04 November 2016

CP-news 2016.11.03 all @CristPolit


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ENSINO MÉDIO – Rodrigo Maia quer a vitória dos derrotados de esquerda. Fim da picada! | VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - O governo faça o que quiser, não é? Mas certamente estará fazendo uma grande besteira se ceder a uma proposta de Rodrigo Maia, presidente da Câmara (DEM-RJ), que está empenhado — todo mundo sabe, e...

Indignação seletiva na Educação: Dilma cortou mais de R$ 12 bi, e ninguém ocupou escola

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Não Haverá Trégua
brasilpost.com.br - Em 2015, o governo cortou R$ 10,5 bilhões do orçamento para a Educação. Era o ano em que foi definido o slogan "Pátria Educadora". O Fies, na ocasião, cortou 1,7 bilhão em relação a 2014. Menos de ...

Attorney General is SUED to come clean on secret Bill Clinton meeting

dailymail.co.uk - Attorney General Loretta Lynch is facing a federal lawsuit to give details of a meeting she had with Bill Clinton days before she was to decide on his wife's fate. The meeting in June was barely a ...

Florida newspaper apologizes for anti-Donald Trump bias

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washingtontimes.com - A Florida daily newspaper is apologizing to readers for not being objective enough in its coverage of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The Daily Commercial, which serves Lake and Sumte...

Vereadores do PSOL na Câmara do Rio foram favoráveis ao salário vitalício

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jornalivre.com - Apesar das declarações de líderes como Jean Wyllys, Marcelo Freixo e Luciana Genro, a bancada do PSOL na Câmara Municipal do Rio de Janeiro votou a favor do projeto que concederia um “salário vital...

Early vote trend favoring GOP in Florida

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Ann Coulter
tampabay.com - Six days before Election Day in 2012, Democrats in Florida had cast about 39,000 more votes than Republicans. Today, six days before Election Day 2016, Republicans have cast about 17,000 more votes...

Afinal, o Poder Judiciário determinou a “tortura” de secundaristas que ocupam escolas? | Implicante.Org

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Gilmar Costa
implicante.org - Causou grande consternação nas redes sociais e nas hostes progressistas a determinação de um juiz do Distrito Federal que ordenou, há poucos dias, a desocupação de uma escola na cidade de Tabatinga...

Queda do PT foi menor onde Bolsa Família é mais presente

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Pobre de Direita
oglobo.globo.com - por Bernardo Mello, Gabriel Cariello e Marco Grillo RIO - Partido que mais perdeu prefeituras na comparação com a eleição anterior, o PT se livrou de uma queda ainda maior graças ao desempenho nos ...

Associação Americana de Pediatras fulmina ideologia de gênero: é abuso infantil!

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pt.aleteia.org - A Associação Americana de Pediatras urge os educadores e legisladores a rejeitarem todas as políticas que condicionam as crianças a aceitarem como normal uma vida de personificação química e cirúrg...
Arte & Entretenimento

Update: Homeless Woman Who Was Guarding Trump Hollywood Star Is Found - Trump Camp Notified

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thegatewaypundit.com - Last Wednesday a violent leftist smashed Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The criminal used a sledgehammer to destroy Donald’s star. So later in the day this homeless woman sat ne...

Poll: Donald Trump Takes 3-Point Lead in Virginia — 15-Point Swing in Past Month - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - The Hampton University Center for Public Policy (CPP) poll out on Wednesday afternoon shows that Trump has taken a three-point lead over Clinton in the Old Dominion, inside the poll’s margin of err...

Catholic Church Paid $79 MILLION By Obama Administration To Force Migrant Invasion • Now The End Begins

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Lorence Hud
nowtheendbegins.com - RG – Not entirely sure what you are getting at but thank you for providing the opportunity to reply. Thanks Scott for the update. The point is – when will people become responsible? Reminds me of t...
Arte & Entretenimento

Hollywood Alarm Grows Over Prospect of Donald Trump Victory

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Dr. Marty Fox
variety.com - As the polls in the presidential race tighten, the mood in Hollywood this week is one of concern, worry and even abject fear — and it all centers on one question: Could Donald Trump pull off an ups...

Contact the Division of Elections - Division of Elections - Florida Department of State

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dos.myflorida.com - Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public-records request, do not send electronic mail to the Division of Electi...

Click here to support Repair the Hopewell Baptist Church by J. Blair Reeves Jr.

gofundme.com - On Tuesday, November 1st, 2016, unknown criminals burned a predominantly black Baptist church in Greenville, Mississippi and scrawled graffiti on it: "Vote Trump". (Link to local news coverage.) Th...

Muslims are creating nations within nations, says former head of Britain's Equalities and Human Rights Commission

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Lori Hendry
europe.newsweek.com - The former head of Britain's Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), Trevor Phillips, has admitted he "got almost everything wrong" regarding immigration in a new report, claiming Muslims ar...

Brasil hospício – Virou “tortura” não alimentar invasores | VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - Comentei no Twitter na madrugada desta quarta-feira, 2: –  Se um delinquente invadir sua casa, alimente-o. Caso contrário, os “jênios” do jornalismo e do Direito no Brasil dirão que você o “tortura...

WikiLeaks: Clinton Camp Plotted to Circumvent Clean Election Laws

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lifezette.com - The Clinton campaign sought to use election law loopholes to maximize their coordination with independent big-money committees, all while suing the Republicans if they attempted similar tactics. De...

Black Pastors BLAST Hillary In Open Letter On Abortion Stance; She Won't Answer

newsninja2012.com - You would think since Democratic Party nominee is going around to these black churches and sewing discord against the Republican Party and it’s nominee Donald Trump, she would have time to sit down...

Turmoil in the FBI

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cnn.com - The tensions have multiplied since FBI Director James Comey made an unprecedented public announcement in July that there should be no charges against Clinton or her aides following a year-long prob...

New emails suggest coordination between State Department and Clinton camp | News | DW.COM | 02.11.2016

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Caesar Octavianus
dw.com - New revelations from the emails of Hillary Clinton campaign head John Podesta on Wednesday appeared to show coordination between the State Department and the Democrat's campaign. The stolen emails ...

TRENDING: Universities work to purge male students of their ‘toxic’ masculinity - The College Fix

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José Wagner
thecollegefix.com - VIDEO: Undoing a legacy of ‘harm, oppression and dominance’ Universities across the nation are taking steps to actively purge male students of what’s been labeled “toxic masculinity.” Examples abou...

Putin diz que ‘histeria’ dos EUA sobre Rússia é estratégia eleitoral

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Alair Maquinez
internacional.estadao.com.br - KRASNAYA POLYANA, RÚSSIA – O presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, disse nesta quinta-feira, 27, que políticos americanos estão provocando uma histeria sobre uma mítica ameaça russa à campanha pres...

Cunha chama Temer e Lula como testemunhas de defesa na Lava Jato

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cbncuritiba.com - O ex-deputado Eduardo Cunha chamou o presidente Michel Temer e o ex-presidente Lula como testemunhas de defesa na Lava Jato. Cunha foi denunciado por corrupção e lavagem de dinheiro e está preso há...
Arte & Entretenimento

A rabbi's warning to U.S. Christians

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Dr. Marty Fox
catholiceducation.org - During the 1930s, Winston Churchill desperately tried to persuade the English people and their government to see that Hitler meant to end their way of life. The British ignored Churchill, which gav...

Guerra na Síria: divisão do país poderia estabelecer a paz?

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g1.globo.com - Após cinco anos de guerra civil, centenas de milhares de mortos e refugiados, o conflito na Síria não parece estar próximo do fim. Diante da baixa perspectiva de vitória para todos os lados beliger...

Conselho médico quer descriminalizar maconha - Saúde - Estadão

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Carlos Yoshio
saude.estadao.com.br - O Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado de São Paulo (Cremesp) emitiu uma nota se posicionando a favor da descriminalização do porte de maconha para consumo próprio no Brasil. O tema é analisado ...

Pundita: Muslim Brotherhood and Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine, Barack Obama

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Deplorable BaconRose
pundita.blogspot.fr - President Obama and his half-brother Abon’go Malik Obama in the Oval Office. Abon’go Malik is the Treasurer of the Missionary work of the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan. The photo and caption are from...
Meio Ambiente

John Kasich took $202,700 from George Soros

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Veterans For Trump
conservativeoutfitters.com - New Items Mens Hoodies & Sweatshirts T-Shirts V-Neck Tees Tank Tops Kids Womens Hoodies & Sweatshirts T-Shirts V-Neck Tees Tank Tops Kids Lifestyle Everyday Carry (EDC) Watches & Watch Straps Sungl...

Two US soldiers killed during operation in Afghanistan's Kunduz

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Valentinos ORPHANOS
yahoo.com - Two American soldiers were killed and two others wounded Thursday during operations in the Taliban hotbed of Kunduz in northern Afghanistan, officials said, in the latest US casualties as the confl...

Weak early voter turnout among African-Americans hurts Clinton in Florida

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politico.com - Black voters cast ballots in higher numbers in 2012 for Obama Hillary Clinton has a black voter problem in the nation’s biggest battleground state. After the first full weekend of in-person early v...
Arte & Entretenimento

The business owners beating their mental health issues - BBC News

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Valentinos ORPHANOS
bbc.co.uk - Before starting her dog-grooming business Laura-Leigh DiGiovanni's life had spiralled out of control. "I was living in a homeless shelter with a man... we were both getting arrested, there were res...

Hampton University's CPP Latest Poll Shows VA Voter Shift from Clinton to Trump Post Email Investigation : Hampton University News

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news.hamptonu.edu - Hampton, Va.— The latest Hampton University Center for Public Policy (CPP) poll reveals that the FBI’s decision to reopen the Hillary Clinton email investigation may have triggered  a boost for Don...

Odebrecht diz que manutenção da Arena Corinthians é “responsabilidade do clube” - Esportes - Estadão

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Caesar Octavianus
esportes.estadao.com.br - A construtora Odebrecht rebateu, em nota oficial, as denúncias de que há risco de interdição da Arena Corinthians. A empresa responsável pela construção do estádio desconsiderou as informações de q...

Watch: Undercover Video Catches Hillary Donor Making Stunning Claim She Wants Buried

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westernjournalism.com - Throughout the 2016 presidential campaign, analysts have debated whether Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is pandering to America’s black voters, and that her carefully crafted scr...

Quarentena dada a ex-membros do governo Dilma custou R$ 7,2 milhões aos cofres públicos

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Helio Antunes G
psdb.org.br - Chega ao fim, no próximo dia 12, a “quarentena” concedida a ex-ministros e assessores da ex-presidente Dilma Rousseff desde que a petista foi afastada definitivamente do cargo de presidente da Repú...

Kremlin makeover exposes mediaeval mysteries

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Valentinos ORPHANOS
yahoo.com - Moscow (AFP) - Descending into the basement of the 1930s-era Kremlin administration building is an eerie experience: the corridors are still lined with brown Soviet tiles and walls bear remnants of...

Muçulmano de origem russa manda matar próprio filho por ser trans | Rodrigo Constantino

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Carlos Maltz
rodrigoconstantino.com - Uma jovem trans muçulmana foi morta por esquartejamento na Rússia dias após se casar com um homem e ver seu pai ir a uma emissora de TV para pedir: “Tragam meu filho aqui e matem-no na minha frente...

Hulk Hogan gets $31m in Gawker sex tape settlement

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Rita Panahi
telegraph.co.uk - Former professional wrestler Hulk Hogan agreed on Wednesday to accept at least $31 million from Gawker Media to settle his lawsuit over publication of a sex tape, court documents showed. The settle...

Dinheiro devolvido por Cerveró deve ser integralmente repassado à Petrobrás, decide STF - Política - Estadão

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Gilmar Costa
politica.estadao.com.br - BRASÍLIA - O ministro Teori Zavascki, relator dos processos da Operação Lava-Jato no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), determinou que todo o dinheiro que o ex-diretor da área internacional da Petrobr...

Non-American citizen arrested for voting in Texas -- FIVE times - faces up to 20 years

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Dr. Marty Fox
bizpacreview.com - A Texas woman, who is not a citizen of the United States, was arrested Friday for having illegally voted in Dallas County — five times. Rosa Maria Ortega, 35, is presently a resident of the Tarrant...

Scientists Reprimand Atheist Richard Dawkins for ‘Misrepresenting Science’

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Leticia Velasquez
breitbart.com - Taking issue with the bestselling author of The God Delusion, one UK physicist, himself a nonbeliever, said: “As a scientist, you’ve got to be very open, and I’m open to people’s belief in religion...

Monmouth Poll: Trump Slices into Clinton’s Lead in Battleground Pennsylvania

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
observer.com - Hillary Clinton maintains a lead over Donald Trump in neighboring Pennsylvania, although by a smaller margin than one month ago, according to this afternoon’s Monmouth University Poll. The poll fin...

Hillary Advisers Wanted Her To Avoid Supporting Israel When Talking To Democrats

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Margaret Khan
dailycaller.com - Hillary Clinton’s advisers wanted her to avoid mentioning her support for Israel when talking to Democratic primary voters, leaked emails reveal. When speaking to wealthy donors, however, Clinton a...

Jihadis in Suits Assail National Security Forum

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centerforsecuritypolicy.org - In response to a top-level national security panel presentation organized by Rabbi Jonathan Hausman at the Ahavath Torah Congregation tonight in Stoughton, Massachusetts, HAMAS-doing-business-as-CA...

The Democrats are in bad shape — even if Hillary wins

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nypost.com - “This is nothing,” they insist, even as they call for FBI Director James Comey’s scalp for reigniting the Hillary Clinton email scandal. The problem is that the polls were tightening even before Co...

Lilian Tintori pide a Maduro que entregue una fe de vida de Leopoldo López

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Tupiniquim do Sul
noticierovenevision.net - Fecha 02/11/2016 01:54:00 p.m.Lilian Tintori, esposa del dirigente de Voluntad Popular (VP) Leopoldo López, pidió este miércoles al Gobierno venezolano una fe de vida de su esposo tras asegurar que...

O nocaute eleitoral danificou a cabeça baldia | VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - Neste outubro, o PT elegeu o prefeito em apenas oito dos 645 municípios do Estado de São Paulo. Qual teria sido a causa de tamanho fiasco na mais populosa e desenvolvida unidade da federação? A cor...

Os abortistas estão inquietos e vão ao Supremo tendo agora como aliado o vírus zika. Contra o feto indefeso, vale tudo! | VEJA.com

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - Atualizo um post que publiquei às 16h43 de ontem sobre o que chamo “os perseguidores de fetos”. Vamos lá. Parte, vocês já leram. * A descriminação do aborto — ou a legalização, como querem alguns —...

Syria conflict: Russia tells rebels to leave Aleppo - BBC News

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Valentinos ORPHANOS
bbc.co.uk - Russia and Syria have told rebel forces in Aleppo to leave by Friday evening. The Russian Defence Ministry said rebels would be allowed to leave unharmed and with their weapons via two special corr...

Police surveillance scandal: Quebec minister calls for new probe

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This is Why Trump
montrealgazette.com - QUEBEC — The police spying crisis has gone from bad to worse, with Public Security Minister Martin Coiteux ordering an administrative investigation into the practises of the Sûreté du Québec dating...

Judge Jeanine to Comey: 'Send These Clintons Back to Where They Came From'

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
insider.foxnews.com - Charlie Hurt: Until FBI Letter, Clinton Camp Thought 'They Had It in the Bag' Issa: Comey Reopening FBI Clinton Email Probe 'Matter of His Integrity' Judge Nap: FBI Must Have Found Something Substa...

Procuradoria denuncia 443 ex-deputados pela ‘Farra das Passagens’, diz site

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Carlos Yoshio
politica.estadao.com.br - A Procuradoria da República na 1ª Região denunciou 443 ex-deputados no caso da “Farra das Passagens” por uso indevido de dinheiro público. Os ex-parlamentares são acusados por peculato. As informaç...

Mansão atribuída a Lula estampou capa do maior jornal uruguaio

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reaconaria.org - Cuesta unos US$ 2 millones y está a nombre de una sociedad off-shore La Justicia de Brasil investiga si el expresidente petista de ese país, Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva, es el dueño de una mansión ...

El Colegio Americano de Pediatras desacredita la ideología de género: «Hace daño a los niños»

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Elizabeth Rivera
lafamiliadedios.wordpress.com - El Colegio Americano de Pediatras desacredita la ideología de género: «Hace daño a los niños» 28-03-2016  Deja un comentario  Imprimir Religión en Libertad – 25/03/2016 De izquierda a derecha, el D...

BREAKING: Hillary Email Found Showing Instructions For Killing Chris Stevens

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Deplorable ((Faith))
msfanpage.link - (CONSERVATIVE DAILY POST) – In an email released Monday regarding Hillary’s Benghazi investigation, there was one specific message that detailed the exact location of Ambassador Chris Stevens. Beca...

Hoy se celebra a San Martín de Porres, el santo de la escoba

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aciprensa.com - REDACCIÓN CENTRAL, 03 Nov. 16 / 12:02 am (ACI).- “Yo te curo y Dios te sana”, solía decir San Martín de Porres, el santo de la escoba y patrono de los barberos, a los grandes señores y hombres senc...

FBI Re-Opens Investigation Into Hillary Clinton’s Emails

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Janie Johnson
dailycaller.com - A major development just 11 days before the presidential election, the FBI is re-opening its investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails. “In connection with an unrelated ...

Dilma corta verba para pré-escola e creche; vagas eram promessa eleitoral - 22/07/2015 - Educação - Folha de S.Paulo

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livia soares
folha.uol.com.br - A expansão da oferta de vagas em creches e pré-escolas no país, uma das promessas do governo Dilma Rousseff (PT), será afetada pela redução do orçamento do Ministério da Educação. Do total de R$ 9,...
Arte & Entretenimento

I’m a Trump supporter and NBC’s ‘goon squad’ beat me up

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Janie Johnson
nypost.com - A New Jersey Trump supporter is suing NBC for $52 million claiming security guards dragged him away from a holding pen where audience members of the “Today” show were gathered and then beat him up ...

Pro-Clinton media calls UK to suspend diplomatic immunity of Ecuador Embassy over WikiLeaks publication of Hillary’s emails

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Caesar Octavianus
theindicter.com - By Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Chair, Swedish Professors and Doctors for Human Rights. A Newsweek op-ed article authored by Paul Webster Hare, “Assange And Wikileaks Make a Mockery of the Diplom...

La ETT de la mujer de Sánchez cazó 12 'kilos' públicos por colocar parados mientras echaba personal

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okdiario.com - Inmark, el grupo empresarial del que es socia y directora Begoña Gómez, mujer del ex secretario general del PSOE Pedro Sánchez, recibió 12 millones de dinero público para ayudar al Servicio Público...
Arte & Entretenimento

“Oggi c’è una guerra mondiale per distruggere il matrimonio”

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#JeSuisAsiaBibi ن
lastampa.it - «Oggi c’è una guerra mondiale per distruggere il matrimonio». Papa Francesco parla ai religiosi e ai seminaristi nella chiesa dell’Assunta a Tbilisi, ma le parole più forti che pronuncia le dice re...

Pennsylvania coal miners all in for Trump

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Dr. Marty Fox
cbsnews.com - For coal miners in Western Pennsylvania, the commute to work takes them two miles into the earth and 300 feet beneath it. As dark and dusty as they find it making a buck, miners like Joe Somogyi, T...

Chicago Cubs win 2016 World Series

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m.mlb.com - "It was like a heavyweight fight, man," said Zobrist, who was named World Series MVP. "Just blow for blow, everybody playing their heart out. The Indians never gave up either, and I can't believe w...

A PEC 241 e os Gastos com Educação | Por Marcos Lisboa - Instituto Alfa e Beto

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Ezequias Neto
alfaebeto.org.br - O ensino básico tem grandes desafios e problemas a serem enfrentados. A PEC 241 não é um deles. Os gastos públicos têm crescido cerca de 6% acima da renda do país há duas décadas. Somos um país ain...

Top Democratic Donor at Ross Fundraiser: Blacks Are “Seriously F***ed in The Head”

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We Need Trump
projectveritasaction.com - In a new video released by Project Veritas Action, a top Democratic donor is caught on camera disparaging members of the African American community at a fundraiser for North Carolina U.S. Senate ca...

EPIC: Business Owner Gets Nasty Call About Trump Display, Makes "Special" Adjustment Just for Hillary

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Dr. Marty Fox
conservativetribune.com - When a business owner in Pennsylvania received a phone call from a disgruntled customer who was upset about the large Donald Trump sign outside of his store, he made a slight modification to the di...

“Recados das urnas”, análise do ITV - PSDB – Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira

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psdb.org.br - urnaPara muito além do voto, o comportamento dos eleitores fornece boas pistas para quem busca exercer a boa política. Os sinais que emanam das eleições encerradas neste domingo obrigam os legislad...

Catholic Trivia: A new Android app from the Friars in Australia

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op.org - In 2013 five students friars decided to develop a mobile application that would for spreading the Catholic faith.  Among the five students was, the now, Fr Matthew Boland OP, then an unordained for...

A vida de São Felipe Neri

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Maria Luz
padrepauloricardo.org - Às vésperas da celebração de 500 anos da natividade de São Felipe Neri (Filippo Neri, em italiano), nada como recordar a vida e as virtudes desse grande sacerdote florentino. A sua história, contad...
Meio Ambiente

CIENCIA Y CONOCIMIENTOS... Aprendamos sobre los misterios del universo... los invito a leerme...: TERREMOTO 2010 EN CHILE PUDO SER PROVOCADO POR LA INFLUENCIA DE LA LUNA.

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Lucía Paulina
elbauldelascuriosidadesculturales.blogspot.fr - miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016 TERREMOTO 2010 EN CHILE PUDO SER PROVOCADO POR LA INFLUENCIA DE LA LUNA. Los últimos megaterremotos ocurridos en el planeta, incluyendo al de Sumatra (Indonesia) e...

Multa cobrada de Nestor Cerveró será integralmente paga à Petrobras

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Gilmar Costa
g1.globo.com - O ministro Teori Zavascki, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), determinou que a multa a ser paga pelo ex-diretor internacional da Petrobras Nestor Cerveró deverá ser integralmente depositada nas con...

Why an Honesty Poll Shows an Advantage to Trump, Disadvantage to Clinton

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abcnews.go.com - Donald Trump is currently tracking as the more honest of the two presidential candidates in a poll, although fact-checking of his statements during the campaign have shown he's lied several times. ...

Donald Trump Releases Detailed Israel Policy Plan — 6 Days Before Vote

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Dr. Marty Fox
forward.com - WASHINGTON (JTA) — Less than a week before the presidential election, Donald Trump’s two top Israel advisers released a detailed plan that pledges assistance to Israel beyond current levels but sto...

Placenta Optimization Shows Creator’s Handiwork – Reasons to Believe

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reasonsblogs.org - The Creator of the universe desires an intimate relationship with each of us. It is one of the more outrageous claims of the Christian faith. And no passage of Scripture expresses the intimacy betw...

Evan McMullin Admits His Campaign Strategy Is to Elect Hillary Clinton

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Tom Toima
thepulse2016.com - I have a lot of friends voting for Evan McMullin, the independent presidential candidate. McMullin is a hero to what’s left of the #NeverTrump movement. He is supposedly a conservative, although ma...

Web pirate Kim Dotcom hints Wikileaks may release 33,000 emails deleted by Hillary Clinton

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Deplorable FOR TRUMP
thesun.co.uk - INFAMOUS internet mogul Kim Dotcom claims there are still MORE Hillary Clinton emails to be published – piling more woes on the Democrat hopeful. The Megaupload founder made his claim as speculatio...

Abedin New Focus ofClinton Email Investigation

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Press 2 For English
freebeacon.com - BY: Bill Gertz Follow @BillGertz November 2, 2016 5:00 am Documents made public from the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private server provide clues about the current review of more than ha...

Valentina de Botas: Sobre ontem à noite | VEJA.com

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Myrian Dauer ن
veja.abril.com.br - M é uma amiga querida que não consegue dizer “não” e eu quase não consigo dizer “não” a ela, só por isso aceitei encontrá-la com a P. Cheguei ao agradável bistrô antes delas, quase às 7 da noite co...

Can we solve UK poverty?

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independent.co.uk - “The poor are always with us,” goes the Victorian maxim, but not everyone believes that has to be the case. Some organisations have begun to make the bold suggestion that we could do far more than ...

Rolando Jiménez (@rjimenez_perez) on Twitter

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Lucía Paulina
twitter.com - Rolando Jiménez, defensor de los derechos humanos. Tweets Rolando Jiménez 4h Cuando se trabaja en serio proyectos de ley,se sabe si estos se votarán o no y en MOVILH teníamos claro que hoy no sería...

Senior Clinton Aide Left Classified Material in Chinese Hotel Room

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breitbart.com - “In May 2010, Secretary Clinton was on official travel in Beijing, China, accompanied by senior staff. Upon Secretary Clinton’s departure, a routine security sweep by Diplomatic Security agents ide...

‘Ecosexuality’ is on the rise, and it is exactly what it sounds like

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Marcelo Castro
theblaze.com - While environmentalists have always espoused something of a religious dedication to mother nature, at least for those not in it for the money, it was always viewed as something acceptable — and eve...

How to Stop Worrying and Start Doing

dangerandplay.com - One of the most disastrous myths is that you must take MASSIVE ACTION to produce massive change. This is not only wrong, it’s unhelpful. What is “massive action,” anyway? Does it mean you must have...

Presidente do TSE pede cassação de registro do PT

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lucia Helena Vips
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA — O presidente do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE), ministro Gilmar Mendes, determinou abertura de processo pedindo a cassação do registro do PT. Segundo Gilmar, há indícios de que o PT f...

Clinton Avalanche Evidence - Server Hacked, Rats Desert Sinking Ship

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Cathy O'Dell Town
rickwells.us - Sean Hannity leads off by quoting Bret Baier’s reporting that the FBI is now actively and aggressively investigating the Clinton Foundation in addition to the Clinton emails. The sources report tha...

Eleições nos EUA 2016 - Debate ao vivo entre os candidatos Hillary Clinton e Donald Trump - G1 Mundo

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g1.globo.com - Mundo Eleições nos EUA blogs e colunas blogs e colunas hélio gurovitz vídeos editorias g1 editorias g1 carros ciência e saúde concursos e emprego economia educação esporte mundo música natureza pla...

Trey Gowdy: James Comey didn’t tell Hillary Clinton to set up private email and lie about it

Partilhado por
Cathy O'Dell Town
washingtontimes.com - Rep. Trey Gowdy on Tuesday expressed little sympathy for Hillary Clinton’s renewed email predicament, saying FBI Director James B. Comey didn’t tell Mrs. Clinton to lie about the set-up and Mr. Com...

Why Is Hillary Clinton Being Implicated By Insiders In Child Prostitution Rings?

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Deplorable FOR TRUMP
westernfreepress.com - I’ve been waiting to touch this ‘third rail’ subject, because regardless of what I believe to be true, involvement in bringing forward accusations of this magnitude is a sensitive matter, to say th...

¡En pleno diálogo! La amenaza de Maduro para quiénes llaman a marchar el 3N

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Joao Carlos Santos
epmundo.com - El jefe de Estado de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, dijo hoy que quien llame a marchar hasta el palacio presidencial de Miraflores es un “criminal” y celebró la decisión de la oposición de suspender la...

Rajoy se reunirá con el Rey a las 18:00 horas y después hará público su Gobierno

Partilhado por
Lu Solano ن
larazon.es - El silencio se impuso ayer como ley en las filas populares, sobre todo entre los que aspiran a seguir en el Gobierno de Rajoy o se ven con oportunidades de formar parte de su Ejecutivo. Si en los ú...

Lava Jato acha ‘rabiscos’ na agenda marrom de executivo preso em Cumbica

Partilhado por
Gilmar Costa
politica.estadao.com.br - A Polícia Federal encontrou com o executivo Mariano Ferraz, detido no Aeroporto Internacional de São Paulo em Guarulhos/Cumbica quando estava prestes a embarcar para Londres na quinta-feira, 27 de ...

RS vai propor linha de crédito do BNDES para 13º de servidores

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correiodopovo.com.br -  A crise financeira por que passa o Rio Grande do Sul e a falta de alternativas para o pagamento do 13º salário do funcionalismo gaúcho desembocam nesta quinta-feira em uma reunião convocada pelo C...

Rússia: EUA e parceiros provocam mortes em massa na Síria desde 2015 - Diário Liberdade

Partilhado por
Alair Maquinez
gz.diarioliberdade.org - Esse relatório, intitulado "Lista de crimes de guerra cometidos por EUA e aliados na Síria", traz uma análise detalhada das ações da coalizão na república árabe desde o final do ano passado. Segund...

Los díscolos del PSOE podrían perder sus cargos en el Congreso

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Lu Solano ن
larazon.es - El «no» a Mariano Rajoy puede salirles caro, literalmente, a los diputados del PSOE que decidieron incumplir la disciplina de voto del partido. A los 600 euros de multa –el máximo posible– que la f...

Teori esculhamba tática de Lula e lembra que o STF sabe tudo sobre seu esquema na Petrobras

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imprensaviva.com - O ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) Teori Zavascki, parece ter perdido a paciência com as inúmeras ações do ex-presidente Lula apresentadas na Corte para tentar fugir do juiz Sérgio Moro. ...


Partilhado por
#JeSuisAsiaBibi ن
marcotosatti.com - L’arcivescovo di Filadelfia, Charles J. Chaput, ha scritto sul giornale diocesano della sua città dei danni provocati dalle iniziative di infiltrazione organizzate dal gruppo di potere Obama-Clinto...

RJ: sem dinheiro, Polícia Civil pede doações a empresários | VEJA.com

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Não Haverá Trégua
veja.abril.com.br - A Polícia Civil do Rio de Janeiro pediu a ajuda de empresas para a corporação enfrentar a crise financeira do Estado e garantir a continuidade de seus serviços. O anúncio do socorro foi feito no Di...
Arte & Entretenimento

Princeton Librarian: ‘It Is Our Job To Silence’ Those Skeptical of Microaggressions

Partilhado por
Heat Street
heatst.com - A librarian at prestigious Princeton University thinks it’s her job to “silence” people who are skeptical of s0-called “microagressions”, according to a personal email reviewed exclusively by Heat ...
Meio Ambiente

Tesla revela telhado solar ousado e nova versão de sua bateria para casas

Partilhado por
Abrahão Cavalcante
tecmundo.com.br - A última sexta-feira (28), parece ter sido um grande dia para a Tesla. Deixando um pouco de lado os lançamentos de foguetes espaciais e as revelações de carros elétricos que dirigem sozinhos pela c...
Arte & Entretenimento

Reid Hoffman: What’s Wrong With the Way You Hire (video)

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Paul X Brow
marshawright.com - LinkedIn co-founder and author of the new book the Alliance, Reid Hoffman, explains the more explicit conversation that will build trust and loyalty during your hiring process. *The video above is ...

As ilusões das eleições - Opinião - Estadão

Partilhado por
Gilmar Costa
opiniao.estadao.com.br - O principal derrotado nas eleições municipais de outubro de 2016 foi o Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT). E com ele afundaram nas urnas seus sucedâneos e tradicionais aliados de esquerda: de Rede, PSO...
Meio Ambiente

Descubren un “jacuzzi mortal” en el fondo del Golfo de México

Partilhado por
Mario Uac Temuco
lainformacion.com - ¿Está el lago asesino de Huelva a punto de perpetrar un ataque letal? La comunidad científica está desorientada. Aún no encuentran explicación al denominado “jacuzzi de la desesperación” hallado en...

Hillary eats soul food, campaigns in churches to boost lagging black turnout

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Janie Johnson
theamericanmirror.com - Despite Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s tours of soul food restaurants and black churches to court black voters in recent weeks doesn’t seem to be paying off. The turnout of bla...

MEC rebate argumento do MPF do Ceará, que quer cancelar o ENEM em todo Brasil

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radarnews.us - De modo muito suspeito, o MPF do Ceará tentou tumultuar a questão do cancelamento do ENEM e aumentar o grau do prejuízo para os estudantes. Ocorre que o procurador da República Oscar Costa Filho pe...

Why Iranian-American pastor held hostage in Iran is voting for Donald Trump

barenakedislam.com - Iranian-American Pastor Saeed Abedini is brimming with gratitude for one U.S. presidential aspirant: Donald Trump. Christian Today  In a surprising revelation, Abedini said the Republican president...

Hillary Campaign Told DNC To Hold Sham Meetings, Make Primary Look Less Rigged

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Margaret Khan
dailycaller.com - Newly-leaked emails show that a major figure in Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign urged the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to schedule meetings with other prospective ...

Roubos a pedestres aumentam quase 70% no Rio em setembro, segundo ISP - Rio - O Dia

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José Rodrigues
odia.ig.com.br - Rio - Em novo levantamento, divulgado nesta terça-feira, o Instituto de Segurança Pública (ISP) mostrou que houve um aumento de 69,6% nos casos de roubos a pedestres em setembro deste ano em relaçã...

Caso Petrobrás começa a ser julgado nos EUA

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otempo.com.br - O Tribunal Federal de Apelações de Nova York para o Segundo Circuito não deu um prazo determinado para decidir sobre os rumos de uma bilionária ação coletiva aberta por investidores dos Estados Uni...

Invest in Farm from a Box on Republic

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Dykstra Dame
republic.co - We do not have a lengthy operating history upon which you can evaluate our performance, and accordingly, our prospects must be considered in light of the risks that any new company encounters. We w...

Resenha – História do Rosto – Jean-Jacques Courtine & Claudine Haroche

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Editora Vozes
mundoliterando.com.br - Livro recebido da Editora Vozes de cortesia para resenha. História do Rosto trata-se de uma tradição que se desenvolveu entre os séculos 16 ao 18 tendo sua origem em fontes religiosas. A fisiognomo...

Ann Coulter: My Final Argument for Trump: Humiliate the Media! - Breitbart

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Deplorable Patriot
breitbart.com - (1) Eleven years ago, Trump said on a secretly recorded tape that celebrities can do anything — even grab a woman’s p*ssy. Hillary, born-again Victorian virgin, campaigns with Beyonce, who performs...
Arte & Entretenimento

Law Enforcement Sources Confirm: Ready to File Charges Against Clinton!

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thepoliticalinsider.com - The internet is swirling with details from sources in the New York Police Department, as people are trying to confirm alleged reports of former President Bill Clinton having sex with underage girls...
Meio Ambiente


Partilhado por
Carlos Maltz
aluizioamorim.blogspot.com - Vídeos legendados em português pelo excelente site Tradutores de Direita O que está acontecendo nesta semana que antecede a eleição presidencial dos Estados Unidos é de deixar o mundo inteiro embas...

Hillary Clinton Sold Out Her Public Office for Personal Gain - Live Trading News

Partilhado por
Margaret Khan
livetradingnews.com - Hillary Clinton Sold Out Her Public Office for Personal Gain The FBI has been investigating the Clinton Family’s foundation for more than a year about whether it conducted a Pay-to-Pay scheme. Acco...

Mendonça Filho: ‘Politizar o Enem foi desrespeitoso com milhões de jovens’

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rota2014.blogspot.com - Com Blog do Josias - UOL O ministro Mendonça Filho (Educação) declara-se convencido de que o movimento de ocupação de escolas por estudantes tem contornos partidários. “É evidente que setores ligad...

Católicos y luteranos apremiados por la caridad de Cristo: nuevo paso con el Papa Francisco hacia la unidad

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news.va - ¡Gracias Papa Francisco por impulsar la unidad de los cristianos, por mostrar que Dios está cerca de nosotros, sobre todo de los pobres, refugiados y desamparados! (RV).-El emocionado agradecimient...

¿Es Miami un buen lugar para conseguir empleo? Así responde Forbes

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Helio Antunes G
epmundo.com - Cinco localidades de Florida conforman la deseada lista de la revista especializada Forbes de las 10 ciudades del país con mejores proyecciones de empleo, entre las que no figura Miami. El ansiado ...

FBI official whose wife took cash tied to Clinton asked to recuse

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Dykstra Dame
dailymail.co.uk - Even if Hillary Clinton does not win the presidency on Tuesday, Republicans on Capitol Hill say they are revving up for more investigations involving the former secretary of state. House Oversight ...

Podesta emails reveal Hillary has close friendship with Rothschild family

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bazaardaily.co.uk - The wikileak emails are the Christmas gifts that just keep giving. Sunday afternoon The Daily News spent it’s time combing over most of the emails thus far digging up the most shocking pieces. In o...

Si José Antonio Marina es ministro de Educación, la clase de Religión está en peligro

Partilhado por
Elizabeth Rivera
actuall.com - El jueves el presidente del Gobierno Mariano Rajoy dará a conocer los nombres que conformarán su nuevo gabinete ministerial, un año y dos elecciones generales después, toda vez que el PSOE finalmen...

América Latina é 2ª pior região para jornalistas, diz Unesco - Internacional - Estadão

Partilhado por
Gilmar Costa
internacional.estadao.com.br - PARIS - A América Latina, com 51 jornalistas assassinados em 2014-2015, é a segunda região mais perigosa do mundo para os jornalistas, atrás dos países árabes, informou um relatório da Unesco publi...

The Clintons — At the End of All Things

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Leticia Velasquez
nationalreview.com - What was the Clinton telos? The end point, the aim of all their lying, cheating, criminality, dishonor, and degradation? Given the latest Weiner scandals coming on top of the latest WikiLeaks scand...

Beyond Busyness: Time Wisdom in an Hour

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Sacristy Press
sacristy.co.uk - Following the success of his previous book, Beyond Busyness: Time Wisdom for Ministry, Dr Stephen Cherry has distilled the essence of Time Wisdom into this bite-sized book, essential for anyone see...

Resenha: O Mendigo e o Milionário - Ed. Vozes

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Editora Vozes
atraentemente.com.br -  O Mendigo e o Milionário - Um Intrigante Conto Filosófico, de Benoît Saint Girons (tradução de Gentil Avelino Titton), foi lançado no Brasil pela Editora Vozes (Selo Nobilis) e está em sua segunda...

Comissão do Senado aprova PLC que eleva rodeio e vaquejada como manifestação cultural

Partilhado por
Orlando Marcelo
ogritodobicho.com - Acabei de ver o vídeo que comprova que, numa manobra nojenta, desrespeitando prazos e considerando o PLC 24 como Terminativo, a Plenária aprova o Projeto, comunica a Camara dos Deputados e encaminh...

Por qué los mercados tiemblan con sólo imaginar a Trump en la Casa Blanca

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reporte24.net - Estados Unidos encara la última semana en la carrera presidencial con las encuestas ajustadas. El escándalo de los e-mails y la investigación del FBI minan la campaña de Hillary Clinton. La simple ...

A latinos do Arizona, Hillary faz projeção assustadora da gestão Trump

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valor.com.br - PHOENIX (EUA)  -  Horas depois de uma nova pesquisa apontar Donald Trump cinco pontos à sua frente no Arizona e a seis dias da eleição, a candidata democrata Hillary Clinton jogou, em seu discurso ...

Série Desconstruindo Falácias: o pagamento de benefícios previdenciários - Instituto Liberal

Partilhado por
Gilmar Costa
institutoliberal.org.br - Para ajudar o leitor a diferenciar os diagnósticos coerentes dos falaciosos apresentamos um novo artigo da Série Desconstruindo Falácias.  Para conferir os artigos anteriores acesse: Série Desconst...

Louis Smith is threatened and suspended for mocking Islam, and Theresa May preaches tolerance and responsibility

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Archbishop Cranmer
archbishopcranmer.com - This wasn’t the first time that four-time Olympic medallist Louis Smith had been rebuked by his professional association British Gymnastics for breaching their Standards of Conduct. So when a video...

NY School Cancels Mock Election Because Kids Shouted ‘Trump! Trump! Trump!’

Partilhado por
The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - Rather than vote for presidential nominees Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in a mock election, children at one elementary school will learn about democracy by voting on their favorite school lunch....

CP – La justice condamne ceux qui traitent La Manif Pour Tous et ses sympathisants d’homophobes

lamanifpourtous.fr - Le 4 août 2013, toute la façade de l’immeuble dans lequel travaillait alors Ludovine de La Rochère, Présidente de La Manif Pour Tous, a été éclaboussée de faux sang par des militants d’Act Up Paris...

Jair Meneguelli, ex presidente da CUT e “petistas” têm mordomias e salários milionários no SESI

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Reinaldo Cruz
blogdoneylopes.wordpress.com - Não há explicação moral que possa justificar o que acontece no Sesi (Serviço Social da Indústria), caracterizando as chamadas as distorções do sistema. Faz sucesso permanente na internet o resumo d...

La UNESCO exige adoctrinar con contenidos LGTB en los colegios de todo el mundo | Infovaticana

Partilhado por
Elizabeth Rivera
infovaticana.com - Bajo el pretexto de luchar contra la discriminación, esta organización promueve nuevas políticas a favor del colectivo gay y exige que se inserten materias LGTB en los programas de todas las etapas...

Bud is a UK startup that wants to re-bundle all of your fintech apps into one fintech app

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The new US policy
techcrunch.com - A multitude of startups, from new challenger banks, payments companies to chatbots, are betting on the premise that whenever there’s disruption — in this case, following technological and regulator...

Para o governo, resultado sepulta discurso do golpe - Política - Estadão

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livia soares
politica.estadao.com.br - O Palácio do Planalto avaliou que o resultado das eleições municipais legitima o governo do presidente Michel Temer. Para o ministro-chefe da Casa Civil, Eliseu Padilha, a ampla vitória de partidos...

Delegado da Lava Jato critica acordos de leniência entre empreiteiras e CGU

Partilhado por
Gilmar Costa
g1.globo.com - Um dos delegados da Polícia Federal responsáveis pela Operação Lava Jato, que investiga o esquema de corrupção na Petrobras, afirmou nessa terça-feira (14) que deve ser evitado um “acordão” junto a...

Casa por Cárcel

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O. Bula Escobar
diariodecaracas.com - A nadie le queda duda que en Venezuela somos prisioneros en nuestra propia casa: no podemos salir cuando queremos, no podemos comprar lo que queremos, no podemos curarnos si nos enfermamos, no tene...

Occupy classroom, ou…

Partilhado por
Gilmar Costa
grupomoneybr.wordpress.com - Ah, a juventude! Essa fase da vida da irrequietude. São dessa época sempre as nossas melhores lembranças, pois o é das nossas grandes descobertas e rebeldia contestadora na busca da inserção no mun...

BOLIVIA: Estudiantes marcharán contra Maduro

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entornointeligente.com -  Inicio > Internacionales | Publicado el Jueves, 03 de Noviembre del 2016 BOLIVIA: Estudiantes marcharán contra Maduro | Los Tiempos Noticias Relacionadas: Diálogo, Gobierno, Movimiento, Estudianti...

Teresina registra umidade de deserto e tem nova invasão de 'nuvem' de fuligem

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José Mendes
cidadeverde.com - A junção de temperatura alta com o baixo índice de Umidade Relativa do Ar e a incidência de incêndios fez com que Teresina registrasse, nesta quarta-feira (2), uma nova ‘nuvem’ de fuligem.  A meteo...

Report: FBI Investigating Alleged Illegal Donor Scheme Tied To Patrick Murphy

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Janie Johnson
freebeacon.com - BY: Chandler Gill Follow @chandlergillDC November 2, 2016 10:44 am The FBI has launched an investigation into an alleged illegal donation scheme involving a wealthy Saudi family that backs Florida ...

Obamacare Hikes Hammer Swing-State Voters

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Leticia Velasquez
lifezette.com - Health care mostly has ranked low on voters’ list of concerns in 2016 — but that could change as people get hit with high, often double-digit premium increases under Obamacare just as they prepare ...
Arte & Entretenimento


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(((Nick Donnelly)))
christsfaithfulwitness.blogspot.com - There was a war in Heaven in thankgiving to St Micheal, Satan was thrown out of Heven. Satan was a most beautiful Angel with much intelligence. He was so extremely prideful that He was not going to...

COVERUP? Clinton Foundation Fails to Disclose Latest Donor Report, Tax Return

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - Clinton Foundation officials have yet to disclose the charity’s third quarter 2016 donors — which ended September 30 — thus insuring voters won’t know who contributed in the final months leading up...

REVEALED: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At ONE German Train Station On New Year's Eve

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breitbart.com - The sordid details of the horrifying sexual assaults and attacks made against ordinary Germans by large gangs of migrants in Cologne in the early hours of Friday morning are just now emerging. Far ...

Nation's largest police union endorses Trump

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The truth is …
thehill.com - The nation's largest police union on Friday endorsed Donald TrumpDonald TrumpRepublican voters coming home to Trump Clinton seeks to avoid Michigan upset in final campaign stretch Trump’s tone reso...

Where the presidential race stands today: The USC Dornsife / Los Angeles Times poll

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Olavo de Carvalho
graphics.latimes.com - The USC Dornsife/L.A. Times Presidential Election "Daybreak" Poll asks more than 400 people each day about their voting intentions. The poll is part of the Understanding America Study (UAS) at the ...

US Constitution’s Twenty-Seventh Amendment: 202 Years in the Making

Partilhado por
Blue Chip Biz
shestokas.com - The First Freedom of the First Amendment is the Freedom of Religion.  The Right to Bear Arms is famously in the Second Amendment.  The American Bill of Rights has an almost majestic quality by bein...
Arte & Entretenimento

Papa: è terribile invocare nome di Dio per violenze e terrorismo

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Vaticano - notizie
it.radiovaticana.va - Papa Francesco ha incontrato stamane in Sala Clementina i rappresentanti di diverse religioni. Pubblichiamo di seguito il testo del discorso: La misericordia al cuore del messaggio cristiano Cari a...

El Papa pide favorecer el “encuentro pacífico entre los creyentes” y una “libertad religiosa real” – ZENIT – Espanol

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Zenit Español
es.zenit.org - (ZENIT – Ciudad del Vaticano).- El misterio de la misericordia no se debe celebrar solo con palabras, sino sobre todo con las obras, con un estilo de vida realmente misericordioso, hecho de amor de...

To Overcome Planned Parenthood Juggernaut, Pro-Lifers Must Support Our Cause! | The Stream

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The Stream
stream.org - Pro-life groups are in the final stages of reaching voters as early voting continues across the country. On Monday, the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) released new numbers for their grassroots ca...

Iraqi Church Rescued From ISIS Holds First Service In Two Years

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - An ancient, bombed-out Christian church just outside of Mosul, Iraq, held its first Sunday service in more than two years Monday. The Syriac Catholic church, located in the city of Qaraqosh, held t...

Hillary Clinton: The Goldman Sachs Speeches

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Czechs for Trump
orbooks.com - Hillary Clinton’s private speeches to Goldman Sachs, the nation’s leading investment bank, have been a hot button issue throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. It was widely reported that Clinto...

Police pepper spray protesters at Louisiana Senate debate featuring David Duke

Partilhado por
All American Girl
foxnews.com - Authorities in Louisiana were forced to use pepper spray on a crowd of nearly 70 protesters during a U.S. Senate debate at one of the state’s historically black universities Wednesday night, which ...

Psicopedagoga dá dicas para a reta final rumo ao Enem

noticias.cancaonova.com - Ansiedade à flor da pele nesses dias que antecedem o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM), que deve ser realizado nesse fim de semana, 5 e 6 de novembro. Para muitos estudantes, foi um ano inteiro...

The 50 Most Violent Cities in the World Are Mostly Catholic » BarbWire.com

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Julio Severo
barbwire.com - Business Insider reported a new ranking of the world’s most violent cities, explaining that a full one-third of global homicides occur in Latin America, even though the region has just 8% of the wo...

Falar em “Frente Ampla de Esquerda” é coisa de vigarista intelectual. Mas tomara que “dê certo”. Só assim dará errado! | VEJA.com

Partilhado por
Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - “A esquerda só se une na cadeia”. Essa é uma máxima antiga de esquerdistas, que circulava inclusive durante a ditadura. Tratava-se de uma ironia com as múltiplas correntes em que sempre se dividira...
Arte & Entretenimento

BREAKING: 17 Black Thugs Arrested for Burning White Girl Alive…The MSM Is SILENT

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clashdaily.com - The FBI has rounded up 17 black gang members that were in connection with the murder of Jessica Chambers in Mississippi. She was a white 19 year old girl that had disappeared from a gas station whi...

New York City Councilman ‘Proudly’ Endorses Donald Trump

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The truth is …
observer.com - Councilman Joseph Borelli, a Staten Island Republican, today gave his whole-hearted support to Donald Trump’s bid for his party’s presidential nomination. Mr. Borelli made the announcement on Faceb...

Disputa entre Venezuela e Brasil trava eleição para Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU - Internacional - Estadão

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José Carlos Aleluia
internacional.estadao.com.br - GENEBRA - Os governos da América Latina não conseguem chegam a um acordo sobre quem será o novo presidente do Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU, a partir de janeiro de 2017. De um lado, El Salvad...

Woman Charged With Vandalizing Trump Sign, Nearly Running Over Resident

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The truth is …
boston.cbslocal.com - ANDOVER (CBS) – A woman was arrested after she allegedly vandalized a resident’s Donald Trump campaign sign and nearly ran over the homeowner as she tried to speed away. Andover Police said Susan B...

Does Your One Vote Count? » BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Polls, shmolls. The only poll that counts in this highly fluid election is your vote. How important is your one vote? If we show up, values voters could make all the difference in this and virtuall...

Com a derrota eleitoral, a esquerda parou de esconder seu ódio aos religiosos cristãos | Implicante.Org

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implicante.org - A esquerda sempre odiou as religiões, mas o ódio especial é todo dedicado aos cristãos. Seja catolicismo, as mais variadas denominações evangélicas ou mesmo qualquer culto que não se enquadre numa ...

Under Hillary Clinton Presidency, U.S. Muslim Population Would Exceed France's by 2024 - Breitbart

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - The Muslim population of France is reportedly 4.7 million and the current U.S. Muslim population is roughly 3.3 million, according to estimates from the Pew Research Center. Based on the most recen...

UK Gov't Loses Fight to Push Brexit Button Without Parliament Vote

Partilhado por
Voice of Europe
sputniknews.com - The British voted to leave the European Union at a referendum on June 23 and Theresa May has said that she will formally begin the process of leaving the EU — by invoking Article 50 of the Treaty o...

AP News - Ex-Florida Gov. Crist aims for political comeback in House

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Deplorable ((Faith))
townhall.com - ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — It's a sunny fall day at Williams Park in downtown St. Petersburg, and Charlie Crist is in his element. "What's your name," he purrs to a woman in a wheelchair, taking h...

Democrats, Media, NeverTrump Have National Panic Attack

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Olavo de Carvalho
lifezette.com - There have been few political meltdowns such as the ones being seen in real time now, thanks to Democrat Hillary Clinton’s woes with the FBI. There’s Jim Carville turning into an exploding pumpkin ...

Papa telefona a vescovo Norcia: vicino a terremotati

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Vaticano - notizie
it.radiovaticana.va - Nuovo gesto di vicinanza del Papa alla gente terremotata. "Porto la mia vicinanza, la mia preghiera, la mia benedizione a tutta la gente di Norcia e della Valnerina": ha detto Francesco in una tele...

Government Of Italy Declares War On Islam » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - But, according to Pacinotti, the incursions done by Italy are not sufficient to stop the Islamic threat, since they are already innumerable Islamic immigrants in Western Europe, who are bound to st...

Catholic Church Apologises, Admits 'Grief And Pain' Caused By Forced Adoption

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Christian Today
christiantoday.com - The leader of the Catholic Church in England and Wales has apologised for the "hurt" caused to young unmarried women who were pressured into giving their babies up for adoption in the 1950s, 60s an...

O Brasil precisa renascer

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alertatotal.net - Dia dos Mortos. Lembremos que os vivos têm a missão nada fácil, porém não impossível, de mudar o Brasil. Para isso, é urgente neutralizar a ação daqueles que se acham “muito vivos” no País dominado...

NFL ratings drop because 'racists despise truly free black men' - silly you thought it was a respect for America thing

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bizpacreview.com - The one consistency in the political narrative put forth by race agitators in America is the belief that whitey keeps the black man down. …or, in the case of ill-informed NFL player Colin Kaepernic...

Escreva para Mercy

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Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - Em 2014, Mercy James, uma cristã da Nigéria de 22 anos, foi sequestrada no meio da noite em sua casa, quando o grupo Boko Haram tomou a cidade de Gwoza. O grupo levou Mercy e outras mulheres à Mubi...

A suggestion to dejected Bernie Sanders followers

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Don Mashak
donmashakshennepincountymnfreepressnews.wordpress.com - Before we begin, this writer wants to tip his hat to Bernie Sanders and his supporters for efforts to confront the corrupt status quo Democratic Party Establishment to date. While most Bernie Sande...

Clinton Camp: "Black Voters Are Stupid" – The Real Strategy

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audrey allison
therealstrategy.com - A new email released as part of the Wikileaks Podesta dump features Clinton ally Brent Budowsky accusing Hillary operative David Brock of having a plan that relied upon black voters being “stupid”....

Ahead of US Presidential Elections, October Gun Sales Set Ye…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - A total of 2,333,539 gun related checks were conducted through the agency’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) in October. The increase amounted to more than 350,000 checks ov...

Louis Farrakhan Compares Hillary To Black Community’s Hitler In Fire And Brimstone Sermon [VIDEO]

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Olavo de Carvalho
dailycaller.com - Louis Farrakhan railed against Hillary Clinton during a sermon this past Sunday. The Nation of Islam leader first commended Donald Trump for taking away power from the media. Farrakhan noted that t...

Vatican to United Nations: Human rights are inviolable

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Vatican - news
en.radiovaticana.va - (Vatican Radio) The Holy See’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations, Archbishop Bernardito Auza, told the UN General Assembly the “human rights of every individual, rooted in the innate dignity...

Is the future of peanut allergy treatment a wearable patch?

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theverge.com - A new skin patch for treating peanut allergies has been getting a lot of online attention over the past few days, and it’s no wonder. For the estimated 3.2 million Americans who are allergic to pea...

Adão teve uma mulher chamada Lilith antes de Eva?

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Marco Feliciano
marcofeliciano.com.br - Às vezes, toda a Bíblia, ou qualquer parte dela, é colocada a prova por suposições místicas ou mesmo folclóricas, que tentam colocar luz sobre supostas evidências de conspirações. Mas os escritos c...

What You Need to Know About the National Debt, in 2 Charts

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - The fact that the national debt jumped by $1.4 trillion in one short year should spur Congress to put an end to this excess. The debt hit a record-breaking high of $19.6 trillion at the close of th...

Apps de carro lançam promoções e serviços para ganhar mercado - 03/11/2016 - Mercado - Folha de S.Paulo

Partilhado por
Antonio J Campos
folha.uol.com.br - Concorrentes do Uber no serviço de contratação de motoristas por aplicativo, Easy, 99 e Cabify vêm reduzindo preços e desenvolvendo promoções e novos serviços para ganhar mercado. Fernando Matias, ...

Valve quer apenas “imagens reais” dos games no Steam

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Antonio J Campos
meiobit.com - Postado Por Dori Prata em 03 11 2016 em Computadores Qualquer pessoa que joga videogame há alguns anos e acompanha a mídia especializada já passou por essa situação. O sujeito vê as imagens de divu...

WeMo vulnerability reminds us that IoT security needs to be taken seriously

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Digital Trends
digitaltrends.com - A hot topic in the Internet of Things (IoT) marketplace in the past year has been the security of these new home ecosystems, with many being concerned about hackers gaining access to their homes in...

Floravere delivers a custom wedding dress to your door for under $4,000

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Digital Trends
digitaltrends.com - Mail-order brides have never been in style, but mail-order brides’ gowns? That sounds like something the 21st-century woman can get behind. To that end, meet Floravere, described as “a new bridal b...

Smart oven wants to do for cookies what Nespresso did for coffee

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Digital Trends
digitaltrends.com - You know those world-changing breakthroughs that make you glad that technology exists? Well, CHiP — also known as SideChef’s new “smart cookie oven,” currently raising funds on Kickstarter — may ju...

An all-new Inspire drone from DJI could be flying into view on November 15

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Digital Trends
digitaltrends.com - If you’re in the market for a high-end consumer drone and have some cash to splash, you might want to see what DJI has to say at an upcoming “special announcement” event on November 15. The company...

Aquí no compramos nada

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Yoani Sánchez
14ymedio.com - En una intervención frente a empresarios extranjeros en la Feria Internacional de La Habana (Fihav), el ministro de Comercio Exterior, Rodrigo Malmierca, ha repetido la urgencia que tiene el país d...

Repatriarse sí, radicarse es otra cosa

Partilhado por
Yoani Sánchez
14ymedio.com - "Me juré que nunca más iba a poner un pie en este país", recuerda Lázaro, camagüeyano de 48 años que emigró a finales de los noventa a Miami. Sin embargo, hace pocos meses cambió de opinión y comen...

Un exmiembro de ETA reaparece tras 31 años para encargarse de un lectorado en La Habana

Partilhado por
Yoani Sánchez
14ymedio.com - (EFE).- El escritor y exmiembro de ETA Joseba Sarrionandia, en paradero desconocido desde su fuga de la prisión donostiarra de Martutene en 1985, se hará cargo del nuevo lectorado en lengua y cultu...

Nissan's amazing electric mobile office in a van could be the future of work

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mirror.co.uk - The number of people working from home has soared in the past ten years, thanks to improved internet connectivity and broader adoption of flexible working practices. But why restrict yourself to yo...

Hillary Clinton Told FBI She Could Not Remember State Department Briefings After Brain Injury - Breitbart

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Breitbart News
breitbart.com - According to the documents — which detail the FBI’s now-closed investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure at the State Department — Clinton told investigators duri...

Government-funded bootcamp aims to turn amateur sleuths into elite hackers

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mirror.co.uk - The UK government is launching a new cyber academy to train people who have never worked in cyber security before to become elite code-breakers. The GCHQ-certified "Cyber Retraining Academy", creat...

How Doctors Could One Day Use Your DNA to Cure You

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wired.com - “I don’t mean to be morbid,” Eric Dishman told a friend as he was winding down his job at Intel. “But this may be the last time you see me.” Dishman, a longtime leader of the company’s health resea...

Why visuals are so important in content marketing and five ways to do them well

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niume.com - Human beings are wired for visual content. For millennia we’ve used visual cues to understand the world around us and relied on imagery to communicate complicated ideas quickly and clearly. As a re...

Tackling corporate social media in 2016

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Bobby Umar
prdaily.com - For PR pros, managing social media for our clients means using several different platforms and tweaking our messaging to what works best on each. Here are tips on how to best navigate social media ...

Huawei's Senior VP Shows Off Pieces Of Mate 9's Design | Androidheadlines.com

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androidheadlines.com - The Huawei Mate 9 is one of the most anticipated smartphones of the year, and probably one of the last true flagship devices we’ll see announced this year. This handset has been leaking like crazy ...

29 Things Real Vegans Actually Eat

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buzzfeed.com - But the fact is, veganism is good for the planet, good for animals, and ACTUALLY CAN BE VERY TASTY! “Just frozen bananas whizzed up with frozen blueberries, a little bit of coconut milk and a drop ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Paranormal Action Squad Is YouTube's First Original Animated Series

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buzzfeed.com - YouTube has announced its first original animated show, “Paranormal Action Squad,” for YouTube Red, its premium subscription service. The show will premier globally on November 16. The eight-episod...

17 Gifts For People Who Love Carbs

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buzzfeed.com - 1. These “Snacks” and “Burrito” rings, because you’d rather be married to food, tbh. Buy ‘em here and here, respectively. 2. These heated bread-shaped hand warmers and pillow, which charge via USB,...

Microsoft Launches 'Team': Microsoft, Slack Preparing For An All Out War, Ultimately Will Users Be The Winners?

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scienceworldreport.com - Microsoft on Wednesday launched a work chat app to take on its competitor Slack. Microsoft's new software "Teams" will change the face of work communications. Reportedly, Microsoft earlier in the y...

How Microsoft Wants to Change How You Work

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time.com - Microsoft’s Office software, like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, have long been workplace staples. Office’s dominance has held sway even in the cloud computing era: 85% of Fortune 500 firms are using...

I Have Reason to Believe Barbara Bush Is Four Feet Tall

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jezebel.com - The other night, while high Googling before bed, I got to thinking about the Bushes, in general, and Barbara Bush, in particular. I told my husband about how I think she cuts quite an intimidating ...

Holiday Gift Guide 2016 – 2017: Top 10 Best Smartphone Accessories | Androidheadlines.com

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androidheadlines.com - When it comes to mounting your phone in the car, there are many ways to do it. One of the more popular ways, is to use the MagicMount here from Scosche. It attaches to the windshield or your dashbo...

The Roots of Route 66

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theatlantic.com - No other road has captured the imagination and the essence of the American Dream quite like Route 66. The idea behind the “Mother Road” was to connect urban and rural America from Chicago all the w...

Leaked Images Show Pre-Installed Microsoft Apps On Moto M | Androidheadlines.com

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androidheadlines.com - News about the upcoming Moto M (XT1663) has been leaked almost on a daily basis over the past week. The device is codenamed KUNGFU and is expected to be launched next week. While all of the previou...

9 Questions to conduct a quick personal review

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Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - A quick personal review can help you to define your purpose and identify the objectives which you wish to pursue. Most people will ask themselves the important questions once in their life but they...

4 Rules of supportive feedback. Be assertive, communicate effectively

Partilhado por
Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - Feedback is an essential communication skill. It helps you to manage your time; manage your energy; manage your relationships and, manage your resources. Supportive feedback allows you to give your...

3 Simple assertiveness techniques to reduce stress and avoid conflict.

Partilhado por
Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - In life, you will undoubtedly encounter people who want to force you to see their point of you, or to do what they want you to do. When you do not agree, they can become quite irate and aggressive....

Pope Francis at cemetery: Christ gives us hope – even in death

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Rome, Italy, Nov 2, 2016 / 10:57 am (CNA/EWTN News).- While it's sad to think about our own death or that of a loved one, we can never be truly hopeless because of Christ's resurrection, Pope Franc...

Don’t Count Donald Out In Michigan

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - Donald Trump’s Halloween stop in Michigan left many political watchers around the country scratching their heads. Two rallies – a full day – in a state RealClearPolitics has Hillary Clinton at a 6....

The Trumps Descend On Michigan, Which Is Now a Battleground State

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - Republican nominee Donald Trump visited Michigan for two rallies Monday, and his children, as well as vice presidential nominee Mike Pence, are following him to the Great Lakes state. Donald Trump,...

A Soldier Shot And Killed A Knife Wielding Terrorist, And Now The Trial Is Ripping Israel In Half

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - Israeli Defense Soldier Elor Azaria was filmed in March shooting a Palestinian terrorist laying on the ground in the head, after the terrorist tried to stab multiple Israeli soldiers. Azaria is now...

There’s A Lot More Mysterious Water On Asteroids Than Scientists Thought

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - Scientists have detected mysterious water on the surface of metal-rich asteroid “Psyche” — a stunning discovery given that water should not be there. New research using NASA’s Infrared Telescope Fa...

Murder-Rampant DC Votes To Just Allow People To Kill Themselves

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - The D.C. Council approved a bill legalizing assisted suicide in the District despite outcries from members of the black community who are fearful it will pressure low income individuals into choosi...

Has a single Democrat condemned Donna Brazile's actions? - Hot Air

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hotair.com - As John Sexton reported yesterday, CNN has cut all ties with DNC interim chair Donna Brazile after leaked emails revealed another instance of her conspiring with media figures to give Hillary Clint...
Arte & Entretenimento

Prohibitionists Say Bogus Candy Scare Proves Legal Pot Endangers Trick-or-Treaters

Partilhado por
reason.com - The Drug Free America Foundation, which is fighting a medical marijuana initiative in Florida by warning that it will lead to cannabis candy in trick-or-treat bags, has latched onto a bogus report ...

Los Runrunes de Bocaranda de hoy 03.11.2016: ALTO – La suerte está echada

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El PoliTwico
runrun.es - ALTO CARTAS SOBRE LA MESA: En los últimos 15 años son varias las veces que hemos escuchado  el argumento que para que Venezuela regrese a la normalidad republicana y democrática es necesario que la...

Juicio del caso Diosdado Cabello Vs. Wall Street Journal será en abril de 2018

Partilhado por
El PoliTwico
maibortpetit.blogspot.com - Por Maibort Petit El juicio para dirimir la demanda por difamación interpuesta por el diputado venezolano, Diosdado Cabello Rondón contra el periódico estadounidense Wall Street Journal se realizar...

“La iglesia ha descuidado la misión en la vida diaria”

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entreCristianos +
protestantedigital.com - Aunque pasamos 30 o 40 horas semanales en el trabajo y tal vez sólo 3 o 4 en el templo, muchos de los esfuerzos de formación y preparación en la iglesia van dirigidos a la actividad ministerial o e...

The States Most Flooded with Foreign Workers

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lifezette.com - The Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies on Wednesday produced a map showing the location of companies that make heavy use of foreign guest workers. Clusters in majors cities of swing st...

DOJ Just Sent Disturbing Letter About FBI Investigation... Who Signed It Is Turning Heads

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Dr. Lynn J Anderson
westernjournalism.com - It’s a plot twist novelist John Grisham would be ashamed to try. After a weekend of political turmoil set off by FBI Director James Comey’s bombshell announcement that the bureau is investigating u...

Diet & Light – Espaguete ao molho de rúcula

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Diet & Light – Espaguete ao molho de rúcula 500 gramas de massa longa tipo espaguete 1 (sobremesa) de azeite 250 gramas de ricota passada na peneira 6 tomates maduros picados ½ maço de folhas de rú...

US Presidential Candidates Must Be Held Accountable for Pro-…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - NEW YORK (Sputnik) — “We need to hold presidential candidates accountable for their pro-war positions which threaten our security and survival,” Lennick said on Wednesday. “We’ve witnessed the deva...
Meio Ambiente

Cuba y Rusia firman convenio para crear su primera empresa m…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Los gobiernos de Cuba y Rusia firmaron ayer un convenio con el fin de crear una empresa mixta para la producción de baterías acumuladoras, el primer negocio en el sector industrial que emprenden am...

Expresidente de México: Trump es peligroso y Clinton comple…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - El magnate neoyorkino “activó el miedo de los estadounidenses hacia la inmigración”, y si gana los comicios del próximo martes “sería un escenario extremadamente peligroso para México y para Estado...
Meio Ambiente

Suplementação – Queima de Gordura – Elementos…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Suplementação – Queima de Gordura – Co... 1 ano de resultados de emagrecimento em apenas 8 semanas Acesse e aqui e queime gordura http://bit.ly/Revoluçãodoemagrecimento emagrecer, emagrecer ..... S...

Trump to Shift US Containment Policy Toward China Instead of…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - MOSCOW (Sputnik) — If US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump becomes next US president, the main change in the US policy will be departing from confrontation with Russia and shifting atten...

Suplementação – Definição Muscular – Dicas Para…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Conheça mais sobre o livro com receitas de emagrecimento e definição da Dra. Giovana Guido Aqui: http://bit.ly/Emagrecimentoedefinicao Se você está … Suplementação – Definição Muscular – C... Ander...

Russia’s UEC, China’s SBW Discuss Joint Gas Turbine Engine P…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russia’s United Engine Corporation (UEC) and the Chinese Shenyang Blower Works (SBW) company are in talks on a joint project to build a 40-megawatt gas turbine engine for the tra...

The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

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Don Mashak
mises.org - States are more vulnerable than people think. They can collapse in an instant—when consent is withdrawn. This is the thesis of this thrilling book. Murray Rothbard writes a classic introduction to ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Rapper Lil Wayne doesn't relate to Black Lives Matter

theblaze.com - Controversial rapper Lil Wayne abruptly halted a Tuesday interview when he was asked about the Black Lives Matter movement. He told the host of ABC News’ “Nightline” he just doesn’t “feel connected...
Arte & Entretenimento

Colin Kaepernick Hosts Black Panther-Inspired Youth Camp

weaselzippers.us - Kaepernick is a full-bore black Marxist nutcase. Anyone who lets him around children is committing child abuse. Colin Kaepernick, the San Francisco 49ers quarterback who started a movement of kneel...

La hija de Asia Bibi pide oraciones por su liberación y su salud

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infocatolica.com - (Mas Libres/Aci Prensa) Según explicó la joven, su madre pidió que se rezara para que pudiera salir pronto de la cárcel y aseguró que cuando sea libre lo primero que harán será «dar gracias a Dios ...

After Dethroning Sunday Night Football, World Series Ratings Ascent Continues Into Deciding Game - Breitbart

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All American Girl
breitbart.com - Game Six registered a 14.8 rating in metered markets on Tuesday night despite the Chicago Cubs defeating the Cleveland Indians in blowout fashion 9-3. The rating beat the last World Series Game Six...

Insurers Lobby for Changes to Obamacare 'Bailouts' | Restoring Liberty

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All American Girl
joemiller.us - Insurance companies continue to put pressure on members of Congress over two Obamacare programs set to expire at the end of the year. Lawmakers and outside groups expect a fight over the risk corri...

Por ano, no Brasil, a sonegação de impostos e evasão fiscal dos ricos equivalem a 18 Copas do Mundo - MariaFrô

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Paul X Brow
revistaforum.com.br - Mesmo antes da disparada na cotação do dólar, US$ 280 bilhões já seria um número impressionante. Segundo uma pesquisa da Tax Justice Network (rede de justiça fiscal, em tradução livre, organização ...

8 Instances of Voter Fraud in 2016, and It's Not Even Election Day Yet | Restoring Liberty

Partilhado por
All American Girl
joemiller.us - In just the last week, prosecutors pursued three voter fraud-related charges in three major battleground states—Florida, Iowa, and Virginia. Numerous other election irregularities such as voting be...

Game Seven of the World Series, a Clash of Forces, Objects, Wills, and History - Breitbart

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All American Girl
breitbart.com - Wednesday night, that clash happens in Game Seven of the World Series. For two games of this series, Indians starter Corey Kluber personified the immovable object. Kluber has allowed a single run t...

Eastern Europe Arms Itself Against Russian Military Aggression | Restoring Liberty

Partilhado por
All American Girl
joemiller.us - Countries across Eastern Europe are militarizing to defend themselves from Russia, underscoring how Kremlin brinkmanship could spark a regional conflict. “If you’re in Estonia, or Latvia, and Russi...
Arte & Entretenimento

THR: China's Richest Man Plots Aggressive Push Into Hollywood

Partilhado por
All American Girl
breitbart.com - In a feature for the Hollywood Reporter, Wang says he hopes to acquire one of the six major Hollywood studios. But for now, the man known in Hollywood simply as “The Chairman” is content to invest ...

'Teen Mom 2' Star Fires Back at Gun Pic Haters: 'NRA All the Way'

Partilhado por
All American Girl
breitbart.com - Calvert posted the photograph of his young daughter this week to Instagram this week. The caption read: “She said daddy, lets go hunting and shoot a coyote… lol better watch out boys she wont miss ...

Mandatory 'microaggression training' for Suffolk U. staff due to prof's alleged 'racial bias' - The College Fix

Partilhado por
All American Girl
thecollegefix.com - Suffolk University will require all faculty to undergo “microaggression training” after a professor doubted the vocabulary used by a student on an assignment. As reported by BuzzFeed, Tiffany Martí...

Sonegação de impostos é sete vezes maior que a corrupção

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Paul X Brow
cartacapital.com.br - Nenhum assunto rivaliza com as notícias sobre corrupção na cobertura e no destaque dados pela mídia, um sinal da importância devidamente atribuída ao problema pelos cidadãos. Males de proporções ma...

Reports of Active U.S. Military Drilling for “Authoritarian Rule of Law” (Martial Law) - The Last Great Stand

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The Last Great Stand
thelastgreatstand.com - The times we are living in now, are no doubt some of the most volatile times in human history, and what makes the rising tensions so much more dangerous now than in previous times throughout human ...

Christian Family in India’s Bastar District Brutally Beaten by Suspected Hindu Radicals « Persecution News

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persecution.org - Pregnant Woman and Elderly Couple Not Spared from Assault  11/02/2016 Washington, D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that four Christians, in...

Mujer pierde su boda por un desliz en la despedida de soltera

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Edén de Cínicos
cocreta.com - Tanto en las redes sociales, como en otros medios audiovisuales de farándula, se ha dado a conocer esta trágica historia de amor de una joven quien estaba a horas de presentarse en el altar, pero f...

First Amendment to US Constitution: Right to Peaceable Assembly

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Shestokas 4 Ft Myers
shestokas.com - The Constitution’s First Amendment contains limits on government interference with very well known unalienable rights: religion, speech and press. The Amendment specifically restricts government in...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia




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