27 September 2016

CP-news 26.09.2016 @CristPolit



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The FBI Investigation of EmailGate Was a Sham

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observer.com - From the moment the EmailGate scandal went public more than a year ago, it was obvious that the Federal Bureau of Investigation never had much enthusiasm for prosecuting Hillary Clinton or her frie...

Eric Trump: ‘Hillary’s Been a Politician Longer Than I’ve Been Alive’

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Linda Suhler, Ph.D.
insider.foxnews.com - Judge Jeanine to Trump: 'Be Yourself' at Debate, 'Your Opponent Can't Handle the Truth' 'Duck Dynasty''s 'Uncle Si' on How to Vet the Presidential Candidates Chuck Woolery Slams ‘Hollywood Marxists...

Tulsa Cop Who Shot Unarmed Man Tells Her Side Of The Story... "I Was Never..."

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conservativetribune.com - The attorney for Betty Shelby, who was identified as the Tulsa, Oklahoma, police officer who shot and killed a black man in Tulsa on Friday night, has gone public to describe how she felt when she ...

Requião deixou rombo de R$ 9 bi na Previdência

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Pelego Golpista X9
fabiocampana.com.br - O senador Roberto Requião (PMDB) jacta-se da sua eficiência administrativa, mas parece esconder o jogo. Seus adversários no jogo interno peemedebista divulgaram hoje que Requião deixou um rombo de ...

UNEXPECTEDLY! Obama's photo tribute to Arnold Palmer is a hole-in-one at Narcissist Acres

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twitchy.com - Posted at 12:26 am on September 26, 2016 by Doug P. Are you kidding me with this https://t.co/8f0qGlhJJs — Rebecca de Winter (@BlazerMc88) September 26, 2016 As we reported Sunday night, golf legen...

Mike Pence Slams Hillary’s ‘Broad Brush’ Portrait of Biased Law Enforcement

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Rhonda Kazmierski
insider.foxnews.com - Carson: Trump Must Be ‘Laser-Focused’ on Issues; Fight ‘Attempts to Irritate Him’ 'Duck Dynasty''s 'Uncle Si' on How to Vet the Presidential Candidates Eric Trump: ‘Hillary’s Been a Politician Long...

No Twitter, "Brasil em Fotos" oferece pílulas diárias de história do país

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Proj Mais Um Moro
tecnologia.uol.com.br - Carioca de 44 anos é o único autor por trás do perfil "Brasil em fotos" no Twitter Inspirado no perfil no Twitter "History in Pictures" (História em fotos), um amante de história resolveu fazer uma...

PHOTO: Marines ROCK Terrorists With SAVAGE Message ⋆ US Herald

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usherald.com - ISIS and other terrorist thrive on fear and propaganda. It is where they derive their power so they constantly issue threats to others with the message of "convert or die" to all those that they cl...

‘Era necessária uma consulta prévia da reforma do ensino’ - Educação - Estadão

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Domingos Massa
educacao.estadao.com.br - SÃO PAULO - A pressa na reforma do ensino médio deve ser a principal inimiga do governo federal em seu projeto de salvar essa etapa, considerada uma das mais problemáticas da educação básica. Isso ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Baltimore Professor: White People Need To Personally Give All Their Money To Black People...

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Ben Shapiro
louderwithcrowder.com - Unfortunately some of you were born white. Guilty.  All that money you’re making? If you’re white, you didn’t earn that. Somebody else made that happen. So here’s what you should do. Take that extr...

Casos de corrupção envolvendo Temer caem no ostracismo, e são muitos

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redebrasilatual.com.br - The Intercept Brasil – O presidente não-eleito Michel Temer foi a Nova York discursar na Assembleia Geral da ONU. Há na imprensa quem tenha considerado sua apresentação “sóbria”, “elegante” e “disc...

Caixa de supermercado humilhada por Russomanno conta que foi punida pela empresa - Portal Fórum

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Geraldo Morais
revistaforum.com.br - Um vídeo que circula na internet mostra o candidato do PRB à Prefeitura de São Paulo ameaçando “conduzir Cleide Cruz para a delegacia”. “Ele me humilhou, à mim e à subgerente. Por causa deste episó...

Italian TV presenter is criticised for wearing a crucifix on air

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dailymail.co.uk - An Italian presenter has been criticised for wearing a crucifix and rosary beads while reading the news. Marina Nalesso, 44, has worn the religious accessories on several occasions during broadcast...

Here is Donald Trump's statement on his meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu

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twitchy.com - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump held a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Readout of my meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:https://t.co/VHuyE...

Candidato, líder de invasores é suspeito de ter apoio do PCC - São Paulo - Estadão

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sao-paulo.estadao.com.br - SÃO PAULO - As investigações da polícia e do Ministério Público Estadual (MPE) sobre o esquema criminoso de grilagem de terras públicas nas áreas de mananciais de São Paulo chegaram ao líder comuni...

Trump tells Netanyahu he'll recognize Jerusalem as Israel's 'undivided' capital

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Ivo Marcelino
yahoo.com - New York (AFP) - Republican candidate Donald Trump pledged Sunday in a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's "undivided" capital if he is elected...

Four Shot In Migrant City of Malmo, Child Avoids Bullet By 'Centimetres'

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - Shooting broke out in the south of the city in the early evening, with four people injured. Sydsvenskan reports police took of the injured to hospital while the other three were able to make their ...

Donald Trump’s birther event is the greatest trick he’s ever pulled

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washingtonpost.com - Donald Trump spent a lot of time raising doubts over President Obama's birth certificate in 2011. He finally admitted Obama was born in the U.S. on Sept. 16, but falsely accused Hillary Clinton's c...

WikiLeaks - A vote today for Hillary Clinton is a vote for endless, stupid war

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wikileaks.org - How to contact WikiLeaks? What is Tor? Tips for Sources After Submitting This key's fingerprint is A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E 9231 8DBA -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQQNBFUoCGg...

Não sai na Globo: Temer tira dinheiro do SUS e de escolas para dar a mansões de milionários - Portal Fórum

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revistaforum.com.br - Em que lugar no mundo um governante precisando fazer ajuste fiscal, com perda de arrecadação, mesmo sendo neoliberal, seria louco de criar uma lei reduzindo receitas sobre bens de luxo pertencentes...

Giant Anti-Hillary Sign Greets Drivers Along Route 33 • /r/HillaryForPrison

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Kayte 4 TRUMP!
reddit.com - This sub is for everyone who wants to keep Crooked Hillary out of the Oval Office. We welcome Sanders supporters whose own campaign and sub won't go negative on It, and we welcome Trump supporters ...

10 pegadinhas que os bancos podem aplicar nos investidores | EXAME.com

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Não Haverá Trégua
exame.abril.com.br - A oferta de investimentos pelos bancos para o grande público ainda deixa a desejar, afirma Paulo Figueiredo, diretor de operações da assessoria de investimentos FN Capital. Segundo ele, os investim...

Istoé desnuda golpe de R$ 2 bilhões dado pelo PT nos aposentados da Caixa

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Maria Fatima Da Mota
jornalivre.com - A Operação Greenfield – outra investida da PF no projeto totalitário de poder baseado em corrupção – é avaliada em detalhes na última edição da Istoé. No último dia 5, a operação cumpriu um conjunt...

Por que você não está nem aí para as eleições (mas deveria) | EXAME.com

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Não Haverá Trégua
exame.abril.com.br - São Paulo - Faltando uma semana para o primeiro turno das eleições municipais, a impressão é de que os eleitores (pelo menos nas grandes cidades) ainda não estão dando a devida atenção à corrida el...

Algum Ladrão Onesto quer roubar seu voto

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Não Haverá Trégua

Tchau, PT!

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Gilmar Costa
noblat.oglobo.globo.com - A menos de uma semana da eleição de 463.374 vereadores e dos prefeitos de 5.568 municípios, o PT parece destinado a ter que recomeçar. Fundado em 1980, cinco anos depois ele elegeu em Fortaleza seu...

Watch: Protesters disrupt fans leaving Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte

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twitchy.com - The protests in Charlotte continued Sunday afternoon as fans streamed out of Bank of America Stadium following the Carolina Panthers’ 22-10 loss to the Minnesota Vikings. Check out these great vide...

Pedro Paulo olha para marqueteiro ao ser alvo, e Jair Bolsonaro xinga na plateia

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Cesar Gomes
oglobo.globo.com - RIO — Apesar de ter subido o tom nos últimos dias contra os adversários, o candidato do PMDB à prefeitura do Rio, Pedro Paulo foi orientado por sua equipe de comunicação a ser propositivo no debate...

DNC Leaks Email: Hillary Clinton Took Credit for the Arab Spring Sh*tShow

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thegatewaypundit.com - The Arab Spring were a series of Middle Eastern protest movements supported by the Obama regime that resulted in the replacement of pro-American governments with the Muslim Brotherhood thugs, anti-...

Terror alert in Budapest as huge explosion rocks centre of city

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mirror.co.uk - A huge explosion has rocked the centre of the Hungarian capital Budapest sparking fears of a terror attack. At least two people are believed to have been injured with a large police presence at the...

Jeff Sessions Pushes Back Against Clinton’s Suggestion of Global Right to Immigrate

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breitbart.com - As Byron York first reported, earlier this week, Clinton’s campaign indicated that she believes the world has a global right to immigrate to the United States—a position that essentially dissolves ...

TSE flagra mais de 20 mil pobres doando ao todo R$ 168 milhões para campanhas eleitorais

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cris godoy
implicante.org - O Brasil é campeão nesse tipo de coisa. Cria regras “para inglês ver” e elas acabam burladas por meio de gambiarras tragicômicas. Vejamos, primeiro, a ideia de “reforma política”. Como já explicamo...

Scott Adams' Blog

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(((Deplorable))) Hom
blog.dilbert.com - Posted September 25th, 2016 @ 12:41pm in #Trump #clinton As most of you know, I had been endorsing Hillary Clinton for president, for my personal safety, because I live in California. It isn’t safe...

ProtonMail Security Advisory Regarding Yahoo Hack - ProtonMail Blog

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Sandra ن
protonmail.com - Confirming what was long suspected by the security community, Yahoo today confirmed a massive breach of over 500 million email accounts, including both credentials and security questions. This is a...

Paschoal pró Lava Jato: “Profissionais que ousaram enfrentar Lula antes foram aniquilados”

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Ezequias Neto
implicante.org - Janaína Paschoal usou o Twitter para defender que a Lava Jato agiu bem ao convocar a coletiva e explicar os crimes cometidos por Lula. “O tema é árido e eles estão enfrentando pessoas poderosas e m...

Dead heat: Clinton’s lead down to two points nationally and in Pennsylvania - Hot Air

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Ben Shapiro
hotair.com - Jazz already got to the new Morning Consult poll, but the conclusion there is the same as the conclusion here. Both nationally and in Trump’s most elusive battleground state, it’s anyone’s ballgame...

Marine Corps Dad Banned from Daughter’s High School Graduation had Complained when School Taught her how to Convert to Islam!

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constitution.com - After Suing Maryland Public School For Teaching Their Daughter HOW TO CONVERT TO ISLAM, USMC Veteran & Father Banned from Daughter’s Graduation Maryland parents Melissa and John Wood sued the Charl...

FBI: Clinton I.T. worker made reference to 'Hillary cover-up operation' in work ticket - CNN Video

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Deplorable FOR TRUMP
cnn.com - Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. Find out what's happening in the world as it unfolds. JUST WATCHED FBI: Clinton I.T. worker made reference to 'Hillary cover-up operation' in work ticket MUST WA...

Moderate – Period

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(((Deplorable))) Hom
usnews.com - The job of a moderator in a presidential debate is to moderate, period. Ask the candidates questions, keep time. It is not the moderator's responsibility to be a fact-checker. It's a debate, not a ...

British Paper: Hillary's Floating Eyeball May Be Sign of Serious Health Issues

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Kayte 4 TRUMP!
thegatewaypundit.com - On Monday Hillary Clinton traveled to Temple University to woo millennial voters. About 300 students showed up for her small rally. There are over 37,000 students at Temple. Only 300 made it to the...

Abdourahman Alamoudi, Jailed al Qaeda Financier, Frequented the Clinton White House - CounterJihad

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Sandra ن
counterjihad.com - Islamists pose a particular security risk to our U.S. government. They want to slowly introduce Sharia law into our system of government and take away our most cherished freedoms. Islamists such as...

NEW WAY to discourage Muslims from putting a mosque in your neighborhood

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Deplorable ((Faith))
barenakedislam.com - A New York Islamic center is suing the City of Yonkers for landmarking a beautiful 108-year-old house owned by the group in an alleged bid to stop it from turning the mansion into an ugly, ostentat...

Teacher steps on American flag to teach students a lesson

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Deplorable Carmine Z
cnn.com - Story highlights Teacher first tried to cut, burn flag during lesson on First Amendment Superintendent says free speech can be taught without desecrating the flag (CNN)The students in teacher Lee F...

Swedish police lose control amid refugee crisis as number of 'no-go zones' rises to 55

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rt.com - Dubbed “no-go zones” in some media reports, there are now 55 areas in Swedish cities, where the police have significant problems in tackling crime. They are divided into three categories depending ...

» Anal, homo y lésbico: El libro sobre “sexualidad adolescente” de la Municipalidad de SantiagoEl Demócrata

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eldemocrata.cl - “100 preguntas sobre sexualidad adolescente” es el nombre del libro que la Municipalidad de Santiago —bajo la administración de Carolina Tohá (PPD)— sacó en septiembre de este año para niños y adol...

Trump Meets With Netanyahu, Discusses Isis, Jewish State, Us Military Aid

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Deplorable Fred
foxnews.com - Donald Trump met Sunday with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, discussing such key issues as the Iran nuclear deal, Middle East stability and problems that the Islamic State terror group ha...

Os deputados que são réus no STF e querem ser prefeitos | EXAME.com

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Não Haverá Trégua
exame.abril.com.br - As principais investigações se debruçam sobre ilegalidades eleitorais, crimes de responsabilidade e contra a Lei de Licitações. Vários casos são referentes às gestões anteriores dos deputados, quan...

Trump's Most Brilliant Campaign Move Yet

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townhall.com - Today at his brand new Trump International Hotel in Washington D.C., Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump proved once again he is a master manipulator of media.  This week the birther iss...

Polls: Donald Trump Surging in Maine, Colorado - Breitbart

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Deplorable Carmine Z
breitbart.com - Statewide, Clinton leads Trump by only three percent, according to a Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram poll, which has Clinton leading Trump 40 percent to 37 percent in a four-way matchup...

Derrotado por 13 a 1, desembargador Favreto diz que Moro foi negligente: "Evocar teoria do estado de exceção pode ser temerária" - Viomundo - O que você não vê na mídia

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viomundo.com.br - “Lava jato” não dá aval para juiz descumprir lei, diz desembargador do TRF-4 Por Brenno Grillo. no Consultor Jurídico É no mínimo negligente o juiz que torna públicas conversas captadas entre inves...

27 things we learned from Clinton's FBI files

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washingtonexaminer.com - A 189-page summary of interviews conducted in the year-long investigation of Hillary Clinton's private server shed new light on the shifting stories Clinton's aides told agents. The report, which w...

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Used Agents As Pawns To Insulate Hillary, Aides & Clinton Foundation From Prosecutions

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Deplorable Carmine Z
truepundit.com - In mid-summer a wave of panic and despair began to wash over key rank and file FBI agents who were doggedly working the Hillary Clinton investigations. Agents reluctantly pondered a potential, brut...

This is America on drugs: A visual guide

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B.D. Mowell
cnn.com - Drugs are the leading cause of accidental death in this country. Fatal overdoses surpassed shooting deaths and fatal traffic accidents years ago. For perspective on how fast drug deaths have risen,...

More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

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yahoo.com - WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. government has mistakenly granted citizenship to at least 858 immigrants from countries of concern to national security or with high rates of immigration fraud who had pe...

Why Cruz Conservatives mourn him instead of supporting Trump | RedState

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redstate.com - Is Conservatism now relegated to the Dustbin of History? Do we find ourselves idolizing the man instead of his message? For me, supporting Ted Cruz was about saving Conservatism, not idolizing the ...

CBS4 Investigation Finds Dead Voters Casting Ballots In Colorado

denver.cbslocal.com - DENVER (CBS4) – A CBS4 investigation has found multiple cases of dead men and women voting in Colorado months and in some cases years after their deaths, a revelation that calls into question safeg...

FBI Admits Clinton Used Software Designed To "Prevent Recovery" And "Hide Traces Of" Deleted Emails

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Scott Barbour
zerohedge.com - South Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy appeared on Fox News today and disclosed new details about the Clinton email scandal that seem to indicate intent to destroy evidence.  Per the clip below, ...

Classy. Olivia Wilde uses birth announcement tweet to attack Trump

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twitchy.com - As someone who is about to have a daughter, this hits me deep in my core. #NeverTrump https://t.co/BIG4J0mkM6 — olivia wilde (@oliviawilde) September 24, 2016 Forget Hillary has defended child rapi...

Valério disse a Moro que o PT usa jornalistas e até o Ministério Público contra adversários

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implicante.org - E deu como exemplo desse uso o próprio caso de Sérgio Moro, difamado em peso pela militância A Máquina Petista de Moer Reputações não é uma lenda inventada por antipetistas, mas algo que de fato er...

For some reason, Muslim supremacists can’t understand why the West hates them

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Deplorable ((Faith))
barenakedislam.com - A Muslim woman creates a photo series aimed at “changing for the better Americans’ perception of Islam.” Unfortunately, she thinks that showing Muslims lifting their asses to Allah in the most unli...

Jeff Walker Launch and Product Launch Formula Review

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Deplorable Patriot
dangerandplay.com - I had heard a lot of bad stuff about Jeff Walker and Launch. People would say that Launch is a scam. I bought Launch to decide for myself whether Jeff Walker was legit. The short review is this: Je...

EXCLUSIVE: New Black Panther Chairman - Hillary ‘Not the Great Champion of African Americans’  

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Deplorable Carmine Z
breitbart.com - Omowale reserved most of his invective for Hillary Clinton, declaring she is “not the great champion of African-Americans” before criticizing Bill Clinton’s criminal justice policies. The New Black...

Police Find 19 White Female Bodies In Freezers With “Black Lives Matter” Carved Into Skin - TRENDING

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Deplorable Kim 😂
tmzhiphop.com - Rasheed Thompson, 39 of Chicago, was arrested in connection with a series of dead bodies found in a freezer located in his basement. According to reports, the bodies had the words “Black Lives Matt...

Police ID gunman in West Philly shooting of 2 officers, 4 others

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abc7news.com - Police have identified the gunman in the shooting that left one woman dead and five others injured, including two police officers. Police say 25-year-old Nicholas Glenn was responsible for the shoo...

Mall Shooting Suspect Was 'Zombie-Like' When Arrested, Officials Say

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foxnews.com - A suspected gunman believed to have killed five people at a Washington state mall was arrested Saturday, according to authorities. At a news conference, officials said they had not ruled out any po...

¿Austeridad, dónde?: Conoce los escandalosos sueldos en el Ministerio de Justicia

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chilecorrupcion.com - Más de seis millones brutos recibe uno de los funcionarios a contrata. Los altas pensiones en Gendarmería debido a los aumentos de sueldos en cortos períodos de algunos funcionarios han desatado la...

Coaching legend Mike Ditka’s smackdown of Kaepernick: If you 'don’t like this country…get the hell out'

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Deplorable BaconRose
bizpacreview.com - Op-ed views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of BizPac Review. San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem tem...


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aldo cardinali
oberreutersurdechile.blogspot.fr - domingo, septiembre 25, 2016 LA DEMOCRACIA CRISTIANA EN UNA NUEVA ENCRUCIJADA. Los partidos políticos experimentan una grave crisis y la Democracia Cristiana no es la excepción. En efecto, ella par...
Arte & Entretenimento

The Road Ahead

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huffingtonpost.com - They say there is nothing new under the sun.  Since I was born, our planet has traveled around it one hundred times.  With each orbit, I’ve watched our country and our world evolve in ways that wou...

Alunos de escola pública denunciam suspensão após publicarem foto em apoio a Bolsonaro

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tribunadoceara.uol.com.br - Alunos relatam que não podem frequentar aulas e nem estágio na instituição Os estudantes da escola pública estadual Professora Alda Façanha denunciaram que foram suspensos após demonstrarem apoio à...

Neta de Brizola é vice de candidato do PMDB em Porto Alegre

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Ezequias Neto
oglobo.globo.com - PORTO ALEGRE — O candidato do PMDB a prefeito de Porto Alegre, Sebastião Melo, lidera as pesquisas de intenção de voto e tem como vice na chapa Juliana Brizola, neta de Leonel Brizola. Da parte dis...
Arte & Entretenimento

Bodies Found In Quiet Long Island Town Probably Tied To MS-13

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This is Why Trump
dailycaller.com - New York authorities have found four bodies in two weeks, with one body found as recently as Wednesday, all probably linked to the MS-13 street gang. In the woods surrounding an abandoned psychiatr...

Hay alternativas a las vacunas creadas con tejido fetal de abortos provocados

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CitizenGO es
actuall.com - Quizá usted no sepa que cuando pone a sus niños de 12 meses o de 4 años la triple vírica (sarampión, paperas y rubeóla) está al final de una cadena que comienza con un aborto provocado. Y que impor...

Georges Lemaître - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Sandra ن
en.wikipedia.org - In 1925, on his return to Belgium, he became a part-time lecturer at the Catholic University of Leuven. He then began the report which brought him international fame when he published it in 1927 in...

Governo Temer nega cortes de disciplinas no ensino médio

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Cesar Gomes
jb.com.br - Após a forte polêmica gerada pelo plano de educação para o Ensino Médio proposto pelo governo de Michel Temer por meio de Medida Provisória (MP), sem debate no Congresso ou com a sociedade, o gover...

Preços dos alimentos voltam a cair e aliviam a inflação, diz FGV

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agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br - Preços de vários alimentos caíram de 0,44% para 0,11% em sete capitaisEBC O Índice de Preços ao Consumidor Semanal (IPC-S) apresentou variação de 0,18% na terceira prévia de setembro, variação que ...

Planned Parenthood patient: They don't help pregnant women who want to keep their baby

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Eduardo Verastegui
liveactionnews.org - Last summer, as the Planned Parenthood videos were unfolding, Addison recognized the abortion facility in one of the videos and relived her personal nightmare. Her story, entitled, “Woman recalls P...

Câmara e Senado custarão R$ 28 milhões por dia aos cofres públicos em 2017

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Dieu Merci
folhacentrosul.com.br - E olha que o rombo de 2017 já é de R$ 140 bilhões. A dívida pública passa de R$ 4,1 trilhões. Onde isso parar, com toda essa gastança? Um mal exemplo: Como deputado, Aliel Machado (REDE/MARINA SILV...

Kaine Dodges On How Hillary Will Be Transparent if President - Breitbart

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Deplorable Carmine Z
breitbart.com - Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” when asked about the voters issues with the lack of transparency of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton her running mate Democratic vice-presidential ...

Presidenta do Chile condena golpe no Brasil em coletiva nos EUA   - Portal Vermelho

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vermelho.org.br - 23 de setembro de 2016 - 8h42 Presidenta do Chile condena golpe no Brasil em coletiva nos EUA   A presidenta do Chile, Michelle Bachelet, afirmou nesta quinta-feira (22) que não gostou do impeachme...

O déficit da Previdência é uma farsa? Veja o que dizem críticos da reforma

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gazetadopovo.com.br - O presidente Michel Temer planeja fazer uma ampla mudança na legislação para dificultar a aposentadoria dos brasileiros e, assim, diminuir o rombo da Previdência. Mas antes terá de provar que o déf...

Detenido Antonio Palocci, otro influyente exministro de Lula da Silva y Rouseff, por el caso Petrobras - RTVE.es

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Gilmar Costa
rtve.es - El exministro Antonio Palocci, uno de los hombres más influyentes en los Gobiernos de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva y Dilma Rousseff, ha sido detenido este lunes en Sao Paulo en el marco de una nueva f...

Barbas de molho, petistas: vem aí nova etapa da Lava-Jato.

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otambosi.blogspot.com - domingo, 25 de setembro de 2016 Barbas de molho, petistas: vem aí nova etapa da Lava-Jato. Uma nova etapa da Lava-Jato será deflagrada nesta semana, adiantou o ministro da Justiça Alexandre de Mora...

'Senhorita Andreza' se filia ao PC do B e pode ser candidata a vereadora

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Paulo Roberto Rocha
g1.globo.com - Andreza Ariani Castro, 21 anos, conhecida como “Senhorita Andreza”, se filiou ao Partido Comunista do Brasil (PC do B) durante o Congresso da União da Juventude Socialista (UJS), no último sábado (...

Santo do Dia - Santuário Virtual - Santuário Nacional - A12

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Pe. Joãozinho, scj
a12.com - Cosme e Damião eram irmãos e cristãos. Apesar da tradição, não se sabe exatamente se eles eram gêmeos. Desde muito jovens ambos manifestaram um enorme talento para a medicina. Estudaram e se diplom...
Arte & Entretenimento

In Italia boom di richieste per liberarsi dal diavolo, ma mancano gli esorcisti

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#JeSuisAsiaBibi ن
lastampa.it - Mai tante richieste di esorcismi, ma mancano gli «scaccia-diavoli».   Luca ha 15 anni ed è magro come un chiodo, ma quando ascolta la preghiera di liberazione ribalta scrivanie di marmo e grida in ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Angelina Jolie vs Brad Pitt: Why You Should Back Team Brad Even Though He’s Losing the PR War

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Heat Street
heatst.com - It was a balmy day on Kenya’s Diani beach in March 2005 when Angelina Jolie pulled off yet another media masterstroke.  Although rumors had been rife for months that the stars of Mr and Mrs Smith w...

Dois homens são procurados por bomba que não explodiu em NY | Abril | Jornais do Brasil

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jornainoticia.com.br - Segundo a polícia, eles foram filmados carregando a maleta que continha uma das bombas que não explodiu no último sábado FBI procura suspeitos de bombardeio em Nova York, nos Estados Unidos (FBI/Di...

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: A self-serving attack by a bitter Remainer 

Partilhado por
Ray Elliott
dailymail.co.uk - As one of the main architects of Project Fear – the campaign of hysterical scaremongering designed to terrify the British people into staying in the EU – one might have expected Craig Oliver to obs...

Ex-ministro Antônio Palocci é alvo de mandado de prisão temporária na Lava Jato

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politica.estadao.com.br - O ex-ministro Antonio Palocci, que atuou nos governo Lula e Dilma, é o principal alvo da 35a fase da Operação Lava Jato deflagrada na manhã desta segunda-feira. Há contra ele mandado de prisão temp...

Jean Willys detona a amigona Jandira Feghali - comunistas se estranham na hora de disputar o poder

imprensaviva.com - O deputado federal Jean Willlys (PSOL-RJ) detonou a deputada federal Jandira Feghali (PCdoB-RJ), candidata à Prefeitura do Rio, em uma publicação em sua página no Facebook. O ataque à ex-aliada, at...

Vídeo de Lula atacando Moro está assustando a internet pela quantidade de mentiras ditas pelo petista

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jornalivre.com - O fascista e chefe supremo de 9 dedos da súcia e súditos comunista hitlerista (o Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini do Brasil), que roubou e quebrou alquebrado a Nação do Brasil. “Rogata venia” do d....

Análisis Malaver: ¿Maduro cierra la salida electoral?

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Cuba Opinión
factormm.com - El gobierno “más electoralista” del mundo –puesto que realizaba hasta 10 elecciones por año- con el sistema electoral “más confiable” del mundo, ha decidido quitarse, definitivamente, el último ves...

El Parlamento polaco debate la iniciativa popular para blindar la vida

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Derecho a Vivir
actuall.com - El Parlamento polaco debate este jueves la modificación de la ley del aborto después de que una iniciativa popular haya recogido cientos de miles de firmas para blindar la vida del no nacido. Por o...

Articles: Obama:

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Deplorable ((Faith))
americanthinker.com - Tell us something we don’t know, Mr. President. We could have guessed as much by the puny air campaign more worthy of the Grand Duchy of Fenwick in The Mouse That Roared than by what was once the w...

Australia set for return of up to 110 Islamic State extremists

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dailymail.co.uk - Australia's top counter-terrorism officer has warned that police will face a huge struggle to jail jihadi fighters returning to the country. Islamic State terrorists may never be brought to justice...
Arte & Entretenimento

Student Suicide Prevention Begins With 4 Simple Questions

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charismanews.com - As September marks Suicide Prevention Awareness Month nationwide, Americans are faced with how to grasp an epidemic few people are willing to discuss. New statistics show that suicide has increased...

PF prende Palocci em etapa que investiga favorecimento a Lula | VEJA.com

Partilhado por
Gilmar Costa
veja.abril.com.br - A Polícia Federal prendeu na manhã desta segunda-feira, a 35ª fase da Operação Lava Jato, o ex-ministro Antonio Palocci. Chefe da Fazenda no governo Lula e da Casa Civil no primeiro mandato de Dilm...

Former NSA analyst: FBI may reopen investigation if Clinton loses

Partilhado por
Deplorable Fred
washingtonexaminer.com - The FBI could reopen its investigation into Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified information if she fails to win the November election, according to a former National Security Agency analyst...

Clinton Strategist Tries To Twist Donor Transparency In Clinton Foundation [VIDEO]

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist asserted the Clinton Foundation publicly discloses all its donors to Fox News’ host Chris Wallace Sunday. Wallace asked Joel Benenson, chief st...

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff' - Telegraph

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telegraph.co.uk - Barack Obama has accused Hillary Clinton of using "shameful" smear tactics after a picture of him wearing tribal robes and headgear in a Muslim region of Kenya was circulated on the internet. The p...

MEC recua e artes, educação física, filosofia e sociologia seguem obrigatórias no Ensino Médio

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bbth cruz
diariodocentrodomundo.com.br - Ao anunciar, nesta quinta-feira, as mudanças no Ensino Médio, o Ministério da Educação divulgou um texto apontando que algumas velhas conhecidas dos estudantes deixariam de ser tema obrigatório ao ...

Sign Here to Oppose the EU's Dangerous Tax Harmonization Policy

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citizengo.org - A country that was the poorest European nation just four decades ago is today one of the richest. Ireland transformed into one of the most desirable business locations in the world by combining the...

Conselheiro nega pedido de Lula, o corrupto, e diz que CNMP 'não é órgão de censura'

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Maria Fatima Da Mota
rota2014.blogspot.com - GABRIEL MASCARENHAS - Folha de São Paulo O CNMP (Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público)negou nesta sexta-feira (16) um pedido da defesa do ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva para que fossem ...

Hillary testa Trump mais manso no 1º debate da eleição presidencial nos EUA - 25/09/2016 - Mundo - Folha de S.Paulo

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folha.uol.com.br - O que esperar do primeiro debate entre uma ex-estrela de reality e uma pioneira presidenciável mulher por um grande partido americano? Fórmulas que vão do "calma lá" à "lenha na fogueira" devem dom...

Vídeo mostra desespero de criança ao ver a mãe tendo overdose em loja nos EUA

Partilhado por
Gilmar Costa
extra.globo.com - Um vídeo filmado em uma loja de departamentos na cidade de Lawrence, no estado de Massachusetts, nos EUA, mostra o momento chocante em que uma garotinha de 2 anos se desespera ao lado do corpo da m...

Luiz Zini Pires: descobri o grande segredo do Inter de Argel, líder do Brasileirão

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lombetinha 11007™
zh.clicrbs.com.br - Oito rodadas se passaram e o Inter continua na liderança. Firme, forte, surpreendente. Ninguém dava um punhado de dólares pelo time de Argel Fucks no começo do Brasileirão. Raros investiriam dinhei...

Corbyn’s Personal ‘Pravda’ Editor Compared Israel to Nazis

Partilhado por
Heat Street
heatst.com - The editor-in-chief of left-leaning website The Canary, which has been called Jeremy Corbyn’s personal Pravda, once compared Israel to Nazi Germany by claiming the country has “horrific echoes” of ...


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Cuba Opinión
abcdelasemana.com - El diálogo en Venezuela tiene problemas estructurales y puede que sean insolubles. No aluden a que unos quieran hablar y otros quieran matarse, lo cual es una forma idiota de presentar la contradic...
Arte & Entretenimento

Décès de Jean Boissonnat, économiste et chrétien engagé

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Vatican - infos
fr.radiovaticana.va - (RV) Le journaliste et économiste Jean Boissonnat est décédé ce dimanche 25 septembre 2016 à Paris, suite à un accident vasculaire cérébral. Il avait 87 ans. Très engagé dans le christianisme socia...

Con amplio apoyo popular, el FNF se convierte en movimiento cívico permanente

Partilhado por
Yo influyo
yoinfluyo.com - Con la participación de más de 400 mil personas concluyó la tarde del sábado, 24 de septiembre, la Marcha Nacional por la Familia, ante el Monumento a la Independencia, en la Ciudad de México. De e...

Hillary advocates gun control as response to terrorism

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Robert Spencer
jihadwatch.org - Nothing about addressing the jihadis’ motivating ideology. Her response was all about preventing Americans from being able to defend themselves from jihadis. “Hillary Clinton: We Cannot End Terrori...

Os pobres detestam o esquerdismo porque o esquerdismo detesta os pobres

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Conservadores Cariri
implicante.org - Os esquerdistas alegam querer o melhor para as pessoas mais pobres, e teriam a receita para isso. Bastaria seguir os ensinamentos de Karl Marx e de um sem-número de filósofos, sociólogos, professor...

Hillary Clinton Told FBI She Could Not Remember State Department Briefings After Brain Injury - Breitbart

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Press 2 For English
breitbart.com - According to the documents — which detail the FBI’s now-closed investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure at the State Department — Clinton told investigators duri...

«El Islam riguroso y puritano está en la yihad», avisa Justo Lacunza, un misionero experto en Islam

religionenlibertad.com - Justo Lacunza Balda nació en Pamplona el 14 de marzo de 1944. Es experto en el Islam y sacerdote misionero de la Sociedad de Misioneros de África (Padres Blancos). Ha asesorado a los últimos papas ...
Arte & Entretenimento

In Search of Joseph Pearce’s England - Crisis Magazine

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Crisis Magazine
crisismagazine.com - Be careful what you read—it may change you, for better or worse. In the case of Joseph Pearce, his early reading made him a violent white supremacist. It also landed him in jail. While there, he co...

El régimen detiene a medio centenar de Damas de Blanco

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Cuba Opinión
diariodecuba.com - Fuerzas del régimen detuvieron durante los últimos tres días a medio centenar de Damas de Blanco en operativos en La Habana, Matanzas y Aguada de Pasajeros (Cienfuegos), informaron miembros de la d...

Sérgio Moro vai condenar Lula por seus crimes. Entenda por que o juiz é o homem certo para a tarefa

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bbth cruz
imprensaviva.com - Há poucos dias, o Imprensa Livre publicou um artigo que merece ser revisto por aqueles que já leram, ao meso tempo que pode ser muito relevante para os que ainda não leram. A matéria traça um paral...

O Antagonista - "DINHEIRO PARA O LULA"

Partilhado por
Rosa Lev
oantagonista.com - Malu Gaspar, da Piauí, contou a história da propina de Eike Batista para o PT. Vale a pena destacar uma linha: era "dinheiro para o Lula". "A mulher do publicitário João Santana, Monica Moura, prom...

This Is What Happens When A Giant Inflatable Duck Escapes Its Shackles

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Severe Conservative
uproxx.com - Cue up the hi-fi and start playing Freebird because this giant, inflatable duck that for some reason was on display outside of a Scottish car dealership broke free from its restraints this weekend ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Rihanna y Metallica cantaron en apoyo a los refugiados

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Cuba Opinión
el-nacional.com - Grandes figuras de la música como Metallica y Rihanna se unieron a otras celebridades en un concierto por el Global Citizen Festival de Nueva York, que este año puso su acento en ayudar a los refug...

As they left the White House, the Clintons Defaced Walls, Stole Furniture and Much Much Worse

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truthfeed.com - In 2001, the Clintons were moving out of the White House to make way for the Bush Administration. Not only did the Clintons steal furniture on their way out of the White House, but they did somethi...

Are Nonstop Muslim Atrocities the “New Norm”?

Partilhado por
Ray Elliott
raymondibrahim.com - As hardly a few days pass without some Islamic terror attack in the West—recently and as of this writing an “Allahu Akbar” shouting Muslim man stabbed a Jew in France and an “Allahu Akbar” screamin...

Accused Seattle Shooter Loved Guns and Serial Killers

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thedailybeast.com - The social media profiles for the alleged killer in a Burlington, Washington shooting spree depict a young man fascinated by guns, video games, and serial killers. Police arrested 20-year-old Arcan...

Celso Russomanno é entrevistado pelo SPTV

Partilhado por
Denise Abreu
g1.globo.com - O candidato do PRB à Prefeitura de São Paulo, Celso Russomanno, foi entrevistado ao vivo neste sábado (24) no SPTV pelo apresentador César Tralli. Russomanno defendeu seu ex-sócio em um bar em Bras...

@YoaniSanchez “Twitteando a ciegas” o cómo usar Twitter sin conexión a Internet

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periodismociudadano.com - Si ayer os hablábamos de cómo utilizar Twitter en medio de un huracán, sin acceso al suministro eléctrico o Internet, hoy os ponemos el ejemplo de una mujer que se ha convertido en una experta en e...

Email Leaks: Dem Megadonor Tells Colin Powell The Clintons ‘Hate’ Obama For 2008 Loss

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dailycaller.com - Democratic megadonor Jeffrey Leeds told Colin Powell in two separate emails the Hillary Clinton’s legal troubles would not make President Barack Obama, a man she apparently “hates,” upset and cited...

Micro e pequenas empresas não conseguem mais financiamento | EXAME.com

Partilhado por
Miss Marple
exame.abril.com.br - São Paulo - O crédito para pequenas e microempresas secou. Menos de um quarto delas no Estado de São Paulo conseguiu levantar financiamentos em bancos no mês passado. Foi o menor resultado em mais ...

#Popolo del Family Day, lo stato dell’arte - LA CROCE COMMUNITY

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#JeSuisAsiaBibi ن
communitylacroce.it - Il popolo del Family Day attraversa un momento di assestamento e riorganizzazione: condannato alla disfatta da una classe politica indegna nell’ultima battaglia, esso non ha però perso grinta e det...

Jorge Arreaza: "Protección social del pueblo es política de la Revolución Bolivariana"

Partilhado por
Ivo Marcelino
sunoticiero.com - En el marco de la Ofensiva Social que impulsa el Gobierno Nacional para el último cuatrimestre de este año, el Vicepresidente para Desarrollo Social y Revolución de las Misiones, Jorge Arreaza, com...

Lula vê seu império de corrupção desmoronar e tenta desqualificar eventual delação de Guido Mantega

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imprensaviva.com - O ex-presidente Lula foi surpreendido com a notícia da prisão de seu ex-ministro Guido Mantega na manhã desta quinta-feira, 22. Lula sabe muito bem qual seria a dimensão do estrago de uma delação d...

Francia vuelve a sus raíces cristianas ante el “pánico moral” que produce el islamismo

religionconfidencial.com - En una entrevista realizada en el diario francés Le Monde, el catedrático y autor de numerosos libros sobre religión y estado en Francia y Europa, analiza un fenómeno que está creciendo en su país:...

This Is How Much It 'Costs' To Get An Ambassadorship: Guccifer 2.0 Leaks DNC 'Pay-To-Play' Donor List

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zerohedge.com - After addressing a cybersecuirty conference in London, notorious hacker 'Guccifer' shared over 500Mb of documents detailing 100,000 DNC donors contact info and donations. A large number of the larg...

Alan Dershowitz On His Relationship With Clinton And Trump, His Career And More

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - In the first episode of “The Jamie Weinstein Show” podcast, retired Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz discusses his relationship with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the state of American pol...

Braulio Jatar fue trasladado a cárcel en Guárico por orden del Ministerio de Penitenciaría

Partilhado por
Ivo Marcelino
diariocontraste.com - La orden de transferencia del editor de “Reporte Confidencial” Braulio Jatar, desde la sede del Sebin en Porlamar a la cárcel “26 de julio” en el estado Guárico, fue solicitada por el Ministerio de...

Pakistani government petitioned ahead of final Asia Bibi appeal - premier

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premier.org.uk - Asia Bibi became the first woman in the country to be sentenced to death for blasphemy after a row with labourers on the farm where she worked. She will be sentenced in October. Her Muslim co-worke...

Suspensa a venda de ingressos para o jogo Brasil e Bolívia na Arena das Dunas

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Domingos Saraiva
joaoalberto.com - Postado Por João Alberto em 26/09/2016, 05:32 | 0 comentários O plantão judiciário do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Norte determinou a suspensão – a partir de hoje da venda de ingressos para...

Uh Oh! New DNC Leaks Reveal HUGE Donations From Government Entities...

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louderwithcrowder.com - Remember the DNC leaks? (see Surprise! #DNCLeaks Exposes Media’s Collusion with Democrats…) Well they’re back at it again. That is, the hackers are hacking while Democrats are still sneaking about ...

Finiti i soldi per i migranti: servono 600 milioni di euro per evitare il caos

Partilhado por
Claudia Alboresi
corriere.it - L’ultimo sollecito per il ministero del Tesoro è stato inviato quindici giorni fa. L’oggetto era fin troppo esplicito: i soldi per l’accoglienza dei migranti sono finiti, servono 600 milioni di eur...

Notícias ao Minuto - Justiça diz que Russomanno mentiu em propaganda contra Marta

Partilhado por
Jeferson Fernandes
noticiasaominuto.com.br - A coligação da candidata do PMDB à Prefeitura de São Paulo, Marta Suplicy, conseguiu liminar na Justiça Eleitoral para tirar do ar uma propaganda de seu rival Celso Russomanno, na qual a peemedebis...

Trianon, Buenos Aires e outros 11 parques ficam sem segurança - São Paulo - Estadão

Partilhado por
Caesar Octavianus
sao-paulo.estadao.com.br - Ao menos 13 parques municipais de São Paulo estão sem agentes de segurança há dois dias. O contrato da Prefeitura com a empresa que fazia a vigilância patrimonial das áreas verdes na região central...

Cop Accused of Racism Slams 'Oppressive Political Correctness' in London Police

Partilhado por
Press 2 For English
breitbart.com - Marcus Tyson was supervising a demonstration last month when he was abused by screaming demonstrators shouting “fuck the police” and “get out of here”. He then confronted a female activist and made...

Updated Presidential Rally Data – TRUMP Has 80 Times More Attendees than Hillary Clinton

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thegatewaypundit.com - Trump Rally in Roanoke, VA September 24th – Heavy.com Donald Trump is increasing his lead over Hillary Clinton in the number of campaign rallies and in the number of participants at these rallies s...

Constitutional Sound Bites

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Constitution Atty
shestokas.com - Constitutional Sound Bites explains America’s Founding documents in a format familiar to 21st century readers. This simple, unbiased, easy-to-read presentation takes into account the”sound bite” na...

Clinton camp signals foul play before debate even begins

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washingtonexaminer.com - As part of an effort to manage expectations for the first presidential debate, Hillary Clinton's campaign suggested on Sunday that foul play will give Donald Trump an unfair advantage over the form...

Alabama woman says she can't find a job... because she doesn't speak SPANISH

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bizpacreview.com - Op-ed views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of BizPac Review. The closer Americans are to being personally affected by the cultural ...

Parenting Magazine Warns 'Blond, Cheerful' Families Dangerous, Likely Right Wing

Partilhado por
All American Girl
breitbart.com - Depicted with illustrations featuring solely blonde women and children, the report says ordinary parents must take action against right-wing families and make clear that their ideology has no place...

Prisão é a terceira queda de Antonio Palocci

Partilhado por
politica.estadao.com.br - A prisão do ex-todo-poderoso ministro da Fazenda e da Casa Civil nos governo dos ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e Dilma Rousseff pode ser considerada a terceira e derradeira queda do petis...

Ralph Peters: "Putin Is Not Crazy Or Delusional; Our President And This Administration Are Delusional"

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HighHorse Deplorable
realclearpolitics.com - LT. COL. RALPH PETERS: Putin establishes facts on the ground. Look, the vote in the Crimean parliament today, begging to be allowed to join Russia -- it's a done deal. The plebiscite coming up in l...

Valdir Raupp foi desmentido em quebra de sigilo, aponta denúncia

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politica.estadao.com.br - A denúncia criminal do procurador-geral da República, Rodrigo Janot, contra Valdir Raupp (PMDB-RO) aponta que o senador foi desmentido por quebra de sigilo. O peemedebista foi acusado de corrupção ...

Esquerda Hegemônica – Falsa Oposição – Controle da Internet

Partilhado por
Ezequias Neto
averdadequeamidianaomostra.blogspot.com - Qual a função do PSDB, PSOL, PSD, PSTU, PCO, SOLIDARIEDADE, PDT, PR, PMDB e outros partidos?   A função deles é apenas dividir o campo político entre eles mesmos (da esquerda), como auto preservaçã...

Obama Out Of Office Countdown Clock

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countingdownto.com - U no wat people u onasly think if obama gets out of office things r going to get better i think u all are races. To tell u the truth inlighten me wat did obama do that was so bad. So many people th...
Meio Ambiente

We the People: Gouverneur Morris & the US Constitution’s Preamble

Partilhado por
Shestokas 4 Ft Myers
shestokas.com - There were many luminaries at the 1787 Constitutional Convention. Washington, Franklin et al. Often overlooked is the Preamble’s author, Gouverneur Morris. The Constitution’s Preamble has stood as ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Family of Boy Born Without Eyes Rejects Abortion, Overcomes Pro-Abortion Hate | LifeNews.com

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lifenews.com - Rarely will you find a video that will grab your heart—and hold on more firmly—than “The Right Choice.” It is Christian’s story—the son of Lacey and Chris Buchanan—a tender but not sugarcoated reco...

Erundina: Problema do PT foi governar com uma base de A a Z | EXAME.com

Partilhado por
exame.abril.com.br - São Paulo - A menos de uma semana das eleições, Luiza Erundina, candidata do PSOL à prefeitura de São Paulo, disputa votos diretamente com Fernando Haddad, atual prefeito e candidato do PT, partido...

Watch this robot lawn mower take on an apple-stealing moose and lose

Partilhado por
Digital Trends
digitaltrends.com - If you ever see a moose causing havoc in your yard (well, you never know) and think a robot mower could be a useful tool for scaring it off, think again. Judging by this recently posted YouTube vid...

Germany Tells Britain: Don't Block EU Defence Force

Partilhado por
Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - Berlin and Paris have proposed reviving EU common defence plans long blocked by Britain, partly to give the bloc a sense of purpose after Britons voted to quit the EU and also to counter the loss o...

Here's everything you need to know about OPEC's big meeting this week

Partilhado por
B.D. Mowell
uk.businessinsider.com - OPEC is holding much-buzzed-about informal talks in Algiers on September 26-28. And there's been a flurry of both positive and negative headlines, creating an air of drama in the days leading up to...

Mark Cuban brags about his troll-ready debate seats; who should Trump put in his front row to irk Hillary?

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bizpacreview.com - Billionaire Mark Cuban will take his trolling of Donald Trump live to the presidential debate on Monday. The owner of the Dallas Mavericks, who is an outspoken critic of the Republican presidential...

Read This Book Before You Go To War (You Too, Ladies)

Partilhado por
The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - Ever read something and feel like you know the person who wrote it when you’re finished? That’s how I felt after a few nights with “Breakfast with the Dirt Cult.” If you can imagine opening up some...

Operação Omertà investiga empréstimos do BNDES à África

Partilhado por
folhapolitica.org - Imagem: Reprodução / Redes Sociais A Polícia Federal (PF), com o apoio da Receita Federal, deflagrou na manhã desta segunda-feira (26), a 35ª fase da operação Lava Jato, intitulada operação Omertá....

Proof FBI Investigation into Hillary was Just for Show

Partilhado por
American Patriot
therealstrategy.com - Comey’s so called “FBI Investigation” was nothing but a charade for the public. How else could they address the issues of Hillary’s ILLEGAL email server and save face? After Guccifer hacked Clinton...

Cómo Crear una Campaña de Google Adwords en 10 Pasos - AdveiSchool

Partilhado por
Lex&Co Spain
adveischool.com - Google Adwords es una herramienta muy potente para promocionar tu negocio en el primer buscador del mundo, Google. Si tú también quieres descubrir todo su potencial y aplicar los beneficios de Adwo...
Meio Ambiente

monitorizar en redes sociales: Primeros Pasos - AdveiSchool

Partilhado por
Lex&Co Spain
adveischool.com - Monitorizar en redes sociales es una de las funciones del community manager más destacadas. Algunas empresas consideran que porque tienen una escasa o nula presencia en redes sociales no se habla d...

Over 1 Million People saw this new Trump AD in First few ours of Releasing, this is WHY HE SHOULD BE OUR NEXT PRESIDENT! - USA Politics Today

Partilhado por
Deplorable ((Faith))
usapoliticstoday.com - Taxation is the main problem in every country. As long as you took more and more money from people’s pockets and you put them in government hands then the country will be worse and people’s lives w...

How Companies Can Avoid Being Lame On Twitter

Partilhado por
Cynthia Johnson
socialpilot.co - To begin with, let’s get real for a moment – companies are trespassers on Twitter. Twitter was not imagined as a place where a plumbing firm from Des Moines, Iowa can push their services. It was no...

Climate Fraud Whistleblower Rewards Program

realclimatescience.com - Guest post by Kent Clizbe. Government employees willing to tell the truth about climate can be handsomely rewarded. The federal government has a vigorous program to identify and prosecute fraudulen...

Anuncian encuentro de sacerdotes y seminaristas por la vida en Guatemala

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - GUATEMALA, 25 Sep. 16 / 07:21 pm (ACI).- Del 11 al 13 de octubre se realizará el IV Encuentro de la Red Latinoamericana de Sacerdotes y Seminaristas por la Vida en Guatemala, para que profundicen e...

Obama’s Secret Congress » Sons of Liberty Media

Partilhado por
The Sons of Liberty
sonsoflibertymedia.com - With Congress in a proverbial “stand still,” Obama has, basically, created a “legislative branch” of his own behind closed doors, out of the public view, in order to enact government policies throu...

Câmara aprova pela primeira vez emenda de Jair Bolsonaro

Partilhado por
Host Priide
g1.globo.com - "Alguns projetos eu dou para (outro) deputado apresentar porque, se pintar meu nome, não vai para frente", alega o deputado Jair Bolsonaro (PP-RJ) acaba de completar 25 anos ininterruptos como depu...

Losing in Afghanistan

Partilhado por
B.D. Mowell
foreignaffairs.com - For one and a half decades, the United States and its partners in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) have waged a war against the Taliban in Afghanistan. And, year after year, the T...

El Gobierno arremete contra las becas para jóvenes cubanos en Estados Unidos

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Yoani Sánchez
14ymedio.com - La batalla ideológica del oficialismo tiene un nuevo enemigo: las becas ofrecidas por la organización estadounidense World Learning a jóvenes cubanos entre 16 y 18 años. En los últimos días en los ...

Debate Night: Clinton, Trump set for high-stakes showdown

bigstory.ap.org - WASHINGTON (AP) — After months of tangling from afar, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will confront each other face-to-face for the first time in Monday night's presidential debate, laying out for...

Malaysia to Launch ‘Made by Muslims’ Logo

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Voice of Europe
breitbart.com - Although Malaysian Muslims already have a symbol to denote products that are “halal,” or permissible by sharia law, the new logo will allow consumers to support businesses owned and operated by Mus...

Lanches Light | Nutrição em Foco

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Rede Nutrição
nutricaoemfoco.com - De acordo com profissionais especializados na área de nutrição humana, os chamados lanches light se associados a uma  dieta equilibrada e com alimentos saudáveis podem contribuir para a perda de pe...

Exorcist says there's a demon that targets the family

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Rome, Italy, Sep 24, 2016 / 03:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- There's a demon that specializes in attacking the family, said exorcist César Truqui, a priest who participated in a course on exorcism held i...

Decidir para cambiar

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Yoani Sánchez
14ymedio.com - Si en algo resulta difícil discrepar del gobierno cubano es en la defensa permanente que hace al derecho de los pueblos a decidir el sistema económico, político y social que les parezca conveniente...

What the NFL Can Teach Washington About Social Policy

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All American Girl
westernfreepress.com - I’m a certified New England Patriots hater. Don’t even get me started. But you do have to tip your hat to them when they deserve it. Their 3 – 0 start without pretty boy quarterback Tom Brady is a ...

11 Year-Old Trump Fan Writes Cutest Letter to Donald Trump Ever

thegatewaypundit.com - 12 year-old Donny is a HUUGE Donald Trump Fan. Donny wants Donald Trump to Make America Great Again. He’s not the only young Trump fan. A local teacher told The Gateway Pundit at the top of tests a...

Alan Dershowitz: I Warned Hillary About ‘Bigoted’ Sid Blumenthal

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - Retired Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz says he has personally warned the Clintons about the toxic influence of adviser Sidney Blumenthal. Dershowitz revealed his warning about Blumenthal dur...

“Brasil levará ao menos 50 anos para se livrar da massificação que o PT criou na educação universitária” - Jornal Opção

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jornalopcao.com.br - Antropólogo, com formação pela antiga União Soviética, cientista político e professor da PUC-GO afirma que lulopetismo levou o Brasil ao atraso e garante: “Lula é carta fora do baralho na política ...

Turner Prize exhibition opens with giant buttocks, train rides and scrap metal - BBC News

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Paul Joseph Watson
bbc.co.uk - Members of the public have their first chance to see the artwork nominated for the Turner Prize when an exhibition featuring the four artists opens later. Anthea Hamilton is nominated for work focu...

Manzanas de Gomorra: Una reflexión sobre homosexualidad y cristianismo

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es.catholic.net - Con una aproximación de misericordia y fidelidad al Magisterio de la Iglesia, el famoso exorcista español José Antonio Fortea presentó un nuevo libro titulado “Manzanas de Gomorra”, en el que refle...

Is Deference Really Safer than Deterrence?

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nationalreview.com - Deterrence is a nation’s ability to discourage aggressors by instilling in them a credible fear of punishment far greater than any perceived gain that could be achieved by an attack. Deterrence is ...

7 Protections Against Misjudgment

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Mike C
sugarpinerealty.blogspot.fr - A misjudgment. It's what happens when you have a specific set of data (circumstances) and you judge it to mean such and such ~ and so you proceed based on what you thought it meant only to find out...
Arte & Entretenimento

WTF is clickbait?

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John Rampton
techcrunch.com - Let’s settle this, once and for all: Clickbaiting is the intentional act of over-promising or otherwise misrepresenting — in a headline, on social media, in an image, or some combination — what you...

How I Broke My Fear Of Public Speaking By Doing It Nude

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huffingtonpost.com - It seems that no matter how many nude events I attend, I spend weeks beforehand feeling anxious -- wasting so much energy on negativity, feelings of insecurity about body image, or wanting to look ...

Juanita & the Carmageddon - disinformation

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disinfo.com - Well, Alex has been a good boy. He’s been consistently rolling into the Citizen’s Cab lot around 4:15am, and bringing it back just before 26’s 3:45pm pumpkin time. And it seems the shoe fits. Alex ...

Google brings store visits to Google Display Network, debuts cross-device retargeting

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Gerardo Lara
searchengineland.com - Google is going all-in on location. From search (and now display ads) to store, Google is finding more ways to close the loop. That’s because, when store visits and offline impact are captured and ...

Only 49% of All Employees Have a Great Deal of Trust in Their Boss

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Dan Rockwell
leadershipfreak.wordpress.com - Great subject! Trust is built on truthfulness. It is earned. Truthfulness is spoken, written, lived. It is being without guile. It is being selfless – repeatedly. It is practicing what we preach. I...

É tipo o Elevador Lacerda, mas Made In China

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Antonio J Campos
meiobit.com - Postado Por Carlos Cardoso em 26 09 2016 em Engenharia A Usina das 3 Gargantas é um monstro que demorou a nascer. As primeiras idéias de construir uma barragem no rio Yangtze surgiram em 1919, mas ...

DT10: Sports. An installment of the Digital Trends’ weekly series that examines how tech has changed every aspect of our lives.

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Digital Trends
digitaltrends.com - When I was a grade-schooler back in the early 1980s, many a fall Sunday afternoon was spent in the den, staring at a large box with little blue-clad men running around on it. My dad would curse at ...

Cadelas vítimas de maus-tratos se tornam companheiras inseparáveis - ANDA - Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais

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anda.jor.br - Redação ANDA – Agência de Notícias de Direitos Animais Às vezes, cães que possuem passados obscuros precisam uns dos outros para se sentirem completos novamente. Daisy e River foram resgatadas dura...
Arte & Entretenimento

What you can do when your job catfishes you

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Bobby Umar
themuse.com - You’ve accepted a great new position at a fantastic company and can’t wait to get started. But, when you arrive for your first day, you discover that the amazing job you’d interviewed for is nothin...

MediaTek Shares More Helio P20, P25 And X30 SoC Details | Androidheadlines.com

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androidheadlines.com - MediaTek is one of the most popular mobile SoC manufacturers in the world. This company has been growing constantly as tons of companies use their mobile processors, mainly China-based companies th...

Electronic Message In a Bottle

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hackaday.com - We remember going to grandfather’s garage. There he would be, his tobacco pipe clenched between his teeth, wisps of smoke trailing into the air around him as he focused, bent over another of his cr...

Body fat link to bacteria in faeces - BBC News

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bbc.co.uk - The make-up of the bacteria found in human faeces may influence levels of dangerous fat in our bodies, say researchers from King's College London. Their analysis of stool samples in a study of more...

11 Easy ways to build self-confidence and self-esteem

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Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - When you fail to achieve your objectives, it is easy to believe that you do not have the ability or you are not good enough. However, the difference between success and failure is rarely due to any...

Work effectively with others and reap greater rewards

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Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - We all have to work with others if we want to fulfil our potential and meet our objectives. Even those of us who are solopreneurs have this requirement. Just because the other people do not work wi...

6 Strategies to respond to someone who is angry

Partilhado por
Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - We all lose our cool from time to time; some of us more frequently than others. When we get angry, we like to be treated properly. We like to get a fair hearing and, we tend to appreciate when some...

How to enjoy a productive day when you feel bad

Partilhado por
Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - There will be days when you wake like a bear with a sore head or, so lethargic that you do not want to even contemplate work. There have been time management gurus who would have you believe that o...

Overcoming precrastination - Procrastination's painful cousin

Partilhado por
Carthage Buckley
coachingpositiveperformance.com - We all know about procrastination and its dangers. In its simplest terms, procrastination is the putting off of the important tasks which you know need to be done. Everyone does it to some extent. ...

Signs of the Evil Times

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aheartforgod.org - It’s not politically correct to say what I’m gonna say. Ultimately, the world system will fall. (1 Thessalonians 5:3) Look at it now. We are not transitioning towards the next great step in the evo...

Judgment Day(s)

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aheartforgod.org - “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27; KJV) I made it plural for a reason. It seems there is a confusion on whether or not believers in Christ, who have...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ignorance, Asteroids, a Great Earthquake and War in the Middle East

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aheartforgod.org - There is an ignorance when it comes to events unfolding. There is a lack of knowledge and a darkness. There is a veil over minds. (2 Corinthians 4:4) For many, they’ve chosen to remain in the dark ...

10 Reasons Why a Christian Should Vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton to be President of the United States (plus 1 bonus)

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aheartforgod.org - Actually, these are reasons why a Christian SHOULD NOT vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton to be President of the United States of America. But as we all know there are many who sit in churches on Sund...
Arte & Entretenimento

On Success and the "Law of Attraction"

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Mike C
sugarpinerealty.blogspot.fr - (Warning: A rant coming ~ albeit mild.) In business and real estate circles the so called "law of attraction" gets talked about a lot. In a nutshell, it's the idea that if we think it, it will happ...

Mexicans Take To The Streets Against Same-Sex Marriage

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - Mexicans flooded the streets Saturday to protest President Enrique Pena Nieto’s attempt to legalize same-sex marriage. Mexico City was filled with tens of thousands of protesters voicing their oppo...

Weekend Circuit: Courts Block Lawyers For Immigrant Kids, 3D Printed Guns

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - This is Weekend Circuit, a weekly review of the serious and the silly in federal appeals courts in the last week. 9th Circuit: Children Must Face Deportation Alone Children in deportation proceedin...

Alabama Football Coach Lane Kiffin Gets Wrecked By Flight Attendants On His Plane

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The Daily Caller
dailycaller.com - Alabama offensive coordinator Lane Kiffin got chirped by a flight attendant on his plane Thursday night. LA Times reporter Zach Helfand tweeted that a flight attendant got on the plane’s intercom s...

Paving the Road to Hell: The Failure of U.N. Peacekeeping

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O. Bula Escobar
foreignaffairs.com - The United Nations started the 1990s with such high hopes. With the end of the Cold War, the U.S.-Soviet rivalry that had paralyzed the Security Council had become a thing of the past, supposedly f...

'F**k Blue Lives,’ Shouts Houston Black Lives Matter

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breitbart.com - The protest began in McGregor Park after the release of the dashcam video by Charlotte, North Carolina, police showing the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott, a black man, by a black police officer. On...

Modelos de Cartas Comerciais – Pedindo emprego – 1

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - TRÓPICO DESIGNS IND. E COM. LTDA. Atenção: DEPARTAMENTO DE RECURSOS HUMANOS Mediante anúncio publicado no jornal O Estado de S. Paulo, do dia 5 de fevereiro último, tomei conhecimento de que essa e...

Atlético-MG 3 x 1 Internacional – Melhores Momentos – Brasileirão 2016

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Baixe o aplicativo CrowdScores gratuitamente agora: Android – http://crwd.sc/SempAnd ============================= No Horto, Atlético-MG aplica 3 a 1, segue na cola dos líderes e afunda Inter no Z-...

Convite ao Vegetarianismo

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Convite ao Vegetarianismo : a alimentação a favor da vida. Por favor, compartilhe. Os animais agradecem. Espalhe conscientização para salvar os animais. Por favor, nos siga e compartilhe se gosta d...
Meio Ambiente

Apresentação – Culinária Vegana

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Por favor, nos siga e compartilhe se gosta do nosso trabalho: Lasanha vegetariana PARA FAZER COM OS LEGUMES QUE VOCÊ MAIS GOSTA. Rende: um refratário de 30cm x 40cm Tempo: Mais de 1 hora Tipo de pr...
Meio Ambiente

Bebidas & Sucos – Alcoólico – Coquetel de limão

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Bebidas & Sucos – Alcoólico – Coquetel de limão Proibido para menores de 18 anos – Beba sempre com moderação 1 de mel de abelha 1 de gêlo picado 2 cálices de rum suco de limão Misturar na ordem, co...

Videoteca TopGyn (Artes Marciais – Judô) -…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Artes Marciais – Judô – ?? JUDO –... BESTJUDO. https://www.facebook.com/pages/JUDOATTITUDE/296872746997321 Judo moves, explosive moves, amazing Judo,NICE JUDO, KOSEI INOUE, ... Artes Marciais – Tae...

Videoteca TopGyn (Musicais – Forró) – Aviões do…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Aviões do Forró — 1º DVD Oficial 1. Olha a barriguinha 2. Fazer valer 3. Pode chorar 4. Não quero me amarrar 5. Risca faca 6. Gostosão 7. Meu bebê 8. Musicais – Forró – Dança de Salão aula... Trech...

? Remedios caseros para ganar peso – Como…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Suplementação – Aumentar Estatura – Có... Aprenda cómo crecer más alto 3 - 4 pulgadas en 2 meses! Fast & Safe Método para aumentar su altura sin cirugía. Los mejores alimentos, ejercicios ... Suple...

Salgados & Cia. – Pastéis com cachaça

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - 2 (sopa) de azeite ou óleo ½ kilo de farinha de trigo ½ dose de cachaça Água fria 2 ovos Peneirar a farinha de trigo sobre uma mesa de fórmica ou mármore. Fazer um monte, abriruma cova no meio e ne...
Meio Ambiente

Meus Suplementos Vitamínicos: Centrum Mulher,…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Suplementação – Crescimento de Cabelo –... TODOS OS DETALHES COM IMAGENS DETALHADAS NO BLOG: http://www.ericatutty.com/2015/09/novex-pra-bombar-faz-o-cabelo-crescer.html SAIBA MAIS: ... Suplementaç...

15 Hottest Male Olympians Gymnast Diver Swimmer…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - 15 Hottest Male Olympians Gymnast Diver Swimmer at the RIO 2016. Hottest Athletes at 2016 Olympics in Rio 2016 Athletes that will be appearing at 2016 games in Rio (This is NOT footage of Rio Games...
Meio Ambiente

Videoteca TopGyn (Animais) – Zebra Acasalando ,…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Nenhum animal tem uma pelagem mais distintivo do que a zebra. Listras de cada animal são tão únicas como as impressões digitais, não há dois são … Animais – Brincalhões – Os animais bri... O cachor...

Pessoas que fizeram plásticas muito loucas -…

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - Ajude-nos a fazer o próximo vídeo: http://facebook.com/DiarioDoCurioso Você tem algo no corpo que gostaria de mudar? Não está satisfeito e queria fazer uma … Por favor, nos siga e compartilhe se go...

Aves & Cia. – Frango com gengibre

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TopGyn Notícias
topgyn.com.br - 3 peitos de frango cortados ao meio no sentido do comprimento (800 gramas) ½ de vinho tinto ¼ de trigo 2 de caldo de galinha 1 colher (de chá) de gengibre ralado 4 colheres de manteiga 2 abobrinhas...

Charlotte Releases Police Video of Fatal Shooting of Keith Lamont Scott | Restoring Liberty

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All American Girl
joemiller.us - The city of Charlotte has released some video of Tuesday’s fatal shooting of Keith Scott by a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer. “What we are releasing are the objective facts,” Charlotte-Meckle...

Civil rights museum DENIES Donald Trump's request to visit - statement proves who the real racists are

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All American Girl
bizpacreview.com - The Donald Trump campaign was reportedly denied access to a Greensboro, North Carolina civil rights museum, allegedly because they couldn’t meet the campaign’s list of requests, which begs the ques...

Hillary Clinton for President

Partilhado por
All American Girl
nytimes.com - Mrs. Clinton’s work has been defined more by incremental successes than by moments of transformational change. As a candidate, she has struggled to step back from a pointillist collection of policy...

UK: Six Muslim migrants abduct and rape mother of three

jihadwatch.org - The seizure of Infidel girls and their use as sex slaves is sanctioned in the Qur’an. According to Islamic law, Muslim men can take “captives of the right hand” (Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 33:50). The Qur’a...

Former Bill Clinton Paramour Accepts Ringside Seat for Monday Night's Presidential Debate | Restoring Liberty

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All American Girl
joemiller.us - Whether Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump uses Monday night’s presidential debate to talk about the extramarital affairs of former President Bill Clinton remains uncertain in the days le...

MSU quarterback suspended over animal abuse investigation

dailymail.co.uk - Missouri State's starting quarterback has been suspended indefinitely after he was accused of breaking a dog's jaw.  Breck Ruddick , a sophomore redshirt, was benched 'for conduct detrimental to th...

Benevolent Billionaire Who Wanted Us to Pay More Taxes Hit With Workers Comp Siphoning Lawsuit

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All American Girl
frontpagemag.com - Remember ten or twenty Obama PR gimmicks ago when he was trotting out Warren Buffett to make the case for higher taxes because apparently he paid less taxes than his secretary. Or some other nonsen...

Exclusive - 'Black Guns Matter' Founder: Gun Control Keeps Urban Residents Dependent on Government - Breitbart

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All American Girl
breitbart.com - Regarding Chicago’s South Side, Baltimore’s inner city, and other similar, Democrat-run areas, Toure said: There are people deliberately trying to make the urban demographic poor, uneducated, and d...

Racist Radicals Rule Charlotte

Partilhado por
All American Girl
frontpagemag.com - White people don't enjoy full protection from the police in riot-torn Charlotte, North Carolina because the authorities there are intimidated by the violent racist Black Lives Matter movement that ...

Hillary's getting a super-sized podium tonight to help her measure up to Trump, but will it help?

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All American Girl
bizpacreview.com - Before Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton debate each other Monday, Clinton’s podium needed some adjustments. Trump is a towering 6’2″ and Clinton is only 5’4″. ...

Pentagon Says Preparing For Huge Civil Unrest in U.S. (Videos) | Politics

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The Last Great Stand
beforeitsnews.com - Very seldom does a post come along with this level of insight into what is really happening, so I pray you’ll take the time to watch the videos, and share the post with loved ones. If you take adva...

Hillary Clinton Would Rather Blame Free Speech than Islam for Terrorism

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The Billie Williams
nationalreview.com - It’s one thing to watch liberals euphemize “Islamic terrorism” into a vacuous, politically correct word salad. It’s quite another to hear them blame free expression for Islamists’ actions. And they...

Trail of Dead Bodies Leading To Obama's White House Worse Than Hillary's (Video) | Politics

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The Last Great Stand
beforeitsnews.com - By now you’ve probably already heard that on Sunday, September 11, while attending a memorial service for the 9/11 victims, something about her health caused Hillary Clinton to have to leave the me...

Hillary's Campaign Caught Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors (Video) | Politics

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The Last Great Stand
beforeitsnews.com - Just when you think you’ve heard it all with Hillary Clinton, you haven’t. With Hillary, it can always get trashier, more scandalous, or even more corrupt than the time before. in a way it reminds ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Dr. Jim Willie: Soon the Fireworks Will Start, then Hell on Earth Follows (Video) | Politics

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The Last Great Stand
beforeitsnews.com - In the interview below, Dr. Jim Willie begins by talking about how the Labor Day Holiday is traditionally when people celebrate the end of the summer, and prepare to enter an exciting new fall seas...
Meio Ambiente

Amamentar emagrece

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Rede Nutrição
nutricaoemfoco.com - Durante a gravidez, geralmente a mulher engorda, pois o bebê necessita absorver nutrientes consumidos pela mãe durante as refeições. Dessa forma, a mulher passa a consumir mais para suprir as neces...

Seletividade alimentar infantil

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Rede Nutrição
nutricaoemfoco.com - De acordo com especialistas, a seletividade alimentar infantil é uma questão bastante comum com crianças que têm um transtorno do tipo autismo, no entanto isso não significa que crianças que aprese...

The Lithuanian Legend of the Iron Wolf and the Fall of the Soviet Union

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Shestokas 4 Ft Myers
shestokas.com - A legend surrounds the founding of Vilnius, the present day capital of Lithuania. It is The Legend of the Iron Wolf. The legend begins with a hunting trip undertaken by the Grand Duke of Lithuania,...

Atheism, the State, and the Early Christians: Lessons for Today » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - Socrates was said to have been sentenced to death by the state because he was accused of atheism (impiety) and corrupting youth because he did not acknowledge the gods of Athens. His life was ended...

The Basic Steps in a Civil Lawsuit: Civil Law Process

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Shestokas 4 Ft Myers
shestokas.com - Thanks to television dramas and criminal trial news coverage criminal law procedure is familiar to many. How a civil lawsuit proceeds is less well known. The process and purpose of civil and crimin...

Which One is the Antichrist? » BarbWire.com

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - If you hated Christianity and wished to purge it from the earth—if you were an enemy of Jesus Christ, and wanted to destroy His Church forever—would you be a secular humanist or a Muslim? I would h...

Leis da atual Câmara pouco ajudam o cidadão | VEJA São Paulo

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Caesar Octavianus
vejasp.abril.com.br - Nos últimos quatro anos, a Câmara Municipal de São Paulo esteve no epicentro de momentos cruciais para os rumos da capital. Em junho de 2014, por exemplo, participou da elaboração do novo Plano Dir...

Pentagon quietly studying Islamic theology to understand the Islamic State and al-Qaeda

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Robert Spencer
jihadwatch.org - It is just common sense for them to study the texts that form the motivating ideology behind the global jihad. But they have to do it quietly, behind the scenes, because the Obama administration is...
Arte & Entretenimento

Louis Theroux's My Scientology Movie unlikely to get Ireland release due to blasphemy laws

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Index on Censorship
independent.co.uk - Louis Theroux fans hoping to watch My Scientology Movie in Ireland look set for disappointment as the country’s blasphemy laws threaten to keep it from cinemas. The controversial film is directed b...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia




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