05 November 2016

LiberdadeDeExpressao 2016.11.04 all @livrexpress

LiberdadeDeExpressao News

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Protesto no STF é marcado por boneco de Renan vestido de presidiário

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Luigi Sass Comin
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA - No dia em que o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) começou a julgar uma ação que definirá se réus em ações penais podem ocupar cargos na linha sucessória da Presidência da República, um grup...

Putin não ameaça a segurança nacional dos EUA. A real ameaça é Obama

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juliosevero.blogspot.com - Marlos, o povo venezuelano merece Maduro? Claro que não! O cara é ligado a Cuba e importou milhares de terroristas cubanos para manter o controle sobre o oprimido povo venezuelano. Por que o povo d...

Essa eleição americana foi a desgraça do "jornalismo" político | Rodrigo Constantino

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Alexandre Borges
rodrigoconstantino.com - O escândalo dos emails secretos e as suspeitas de corrupção da Clinton Foundation continuam a todo vapor, com as investigações do FBI e os vazamentos do Wikileaks, mas a imprensa só quer mesmo sabe...

A democracia de farda se SP impediu os fascistoides de invadir o Centro Paula Souza. Parabéns! | VEJA.com

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miriam mad
veja.abril.com.br - A Polícia Militar de São Paulo está de parabéns! Mais uma vez! Um bando de 50 candidatos a ditador, entre pessoas com idade para ser secundaristas e universitários (já explico por que escrevo assim...

Apesar de maioria, STF adia votação sobre réus na sucessão da Presidência - 03/11/2016 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - A maioria dos ministros do STF decidiu nesta quinta (3) pelo entendimento de que réus com processos no Supremo não podem ocupar cargos na linha sucessória da Presidência da República. O julgamento,...

Hillary Clinton Email Investigation: NYPD Source Says Clintons Involved In Sex Slavery, Child Sex Crimes, Child Exploitation And More

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Deplorable Milo🐸
inquisitr.com - The Hillary Clinton email investigation has rocked this year’s election with its timing, but it’s about to be rocked even more, that is if a report by online news source True Pundit is legitimate. ...

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

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Matt Ascanio
foxnews.com - Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 t...

Re: Draft Gowdy Letter - WikiLeaks

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Patrick Matas
wikileaks.org - Re: Draft Gowdy Letter From:nmerrill@hrcoffice.com To: jennifer.m.palmieri@gmail.com CC: cheryl.mills@gmail.com, pir@hrcoffice.com, DKendall@wc.com, john.podesta@gmail.com, Heather.samuelson@gmail....

PM paulista impede invasão do Centro Paula Souza. Grupo era liderado por liderança do PCdoB

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jornalivre.com - Alguns militantes tentaram invadir o Centro Paula Souza em São Paulo na tarde desta quinta-feira. O grupo fazia parte de uma manifestação contra a PEC 241 e reforma no ensino médio que já havia sid...

Grupo de mascarados ocupa prédio central da UFPR com quebra-quebra e violência

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gazetadopovo.com.br - Um grupo de pessoas mascaradas ocupou o prédio histórico da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), na Praça Santos Andrade. De acordo com alunos, o grupo chegou ao câmpus por volta das 22h30, no ho...

Putin condemns Europe’s handling of migrants

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dailymail.co.uk - Vladimir Putin has waded into the migrant crisis condemning Europe's handling of asylum seekers and saying a case of child rape in Austria 'dilutes national values'. The Russian president has large...

Bret Baier: Barring ‘Obstruction,’ Indictment Almost Certain In FBI Investigation

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Paulo Sa Elias
dailycaller.com - Citing sources at the FBI, Fox News anchor Bret Baier said the FBI’s renewed investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server will almost certainly end in an indictment, unless some sort of “obstruc...

State Dept. Emails: Clinton White House Data Stolen From National Archives

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Caesar Octavianus
lifezette.com - A newly released email from the State Department shows that Hillary Clinton was informed in April 2009 of a massive theft of data pertaining to former President Bill Clinton’s White House records. ...

DOJ Told The FBI's Clinton Foundation Investigators To 'Stand Down'

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dailycaller.com - Justice Department officials told FBI agents investigating the Clinton Foundation to “stand down” even though two confidential informants had provided information that agents believed was worth pur...

Secret Service Knew About And Helped Manage Clinton’s Private Server In 2011

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dailycaller.com - Federal law enforcement officials not only knew about, but may also have played a role in managing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private server located in her New York mansion in as e...

88 US Generals Stand Together Against Hillary Clinton In One Massive Act Of Defiance

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The Paper
endingthefed.com - By now, it should come as no surprise that the liberal and mainstream media try to represent Donald Trump as an inherently evil person and portray Hillary as the prototypical leader. But, a lot of ...

If You Live in a Green State on This Map, Hillary Clinton Would Force You to Fund Abortions | LifeNews.com

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Roger Olivieri
lifenews.com - Perhaps you have heard the saying abortion advocates often like to repeat: ‘if you don’t like abortion, then don’t get one.’ Well, we not only don’t like abortions, we don’t like being forced to pa...

Fwd: pls read asap -- the JP bits -- don't share - WikiLeaks

wikileaks.org - Fwd: pls read asap -- the JP bits -- don't share From:jennifer.m.palmieri@gmail.com To: ha16@hillaryclinton.com, robbymook2015@gmail.com, john.podesta@gmail.com, kristinakschake@gmail.com Date: 201...

Newsgate 2016 | Sharyl Attkisson

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sharylattkisson.com - Regardless of who is your chosen – or least favorite – presidential candidate, independent minds should be concerned about the latest revelations in the news media’s unseemly relationships with gov...

Hillary Clinton Learned Nothing from Richard Nixon

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Deplorable Milo🐸
gingrichproductions.com - The only precedent in American history for the mess we will be in if Secretary Hillary Clinton wins on November 8 is the election, investigation, and resignation of President Richard Nixon. The par...
Arte & Entretenimento

Stronger Together: Hillary's Fearful Dog Whistle » REGATED

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Hal Hardwick
regated.com - ‘Stronger Together’ could be any tired rallying cry employable by any presidential campaign, right? ’Stronger Together’ seems to fit with past campaign slogans. Barack Obama coined ‘Yes We Can’ in ...


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Janie Johnson
dailyteasip.com - “Basically what IRS just revealed is that Clinton Foundation is one huge Ponzi Scheme!!! This is insane! Practically not just Hillary, but whole Clinton family is going to jail! Just 5.7 percent of...

Rogue One: Uma História Star Wars pode não ter clássica sequência de texto na abertura

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Marcelo Delfino
omelete.uol.com.br - Rogue One: Uma História Star Wars pode ser tão diferente de seus antecessores que nem deve ter a sequência de texto que abre o filme.  Segundo o blog Star Wars News Net, uma fonte próxima à produçã...

"What Trump Represents Is Not Crazy... And Is Not Going Away" - Peter Thiel Full Transcript

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zerohedge.com - Silicon Valley billionaire (and now pariah) Peter Thiel defended his support for Donald Trump in a speech this morning. The excellent oration wondered from the ignorance of the elites and the bankr...

WikiLeaks emails shows close link between Google's Eric Schmidt and the Democrats

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Deplorable Milo🐸
ibtimes.co.uk - Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Alphabet and former Google chief executive, has been closely involved in the "strategic planning" of the 2016 Democratic Party presidential campaign for at least two y...

Hillary Clinton shows some candor in newly released emails

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news.vice.com - More than 1,000 pages of emails recovered from Hillary Clinton’s private server by the FBI during the bureau’s probe into her handling of classified information was released by the State Department...

Catholic Church Paid $79 MILLION By Obama Administration To Force Migrant Invasion • Now The End Begins

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Lorence Hud
nowtheendbegins.com - RG – Not entirely sure what you are getting at but thank you for providing the opportunity to reply. Thanks Scott for the update. The point is – when will people become responsible? Reminds me of t...

RE: Pritzker - WikiLeaks

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wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

New York University Professor On Paid Leave After Criticizing Trigger Warnings And Safe Spaces

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Craig R. Brittain
universityherald.com - A Liberal Studies professor from a New York University was suspended after sharing his thoughts on trigger warnings and safe spaces online. For the rest of the semester, Michael Rectenwald, 57, wil...

State releases 350 Clinton emails unearthed by FBI

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Bill Periman
thehill.com - The State Department on Thursday released 357 of the 15,000 Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonFears about black turnout keeps Dems awake Agent: FBI is ‘Trumplandia’ State releases 350 Clinton em...

Less than one week out, new poll shows Greitens up for first time - The Missouri Times

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MAGA3X 🐸‼️
themissouritimes.com - JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – In a new Missouri Times poll released Wednesday, Republicans, including Republican gubernatorial nominee Eric Greitens are up. Donald Trump is up over Hillary Clinton by 12 po...
Meio Ambiente

‘Não voto com minha vagina’: Susan Sarandon explica por que se nega a apoiar Hillary

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cafezinho + torradas
g1.globo.com - A atriz Susan Sarandon declarou à BBC que não pretende votar na candidata democrata, Hillary Clinton, para a Presidência dos Estados Unidos. "Não voto com minha vagina", afirmou ela em entrevista a...

Nets Ignore Massive Bombshell on FBI Investigation Into Clinton Corruption

newsbusters.org - On Wednesday evening, Fox News Special Report anchor Bret Baier led off his show with explosive breaking news revealing an extensive ongoing FBI investigation into the corruption scandals swirling ...

Clinton Foundation memo reveals Bill and Hillary as partners in crime

thehill.com - Last week, WikiLeaks dropped a 2011 memo by top Bill ClintonBill ClintonAyotte: 'I wouldn't want my daughter in the room' with Trump, Bill Clinton Pro-Trump ad hits Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s ‘Paki...

Analysis about US Election 2016 I support TRUMP | My Prediction of Election2016 11/1/2016. TRUMP 295...

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statespoll.com - Google Survey 10/25-10/31, 1029 LV(decent sample size) https://datastudio.google.com/u/0/#/org//reporting/0B29GVb5ISrT0TGk1TW5tVF9Ed2M/page/GsS 2) 10/29. Black voter turnouts=freefall. Especially E...

BREAKING : Watchdog Group Says Virginia is Prepping to For Mass Voter Fraud

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Matt Ascanio
truthfeed.com - But George said the provisional ballot printing doesn’t make sense even for contingencies. And it doesn’t compare to demand in 2012. “The claim that it is for contingency planning is bogus,” George...

What latest Wikileaks dump shows about Clinton

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msnbc.com - Morning Joe 10/17/16 What latest Wikileaks dump shows about Clinton Top Talkers: Wikileaks has released what appears to be transcripts of paid speeches by Hillary Clinton to Godman Sachs with a ser...

Hampton University's CPP Latest Poll Shows VA Voter Shift from Clinton to Trump Post Email Investigation : Hampton University News

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news.hamptonu.edu - Hampton, Va.— The latest Hampton University Center for Public Policy (CPP) poll reveals that the FBI’s decision to reopen the Hillary Clinton email investigation may have triggered  a boost for Don...

Hillary Clinton: The Goldman Sachs Speeches

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orbooks.com - Hillary Clinton’s private speeches to Goldman Sachs, the nation’s leading investment bank, have been a hot button issue throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. It was widely reported that Clinto...

Poll: How Millennials view BLM and the alt-right

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usatoday.com - Black Lives Matter supporters in Westhampton Beach, N.Y., on Aug. 21, 2016.  (Photo: Bryan R. Smith, AFP/Getty Images) Most Millennials have a positive view of the Black Lives Matter movement, a US...

The Dallas IRS Office That's Quietly Determining the Fate of the Clinton Foundation

dallasobserver.com - The Earle Cabell Federal Building in downtown Dallas is an all purpose office complex, a bastion of federal bureaucracy located at 1100 Commerce St. Most people come for a passport or to get busine...

Amigo da onça (8) | VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - “Sobre as pessoas que cometeram ilegalidades em proveito do partido, o partido vai ter que dizer: essas pessoas cometeram caixa 2 para o PT, o PT é responsável por este erro. Agora, quanto às pesso...

Germany Captures ISIS Infiltrator in Refugee Flow - CounterJihad

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The Paper
counterjihad.com - A young Syrian man has been captured in Germany after conducting pre-attack surveillance and recruiting at least one German to join the fight for the Islamic State (ISIS).  The Syrian, identified a...

FHC diz que 'jamais cogitou' disputar novamente a Presidência - 03/11/2016 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - O ex-presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PSDB) publicou mensagem nesta quinta-feira (3) na qual afirma que "jamais cogitou da hipótese" de ser candidato à Presidência em 2018. O texto, de apenas ...

Leaks suggest FBI agents felt DOJ blocked their Clinton investigations

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washingtonexaminer.com - FBI agents felt as though the Justice Department tried to block them from investigating multiple allegations of wrongdoing and corruption against Hillary Clinton over the past year. More than a doz...

Re: Friendly advice. No mercy. - WikiLeaks

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wikileaks.org - Delivered-To: john.podesta@gmail.com Received: by with SMTP id m75csp979608lfb; Sun, 21 Feb 2016 19:57:02 -0800 (PST) X-Received: by with SMTP id uz6mr35345535pac.136.14561...

BREAKING: I believe I have connected a convicted child abductor who was caught stealing children in Haiti with the Clintons • /r/The_Donald

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reddit.com - The individual in question is one Laura Silsby, former director of The New Life Children's Refuge. She was caught trying to steal 33 children from the country, most of whom were not even orphans an...

White House Watch

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Terry Kinder
rasmussenreports.com - Republican Donald Trump has a three-point lead in Rasmussen Reports’ White House Watch survey. Among voters who are certain how they will vote, Trump now has over 50% support. The latest national t...

Hacked emails: Clinton camp communicated with State

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Janie Johnson
thehill.com - A State Department official appeared to coordinate with Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonReport: Indictment 'likely' in FBI's Clinton Foundation probe David Duke: Clinton 'should be getting the...
Meio Ambiente

Especialistas sugerem que o churrasco de domingo é vilão do aquecimento global 

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dc.clicrbs.com.br - A tradição do churrasco de domingo visto como inimigo do clima. Pelo menos é o que indica o Sistema de Estimativa de Emissão de Gases de Efeito Estufa, do Observatório do Clima (OC), rede que reúne...
Arte & Entretenimento

LA Times reporter wants to 'see Donald Trump's life end'

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MAGA3X 🐸‼️
washingtonexaminer.com - A reporter for the Los Angeles Times openly mused on Twitter about the death of Republican Donald Trump before deleting the message once it was highlighted by another reporter. The Twitter message,...

Sheriff, Benghazi survivor campaign with Trump Jr.

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
coloradoan.com - Donald Trump Jr. was the latest in a wave of campaign surrogates to visit Northern Colorado in the last days of the presidential campaign. The son of Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Tru...

James Fallows and The Atlantic Admit to Journalistic Fraud

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Hal Hardwick
dangerandplay.com - In a stunning admission on Twitter, James Fallows of the Atlantic conceded he is a journalist fraud. Neither he nor The Atlantic fact-check articles, instead choosing to copy-and-past press release...

94-year old stumps for Trump on foot

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General Selleck
wjhg.com - WALTON COUNTY, Fla. (WJHG/WECP) - At age 94, you could say Arlene Borges is one of Donald Trump's biggest fans. "I like him, I liked him before he was even thinking about being a president," Borges...

Mass exodus as ISIS fighters, families flee Mosul for Raqqa

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
foxnews.com - SINJAR, Iraq –  As bullets fly in Mosul, the rural roads leading west are choked with traffic – much of which is believed to be ISIS fighters fleeing to the terrorist army’s Syrian stronghold some ...

Sterling soars after UK court gives Parliament power to block Brexit

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The #FreeRicky Tree
rt.com - "The news sent the pound roaring through $1.24 before gains were pared as markets digest the news – the fact is no one really knows what the implications of this decision are yet. An appeal is comi...

Rising Red Tape Near Top of Small Business Fears

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dailysignal.com - Far from equipping small businesses “with the tools and resources they need to succeed,” government actions are petrifying small business growth at unprecedented rates. The National Federation of I...

Journalist Helps Clinton Camp Improvise Response To Email Scandal, WikiLeaks Says

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Survivor Medicine
dailycaller.com - A prominent opinion writer provided numerous ways to deflect attention from Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, according to new released leaked emails. Brent Budowsky,...

'Build the Wall: The Game' Finally Released for iOS After Removing Pepe the Frog - Breitbart

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Baked Alaska 3X™
breitbart.com - The game encourages players to stack bricks and build the biggest border wall possible, all while trying to stop illegal immigrants from climbing over before a timer runs out. It also includes vari...

Click here to support Repair the Hopewell Baptist Church by J. Blair Reeves Jr.

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gofundme.com - On Tuesday, November 1st, 2016, unknown criminals burned a predominantly black Baptist church in Greenville, Mississippi and scrawled graffiti on it: "Vote Trump". (Link to local news coverage. ) T...

Paris Streets Turned into WARZONE by Violent Migrants

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breitbart.com - The brawl was caught on camera and shows dramatic scenes of mass violence between rival migrant factions, the Daily Mail reports. After the French government cleared the Calais Jungle, many migrant...

CONFIRMED: Politico Ran Laughably Fake Story On Alt-Right Voter Suppression

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dailycaller.com - The alt-right seized national news with yet another phony story Wednesday, this time fooling Politico and causing administrative carnage across several voting jurisdictions. Put flatly: Despite wha...

Chatter grows that Ryan could step down

thehill.com - Chatter is growing louder on Capitol Hill that Paul RyanPaul RyanChatter grows that Ryan could step down Where Trump, Clinton have spent the campaign's final month Americans agree on key issues mor...

'Voter fraud'? California man finds dozens of ballots stacked outside home

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Survivor Medicine
foxnews.com - Jerry Mosna was gardening outside his San Pedro, Calif., home Saturday when he noticed something odd: Two stacks of 2016 ballots on his mailbox. The 83 ballots, each unused, were addressed to diffe...

PIERS: Get off your high horse, Hillary

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Dinesh D'Souza
dailymail.co.uk - When I competed in Donald Trump’s first season of Celebrity Apprentice, he pitched me in the finale against country music star Trace Adkins. NBC promoted our showdown in endless commercials as ‘USA...

11 Explosive Clinton Cash Facts Mainstream Media Confirm are Accurate

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Paulo Sa Elias
breitbart.com - Perhaps the most surprising thing about the forthcoming book rocking Washington right now is the number of stunning facts liberal media outlets have already confirmed and verified are accurate. Her...

Prefeitura tapa buracos em rua após moradores pintarem faixa no asfalto

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g1.globo.com - Funcionários da Prefeitura foram na manhã desta quinta-feira (3) à Rua Diogo Botelho, na Zona Leste da capital, para tapar os quatros buracos que existem na via. O reconstituição do asfalto acontec...

Michael Savage: SEAL Team 6 was assassinated, executed - Truth And Action

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truthandaction.org - In the opening hour of his inaugural East Coast drive-time show, Michael Savage signaled he has no intention of abandoning his passion for uncovering the full story behind the deaths of 22 members ...

Brazile's Ethical Breach: Why won't CNN disclose its internal investigation?

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Deplorable Milo🐸
foxnews.com - When CNN dropped Donna Brazile for leaking a town hall question to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the network said nothing publicly. Only when a second instance emerged from hacked emails obtained by ...

Iranians bask in anti-American feeling on anniversary of 1979 U.S. embassy takeover

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Deplorable Milo🐸
latimes.com - In an annual rite of anti-Americanism in Iran, thousands gathered Thursday at the site of the former U.S. Embassy in Tehran to mark the anniversary of its takeover by student activists in 1979. The...

A verdadeira motivação por trás das invasões nas escolas

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Carlos Maltz
ceticismopolitico.com - Quando conversamos com pessoas leigas, devemos ter uma postura mais amena, mais amigável e por vezes precisamos ter paciência para explicar a estas pessoas onde elas estão erradas. Porém, quando fa...

State Dept. to release 1,250 deleted Clinton emails Thursday

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washingtonexaminer.com - State Department officials will release 1,250 pages of Hillary Clinton's deleted emails Thursday afternoon, amid renewed controversy over the FBI's decision to reopen the investigation into her han...

Maria do Rosário achou que seria uma boa postar isso; adivinhem como a internet reagiu... | Implicante.Org

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Luigi Sass Comin
implicante.org - É aquilo que sempre falamos e a toda hora precisamos relembrar: as redes sociais não são como um comício a militantes. Ao contrário, a grande maioria sempre tende a rebater os políticos. Os casos s...

Moro aceita denúncia e ex-ministro Antônio Palocci vira réu na Lava Jato

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g1.globo.com - O juiz federal Sérgio Moro aceitou nesta quinta-feira (3) a denúncia feita pelo Ministério Público Federal contra o ex-ministro Antônio Palocci e outras 13 pessoas. Com isso, todos eles se tornam r...

Dora Kramer: Onda furada | VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - Concluídas as eleições, inicia-se a fase das conclusões. No geral, apressadas quando se trata de fazer projeções. A mais difundida no momento é a que põe nas mãos do governador Geraldo Alckmin a le...

CIA: ISIS Using Immigration to Penetrate US - CounterJihad

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The Paper
counterjihad.com - The Islamic State (ISIS) has been under pressure both from an Iranian-led ground offensive and from American special operations raids.  In order to punish America for the latter, Central Intelligen...

Justiça Federal nega pedido de suspensão das provas do Enem

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Chega de Impostos!
g1.globo.com - A Justiça Federal no Ceará negou, nesta quinta-feira (3), o pedido do MPF-CE de suspensão das provas do Enem 2016 previstas para ocorrer nos dauis 5 e 6 de novembro em todo o país. Na decisão, de c...

The three judges who 'blocked Brexit'

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Rafa Kafka
dailymail.co.uk - The bombshell court ruling which has bogged down Britain's exit from the EU in a legal quagmire has sparked a row over how UK judges are appointed. The Lord Chief Justice, Baron Thomas of Cwmgiedd,...

Police Expand Investigation Of Democrat "Advocacy Group" In PA On Allegations Of Voter Fraud

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Paulo Sa Elias
zerohedge.com - A couple of days ago we wrote about a voter fraud case in Pennsylvania in which state police raided the offices of a democrat "public advocacy" group, FieldWorks, LLC, seeking evidence of falsified...

Clinton aide left classified info behind on 2010 China trip

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MAGA3X 🐸‼️
foxnews.com - An unnamed “senior aide” to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton left classified information unsecured and unattended in a hotel room during a 2010 trip to China, one of several overseas lapses ...

Os dossiês que levarão Renan Calheiros para a cadeia

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J. B. de Araujo
cristalvox.com - O Cristalvox escreveu hoje pela manhã que Renan Calheiros “conspira” contra o Estado democrático de Direito. Agora à tarde, o Antagonista informa que “foram colocados tubos” em Renan. Ele não dorme...

Wikileaks Reveals Long List of Media Canoodling with Hillary Clinton - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - Here is a list of some of media actions that have been exposed, so far. Spanish Language network Univision went on the offensive against Donald Trump almost immediately, leading to a contentious re...

U-M's New 'Chief Diversity Officer' Will Collect $385,000 per Year

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The #FreeRicky Tree
michigancapitolconfidential.com - The University of Michigan’s new chief diversity officer will collect $385,000 a year under his various job titles, including a new one created by a recently revealed $85 million, five-year U-M div...
Meio Ambiente

Politico Reporter Gets Caught AGAIN Sending A Story To A Clinton Staffer For Approval

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dailycaller.com - For the second time in less than a month Politico chief political correspondent Glenn Thrush has been caught sending stories to Hillary Clinton staffers for approval. Thrush sent an email to Clinto...

Judicial Watch Asks Court to Compel Hillary Clinton Email Answers - Judicial Watch

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MAGA3X 🐸‼️
judicialwatch.org - ‘Secretary Clinton failed to provide sufficient reasons for refusing to answer … and the limited reasons she provides do not warrant sustaining her objections’ (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch tod...

Noticiário do Exército - Exército Brasileiro

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eb.mil.br - Campo Grande (MS) – Na última semana de outubro, 120 militares que irão compor o 25º Contingente da Companhia de Engenharia de Força de Paz no Haiti (BRAENGCOY 25) concluíram o treinamento na cidad...

Pro-Clinton media calls UK to suspend diplomatic immunity of Ecuador Embassy over WikiLeaks publication of Hillary’s emails

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Paulo Sa Elias
theindicter.com - By Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Chair, Swedish Professors and Doctors for Human Rights. A Newsweek op-ed article authored by Paul Webster Hare, “Assange And Wikileaks Make a Mockery of the Diplom...

Should Obama just pardon Hillary?

thehill.com - "Lock her up!" has become a perpetual chant at Donald TrumpDonald TrumpClinton will campaign in New Hampshire before Election Day Trump: Obama is 'campaigner in chief' Sanders: 'We are not going ba...

Elementary school cancels mock election after kids chant ‘Trump’

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washingtontimes.com - A New York elementary school has canceled its traditional mock presidential election after kids chanted “Trump” and repeated “negative rhetoric about minorities,” according to the school principal....

O diabo e a democratização do ensino

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reaconaria.org - Nessa terra promissora, o espírito do eu sou tão bom quanto você passou a ser algo mais do que uma influência puramente social. Ele começa a se infiltrar no sistema educacional. Não posso dizer com...

With your privacy, the government knows where to hide – Open State Foundation

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Paulo Sa Elias
openstate.eu - The relationship between privacy and transparency is complex. Privacy is often wrongly used by governments to prevent transparency. This is a problem because without access to government informatio...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ricky Vaughn Banned Again by Jack Personally for “Disenfranchising” His Pet Negroes

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dailystormer.com - another head-scratcher from Twitter: Twitter Doesn’t Think This Attempt To Disenfranchise Voters Violates Its Rules https://t.co/hgXJ6oZ9kd — Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) November 2, 2016 @cwarzel not...

On The Upside, At Least This Election Will Destroy The Media

townhall.com - With the clock ticking toward Election Day, the mainstream media seems intent on committing ritual suicide by eviscerating the tattered remnants of its credibility. See, there’s some good news out ...

PCC pode estar comandando invasões de terra | Cidades | band.com.br

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noticias.band.uol.com.br - Invasões de terra em São Paulo podem estar sendo comandadas pelo crime organizado. A polícia acredita que o PCC esteja por trás da venda ilegal de terrenos em uma área cortada por uma linha de tran...

José Mariano Beltrame se aposenta como delegado de Polícia Federal

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g1.globo.com - O ex-secretário de Segurança Pública do Rio, José Mariano Beltrame, se aposentou nesta quinta-feira (3) conforme foi publicado no Diário Oficial da União. A decisão foi autorizada pela Direção de G...

Weiner's Emails Expose Huge Pedophile Ring In Washington DC: Hillary To Be Prosecuted For Pedophilia

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MAGA3X 🐸‼️
fury.news - There have long been rumors of Bill Clinton’s involvement with billionaire pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein. However, the only evidence cited were flight logs showing that Clinton flew on Epstein’s plane...

Heartiste: Defeat Hillary by calling her male supporters “mincing betaboys”

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The #FreeRicky Tree
wehuntedthemammoth.com - I admit I probably write about pickup-artist-turned-alt-right-opinion-haver Heartiste a bit more often than he merits. But his combination of furious bigotry and purple prose is irresistible. Consi...

STF mostra que a Justiça tarda, mas não chega

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Rosangela Bolze
josiasdesouza.blogosfera.uol.com.br - O Supremo Tribunal Federal demonstrou nesta quinta-feira que a Justiça não é apenas cega. Sua balança está desregulada. E a espada perdeu o fio. Formou-se no plenário do Supremo uma maioria de seis...

New emails suggest coordination between State Department and Clinton camp | News | DW.COM | 02.11.2016

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dw.com - New revelations from the emails of Hillary Clinton campaign head John Podesta on Wednesday appeared to show coordination between the State Department and the Democrat's campaign. The stolen emails ...

12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals Against Liberals

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townhall.com - Saul Alinsky was a brilliant man. Evil, but brilliant. Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, everyone on the Left from the President on down is playing by his rules in the political arena. Not ...
Meio Ambiente

Governo promove mobilização nacional para combate ao Aedes aegypti

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ivaniahcecilia viana
planalto.gov.br - O governo federal anunciou, nesta quinta-feira (3), uma força tarefa que envolverá ministérios, Forças Armadas, estados e municípios para o combate ao mosquito Aedes aegypti durante o verão. O inse...

Mais de 60 ônibus foram depredados durante o feriado de finados no Rio

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g1.globo.com - De acordo com a empresa de transportes Braso Lisboa, responsável pelas linhas 474 (Jacaré X Jardim de Alah) e 476 (Méier X Leblon), 68 ônibus foram alvo de depredações e tiveram banco rasgados, alé...

Associação Americana de Pediatras fulmina ideologia de gênero: é abuso infantil!

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Hermínio Almeida
pt.aleteia.org - A Associação Americana de Pediatras urge os educadores e legisladores a rejeitarem todas as políticas que condicionam as crianças a aceitarem como normal uma vida de personificação química e cirúrg...

What It’s Like To Be A Welder

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Chauvinist Pigs
returnofkings.com - By day, I work in a scrap yard. It is not glamorous, but glamour does not pay my bills. In the evening, I teach in a welding program at a community college. Like many others, I once bought into the...

Orrin Woodward Explains Life Leadership

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Orrin Woodward
blog.lifeleadership.com - Everyone wants to be a part of something–the connectedness of like-minds, like-abilities and like-interests is what draws people together. In fact, the reason Life Leadership is such an attractive ...

Crisis humanitaria: Niños piden “un pedazo de pan” en el Metro de Caracas

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Carlos Moraes
el-nacional.com - La escasez de alimentos y la crisis económica ha afectado a todos los venezolanos en lo que va de año, la tasa inflacionaria podría ubicarse por encima del 1000% al cierre de 2016, aseguró el espec...

Passe livre interestadual sem limite para deficientes terá efeito em todo o país

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Arquivo Global
justicaemfoco.com.br - A Segunda Turma do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) confirmou a abrangência nacional de uma decisão do Tribunal Regional Federal da 3ª Região (TRF3) que reconheceu o direito dos deficientes físic...

Fwd: Dinner - WikiLeaks

wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

Lula, o comandante máximo da organização criminosa, segundo o MPF, continua o mesmo. - Blog do Villa

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blogdovilla.com.br - Prezado Professor Marco Antônio Villa,a Voz da Democracia . Titulo Deste Texto ” Ou Ficar a Pátria Livre,Ou Morrer Pelo Brasil ” . A Maior Discrepância da Historia,um Meliante Filho da Puta,Enganar...

Milícias de extrema esquerda agrediram covardemente estudante que se manifestou contra as invasões

jornalivre.com - O estudante Mario Freitas Junior, da UTFPR, a Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, fez um depoimento sobre as agressões que sofreu após expressar sua opinião contrária às invasões e paralisa...

BREAKING Wikileaks: Abedin’s Computer Confirms HillaryClinton Was Behind Murder of Ambassador Stevens - BIG NUGGET NEWS

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Janet Orendorff
bignuggetnews.com - I want to preface this article by stating that this work has been updated 3 times in 10 hours. Information is coming out Wikileaks and other sources faster than any of us can keep up with. Wikileak...

ALERT: Clinton Insider Says "Biggest Scandal in US History" About to Break

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conservativetribune.com - Jerome Corsi, an investigative reporter for WND who has reported extensively on the email scandal that has plagued Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, just predicted the biggest scandal ...

Greens’ ‘Rich Uncle’ Buys Poverty for Others – InsideSources

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insidesources.com - One name surfaces again and again in WikiLeaks’ email to expose the corrosive influence of the Greens’ “rich uncle,” hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer. The eye-opening leaks show a pattern of Steye...

Foro A Tiempo: Vías electorales deben ser la salida a la crisis - Unión Radio

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unionradio.net - CARACAS.- El pasado domingo 30 de octubre se realizó la reunión exploratoria donde la oposición y el Gobierno Nacional conversaron sobre algunas exigencias por parte de la Mesa de la Unidad Democrá...

FBI Source: Clinton Foundation Can Bring Down Entire Government

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Janie Johnson
infowars.com - The Clinton Foundation is a “massive spider web of connections and money laundering implicating hundreds of high-level people,” according to an anonymous insider who revealed why the FBI stopped sh...
Meio Ambiente

Latinos nos EUA somarão cerca de 14,7 milhões de eleitores, diz pesquisa

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g1.globo.com - O grupo Latino Decisions calcula que nas eleições presidenciais e legislativas dos EUA irão exercer o direito ao voto 14,7 milhões de latinos, o que significaria um aumento de 3,5 milhões em compar...

Porque Lula continua solto ?

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neusa andrade moro
oblogdowerneck.blogspot.com - No momento politico atual em que vivemos cercados de corruptos eu me pergunto: Porque Lula continua solto ? Lutamos muito pelo Impeachment da Dilma, fomos às ruas protestar, fizemos campanhas nas r...

Crooked Hitlery, George Soros, Pope Francis Cop21 Luvvies NWO BAAL !

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bebee.com - I was just thinking back to the various YouTube footage which sparked the explosion of the Syrian Civil War, far to traumatic to be shown on the TV news and once critical clip I could only bear to ...

Which candidate is ‘evil’?

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lifesitenews.com - November 3, 2016 (Church of St. Michael) -- Exactly eight years ago I wrote a column titled “The One We Were Waiting For” in which I referred to a book by Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, The Lord of ...

Swiss Imam Arrested After Calling for Death of Moderate Muslims

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Roger Olivieri
breitbart.com - The Swiss city of Winterthur has become the capital of Islamic extremism in recent years largely due to the radical An’Nur mosque. This week a prominent imam was arrested on charges that he advocat...

Coordenadora do MBL de Florianópolis é vítima de agressão em escola por sua posição política

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Abrahão Cavalcante
jornalivre.com - Maria Eduarda Bernardo, coordenadora do MBL de Florianópolis (SC) foi vítima de uma agressão. O relato está a seguir: Na terça-feira (01/11/2016) eu estava na aula do Ênio (sociologia) quando os oc...

Mundo das Ofertas na Internet: MacBook Pro MD101BZ/A Intel Core i5 LED 13.3" 4GB 500GB Apple com desconto

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mundodasofertasnainternet.blogspot.fr - Na Americanas hoje você compra o MacBook Pro MD101BZ/A Intel Core i5 LED 13.3" 4GB 500GB Apple com desconto no boleto ou no débito.  Apenas algumas unidades estão disponíveis no estoque, então é bo...

Sete ex-deputados federais do Espírito Santo são denunciados pela 'farra das passagens'

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Proj Mais Um Moro
folhavitoria.com.br - Vitória - Sete ex-deputados federais do Espírito Santo estão na lista dos 443 ex-parlamentares denunciados pela Procuradoria da República na 1ª Região (PRR1) por uso indevido de dinheiro público na...

Minas Gerais teve um roubo de carro a cada 15 minutos em 2015

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Alex P
em.com.br - Minas Gerais teve um roubo de carro a cada 15 minutos em 2015 Os dados fazem parte do 10º Anuário Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, do Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, divulgado nesta quinta-f...
Meio Ambiente

Iniciativa de um brasileiro leva iluminação sustentável a comunidades pobres do mundo

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mobilizacaosocial.com.br - Segurança, conforto e iluminação são alguns dos muitos benefícios proporcionados pela energia elétrica. É difícil imaginar a vida sem ela. Mas, infelizmente, há muitas comunidades mundo afora que a...
Meio Ambiente

Crescem dúvidas sobre aceleração da expansão do Universo

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Memórias de um EX
inovacaotecnologica.com.br - Redação do Site Inovação Tecnológica -  01/11/2016 Cinco anos atrás, o Prêmio Nobel de Física foi concedido a três astrônomos pela descoberta, no final dos anos 1990, de que o Universo está se expa...

Las reveladoras imágenes de la OLP que acabó con cuatro delincuentes en El Guarataro

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elcooperante.com - Lysaura Fuentes.- Cuatro presuntos hampones de la banda “el Macua” fueron dados de baja por funcionarios de la nueva Dirección Nacional de AntiExtorsión y Secuestro de la Policía Nacional Bolivaria...

Rebelion. Ecuador: Primer país del mundo que tiene una Ley de Comunicación

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rebelion.org - Ecuador: Primer país del mundo que tiene una Ley de Comunicación El pasado jueves 27 de octubre el municipio de Guayaquil hizo entrega de un reconocimiento por la lucha por la libertad de expresión...

Joy Behar Tells Kellyanne Conway She Is ‘Delusional’ - Breitbart

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MAGA3X 🐸‼️
breitbart.com - Wednesday on ABC’s ” The View,” co-host Joy Behar told Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway that she was  “delusional.” Partial transcript as follows: BE...


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Snap: Jollopez

Nem a morte trágica fará a mídia condenar com veemência as invasões de escolas? | Implicante.Org

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implicante.org - As invasões de escolas, por grupos supostamente requerendo “direitos”, mas com intenções partidárias, são um fenômeno que precisa ser tratado como tal: algo repugnante e inadmissível. Mas e imprens...

Brawn reitera respeito a privacidade da família e diz que “há sinais encorajadores” na condição de Schumacher

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grandepremio.com.br - Uma das poucas pessoas que possui permissão para visitar Michael Schumacher, Ross Brawn afirmou que "há sinais encorajadores" no estado de saúde do alemão de 47 anos, que permanece em casa, na Suíç...

Detox Cleanse: Juicing Versus Blending: Which one is better?

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Chuck Jones
greenreset.com - Many people who are thinking about starting their juicing or blending routine to improve their health and/or lose weight, are trying to weigh in all the pros and cons of juicing versus blending. Bo...

Praticamente às vésperas das provas do Enem, ainda há dúvidas se o exame será ou não realizado

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Heber Dias

Donald Trump’s vindictiveness would make him a dangerous president

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Zesty Trump News
rawstory.com - While he’s dropped clues throughout his entire presidential campaign, the full extent of Donald Trump’s vindictive nature has only been revealed recently. Not only does his obsession with revenge p...

This Epic Flowchart Will Help You Decide Whether to Listen to SEO Advice - WTFSEO

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Larry Kim
wtfseo.com - The flowchart below might just help you decide. Maybe. However, as always, please remember the wise words of Rush: if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. Like most sophisticated...
Arte & Entretenimento

Oops: Melania Trump Plagiarizes Her Husband's Ex-Wife In First Speech Since RNC

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Zesty Trump News
politicususa.com - The last time Melania Trump gave a major speech, it was at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. In that speech, she stole several passages from Michelle Obama’s 2008 convention speech. ...

Dear America: Please don’t vote for Donald Trump

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Mike Haydon
theglobeandmail.com - At first, we thought the Trump thing was just a phase you were going through. Your endless election cycle, with infinite ink to be spilled and pixels to be filled, means that every candidate gets h...

Presidente Erdogan acusa Alemanha de abrigar terroristas - Voz da Turquia

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Alair Maquinez
vozdaturquia.com - O presidente da Turquia, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, na quinta-feira, atacou a chanceler da Alemanha Angela Merkel, que criticou a Turquia por suas ações contra a liberdade de imprensa, acusando seu país...

Lula cutuca país com o pé e reclama da mordida

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Roger Olivieri
josiasdesouza.blogosfera.uol.com.br - Depois de fugir das urnas de São Bernardo do Campo para não ter de optar entre um candidato do PSDB e outro do PPS, Lula reapareceu nesta terça-feira. Discursou para alunos da Universidade Federal ...

Filho de ex-ministro Ciro Gomes é detido por porte de droga no Ceará

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Alex P
g1.globo.com - O filho do ex-ministro Ciro Gomes, Ciro Saboya Ferreira Gomes, de 27 anos, foi detido na manhã desta deste sábado (24) por porte de droga, após se envolver em acidente de trânsito que deixou uma pe...

Sugiro a Haddad que monte uma dupla com Suplicy… Quem sabe consiga uma grana com shows! | VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - Para onde quer que se olhe o PT, o que vê é só devastação. Como vocês leram abaixo, reportagem da Folha informa que o ainda prefeito de São Paulo, Fernando Haddad, dará palestras e fará eventos par...

Fathers 4 Justice - Minister claims dads seek court orders to see kids in attempt to REDUCE child maintenance payments

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fathers-4-justice.org - A government minister has told a Fathers4Justice supporter that dads who seek court orders to see their kids, do so in order to reduce their child maintenance payments. In a letter to Robert Syms, ...

Metade dos brasileiros diz que “bandido bom é bandido morto” | EXAME.com - Negócios, economia, tecnologia e carreira

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Prisma Inox
exame.abril.com.br - Brasília – A impunidade existente no país contribui para que 57% da população brasileira acredite que “bandido bom é bandido morto”, segundo pesquisa feita pelo Datafolha a pedido do Fórum Brasilei...

Email: Hillary Clinton Asked If Anthony Weiner Could Help Deliver Secure Cell Phone - Breitbart

breitbart.com - The August 2, 2010 exchange seems to evidence the close links between Clinton, Abedin and Weiner six years before the disgraced former Congressman found himself at the center of Clinton’s current e...

Coverup? Clinton Foundation fails to disclose latest donor report, tax return

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bizpacreview.com - Clinton Foundation officials have yet to disclose the charity’s third quarter 2016 donors — which ended September 30 — thus insuring voters won’t know who contributed in the final months leading up...

Nota de falecimento: PT deixa, porém, seu filho PSOL e inúmeras viúvas por aí | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - A coluna de Flavio Quintela hoje na Gazeta do Povo está bem criativa. Aproveitando o Dia de Finados desta semana, logo depois da acachapante derrota da esquerda nas urnas, ele redigiu uma “nota de ...

10 Examples of How Extreme Hillary Clinton is on Abortion | LifeNews.com

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Steven Ertelt
lifenews.com - As our readers know, it is nearly impossible to exaggerate how far to port Hillary Clinton is on abortion, how all-encompassing is her embrace of the ideology of the most militant fringe of the abo...
Meio Ambiente

Federal intimidation of Jeanette Finicum, family, supporters and associates 

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Survivor Medicine
ddbarton48.com - The following article details the unlawful federal tactics used to try and silence the Finicums and anyone associated with them. It begins with the government requesting authority from local govern...

Andalucía, la comunidad en la que se pagan más impuestos

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(((LaVerdadOfende ن
elmundo.es - "Por heredar un euro más habrá que pagar 47.000 euros más", denuncia el PP Podemos denuncia el "volantazo a la derecha" de Díaz por su pacto con Ciudadanos IU dice que el presupuesto "aumenta para ...
Meio Ambiente

Sudario de Turín

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diosuniversal.com - Con el permiso de Humberto de Saboya, dueño de la reliquia en aquella fecha, fue nombrada una comisión de estudio en 1973. Esta comisión, básicamente semejante a otra que se había limitado a examin...

Assange: WikiLeaks did not receive Clinton emails from Russian govt (EXCLUSIVE)

rt.com - “The Clinton camp has been able to project a neo-McCarthyist hysteria that Russia is responsible for everything. Hillary Clinton has stated multiple times, falsely, that 17 US intelligence agencies...

Los Mantras

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diosuniversal.com - मन्त्र en alfabeto devanagari, que se utiliza para escribir el sánscrito. Aunque ya en los textos zoroastristas aparece la expresión haiθīm mathrem (Yasna 31.6) que está relacionada con la expresió...

A Soldier Shot And Killed A Knife Wielding Terrorist, And Now The Trial Is Ripping Israel In Half

dailycaller.com - Israeli Defense Soldier Elor Azaria was filmed in March shooting a Palestinian terrorist laying on the ground in the head, after the terrorist tried to stab multiple Israeli soldiers. Azaria is now...

La mujer bíblicamente discriminada

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diosuniversal.com - Una biblia manuscrita en latín, en exhibición en la Abadía de Malmesbury, Wiltshire, Inglaterra. Esta Biblia fue transcrita en Bélgica en 1407 para leerse en un monasterio A lo largo de la historia...

1916: El club de los poetas muertos

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Pepe Gonzalez
larazon.es - La guerra era cruenta. El grotesco grajo de los cuervos caía sobre los cadáveres. Todavía llegaba a lo lejos el tambor de la artillería, pero intermitente, con un fantasmagórico ritmo. Por lo demás...

Ted Cruz in Iowa: ‘I’m Here Campaigning for Donald Trump, for Mike Pence’ - Breitbart

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The Daily PR
breitbart.com - Media reporting on former 2016 presidential candidate Cruz’s speech at the event honed in on an absence of the explicit use of the name of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. What Cruz di...

Brasil e Venezuela entram em confronto e trocam farpas na ONU; veja reportagem

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Ezequias Neto
folhapolitica.org - Imagem: Montagem / Folha Política O presidente brasileiro Michel Temer cobrou da Venezuela a realização do referendo revogatório, durante reunião da ONU. A chanceler venezuelana, por sua vez, ficou...

LOOK: Right After World Series Game Ends, Hillary Gets Sent Brutal Message On Live TV

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Western Journalism
westernjournalism.com - Sunday, following the Chicago Cubs victory in Game 5 of the World Series, a Chicago TV reporter interviewed two fans about the game when another man interjected an opinion that had nothing to do wi...

Hillary Clinton Told FBI She Could Not Remember State Department Briefings After Brain Injury - Breitbart

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Breitbart News
breitbart.com - According to the documents — which detail the FBI’s now-closed investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure at the State Department — Clinton told investigators duri...

EXCLUSIVE- Ivanka Trump Touts School Choice: 'This One Size Fits All, Washington, D.C. Down Approach to Education' Not Working - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - “For me, one of the great experiences I’ve had through this process is an ability to learn,” she told Breitbart News during an exclusive interview at The Founders Academy, a charter school in Manch...

Pensions watchdog launches formal enforcement action into Sir Shifty

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England My England
dailymail.co.uk - The Pensions Regulator has confirmed that it has formally begun enforcement action to seek redress on behalf of the British Home Stores pension schemes.  Warning notices have been sent to former ow...

Marcelo Odebrecht terá que cumprir cinco anos de prisão domiciliar com tornozeleira

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Inst.Ser Fundamentos
folhapolitica.org - Imagem: Reprodução / Veja Marcelo Odebrecht, ex-presidente do grupo que leva o seu sobrenome, vai cumprir a mais dura das penas entre os delatores da Operação Lava Jato : além dos dois anos e meio ...

The Great British Betrayal: Brexiteers May Need to Take to The Streets To Ensure We Leave

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Arthur Guimard
breitbart.com - The ruling is wrapped in irony. The irony of a High Court still subservient to Brussels demanding than an un-sovereign parliament, which Brexiteers wish to be sovereign, vote on whether that Court ...
Meio Ambiente

'Wall Street Journal' anuncia novo formato impresso com menos seções

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poncheverde.blogspot.com - O jornal "The Wall Street", controlado pela News Corp., vai lançar um novo formato para as edições impressas a partir de 14 de novembro. O novo formato irá combinar diversas seções e reduzir o tama...

The Clintons Caused the 2008 Collapse | iPatriot

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Libertarian Party
ipatriot.com - Last night, pitching great and Boston Red Sox hero, Curt Schilling, was on Fox with Neil Cavuto. As he is running to displace current socialist hack Elizabeth “Fauxahontas” Warren in the Senate in ...

John Fund: If Hillary wins, we’ll have a potential blackmail target in the White House

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foxnews.com - “This is just a distraction,” Democratic pollster Mark Mellman says of the news the FBI is reexamining the Clinton email case. During a press conference — which lasted all of three minutes — Hillar...

'The Populist Explosion': New Book Explains Rise of Trump, Sanders, and the Populist Future - Breitbart

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All American Girl
breitbart.com - The answer to that question, of course, depends on who does the answering.  Most of the Republican establishment, along with the Democratic establishment—which some describe as the “Uniparty”—would...

Khoudia diop: diosa de la melanina

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Edén de Cínicos
cocreta.com - El intrincado mundo de la moda nunca ha sido indiferente a las bellezas más exóticas, prueba de ello, es el rotundo éxito que han tenido en décadas pasadas mujeres como Naomi Campbell, sin embargo,...

Clinton's pneumonia cover story proves her instinct is to lie

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The truth is …
nydailynews.com - Hillary Clinton will beat pneumonia. But she won't beat a condition far more fatal: untrustworthiness. In the hours after the Clinton campaign finally came clean (or did it?) Sunday about the candi...

Internet pirate Kim Dotcom warns Clinton is in serious trouble

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dailymail.co.uk - Internet mogul Kim Dotcom has said there are still more Hillary Clinton emails to be published, warning the Democratic presidential nominee is in 'serious trouble.' The Megaupload founder shared th...

Trump, Clinton attack each other at dueling North Carolina rallies

Partilhado por
All American Girl
foxnews.com - Presidential contenders Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton held near-simultaneous rallies in the battleground state of North Carolina Thursday evening, during which Trump claimed Clinton committed pe...

Planned Parenthood Arms Spend Over $38 Million to Elect Democrats | Restoring Liberty

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All American Girl
joemiller.us - In the past three election cycles, Planned Parenthood’s advocacy and political arms, employees, and their families have spent over $38 million to elect or defeat candidates for federal office who d...

WikiLeaks Reveals How Billionaire 'Progressives' Run The Democratic Party

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investors.com - WikiLeaks: Among the curiosities spewed from John Podesta's email by WikiLeaks is an intriguing memo to a group of billionaires that outlines the real goals of the Democratic Party's progressive wi...

Brock/Bonner - WikiLeaks

Partilhado por
Everyday American
wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

Report: FBI Has Secret Recordings Of Conversations Where Suspects Are Talking About Illegal Deals Clintons Made …

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Everyday American
weaselzippers.us - Secret recordings of a suspect talking about the Clinton Foundation fueled an internal battle between FBI agents who wanted to pursue the case and corruption prosecutors who viewed the statements a...
Meio Ambiente

Cuidado com o homem das revoluções: bilionário socialista George Soros gastou 33 milhões de dólares para transformar protesto de Ferguson em revolução nacional

Partilhado por
Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Cuidado com o homem das revoluções: bilionário socialista George Soros gastou 33 milhões de dólares para transformar protesto de Ferguson em revolução nacional Os protestos de Ferguson nos Estados ...


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ivaneide almeida
familiabolsonaro.blogspot.com - VEJA ONLINE  E OUTROS JOGAM SUJO JOGA SUJO E MENTEM PARA ATINGIR BOLSONARO: Não existe matéria que prevê aposentadoria de vereador após o terceiro mandato como divulgado no jogo de palavras da repo...

Hillary Clinton Never Met a War She Didn't Want Other Americans to Fight

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cato.org - Never before were the two leading presidential candidates so disliked. Both major parties have nominated candidates that most Americans desperately want to reject. There many reasons to oppose Hill...

“Catholic” Abortion Activist: Abortion is Okay Because Catholic Church Supports “Personal Conscience” | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - The Catholic Church is well-known for its strong pro-life principles, but some who claim to be its followers are trying desperately to erode them. John O’Brien is a self-described Catholic and the ...

We're about to see the biggest supermoon in nearly 70 years

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sciencealert.com - If you only see one astronomical event this year, make it the November supermoon, when the Moon will be the closest to Earth it's been since January 1948. During the event, which will happen on the...
Arte & Entretenimento

Election Night 2016: Party or Panic?

hollywoodreporter.com - Jeffrey Katzenberg has yet to decide on where he will be on Nov. 8. But the longtime Democratic rallier tells The Hollywood Reporter one thing is for certain: “I will be cheering on Hillary until I...

Temer se compara a Thatcher no corte de gastos: que não fique só da boca pra fora! | Rodrigo Constantino

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Raphael Panichi .'.
rodrigoconstantino.com - O presidente Michel Temer aproveitou um discurso diante dos presidentes de países de língua portuguesa para defender o ajuste fiscal que o governo tem promovido nos últimos meses no Brasil. Ele cit...

The Green Party threatened me because I told them not to heckle a campus speaker (VIDEO) - The College Fix

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All American Girl
thecollegefix.com - COLORADO SPRINGS – When I went to a small campus rally featuring Democratic Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet, who is running for re-election, it wasn’t because I’m voting for him. As vice president of ...

Even New York Tightening, Poll Reveals - Breitbart

breitbart.com - The poll, conducted by the McLaughlin and Associates shows Clinton leading Trump 49 to 38 percent in a four way race. Just two weeks ago, a Siena poll found Clinton having a commanding 24 point lea...

Let’s Reduce the US Nuclear Arsenal - Antiwar.com Original

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original.antiwar.com - At present, nuclear disarmament seems to have ground to a halt. Nine nations have a total of approximately 15,500 nuclear warheads in their arsenals, including 7,300 possessed by Russia and 7,100 p...
Meio Ambiente

Hillary provocará a Terceira Guerra Mundial ao confrontar Putin por causa da Síria, avisa Trump ao pedir que EUA lutem contra o ISIS em vez de Assad

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Hillary provocará a Terceira Guerra Mundial ao confrontar Putin por causa da Síria, avisa Trump ao pedir que EUA lutem contra o ISIS em vez de Assad Donald Trump avisou que o plano de Hillary Clint...

Supreme Court: Priests Don't Have To Report Sexual Abuse – The Real Strategy

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Harry Tasker
therealstrategy.com - Laws that require people to report evidence of child abuse or neglect are standard in almost every U.S. state. But thanks to a Louisiana judge, priests in the state are now exempt from that law. In...

Venezuelanos começam a pesar dinheiro em vez de contar notas | EXAME.com - Negócios, economia, tecnologia e carreira

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exame.abril.com.br - No balcão de uma mercearia no leste de Caracas, Humberto González retira as fatias de queijo branco salgado da balança e as substitui por uma pilha de notas de bolívares entregues pelo cliente. A m...

Após ser demitida, candidata de Renan ao CNJ diz sofrer 'perseguição política' - ISTOÉ Independente

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Romualdo Rocha
istoe.com.br - Na disputa por uma vaga ao Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ), a advogada Ana Luísa Marcondes disse que tem sofrido “perseguição política” após ter sido exonerada do cargo de assessora da Corregedo...

US Attorney General Pleads The Fifth: Congress Demands The Truth! – The Real Strategy

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Harry Tasker
therealstrategy.com - Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., earlier this month sent a letter to Lynch with a list of questions that related to the Iran ransom. On Oct. 24, Assistant Attorney General Peter ...
Meio Ambiente

10 dicas para ler a Bíblia e entendê-la mais facilmente

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Marco Feliciano
marcofeliciano.com.br - A leitura da Palavra de Deus é extremamente importante para quem almeja ter um relacionamento com o Criador. Por isso, gostaria de sugerir algumas dicas para você aprenda a ler e entender a Bíblia,...

PSOL carioca se articula para lutar contra Escola Sem Partido: e você vai permitir? | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino
rodrigoconstantino.com - A acirrada disputa entre PRB e PSOL na eleição para a prefeitura do Rio se estenderá para a Câmara de Vereadores, e a primeira batalha promete ser em torno da ideia de “escola sem partido”. Um proj...

FBI Sources 99% Sure Hillary's Email Hacked by FIVE Foreign Governments, Risked National Security

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Sarah Palin
ijr.com - The Hillary Clinton email scandal was never about “email.” It was always about the carelessness and hubris of one of the highest officials in the U.S. government to set up an unsecured private emai...

"Amoral masculinity": a theory for understanding Trump from feminist contrarian Christina Hoff Sommers

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Steven Crowder
vox.com - Gender is a cardinal issue in this year’s election. On one side is the first woman to have won the presidential nomination of a major party and on the other is a raging misogynist who has celebrate...

The Astonishing Ignorance of Young Adults

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Do you wonder why Sen. Bernie Sanders and his ideas are so popular among American college students? The answer is that they, like so many other young people who think they know it all, are really u...

3 Strategies to Talk to a Liberal About Income Inequality

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - The phrase “income inequality” has a lot going for it. It’s catchy and memorable, and “inequality” breeds an immediate emotional response—contempt for the existence of an unfair policy and outrage ...

David Duke: I get targeted just like Trump!

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Jeffrey Levin
msnbc.com - All In with Chris Hayes 11/03/16 David Duke: I get targeted just like Trump! With Election Day looming, Hillary Clinton and President Obama sound the alarm about Donald Trump's support from white s...

Clinton still struggles with enthusiasm gap

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Jeffrey Levin
msnbc.com - MSNBC Live with Thomas Roberts 11/03/16 Clinton still struggles with enthusiasm gap Democratic strategist Cornell Belcher joins MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts to discuss Hillary Clinton’s enthusiasm gap am...

North Carolina's black voter purge

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Jeffrey Levin
msnbc.com - All In with Chris Hayes 11/03/16 North Carolina's black voter purge The NAACP has filed a lawsuit -- and the Justice Department is sending election monitors. ... more Duration: {{video.duration.mom...

Researchers Matched Images on Tattoo Websites to a German Police Database

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eff.org - For the last year, EFF has been battling to free records from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) regarding an ethically dubious research program to promote the development of...

Christina Hoff Sommers Speaks Out on "Fainting Couch Feminism"

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iwf.org - "Gender is a cardinal issue in this year’s election," writes Sean Illing in the introduction to his must-read Vox interview with Christina Hoff Sommers. It's a wide-ranging interview in which Hoff ...

¡SE CUENTA Y NO SE CREE! Madre del “espía gringo” asegura que el Sebin le pidió $10.000 para liberarlo

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El PoliTwico
maduradas.com - La madre del mormón estadounidense detenido en Venezuela en el Helicoide, Laurie Holt, denunció que el Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia Nacional (Sebin), le pidió 10 mil dólares para dejarlo en...

Estados Unidos: Esto es lo que deben saber los latinos sobre el suicidio asistido

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - WASHINGTON DC, 03 Nov. 16 / 08:02 pm (ACI).- Las voces contra la ley que promueve en Colorado (Estados Unidos) el suicidio asistido por médicos siguen aumentando conforme llega el 8 de noviembre, d...

Vem aí a 8ª Escola de Líderes, que será no Rio de Janeiro; inscreva-se já! • Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil

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Verdade Gospel
verdadegospel.com - A organização da Escola de Líderes da Associação Vitória em Cristo transferiu a 8ª edição da Eslavec para a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, conforme explica o pastor Silas Malafaia no vídeo acima. O even...

Staying Relevant: The Pop-Up Art Gallery

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finearttips.com - Each summer, Dana Gallery strategically travels to affluent mountain towns and converts empty retail shops into pop-up art galleries. Awarded the distinction of Missoula’s top art gallery, Dana Gal...
Arte & Entretenimento

NYC Homelessness Surges To The "Highest Levels Since The Great Depression"

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zerohedge.com - With each passing week the level of homelessness in New York City continues to surge to new record highs.  In fact, the number of homeless people checking into NYC shelters each night is up 85% jus...

For Cubs Nation, it's the party of the century

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usatoday.com - That’s what a 108-year-old title drought can do to you. After the Cubs won one of the most thrilling World Series games in baseball history Thursday, fans flocked to Wrigley Field throughout the da...
Arte & Entretenimento

Director Ang Lee prepares to be 'crucified' for new film

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yahoo.com - Taipei (AFP) - Oscar-winning filmmaker Ang Lee said Thursday he is preparing to be "crucified" over his latest movie because it experiments with a new futuristic 3D format. Taiwan-born Lee returned...

'Not for This Channel': John Podesta Reminds Hillary Not to Discuss Foreign Policy Intel over Email - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - In August 2014, Clinton emailed Podesta about developments in the Middle East — chiefly concerning Iraq, Syria, and the Islamic State, citing “Western intelligence, US intelligence and sources in t...

Millennials aren’t wearing condoms anymore

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nypost.com - Two years ago, Abby Norman was in the heat of the moment with a guy she was casually dating. He didn’t have a condom — and the one she had on hand was expired. Norman, now 25, was raised to be dili...

Prosecutor says Bill Cosby's lawyers are trying to intimidate 13 women who want to testify against him

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latimes.com - From the moment sexual assault charges were filed against Bill Cosby in December, the case became a touchstone for the dozens of other instances in which women say they were attacked by the enterta...

Cubs win 1st Series title since 1908, beat Indians in Game 7

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cnsnews.com - CLEVELAND (AP) — Kris Bryant started to smile even before he fielded the ball. And with his throw to first for the final out, the agonizing wait 'til next year was over at last. No more Billy Goat,...

Pbs Documentary Ties Fbi Chief Hoover To Corruption, Mob Figures

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articles.courant.com - Director of the FBI for nearly 50 years under eight presidents before his death in 1972, Hoover, according to "Frontline," was "personally corrupt, sexually compromised and tainted by ties to organ...

A Civil War Could Be in the Cards - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

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lewrockwell.com - (Source: The 2nd American Civil War by Richard Hubal, via MN Artists) Nick Giambruno: The US presidential election is only days away. What are the country’s greatest problems right now? Doug Casey:...

Parkinson's disease Complications - Mayo Clinic

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mayoclinic.org - Parkinson's disease is often accompanied by these additional problems, which may be treatable: Depression and emotional changes. People with Parkinson's disease may experience depression. Receiving...

Important Skills Your Child Should Be Learning in School, but Aren't | Annie Holmquist

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fee.org - In a recent Washington Post article, author Sarah Hamaker described how many young adults no longer know how to do simple, basic skills: Colleges and employers alike are reporting that young people...
Arte & Entretenimento

Meet 'Epic Trump Guy,' Who Brought Rally to a Standstill - Breitbart

breitbart.com - “George,” who told Breitbart News that he is originally from Queens, perched on the police barrier dividing the media tent from the main audience, which police estimated at 3,000 to 4,000 people. A...

NINDS | Parkinson's Disease Information Page

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ninds.nih.gov - Parkinson's disease (PD) belongs to a group of conditions called motor system disorders, which are the result of the loss of dopamine-producing brain cells. The four primary symptoms of PD are trem...

Purchasing Loyalty with Foreign Aid - The Future of Freedom Foundation

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fff.org - A dispute that is taking place between Saudi Arabia and Egypt indirectly demonstrates the nature of U.S. foreign aid. After dumping a walloping $25 billion in foreign aid to help the Egyptian milit...

Frases de futuro

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Debes Admitir Q
losmejoreshashtag.com - - En la vida hay que olvidar el pasado para poder vivir el futuro con quién más quieres. - No hay necesidad de extrañar a alguien de tu pasado, hay una razón por la que no estará en tu futuro. - El...

Abortion Practitioner David Grimes Has Killed Babies in Abortions for 42 Years and Has No Regrets | LifeNews.com

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All American Girl
lifenews.com - David Grimes recently retired from the abortion business after 42 years, but he still actively promotes the life-destroying procedure. The women’s magazine Cosmopolitan profiled him in a new piece ...
Meio Ambiente

El Black Friday 2016 de Amazon durará hasta Navidad

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Gabriel Castagnino
computerhoy.com - Como ocurre con todas las costumbres importadas, siempre hay gente que se resiste a adoptarlas, y sirva como ejemplo la recurrente polémica sobre Halloween. La colonización cultural por parte de ot...

Trump, Clinton Planes Face Off on Tarmac in North Carolina

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The Daily PR
breitbart.com - The two candidates did not physically meet, but their motorcades faced each other on the tarmac. Clinton’s plane, emblazoned with her “Stronger Together” slogan, arrived first and parked near the S...

Articles: I Want a President Who Loves America, Part Trois

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americanthinker.com - Back in January of 2015 I wrote my first piece in the “I Want a President” series and the title was simply “I Want a President Who Loves America.” I wrote simply about my love for America and how, ...

Does Huma Abedin have ‘ties’ to the Muslim Brotherhood?

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Patrick Matas
washingtonpost.com - 1 of 22 Full Screen Autoplay Close Skip Ad × Inside the life of Huma Abedin, Clinton aide and wife of Anthony Weiner View Photos Huma Abedin, a longtime aide to Hillary Clinton, is at the center of...

The future of the Yazidis in Iraq - BBC News

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - As so-called Islamic State militants are driven out of Mosul, Paul Moss reports on the continuing plight of the Yazidis, the Iraqi religious group who the United Nations says has suffered more dest...

S Korea scandal: Former aide to president detained - BBC News

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - A former aide to South Korea's President Park Geun-hye has been detained by prosecutors, say officials. Ahn Jong-beom is the second aide to be detained in a scandal which is threatening the preside...

Should games firms welcome or fear Chinese conquest? - BBC News

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - The Chinese are coming and they're hungry for games companies. They need new content to feed their 560 million avid gamers, who contribute to the biggest gaming market in the world - worth an estim...

VIDEO: Hillary's eye problems return during Vegas speech - The American Mirror

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The Daily PR
theamericanmirror.com - Hillary Clinton’s apparent eye problems returned with a vengeance during a speech to unionists in Las Vegas on Wednesday night. On multiple occasions, Clinton’s eyes did not appear to be in sync wi...

Rep. Jordan: Justice Dept. Officials, Peter Kadzik 'Need to Go' After Leaked Email - Breitbart

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The Daily PR
breitbart.com - “If we’ve learned anything from WikiLeaks and the recent handling of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, it’s that a lot more people at the Justice Department than just Peter Kadzik need to go,” Jorda...

Why the Canada-EU trade saga is far from over - BBC News

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - The Canada-EU trade deal was never supposed to be controversial. So why might it crumble? The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (Ceta) was a lauded as a "progressive" and "gold-standard" d...

Gang of Eight Senator Jeff Flake: Voting for Evan McMullin Over Trump 'A Possibility' - Breitbart

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The Daily PR
breitbart.com - “That’s a possibility,” Flake told ABC, which noted that Arizona voters can write his name in on their ballot. Flake bemoaned the fact that as a result of his efforts to undermine Donald Trump, his...

US election: Talking politics with Trump supporters at 30,000 feet - BBC News

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - If the passengers on the first three rows of economy on Flight 416 to Las Vegas had their way, Donald Trump would be president. Even at 30,000 feet, it's hard to escape talking about this election....

Researchers just found a second 'Dyson Sphere' star

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Stop cutting costs
sciencealert.com - When astronomers discovered a strange pattern of light near a distant star called KIC 8462852 back in October, it was like nothing anyone had observed before. When a planet passes in front of star,...

The Benjamin Franklin Method: How to (Actually) Learn to Write

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Stop cutting costs
marketmeditations.com - Benjamin Franklin may be the most prolific man in all of American history. In his NYT bestselling Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, Walter Isaacson writes of Franklin— “[He was] the most accompl...
Meio Ambiente

Cómo las empresas se aprovechan de los compradores que consumen por internet a altas horas de la noche - BBC Mundo

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temas de interés
bbc.com - Los economistas los llaman "vampiros" porque se vuelven activos cuando cae la noche. Su periodo de mayor actividad tiene lugar entre las 10 de la noche y las 5 de la mañana. Durante esas horas, adq...

Como resolver a guerra fiscal apesar do arranjo tributário brasileiro? | Rodrigo Constantino

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Raphael Panichi .'.
rodrigoconstantino.com - Por Diego Vieira, publicado pelo Instituto Liberal Os meios de comunicação brasileiros frequentemente apresentam matérias ou debates sobre a chamada “guerra fiscal”. Será que ela é boa ou ruim? Sen...

outstanding issue - WikiLeaks

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Everyday American
wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

Follow-up to Question re UnitedHealthcare and Implications - WikiLeaks

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Everyday American
wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

Is Obama Too Big To Jail? - Personal Liberty®

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personalliberty.com - Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. A Chinese proverb says, “May you live in interesting times.” We certainly do. Historians will look back on this time as “the Obama criminal years.”...

Re: July 8th Nightly Press Traffic Summary - WikiLeaks

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Everyday American
wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

Re: Bernie's negativity - WikiLeaks

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Everyday American
wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

"Uma breve teoria do poder": o ceticismo político de Ives Gandra Martins | Rodrigo Constantino

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Raphael Panichi .'.
rodrigoconstantino.com - Ives Gandra Martins, jurista, advogado, professor e escritor brasileiro, é uma figura que dispensa maiores apresentações. Apenas por ser quem é, seu livro Uma breve teoria do poder, que acaba de se...

O outro lado: aluno discursa no Paraná contra ocupações, que chama de "ridículas" e acusa pela morte do colega | Rodrigo Constantino

Partilhado por
Raphael Panichi .'.
rodrigoconstantino.com - O discurso repleto de slogans e chavões da menina Ana Júlia Ribeiro, filha de militante petista, viralizou pelas redes sociais e encantou os idiotas úteis de sempre, inclusive na imprensa de “direi...

3 sinais de que estamos cada vez mais infantilizados e dependentes do governo | Rodrigo Constantino

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Raphael Panichi .'.
rodrigoconstantino.com - Por Edemir Bozeski, publicado pelo Instituto Liberal Não é difícil constatar que os hábitos domésticos e familiares, têm grande influência na formação da criança e refletirão posteriormente na vida...

Mar de gente na França diz sim ao matrimônio autêntico e não às uniões gay - Bíblia Católica News

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Bíblia Católica
bibliacatolica.com.br - PARIS, 20 Nov. 12 / 01:19 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Uma maré humana de 250 mil pessoas saiu às ruas na França para expressar seu apoio ao autênticomatrimônio, formado por um homem e uma mulher, e ma...

Innocent citizens held at gunpoint in terrifying California checkpoints - Police State USA

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policestateusa.com - ROSEVILLE, CA –Innocent citizens traveling down public streets had a terrifying experience when they were forced through a warrantless government checkpoint in which armed men pointed guns at their...

'Clueless' viewers freak out when they think they spot ‘racism’ at World Series … boy, were they ever wrong

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bizpacreview.com - Viewers of Wednesday’s World Series game were alarmed to see what they thought was a sign for the Ku Klux Klan displayed in the stands. anybody else catch that KKK sign at the World Series game? — ...

Scientists Hook Up Brain to Tablet—Paralyzed Woman Googles With Ease

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singularityhub.com - From time to time, the Singularity Hub editorial team unearths a gem from the archives and wants to share it all over again. It's usually a piece that was popular back then and we think is still re...


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