25 September 2016

LibExp 2016.09.24 @livrexpress


FBI releases fresh batch of Clinton investigation documents

politico.com - The FBI published 58 pages of documents earlier this month that revealed Hillary Clinton had relied on others’ judgment to not send her classified material during email correspondences. | AP Photo ...

‘Trump’: Hillary an ‘Ameriphobe’

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Deplorable Nancy ن
mobile.wnd.com - NEW YORK – Filmmaker Joel Gilbert, the creator of the “Super Trump” billboard that played in Times Square last week, has produced a satirical animated video in which Hillary Clinton is sent to an i...

Libertad para criticar el Islam

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CitizenGO es
citizengo.org - ULTIMA HORA (20 de septiembre) Nuestra campaña en Actuall Una reciente sentencia condena a un conferenciante austríaco por criticar la moral de Mahoma ante un auditorio de apenas 30 personas. ¿Se a...

Ontem houve greve geral. Você só não percebeu porque só aderiram os que já não trabalham

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Marcos Brandão
oreacionario.blog.br - Ontem a extrema-esquerda ocupou as ruas. Milhares de pessoas cruzaram os braços em todo o país, denunciando o que chamam de golpe e manifestando sua indignação contra a perda do que chamam de direi...

La madre de un transexual en el Encuentro Actuall: "Es un calvario, están siendo utilizados"

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actuall.com - La ideología de género es la dictadura del siglo XXI y casi sin que se perciba se está colando en todos los rincones de la sociedad. Más de diez comunidades ya tienen leyes de adoctrinamiento sexua...

Mídia Sem Máscara - Os católicos idiotas úteis de George Soros

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Mídia Sem Máscara
midiasemmascara.org - Escrito por Robert A. Sirico | 23 Setembro 2016 Artigos - Globalismo Uma série de documentos notáveis foram vazados pela Wikileaks recentemente. A “sociedade aberta” de George Soros (Open Society P...

Desacato à autoridade vai virar regra no caso Lula? - ISTOÉ Independente

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Gidalti Alencar
istoe.com.br - ATAQUES AO JUDICIÁRIO – Na última semana Lula zombou dos investigadores do Petrolão “Fico ofendido por ter a vida futucada por uns meninos do Ministério Público Federal” Lula, na quarta-feira 21 “D...


liberdade de expressão; livre comunicação; free speech; libertad de expresión; contra censura; against censorship; liberdade religiosa; religious freedom

Trump vai vencer, diz especialista que acerta eleições desde 1984 | VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - Ninguém parece saber ao certo quem vencerá as eleições americanas de 8 de novembro – exceto Allan Lichtman, professor da American University, em Washington. Apesar das pesquisas estarem favorecendo...

Caso Mantega – Mentiras de Lula e hipóteses possíveis | VEJA.com

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Felipe Moura Brasil
veja.abril.com.br - Lula disse em palanque na noite de quinta-feira (22) que os policiais federais que prenderam o ex-ministro da Fazenda Guido Mantega pela manhã “entraram na sala de cirurgia do hospital”: “A mulher ...
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Aristeguieta Gramcko: Gobierno no aceptará salida electoral

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Getúlio Santana
el-carabobeno.com - Desde la Mesa de la Unidad Democrática (MUD) se han hecho todos los esfuerzos. Convocar un referendo revocatorio es la opción para salir de la crisis. “Pero el Gobierno no aceptará irse a través de...

Insane Video of SJW's Shouting Down YAF Students Perfectly Showcases Everything Wrong with the Left - Young America's Foundation

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Ben Shapiro
yaf.org - Thursday night radical protestors at Kansas University (KU) hijacked a Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) meeting, unleashing a virulent tirade against the conservative students, providing a glimpse...
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The US election and 'white pride'

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The Reactionary Tree
bbc.co.uk - Video The US election and 'white pride' North America correspondent, Aleem Maqbool, has been hearing from voters in Whitefish, Montana about their views on the far-right in the US. From the section...

FBI gave immunity to top Hillary Clinton aide, says Republican lawmaker

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Henry Makow
telegraph.co.uk - A yearlong investigation by the FBI focused on whether the Democratic presidential nominee sent or received classified information using the private server located in the basement of her New York h...
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EXCELLENT: Donations Pour in For NJ Homeless Man Who Alerted Authorities to Explosives

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Roger Olivieri
americanlookout.com - A fact that’s frequently overlooked by progressive critics of America is that we’re the most charitable nation in the world. Americans love to give, especially to people who deserve it and this guy...

Sorry, media: Black Charlotte chief says suspect had a gun, which is why black officer shot him

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Terry Kinder
caintv.com - Witnesses corroborate, and no book was found anywhere. Not that there is ever a good reason to have a riot, but the Charlotte rioters might be interested to know they bought a line of crap from the...
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Trump: Hillary Clinton First Presidential Candidate Proposing to Abolish U.S. Borders - Breitbart

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breitbart.com - “Your cause and your stories are ignored by our political establishment because they are determined to keep our borders open at any cost,” Trump told attendees of the Remembrance Project luncheon o...

Jailhouse Letter: Guccifer Laments Failure To Expose 'Crimes,' Rails Against Clinton

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BREAKING: Hillary’s Campaign Now Backing Out Of The Debate

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Dr. Lynn J Anderson

Michael Jordan Breaks Silence On Charlotte Protest... Rioters Will Be FURIOUS

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Deplorable Nancy ن
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Um passeio de cores e tranquilidade pelo Vale do Taquari

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Getúlio Santana
zh.clicrbs.com.br - Se você está em busca de paz e de um roteiro diferente, uma boa opção no Rio Grande do Sul é Imigrante, no Vale do Taquari. Aliás, até o nome da praça central da cidade de 3 mil habitantes captou o...

Reveja todos os vídeos do quadro #PartiuRS do Jornal do Almoço

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Getúlio Santana

Ruínas de São Nicolau são vestígio do passado das Missões Jesuíticas 

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Getúlio Santana
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