’ll g...

Colectivos laicos de Cádiz salen en defensa del obispo Zornoza

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infocatolica.com - (Diario de Cádiz/InfoCatólica) Cabe recordar que el 8 de agosto monseñor Zornoza destituyó a Juan Luis Torrejón Vargas, director de Cáritas debido a las desavenencias que se habían producido en el ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Esta noche, vuelve a disfrutar con Derecho a Vivir Ávila del mejor cine por la Vida

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hazteoir.org - Tras la exitosa proyección de Crescendo, vuelve este jueves el Ciclo de DAV Ávila "La Vida en Cine", con Blood Money: a las 22.00 h, de nuevo en el Auditorio de San Francisco de la capital. Gratuit...

Criacionismo: Daniel 8 e 9: A batalha é muito mais antiga

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - sexta-feira, agosto 22, 2014 Daniel 8 e 9: A batalha é muito mais antiga Enviar por e-mailBlogThis!Compartilhar no TwitterCompartilhar no FacebookCompartilhar no Orkut Marcadores: bíblia, Daniel, p...

Julio Severo: As traições de Marina Silva

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Marcos Matias
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Marina Silva é exatamente igual à melancia: é verde por fora, mas é vermelha por dentro. Para que ninguém daqui não tenha mais nenhuma dúvida sobre o esquerdismo (ou o "interior vermelho") de Marin...

Morning Catholic must-reads: 22/08/14

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - The creation of a Christian militia could help to “destroy Iraq“, Chaldean Patriarch Louis Sako has said. An American archbishop has withdrawn a lawsuit against Satanists preparing to celebrate a B...
Arte & Entretenimento

This Disabled Man's Performance Will Make Your Jaw Drop – One Leg and Break Dancing, WOW! (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Your first thought of a dancer losing a leg is probably the end of their hopes and dreams. But don't tell this man that. He breaks it down like a pro and makes the dance look even cooler with just ...

Ten Things I Learned the Hard Way about Sending Kids to School |Blogs

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - As I've mentioned a million times, we have tried nearly every form of schooling that is out there. We make changes when they are necessary, and we try to learn from the adjustments we've had to mak...
Meio Ambiente

Quem são mesmo os vendidos? | Rodrigo Constantino - VEJA.com

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Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Por João Luiz Mauad, publicado no Instituto Liberal Quem quer que defenda ou divulgue publicamente o liberalismo já foi alguma vez acusado de estar a serviço de “interesses comerciais” – ou pior, d...

Clube da Evangelização

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Clube Evangelização
clube.cancaonova.com - A Canção Nova está em festa. Este ano é um grande marco em nossa história por celebrarmos os 50 anos de sacerdócio de nosso fundador, monsenhor Jonas Abib, os 25 anos de fundação da TV Canção Nova ...

What’s Coming in St. Anthony Messenger

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American Catholic
blog.americancatholic.org - Take a look at what’s coming up in the September issue of St. Anthony Messenger! * An article about the upcoming film Big Stone Gap, staring Ashley Judd and Oscar winner Whoopi Goldberg, based on t...

As modernas escravaturas serão tema do Dia Mundial da Paz

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Não mais escravos, mas irmãos”. Este é o título da Mensagem para o 48º Dia Mundial da Paz, a segunda escrita pelo Papa Francisco. Na manhã de quinta-feira, 21, o Pontifício Conselho da Justiça e da...

A Second Act For The Internet Of Things

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Arnaud Meunier
techcrunch.com - Editor’s note: David Hirsch is co-founder and partner of Metamorphic Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm headquarterd in New York City. Prior to Metamorphic, he spent eight years at Googl...
Arte & Entretenimento

Kent Brantly’s remarks upon his release from hospital

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dennyburk.com - I can’t tell you how full my heart is at the news of Dr. Kent Brantley’s recovery. I can only imagine how his family must be feeling to have him back after thirty very dark days of uncertainty and ...

Amazon passa a vender livro em papel no Brasil

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - A varejista online Amazon lança no Brasil, nesta quinta-feira (21), a venda de livros em papel em português. A empresa já vendia livros digitais aqui. Com um catálogo de 150 mil títulos de 2.100 ed...

A safer nation

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WND News
wnd.com - Cast your vote now. All answers are stored anonymously.
Arte & Entretenimento

Sister Joan Chittister on freedom in our later years

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US Catholic magazine
uscatholic.org - “Old age,” the Austrian novelist Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote, “transfigures or fossilizes.” It is a very comforting feeling to know that age does not change us. On the contrary. In some ways, ...
Arte & Entretenimento

We need Jesus' human spirit to learn to welcome others into our midst

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ncronline.org - As we listened to the Scriptures last Sunday, you may remember we reflected on one of the greatest mysteries of our faith: the incarnation of God in Jesus, son of God and son of Mary. And we reflec...

The Catholic Review > Home > During inflight news conference, pope talks airstrikes in Iraq, his health, possible U.S. visit

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L'Osservatore Romano
catholicreview.org - During inflight news conference, pope talks airstrikes in Iraq, his health, possible U.S. visit August 19, 2014 ABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT FROM SEOUL, South Korea - Pope Francis said the use of force ...

Unrest in Ferguson

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Catholic Courier
stlouisreview.com - With strife and violence in the aftermath of Michael Brown's shooting death by a police officer in Ferguson, more than 500 St. Louis Catholics gathered for a Votive Mass for peace and justice, Aug....

Perseguidos y sin nada, los refugiados cristianos pintan en las tiendas: «Jesús es la luz de mundo» - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Hasta ahora han sido los grandes olvidados de un conflicto olvidado. Los cristianos iraquíes y otras minorías están siendo masacrados por el Estado Islámico. El objetivo es limpiar de cristianos un...

El número dos de Podemos acaba en los juzgados acusado de agredir a un ciudadano - Libertad Digital

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libertaddigital.com - El número dos de Podemos acaba en los juzgados acusado de agredir a un ciudadano Juan Carlos Monedero se enfrenta a una denuncia interpuesta por un vecino de Almería que afirma que le agredió e inc...

Personhood FL Launches Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment

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Sanctity of Life
bryanlongworth.com - Have you heard the news? Personhood FL has launched a new prolife petition called the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment. Personhood FL will collect petition signatures from registered Florida vo...

Homilía en la Beatificación de Paul Yun Ji-chung y 123 compañeros mártires (Papa Francisco)

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infocatolica.com - Puerta de Gwanghwamun, Seúl, Sábado 16 de agosto de 2014. «¿Quién nos separará del amor de Cristo?» (Rm 8,35). Con estas palabras, san Pablo nos habla de la gloria de nuestra fe en Jesús: no sólo r...
Arte & Entretenimento

On 3000 - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - [Editor's note: Everyone at BarbWire would like to congratulate Bill Muehlenberg on this amazing milestone. We are both blessed and honored to have him as one of our most prolific and insightful co...
Arte & Entretenimento


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ccef.org - Our faculty’s work is at the heart of what CCEF does. They seek to engage wise discipleship in churches. They influence students around the world being trained for the hands-on part of pastoral min...

Power point del Rosario MisioneroEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Ecclesia Relacionado:   power point rosario Power point para el Domingo 20 Tiempo Ordinario (17-8-2014) Power point de José-Román Flecha Domingo 20 Tiempo Ordinario, A (17-8-2014) Power point Domin...

Diario peruano y ONGs feministas promueven “aborto en casa”

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LIMA, 21 Ago. 14 / 06:28 pm (ACI).- Diario 16, de la mano de ONGs feministas, publicó hoy un artículo promocionando el “aborto seguro en casa” mediante el uso de medicamentos, a pesar de que esta p...

Tuition Pays for This - Walter E. Williams - Page 1

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Drew McKissick
townhall.com - According to College Board, average tuition and fees for the 2013-14 school year totaled $30,094 at private colleges, $8,893 for in-state residents at public colleges and $22,203 for out-of-state r...

Suffering of Christians by ISIS Terrorists Is 'Unbelievable and Makes Me Cry,' Says Open Doors Field Worker

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - A field worker with persecution watchdog group Open Doors helping refugees in Iraq has spoken out about the "unbelievable" suffering going on in the country, which is under attack by the Islamic St...

Se não tem tu, vai tu mesmo! Ou: Roleta russa é melhor que tiro certo. Ou ainda: Coalizão ou colisão?

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Um banqueiro de investimentos, daqueles que gostaria de Aécio Neves subindo a rampa do Palácio do Planalto em janeiro de 2015, analisava o novo quadro eleitoral ontem à tarde desta forma: - Prefiro...

The Caregiver - By Russell Shaw

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - The 36-Hour Day (Grand Central Life & Style) is a handbook familiar to many caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. That seemingly mysterious title is no mystery to the c...

Behind Ferguson: How Black and White Christians Think Differently About Race | Gleanings

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - As protests and vigils have become daily occurences in Ferguson, Missouri, so have online debates over how black and white Christians have (broadly speaking) reacted differently since teenager Mich...

Your Parish Needs Better Graphics (And Here's How To Help) - BrandonVogt.com : BrandonVogt.com

Partilhado por
Matthew Warner
BrandonVogt.com - Michael Marchand knows parishes. He’s been a youth minister for ten years and he helps run ProjectYM.com, one of the largest youth ministry sites in the world. During his years of experience he’s n...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ebola and the Glory of God: An Interview with Nancy Writebol's Family (including Nancy's Comments) | The Exchange

Partilhado por
Ed Stetzer
christianitytoday.com - Before August 2, no one infected with Ebola had ever stepped foot in the United States, but that changed when Dr. Kent Brantly landed in Atlanta and walked into Emory University Hospital. Dr. Nancy...

Ministério Fiel

Partilhado por
Editora Fiel
ministeriofiel.com.br - De acordo com pesquisas recentes, 81% dos americanos adultos acreditam no céu, e 80% esperam ir para lá quando morrerem. Em comparação, cerca de 61% acredita no inferno, mas menos de 1% pensa que é...

Religion Clause: Archbishop's Suit Seeks Return of Consecrated Host Taken By Organizers Of Black Mass

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religionclause.blogspot.com - The Catholic Archbishop of Oklahoma City filed an unusual lawsuit yesterday in an effort to stop a satanic "Black Mass" ritual scheduled to be held at the Oklahoma City Civic Center on Sept. 21. Th...

Francisco adopta la doctrina de “injerencia humanitaria” ante la masacre en Irak

Partilhado por
romereports.com - En el vuelo de vuelta de Corea del Sur, el Papa Francisco expresó de nuevo su preocupación por la situación en Irak y aseguró que la comunidad internacional debe proteger a las minorías perseguidas...

Os Nazaritos – #VoltaOsNazaritos - Profetirando

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Santo Humor
profetirando.com.br - Muitos me perguntam como eu comecei a misturar humor com religião. E eu resumo dizendo que sempre gostei de humor e nunca achei nada parecido na internet, então resolvi fazer. Mas o que muitos não ...

St. Louis archbishop outlines steps to 'dismantle systemic racism' - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - ST. LOUIS (CNS) -- With the strife and violence continuing in the aftermath of Michael Brown's shooting death by a police officer in Ferguson, more than 500 St. Louis Catholics gathered for a votiv...

Contundente respuesta de una madre al Consejo audiovisual francés que criticó el vídeo proniños down - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Hemos olvidado esta lección. Tratamos a los niños con trisomía con la misma bondad con la que tratábamos hace tiempo a los judíos, juzgados como parásitos o unos Untermenschen («subhombre o subhuma...
Arte & Entretenimento

An angry voice and a tear

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Church Times
churchtimes.co.uk - WHAT on earth is Sinéad O'Connor doing at the Greenbelt Festival? I keep getting asked that question by people who know that I have met and interviewed her many times, but who think she must be cra...

Córdoba: 6 seminaristas y 3 sacerdotes a la misión de PicotaEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Córdoba: 6 seminaristas y  3 sacerdotes parten a la misión de Picota Del 25 de agosto al 17 de septiembre, los seminaristas colaborarán en las diferentes tareas pastorales de esta parroquia de misi...
Arte & Entretenimento

Métodos naturales: Los méritos de la Iglesia (con un fallo)

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infocatolica.com - (Aleteia/InfoCatólica) De hecho comienza a observarse una falta de confianza de las mujeres en una libertad sexual que arriesga su propia salud y una propaganda de la contracepción química que cont...

One Grandmother Goes Running in the Rain and You Would Never Believe Why! (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Many of us are afraid of doing things just because it may ruin our appearance. Such as, running in the rain because we don't want to get wet. For those who have tried it, can definitely say that it...

Good things are happening!

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Drew McKissick
gopfaith.com - Thanks so much for supporting the new GOP Faith Engagement project! Things have been moving very quickly for us. Within the past few weeks our project has been promoted in media outlets that reach ...

Together we are neighbourly

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Evangelical Alliance
eauk.org - The Evangelical Alliance. A company limited by guarantee Registered in England & Wales No. 123448. Registered Charity No England and Wales: 212325, Scotland: SC040576. Registered Office: 176 Copenh...

Daily Digest: Comment on offering asylum to Iraqi Christians

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Church of England
churchofengland.org - Comment piece about allowing Christian refugees into Britain. While writing that she believes we should not be reintegrating young jihadists in to this country, Allison Pearson says: " We offer ref...
Arte & Entretenimento

Exclusive: D.A. explains sentencing of porn prof who assaulted 16-year-old pro-lifer | News

Partilhado por
Live Action
lifesitenews.com - Earlier this week Mireille Miller-Young, a professor of porn and black studies at the University of California Santa Barbara, was sentenced to three years probation, 108 hours of community service,...

For Yazidis, Christians: 'They Cut Us Like Sheep' - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - CBN News, UN BAJID KANDALA REFUGEE CAMP, Northern Iraq — It looks like a scene out of the Bible — a modern-day exodus. Tens of thousands of Yazidis made the 100-mile trek from Mt. Sinjar all the wa...
Arte & Entretenimento

It's Time to Listen: "Feeling the Pain Despite the Facts," a guest post by Bryan Loritts | The Exchange

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - We're starting a series that will run over the course of the next few days. Posts will come from several African-American pastors and church leaders discussing race and the events surrounding Fergu...

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci: A Man for Others, a Universal Treasure - By Sr. Joan L. Roccasalvo, C.S.J.

Partilhado por
Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - As the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) since 1984, Dr. Anthony Fauci, an immunologist, is regularly invited on television for his expert information about infectious diseases.  ...

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge creates chilly conflict with pro-life values

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Matthew Warner
liveactionnews.org - While many Americans are pouring buckets of ice water over their heads in the name of research for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, few are aware of the ...

Iglesia en Filipinas publica sitio web por la próxima visita del Papa Francisco

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - MANILA, 21 Ago. 14 / 11:09 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Del 15 al 19 de enero, el Papa Francisco visitará Filipinas para llevar consuelo a la población afectada por el “Tifón Huaiyan” del 2013, por ell...

Sugar Consumption: A Taxable Sin?

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - This legislation also ignores the complexity of dietary choices. Many people who choose these beverages may have a healthier diet than those who don’t drink them. A person who drinks a couple of so...

Cranmer: The Islamic State presents us with a wholly abnormal situation of national emergency

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Archbishop Cranmer
archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.co.uk - Say we catch the barbarous "Jihadi John" or "John the Beatle" or "John the Jailer" or whatever he's called. And say we then gather the evidence against him and bring a charge of murder. He'll be en...
Meio Ambiente

Against the odds: Brazil's newest Christian presidential candidate

Partilhado por
Christian Today
christiantoday.com - Environmentalist and evangelical Christian Marina Silva has been confirmed as the Brazilian Socialist Party's presidential candidate, following the death of their previous candidate in a plane cras...

Secularism, Spirituality, and Witness in a Haunted Age

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Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - Dr. James K. A. Smith (website) is professor of philosophy at Calvin College, where he also holds the Byker Chair in Applied Reformed Theology and Worldview. He has written several books, including...

Why we're boycotting the Internet Governance Forum - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Renowned Turkish internet rights advocates are boycotting the internet governance conference which this year takes place in Istanbul By Yaman Akdeniz and Kerem Altiparmak / 20 August, 2014 This yea...

I'll have the ecumenical salad, please

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ncronline.org - Seated in the very last row at St. James Episcopal Cathedral in Chicago, I was able to hide my tears while watching my former colleague and good friend join the procession for his ordination to the...

Young adults to discuss faith, dating and other issues - Catholic Courier

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Catholic Courier
catholiccourier.com - Catholics and friends in their 20s and 30s are invited to the annual discussion series Theology on Tap, during which young adults and local speakers gather at area bars and restaurants to discuss a...

Francisco telefonea a los padres del periodista decapitado en Irak para consolarlos - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Los yihadistas dijeron que la ejecución de Foley estaba relacionada con los ataques aéreos que realiza Estados Unidos contra objetivos del ISIS en Irak. Además, advirtieron que tienen secuestrado a...
Arte & Entretenimento

La junte, l'usine à bébés et le sulfureux géniteur nippon

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La Manif Pour Tous
lefigaro.fr - Un «super papa» compulsif. Cheveux longs et visage d'ange sortis tout droit d'un manga, Mitsutoki Shigeta est un collectionneur d'un type un peu particulier. À 24 ans, ce fils d'un milliardaire jap...

Ao 'JN' Dilma diz que saúde pública não é 'minimamente razoável' - 18/08/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Gidalti Alencar
folha.uol.com.br - Em uma entrevista tensa ao "Jornal Nacional", na qual discutiu com os apresentadores William Bonner e Patrícia Poeta, a presidente Dilma Rousseff admitiu nesta segunda-feira (18) que, após 12 anos ...
Arte & Entretenimento

He Has Heard Your Pleas for Mercy: Redeeming Abortion

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bound4life.com - It was early October 2006 in Dallas, Texas, and the day of my abortion was finally here. I was angry I was pregnant. I had sold myself a lie that my pregnancy was a blob, not a baby. That day I tho...

Proclaim! OAC Evangelists' Conference

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Evangelical Alliance
easilyfound.it - OAC invites everyone with an interest in outreach to attend their Evangelists’ Conference, taking place 4th - 6th November at Hebron Hall Christian Centre, Dinas Powys near Cardiff. Sessions includ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Dr. Kent Brantly Leaves Hospital After Battling Ebola: 'Today Is a Miraculous Day'

Partilhado por
The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Dr. Kent Brantly has officially been discharged from Emory University Hospital in Atlanta and was sure to thank God and those responsible for helping him recover from the deadly Ebola virus. "Today...

Misericordia y compasión, claves del viaje de Francisco a Filipinas

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infocatolica.com - (AICA/InfoCatólica) Pocas horas después de terminada la visita apostólica a Corea, la Iglesia en Filipinas relanzó el sitio oficial del viaje apostólico que el papa Francisco realizará al país entr...

Why Israel must never cede Judea, Samaria

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Joseph Farah
wnd.com - Israel’s military response to thousands of rocket attacks from Gaza and infiltrations by terrorists through a maze of Hamas-built tunnels has, somewhat predictably, prompted its enemies and many ot...

Jesus e os milagres

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ultimato.com.br - [...] o valor dos milagres de Cristo se encontra menos em seu caráter sobrenatural do que em seu significado espiritual. Eles eram tanto “sinais” quanto “maravilhas”. Nunca foram realizados como ex...

The Most Beautiful Catholic Website in the World - BrandonVogt.com : BrandonVogt.com

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Matthew Warner
BrandonVogt.com -   Many of you know I work for Fr. Robert Barron at Word on Fire Catholic Ministries. And for the last several months, we’ve been working on a new version of our website, WordOnFire.org. This past T...

The murder of James Foley: What can we do? :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - The murder of U.S. journalist James Foley, and the posting of a video of the murder on the internet this past Tuesday evening by the Islamic State is both heartbreaking and appalling. First of all,...

Dilma leva à propaganda cão herdado de Dirceu - Política - Política

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Que país é este ?
josiasdesouza.blogosfera.uol.com.br - Em junho de 2005, cerca de 50 horas depois de Roberto Jefferson ter dito “rápido, sai daí rápido, Zé”, José Dirceu deixou a Casa Civil da Presidência, para defender-se da acusação de chefiar o esqu...
Meio Ambiente

Sonhos - Estudos Bíblicos

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estudos.gospelmais.com.br - Para uma pessoa que não tem sonhos, qualquer coisa serve. Quem nunca sonhou com algo que posteriormente veio a receber? A sensação é das melhores do mundo. Sonhos nos levam a caminhar em uma direçã...

Fiéis à graça recebida (Mateus 22,1-14)

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lectionautas.com.br - “Jesus voltou a falar em parábolas aos chefes dos sacerdotes e aos anciãos do povo. Ele dizia: “O Reino do Céu é como um rei que preparou a festa de casamento do seu filho. E mandou seus empregados...
Arte & Entretenimento

Way Too Close: A Review of "The Giver" | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

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Ignatius Insight
catholicworldreport.com - MPAA Rating: PG-13 USCCB Rating: A-II Reel Rating: (3 reels out of 5) The Giver is a dark and disturbing tale that often hits too close to home to be enjoyable, but it should challenge the complece...

8 Myths About the #IronDome - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - After a week of quiet, it is back on. Hamas is firing rockets (sometimes 10 at a time) all over Israel. But it’s all paradise in the Holy Land, because we have the #IronDome. Or is it? While the U....

Index on Censorship | #IndexDrawtheLine: Do wars justify censorship? - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Can a government justify withholding information from its citizens to maintain national security during wartime? Can our right to information be compromised by the need to keep people safe? Or does...

Why Is the World Silent While Christians Are Slaughtered in Middle East and Africa? Asks Jewish Advocacy Group Leader

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christianpost.com - As violent persecution against Christians around the world intensifies, Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, in a recent op-ed bluntly asks, "Why is the world silent while Chri...

Transcripción de la rueda de prensa al Papa Francisco en su viaje de regreso de Corea

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 21 Ago. 14 / 10:16 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- La Santa Sede publicó este 21 de agosto la transcripción completa –en español-, de la rueda de prensa realizada al Papa Francisco durante su vu...

La Manif Pour Tous - Les autres terrains sont aussi minés

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La Manif Pour Tous
lamanifpourtous.fr - "Les Français risquent d’être moins chaleureux cette rentrée que cet été à Brégançon avec le couple exécutif.  La rentrée ne sera pas de tout repos pour l’exécutif. La grogne des Français va se fai...

Padre Paulo Ricardo - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Não tem uma conta? Inscreva-se agora e tenha acesso ao conteúdo integral do site!
Meio Ambiente

Mais de 300 mil pessoas já implantaram biochips

Partilhado por
News Feliciano
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - O aparelho tem o tamanho de um grão de arroz e serve tanto para usos medicinais, quanto para segurança A medicina está prestes a iniciar a implantação de um biochip que será capaz de controlar diab...

On Creative Minorities by Jonathan Sacks | Articles

Partilhado por
First Things
firstthings.com - Almost exactly twenty-six centuries ago, a man not otherwise known for his positive psychology sat down to write a letter to his coreligionists in a foreign land. The man was Jeremiah. The people t...

Holder: ‘I am also a black man’

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WND News
wnd.com - (FOX NEWS) Attorney General Eric Holder said Wednesday that he understands why many black Americans distrust the police as he made a one-day swing through the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Mo., whe...

Marriage Debate Far From Over - Crisis Magazine

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Crisis Magazine
crisismagazine.com - Progressives keep telling us that the marriage debate is over. Some Republicans have joined the chorus. Mark McKinnon this week explained that, Allowing committed gay couples to marry never has—and...
Arte & Entretenimento

WORLD | Miracle in Atlanta: Ebola patients released | Andrew Branch

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WORLD News Group
worldmag.com - UPDATE (1:01 p.m. EDT): Both Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol are Ebola-free and spending time with their families. Brantly gave glory to God as he held his wife’s hand and walked out of an Atlanta ...

Non Members

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C of E Newspaper
churchnewspaper.com - Non members and non subscribers can download a copy of The Church of England Newspaper and view the entire website by becoming a Day Member. Day Members receive 7 days access to the site, inlcuding...

Press Release: Do evangelicals make good neighbours?

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Evangelical Alliance
eauk.org - Nearly three in four evangelical Christians have given a firm thumbs down, in a recent survey, to the notion of Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland breaking away from the UK but were mixed about th...

Richard Dawkins: It is immoral to NOT abort babies with Down syndrome

Partilhado por
Live Action
liveactionnews.org - Richard Dawkins, the outspoken atheist, has triggered outrage after he announced on Twitter that it would be immoral to bring a baby with Down syndrome into the world. The conversation started when...

Could Robot Bees Help Save Our Crops? – The Plate: Mary Beth Albright

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theplate.nationalgeographic.com - About Mary Beth Albright Mary Beth Albright is a writer and food attorney who has held positions at the U.S. Surgeon General’s Office, at the law firm of Williams & Connolly, and as a restaurant cr...

Las pernoctaciones hoteleras en la Comunidad crecen un 11,5% en julio al situarse en casi 1,7 millones de estancias

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PP de Madrid
europapress.es -    Los hoteles de la Comunidad de Madrid registraron casi 1,7 millones de pernoctaciones en julio, lo que supone un incremento del 11,5 por ciento con respecto al mismo periodo del año pasado, segú...

Revista | Editora Ultimato

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ultimato.com.br - Assine hoje a revista Ultimato e receba em sua casa muito mais do que informação. São mais de 40 anos de história e credibilidade, celebrando o conteúdo bíblico e a confiança do povo de Deus no úni...

Israel Air Strike Kills Three Top Hamas Commanders Following Ceasefire Collapse

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - An Israeli air strike in the Gaza Strip on Thursday has killed three top Hamas commanders that it had identified as having "planned deadly attacks against Israeli civilians." Israel and the Palesti...

One Year Later: Kansas Teachers Vote to Leave Union

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Travis Perry is a reporter for Watchdog.org, a national network of investigative reporters covering waste, fraud and abuse in government. Watchdog.org is a project of the nonprofit Franklin Center ...

Cakie photos - Tearfund

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tearfund.org - Big Bake Baking to see 50,000 vulnerable children protected

Iraqi bishop warns that West will suffer from Islamism :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Erbil, Iraq, Aug 19, 2014 / 06:17 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The Chaldean Archbishop of Mosul has warned that Christians around the world would face suffering from Islamists as his diocese has, and decis...

If Abortion Was Legalized to Stop Dangerous Illegal Abortions, Why are These Activists Pushing Them?

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lifenews.com - by Jill Stanek | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 8/21/14 1:06 PM During the last week of May abortion proponent Dawn Porter and members of the National Network of Abortion Funds traversed southern ...

N.J. judge recommends revoking abortion doctor's license

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Live Action News
nj.com - TRENTON — A judge has recommended revoking the medical license of Steven Brigham, a doctor suspended for skirting state law by starting late-term abortions with five women in his South Jersey offic...

Irak: el líder kurdo Barzani ofrece armar a voluntarios cristianos

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infocatolica.com - (AICA/InfoCatólica) Esta disponibilidad fue expresada en un comunicado emitido por la Presidencia de la Región en la tarde del lunes 18 de agosto, tras una reunión entre el mismo Barzani y el Minis...

Editora Santuario

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Editora Santuário
editorasantuario.com.br - Seu nome de batismo era José Melquior Sarto, e nasceu no dia 2 de junho de 1835 em Riese, no Treviso. Seu pai, que era funcionário da prefeitura, morreu, deixando sua mãe, Margarida Sanson, com dez...

Noite com os Adoradores: Danielle Cristina na RIT TV

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musica.gospelmais.com.br - A cantora Danielle Cristina gravou, na última terça-feira, 19 de agosto, uma participação especial no programa Noite com os Adoradores de Deus, na RIT TV. Na visita à cidade de São Paulo, Danielle ...

A deadly conflict of interest: why euthanasia in Belgium is so out of control

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Right to Life
nationalrighttolifenews.org - Editor’s note. Dr. Saunders is a former general surgeon and is CEO of Christian Medical Fellowship, a UK-based organization with 4,500 UK doctors and 1,000 medical students as members. It is widely...

Pastor Everaldo defende privatizações e programas sociais - Política - Estadão

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Blog EveraldoPereira
politica.estadao.com.br - Único candidato à Presidência da República a defender abertamente um modelo liberal de economia em sua forma mais clássica, Pastor Everaldo, do PSC, foi o segundo presidenciável a participar da sér...

Major British Hotel Chain Removes Bibles From Rooms Due to 'Multicultural' Society; Church of England Condemns 'Bizarre' Decision

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christianpost.com - Travelodge, one of the largest hotel chains in Britain, is removing Bibles from its rooms reportedly because of the country's growing "multicultural" society. The Church of England has condemned th...
Arte & Entretenimento

You Don’t Have Time for Negative People

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Lawrence W. Wilson
timemanagementninja.com - Recently, I caught myself wasting time dealing with a negative person. I’m not talking about a web troll or the like. It was actually a business associate who was caught making negative comments be...

Aqueles que têm vida sexual fora do matrimônio podem ser batizados? - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Ao falar sobre o batismo dos adultos, o Código de Direito Canônico estabelece que: Aqueles que, embora tenham manifestado o desejo de receber o Batismo, não querem arrepender-se de seus pecados – n...

Azerbaijan: Letter from imprisoned human rights activist Rasul Jafarov - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - The renowned Azerbaijani dissident, held at a pre-trial detention centre in the capital Baku, has written an appeal to the international community In early August, Azerbaijani human rights activist...

Video del día - Cambiando de mentalidad con respecto a todo

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Un Curso De Milagros
themasterteacher.tv - Cambiando de mentalidad con respecto a todo Libro de ejercicios 1 – 7 Referencias Lecturas Compartir Descargar Pedir DVD Título: Cambiando de mentalidad con respecto a todo Serie: Serie “Entrenamie...

Cresce casos de perseguição religiosa em Cuba

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News Feliciano
noticias.gospelprime.com.br - CSW pede apoio dos Estados Unidos, União Europeia e comunidades internacionais para barrar as violações da liberdade de crença A organização Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) divulgou um relatór...

Former CIA deputy director: ‘I would not be surprised’ if ISIS member showed up in a mall with AK47 » The Right Scoop -

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Angelica Saldaña
therightscoop.com - Former CIA deputy director Mike Morell says that he worries that ISIS could be training Americans and other westerners on how to carry out small scale attacks in America. Specifically, Morell says ...

La Manif Pour Tous - Contre la GPA, mobilisation en ordre dispersé

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La Manif Pour Tous
lamanifpourtous.fr - De son côté, le député UMP Jean Leonetti a fait part début août de son intention de déposer une proposition de loi durcissant les sanctions contre les recours à la gestation pour autrui (GPA) à l'é...

Report: Hamas Official Claims Group Is Responsible for the Kidnapping and Murder of 3 Israeli Teens

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relevantmagazine.com - Yesterday Israeli TV aired a video of a senior Hamas official saying that the group’s military was responsible for the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens in June that set-off new rounds o...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Enemies, and Friends, of the Humanities | Mark Bauerlein

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First Things
firstthings.com - A funny thing happened when Michael Novak brought Herbert Marcuse to lecture to his students. It was the early-1970s when campus rebellion had entered its darker phase, and Marcuse was an idol of t...

Reflections on the Feast of Saint Symphorian - Crisis Magazine

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Crisis Magazine
crisismagazine.com - In a chapel of the great Romanesque cathedral of Autun in Burgundy hangs a monumental painting depicting a curious and compelling scene from antiquity. An eclectic and agitated crowd has gathered i...
Arte & Entretenimento

Conservatives Praise ‘The Giver’ As Cautionary Tale of Failed Utopia

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cnsnews.com - “It’s refreshing to see Hollywood produce a cautionary tale that demonstrates the danger and sadness inherent in relying on government to protect us from all unpleasantness,” former Sen. Jim DeMint...

irmaos.com - Missão na Íntegra

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irmaos.com - Para ouvir o programa, clique no "play" ou faça o download da qualidade desejada clicando sobre o link com o botão direito do mouse e escolhendo "Salvar link/destino como...":

My Parents Open Carry: Book for Children Makes Amazon Bestseller List - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Well now this is something you don’t hear every day, but is definitely a welcome breath of fresh air in the midst of the insanity of homosexual, feminist and revisionist history books aimed at Amer...
Arte & Entretenimento

Myths and realities of extended families

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Focus on the Family
focusonthefamily.ca - Myth: After marriage, my relationship with his parents will be the same as when we were dating. Reality: In a family's eyes, being his girlfriend or fiancée is totally different from being his wife...

U.S. Examines Role of GM Lawyers in Probe of Delayed Recall - WSJ

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Alberto Villar
online.wsj.com - Federal prosecutors are scrutinizing whether employees inside and outside General Motors Co.'s legal department concealed evidence from regulators about a faulty ignition switch, potentially delayi...

Catholic Fire: The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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catholicfire.blogspot.com - The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary Today, we celebrate a beautiful Marian Feast -- the Queenship of Mary. This special Liturgical Feast was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII on October 11, 1954 thr...

5 Distinctions Of A Next Level Leader

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Scott Williams
bigisthenewsmall.com - There are many different thoughts or definitions of what a Next-Level Leader is or what pairing those two words together actually means. In this post I will provide my personal definition of what a...

Los turistas internacionales crecen un 7,6% en Madrid

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PP de Madrid
europapress.es -    La Comunidad de Madrid recibió más de 2,6 millones de turistas internacionales hasta el mes de julio, lo que supone un incremento del 7,6 por ciento con respecto al mimsmo periodo del año pasado...

Ascensão de Marina é o pesadelo do agronegócio - Economia - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Fitzcarraldo Çilva
veja.abril.com.br - Experiência traumática com Marina: representantes do agronegócio temem restrições ao setor (Fernando Bizerra Jr/EFE/VEJA) Se nenhuma outra reviravolta desancar o mundo da política nas próximas hora...

The situation in Iraq changes daily - Tearfund

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tearfund.org - An update on Iraq from Tearfund's Sara Guy who is based in the Middle East. The situation in Iraq changes daily, bringing new challenges, and occasionally new hope. However, violence and fear conti...

Medicare Still Needs Reform -- Soon

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - United Health, the largest Medicare Advantage provider, has significantly restricted provider networks in multiple states. In addition, the generosity of the plans has decreased in at least one par...

Sarah Palin responds to Richard Dawkins' advocacy of aborting Down syndrome babies

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Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - The Mama Grizzly was quite patient on her Facebook page with the irascible atheist biology professor who yesterday said of those with her son’s condition, “[a]bort it and try again. It would be imm...
Arte & Entretenimento

By Being Vocal, American Jews Play An Important Role

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charismamag.com - Because I am half Ashkenazi and half Sephardic, I get to see how important Israel is to my life from both perspectives. From a mother who grew up in Bat Yam, and a father who grew up in Britain, I ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Donnie McClurkin's Camdon Music Record Label Provides Artists With New Platform

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Pastor Donnie McClurkin plans to teach and empower up-and-coming musicians with his new record company Camdon music, and has enlisted the help of Andrea McClurkin Mellini and Nancey Jackson to ensu...

Catholic Superintendent takes ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

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Catholic Telegraph
thecatholictelegraph.com - Superintendent of Catholic Schools Jim Rigg, right, and Elder Principal Tom Otten take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge on Thursday, Aug. 21. Their donations will go to the John Paul II Medical Researc...

Separação Santa ou “Ovelhas Gordas”? - Estudos Bíblicos

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estudos.gospelmais.com.br - “Reconheço por verdade que Deus não faz acepção de pessoas” – At 10.34 Texto e contexto conhecidos, sem margem para desentendimentos quanto a salvos e não salvos. Está claro; Sem apelação. A salvaç...

La Luz que hay en ti

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Un Curso De Milagros
spreaker.com - Clases en directo desde el Miracles Healing Center. Lunes 8:00am Lourdes 3:00pm Astrid Martes 9:00am Angela Miercoles 8:00am Maria Torres 1:00pm Ramon Jueves 8:00am Ricard 12:00pm Astrid 5:00pm Ann...

How to Weather a Crisis of Faith

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relevantmagazine.com - Faith is not always easy to weather. It can feel light and breezy one day—with a string of hopeful and happy words: “Faith, hope and love.” On others, it can feel like a giant weight you’re carryin...

Richard Dawkins diz que “é imoral” uma mulher dar à luz um filho com síndrome de Down

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pavablog.com - O biólogo britânico Richard Dawkins, um dos principais cientistas do mundo no estudo da evolução das espécies, tornou-se o centro de um caloroso debate sobre o aborto na internet. Ele utilizou sua ...

Egypt's nascent street art movement under pressure - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Graffiti artists face threats of violence, and the potential of jail time and fines under a proposed draft law Before the January 2011 uprising, street art was little known in Egypt. Then came the ...
Arte & Entretenimento


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truthisscary.com - Kevin W Reese Talks Protein Myth, The 3 D's, Cannabis and the Health Conspiracy w/ TIS

Jell-O can't stop slippery sales slide

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cnsnews.com - NEW YORK (AP) — Jell-O has lost its jiggle and nobody knows how to fix it. The dessert was invented more than a century ago and helped popularize a delicacy reserved for the rich into a quick, affo...

The birth of Impressionism calculated to the nearest minute - The Art Newspaper

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Judy Rey Wasserman
theartnewspaper.com - By Martin Bailey. Web only Published online: 21 August 2014 The birth of Impressionism can now be dated to a precise time: 7.35am on 13 November 1872. New research has identified when Claude Monet ...
Arte & Entretenimento

'Fat' Daphne Draws Fat Shaming Charges Against 'Scooby-Doo' Franchise

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Big Hollywood
breitbart.com - Daphne, the small-framed redhead, reportedly jumps from a size two to a size eight after being cursed by a villain in Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy. Please note that the typical Hollywood starlet flaun...

New York Today: Cool, Cool Summer - NYTimes.com

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The Brazilian Post
cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com - Lightning, thunder — that was a proper summer storm last night. But not entirely. A proper summer storm would have brought quenching relief after a sticky day. Afterward, it would have felt steamy ...

Royal Pains | TV Review

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Focus on the Family
pluggedin.com - Who says doctors don't make house calls? In USA's light, escapist medical dramedy Royal Pains, Dr. Hank Lawson makes nothing but house calls. He's what is known as a "concierge doctor," a physician...

Todd VanEk named to leadership at ministry - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - USA (MNN) — Revelation 7:9 says, “There before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” Unf...


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embrace-liverpool.org.uk - Here is an outline of what will take place at Embrace ’14. It is a full day of great speakers, discussion groups, adoration, confession, music and drama concluding with a youth mass. There is also ...

How to confront evil in the world

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - On Aug. 12, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue issued a declaration condemning “the unspeakable criminal acts” being committed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (known as ISIS)...

Four Tips That Will Put You over The Edge Using Social Media - by roseanderson - Newsvine

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Scott Williams
roseanderson.newsvine.com - For all of us who use social media as a marketing medium and channel there is an urgent need to use social media hacks to make sure that our marketing strategies are effective. There are so many so...
Meio Ambiente

Ayuntamiento de Pozuelo de Alarcón / Tu Ayuntamiento / Gabinete de prensa y comunicación / Gabinete de prensa / Noticias

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PP de Madrid
pozuelodealarcon.org - El Ayuntamiento de Pozuelo de Alarcón invierte este verano 331.000 euros para realizar obras de mejora en los diferentes colegios públicos del municipio. Estas nuevas actuaciones se suman al trabaj...

Catholic New World - WTTW airing documentary about Old St. Patrick’s Aug. 21

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Catholic New World
catholicnewworld.com - Old St. Pat's Block Party, seen in this 2009 file photo, has been a visible part of the parish's role in revitalizing the community. (Brian J. Morowczynski / Catholic New World) When Father Jack Wa...

Twitcom - Crie e participe de comunidades e grupos no Twitter

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Reginaldo Martins
twitcom.com.br - Para concluir sua inscrição, digite seu email para confirmação. Um email foi enviado, confirme clicando no link de validação. Houver tweets nos nests que sigo Alguém entrar nos nests que sigo Algué...

Amidst backlash, Dawkins doubles down on Down’s syndrome: ‘moral’ choice is to abort | News

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Live Action News
lifesitenews.com - Barely 24 hours after he sparked a Twitter furor by declaring that bringing a child with Down Syndrome to term would be "immoral," biologist and atheist Richard Dawkins has doubled down on his orig...

‘Bless you’ after sneeze gets girl suspended

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WND News
wnd.com - (CHARLOTTE.CBSLOCAL) — DYER COUNTY, Tenn. – A high school student was allegedly suspended after breaking a class rule of saying “bless you” after a classmate sneezed. Kendra Turner, a senior at Dye...

Alexandria parish celebrates golden jubilee - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - It was a weekend of festivities for Queen of Apostles Parish in Alexandria with a gala dinner Saturday night, culminating with a Mass of thanksgiving Aug. 17. The Mass marked the end of a year of c...
Meio Ambiente

Frases do Dado, As caricias no namoro, leia mais uma dica em...

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Dado Moura
frasesdodado.tumblr.com - Neste espaço você encontrará algumas frases publicadas nos meus artigos. Você também pode contribuir enviando aquelas citações que durante a leitura, considerou importantes. Acesse: Dado Moura em o...
Arte & Entretenimento

'The Siren Song of Treason' - A Review of Lee Duigon's 'The Palace' - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - If you take Mark Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper, place it in a post-modern world of donkey carts, add magical characters and unexplained mysteries, and, most importantly, put God at the center, ...

Concurso Cultural Literário (85)

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livrosepessoas.com - 16 de agosto às 15h Livraria Leitura Shopping Pátio Savassi Av. do Contorno, 6.061 – Belo Horizonte (MG) 16 de agosto às 10h30 Livraria do Chain Rua General Carneiro, 441 - Alto da Glória Curitiba ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Someone Captured a Picture of Superman’s New Suit for ‘Batman v. Superman’

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relevantmagazine.com - We’ve already gotten an official look at Batman’s new duds that Ben Affleck will be wearing in Zack Snyder’s upcoming Batman v. Superman. Now, we’ve got our first (unofficial) look at the updated S...

Pakistán: Líderes cristianos piden a comunidad internacional reaccionar frente a persecución en Irak

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 20 Ago. 14 / 05:16 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Líderes cristianos reunidos recientemente en Lahore (Pakistán), condenaron la violencia y la migración masiva de los cristianos iraquíes a raíz de ...

Paris Review – “Why Read?”, Sadie Stein

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By Common Consent
theparisreview.org - While browsing the New York Public Library’s menu archives—a fine way to pass a few hours—a friend of mine ran across this document, from a 1919 insurance pamphlet called “Why Read?”, and rightly s...

BBC News - Foley killers 'wanted $132m ransom'

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Angelica Saldaña
bbc.co.uk - Islamic State jihadists demanded $132m (£80m) ransom for release of US journalist James Foley, employer says US jets carry out fresh strikes in Iraq, despite threats from militants to kill a second...

Richard Dawkins Exposes the Immorality of His Atheism

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Giving further ammunition to those who say that atheists cannot fully value all human life, Richard Dawkins has now stated that it would be "immoral" not to abort a baby with Down syndrome. Are you...
Meio Ambiente

Mud, slides close roads, trap motorists in Wash.

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cnsnews.com - TWISP, Wash. (AP) — Thunderstorms dropped heavy rain on areas of north-central Washington hard-hit by wildfires this summer, triggering flash floods and mud slides Thursday night that damaged some ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Box Office Predictions: 'If I Stay' Surprises, Tops 'Sin City' Sequel

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Big Hollywood
breitbart.com - Sensei's weekend predictions and revenue results are as follows: 1. If I Stay ($19 Million) - Going with the upset here. If anything, The Fault in Our Stars showed how strong the young teen demogra...

Central Asia is a hard place to be a church - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Central Asia (MNN) — Violence against churches in Ukraine and Russia continue to grow, and legal reigns are tightening. The effects are wide-reaching. Governments in Central Asian countries are fee...

Index on Censorship | Support Index, Donate Now - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - Donate to Index and support our work to protect freedom of expression around the world. Your contribution will help Index to challenge censorship through hard-hitting journalism, ground-breaking re...
Arte & Entretenimento

Waiting to Belong | The Connected Child

Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
waitingtobelong.ca - Waiting to Belong started as a movement to help the more than 30,000 kids in Canada who are waiting to be adopted. Our goal is to see as many waiting kids as possible be placed into loving, forever...

Pope honors martyrs, inspires Korea’s youth

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - Pope Francis’ journey to South Korea from Aug. 13-18 inaugurated the first of three visits to Asian countries over the next five months and announced the pontiff’s clear focus on a continent that i...
Meio Ambiente

Razões para amar a Bienal do Livro

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mob de leitura
livrosepessoas.com - O calendário nacional está cheio de novos eventos literários, mas o mais tradicional deles ainda é o mais apaixonante Não contem com o fim da Bienal. Desde a criação da Festa Literária Internaciona...

A Catholic Life: Catholics & Cremation: Why It Is Not Allowable

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acatholiclife.blogspot.com - Posted by Matthew IS CREMATION ALLOWED? History The burial (inhumation) of the bodies has always been the most general and constant practice of the people. Egyptians and Persians buried their dead....

A Successful Leadership Culture Goes Beyond The Numbers

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Scott Williams
bigisthenewsmall.com - Leadership success seems to be relatively easy to measure. You look at the numbers, the success, the growth and the bottom line. Those items are half of the equation; however there is another equal...

Richard Dawkins Doubles Down: "Moral and Sensible Choice" is to Abort Babies With Down Syndrome

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 8/21/14 11:12 AM Richards Dawkins is doubling down on his controversial comments yesterday suggesting that parents of babies with Down Syndrome sh...
Arte & Entretenimento

Actress Alexa Vega on Being Christian in Hollywood - Aleteia

Partilhado por
New Advent
aleteia.org - Last week actress Alexa Vega offered a candid interview with The Christian Post about the struggles of being Christian in Hollywood. She has been known to share her Christian faith on her Twitter a...

 Orientações para as comunidades católicas da Arquidiocese de São Paulo

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Aliança Misericórdia
misericordia.com.br - A Arquidiocese de São Paulo publicou um documento com orientações para as comunidades católicas sobre as eleições 2014. Com apoio da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) e da Uniã...
Meio Ambiente

Race to electrify rural Africa could help the West too - tech - 21 August 2014 - New Scientist

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Braulia Ribeiro
newscientist.com - Investments in mini grid systems aimed at powering up remote parts of Africa may provide a test bed for rural energy infrastructure elsewhere in the world TURNING on the lights in Africa may help t...
Meio Ambiente

Madrid destina más de 13,3 millones en la mejora de calzadas, aceras y estructuras

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PP de Madrid
telemadrid.es - La alcaldesa de Madrid, Ana Botella, ha señalado este jueves que se han destinado más de 13,3 millones de euros este año en la pavimentación de 855.000 metros cuadrados de calzadas y 17.000 de acer...

Campers learn about the monastic life - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - Campers at St. Louis Church “Vocation” Bible School in Alexandria traded neon VBS shirts for handmade habits Aug. 4-8. Volunteers sewed more than 40 mini-habits so that each day the campers could d...

Breaking: Haskell's attorneys will not appeal, surgical abortions to end Friday

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Live Action News
liveactionnews.org - On Monday, a judge ruled that late-term abortionist Martin Haskell had to close his abortion clinic for good. Haskell was given five days to appeal the judge’s ruling. Operation Rescue has revealed...

Cristiano en Iraq: "o te vas o la espada"

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Elentir ن
citizengo.org - ULTIMA HORA (13 de agosto) El vaticano pide a los líderes musulmanes que condenen la violencia de los radicales ULTIMA HORA (11 DE AGOSTO) Filoni: Los cristianos iraquíes necesitan sentir que la Ig...
Arte & Entretenimento

Does God Want Us to Be Happy? - Blog - Think Eternity

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Think Eternity
thinke.org - Have you ever asked yourself the question, based on God's Word, does God want us to be happy? Does he care about that? Do the little concerns of our life matter to him, or is he mainly concerned wi...

Crivella gera polêmica na internet ao ligar maconha a problemas em aviões da Fokker

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pavablog.com - Tema gerou pico de comentários no Twitter; candidato reafirmou o caso em entrevista nesta quarta-feira O tema era sério, mas arrancou risos. O candidato ao governo do Rio pelo PRB Marcelo Crivella,...

The ISIS threat to the United States is real

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commdiginews.com - WASHINGTON, August 20, 2014— The beheading of American journalist James Foley by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, or The Islamic State, or ISIS starkly demonstrates the brutality of the milit...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia



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