28 July 2014

LiberdadeDeExpressao 27.07.2014 @livrexpress

LiberdadeDeExpressao News

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Brasil articula com MERCOSUL nota conjunta contra ISRAEL. Anões da diplomacia parte 2?

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lucimara lopes
sociedademilitar.com.br - O MERCOSUL estará reunido na próxima terça (29/07) em CARACAS. O mínimo que nossa chancelaria deveria fazer é se colocar longe dessa questão. Deixando de acrescentar problemas para um país que já t...

“O governo do Brasil fez papel de bobo no Caribe” diz colunista do UOL sobre leilão de porto cubano financiado pelo Brasil

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lucimara lopes
revoltabrasil.com.br - Publicado por Revolta Brasil em 27 julho, as 13 : 57 PM Print A matéria é do jornalista Leandro Mazzini, blog Coluna Explanada, do site UOL, que classificou o país como tendo feito papel de bobo fi...

“Vocês não são pró-direitos humanos, vocês são apenas anti-Israel” – A sessão da ONU em que Hillel Neuer detona os falsos humanistas do mundo, apesar de tentarem calá-lo

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Felipe Moura Brasil
veja.abril.com.br - O número baixo de israelenses mortos no atual conflito do Oriente Médio faz parecer a qualquer idiota ludibriado pela imprensa esquerdista que Israel não sofre – ou pelo menos não tanto assim – com...

Cranmer: Christianity in Iraq – "the end is very near"

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Archbishop Cranmer
archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.co.uk - "Things are so desperate, our people are disappearing," says Canon Andrew White, the courageous Vicar of Baghdad. "We have had people massacred, their heads chopped off. "Are we seeing the end of C...

Diario censura a periodista católica que pidió conversión a corruptos en Venezuela

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aciprensa.com - CARACAS, 25 Jul. 14 / 04:19 pm (ACI).- El diario venezolano El Universal, recientemente adquirido por una desconocida empresa española, censuró y avisó del retiro de su columna semanal a la periodi...

Lilipute | Blog do Miranda Sá

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Alexandre Gonçalves
mirandasa.com.br - A miopia diplomática levou o PT-governo a convocar o embaixador brasileiro em Tel-Aviv, ferindo o tradicional princípio de respeito à autodeterminação dos povos do Itamaraty. Até para quem não se a...

O direito de esquecer e o direito de saber | Blogs OI | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - A grande imprensa mundial mantém um intrigante silêncio sobre a decisão da justiça europeia de conceder a indivíduos o direito de exigir que os sistemas de buscas na internet eliminem de seus banco...

Prenúncios de um Estado policial - | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Na tarde de domingo (13/7), final da Copa do Mundo, o jornal A Nova Democracia flagrou uma situação de claro abuso policial na praça Saens Pena, zona norte do Rio de Janeiro. Após a dispersão de um...

Cristianismo Religião Oficial do Brasil : Petição Pública Brasil

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Brasil Cristão
peticaopublica.com.br - Cristianismo Religião Oficial do Brasil Para: Congresso Nacional do Brasil Se no Brasil com 98% da população cristã nos imputam leis anticristãs, é contra nossa vontade. Propomos que o CRISTIANISMO...

Dia 30: Em meio ao caos, ofereça amor e esperança

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Paulo Teixeira 3147
portasabertas.org.br - O navio balançava para frente e para trás, a água que invadia molhava a todos e encharcava o chão de madeira; não havia dúvidas de que os marinheiros em breve veriam a embarcação se quebrar e se tr...

Topular Magazine format

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Richard Bejah
richardbejah.com - The RGB Blog is to help you in your life, provide inspiration and entertainment. This is a private non-commercial blog. Click here for the latest TOPULAR posts featured on Alltop.... I do hope you ...

Pastors | Personhood FL

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Covenant Tabernacle
personhoodfl.com - The Right to Life of All Persons Recognized and Protected Bulletin Insert Personhood FL Powerpoint Presentation What Makes a Person Sermon Outline Created in the Image of God Sermon Outline The New...

Verdades, mentiras e manipulação - Comentário para o programa radiofônico do Observatório, 23/7/2014 | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - Os principais jornais do país publicam nas edições de quarta-feira (23/7) a mais recente pesquisa Ibope de intenções de voto para presidente da República. Segundo as análises disponíveis na imprens...

Julio Severo: A maior ameaça à Igreja Evangélica do Brasil

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Respondendo ao irmão Júlio Severo, ao Antônio, e ao Flávio, Torno a repetir, mais uma vez, o que eu já comentei em artigos anteriores semelhantes a este daqui: a igreja evangélica, ultimamente, vem...

Missas em latim e com padre de costas para fiéis atraem jovens católicos conservadores - Jornal O Globo

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Direita Brasil
oglobo.globo.com - RIO - Manhã de domingo, igreja cheia. Muitos homens vestem trajes formais. Mulheres levam véus sobre os cabelos. O silêncio absoluto é quebrado por um canto gregoriano. O padre passa pelos fiéis a ...

El Papa Francisco cumple hoy 500 días de Pontificado

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - LIMA, 27 Jul. 14 / 12:52 am (ACI).- Hoy se cumplen 500 días desde que el Papa Francisco fuera elegido Sumo Pontífice de la Iglesia Católica. El 13 de marzo de 2013, los Cardenales reunidos en Cóncl...

Filho do ‘publisher’ do ‘NYT’ nomeado editor estratégico - Tradução: Fernanda Lizardo, edição de Leticia Nunes. Com informações de Chris O'Shea [“NY Times Names Arthur Gregg Sulzberger Editor for Strategy”, Media Bistro, 14/7/14]; e de Catherine Taibi [“New York Times Names Arthur Gregg Sulzberger As Senior Editor For Strategy”, The Huffington Post, 14/7/14] | Observatório da Imprensa

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - No início deste ano, o New York Times produziu um “relatório de inovação“, originalmente direcionado aos principais executivos do jornal. O documento de 96 páginas – preparado por uma comissão lide...

Cardenal Rouco Varela impartirá lección sobre libertad religiosa en Cursos de Santa Catalina

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - MADRID, 27 Jul. 14 / 08:19 pm (ACI/Europa Press).- El Arzobispo de Madrid (España), Cardenal Antonio María Rouco Varela, impartirá la lección inaugural de los Cursos Universitarios de Verano de la ...

The Right’s Leading Education Reformer Sees Promise Of Common Core

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barbwire.com - Chester Finn, Jr. has been a “troublemaker” all his life, so much so that he chose the term as the title for his own memoir. Finn is still making trouble as a supporter of Common Core. Called “Chec...

Islamic militants destroy historic mosque in Iraqi city of Mosul - CBS News

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cbsnews.com - BAGHDAD - Residents of the Iraqi city of Mosul say militants with the Islamic State group have destroyed another historic mosque and shrine Mosul residents said the Prophet Jirjis Mosque and Shrine...

Gifts for the College Student

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Dawn (USMC Mom)
squidoo.com - Traveling home in an airport is a breeze as the the laptop compartment of this backpack is accessible from the side for easy access. Throw in a pair of clothes and you have an overnight travel carr...

Joan Rivers: CNN should be 'ashamed' of its Israel, Gaza reporting - Washington Times

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Covenant Tabernacle
washingtontimes.com - Controversial TV host Joan Rivers has now added her two cents into the conflict in Gaza, and she leaves no question where she stands. “If New Jersey were firing rockets into New York, we would wipe...

Pacifismo ou é integral ou não é pacifismo - | Observatório da Imprensa | Observatório da Imprensa - Você nunca mais vai ler jornal do mesmo jeito

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observatoriodaimprensa.com.br - A Grande Guerra (1914-1918) tem diversos nomes, sobrenomes, alcunhas e pseudônimos. Um deles, o mais veraz – a Guerra Inacabada – é também o mais atual: os três grandes conflitos bélicos que ocupam...

Under Bombs, Gaza’s Doctors Are Saving Lives and Tweeting Heartbreaking Stories Between Shifts · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - Eight hospitals, nine medical clinics and 14 ambulances have been bombed since Israel launched an offensive in the the densely populated, narrow 40-kilometer-long coastal strip Gaza. Home to 1.8 mi...

Álvaro del Portillo: curación inexplicable de otra niña

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infocatolica.com - (Alfa y Omega/InfoCatólica) El diario asturiano El Comercio ha dado a conocer el caso de una niña asturiana recién nacida cuya curación es atribuida por la familia a la intercesión de don Álvaro de...
Meio Ambiente

Quando ganhar uns tostões cons

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Luis A R Branco
verdadenapratica.wordpress.com - Quando ganhar uns tostões construirei uma casa, Será simples, de pouco luxo, Pois o luxo tal como a riqueza destrói a felicidade. Minha casa será branquinha como as casas alentejanas, Não será quad...

Obama quietly expands government’s ‘watchlist’

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WND News
wnd.com - The Obama administration has quietly rewritten the rules on how it goes about designating Americans as terrorists, according to a new report by Glenn Greenwald’s Intercept online investigations pro...

Global Voices is Looking For a Passionate Leader to Shape Our Portuguese-Language Coverage · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - Are you a Portuguese- and English-speaking news buff who values justice, equality, friendship across borders and can't seem to get enough of the Internet? Are you available to work 10 hours a week?...

» União das Repúblicas Socialistas da América-Latina – Teoria da Conspiração?

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brasilacimadetudo.com - Numa dessas visitas eu me deparei com um debate aberto sobre o Parlamento do Mercosul e resolvi assistir. Não foi preciso mais do que alguns minutos para perceber que não se tratava exatamente de u...

China, contra los símbolos cristianos

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infocatolica.com - (La Razón/InfoCatólica) Desde enero hasta hoy, según la organización China Aid, alrededor de 163 iglesias han recibido órdenes de demolición del edificio completo, de parte de él o de retirada de s...
Meio Ambiente

Maduro celebró liberación del diplomático venezolano Hugo Carvajal | En la Agenda

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Fitzcarraldo Çilva
2001.com.ve - Este domingo, el canciller venezolano, Elías Jaua, informó que Holanda ordenó la liberación del diplomático y dio a conocer el comunicado emitido por el país europeo, en el cual expresa que "en vir...

@SairamRivas | @SairamRivas: Trofeo de la Dictadura

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sairamrivas.wordpress.com - Hace cuatro años en 2010 nos tocó conocer a una muchachita de apenas 17 años, alumna de mi padre, Carlos Hermoso. Una flaquita morena y hermosísimamente alta y desgarbada, de esas que son Venezuela...

Children crossing border: ‘Obama will take care of us’

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WND News
wnd.com - McALLEN, Texas – In an exclusive interview with WND and Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, a 13-year Border Patrol veteran revealed many in the recent surge of illegal immigrants, including unaccompanie...

Petrobrás cai de 12ª para 120ª em ranking de maiores empresas - Economia - Estadão

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Paulo De Boni
economia.estadao.com.br - Fernando Nakagawa, correspondente da Agência Estado LONDRES - A página do jornal Financial Times na internet publicou reportagem na manhã desta sexta-feira, 21, sobre a perda de valor de mercado da...

TSE não fará teste público das urnas. Especialistas condenam a falta de transparência

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implicante.org - O Tribunal Superior Eleitoral não fará nenhum teste de segurança das urnas eletrônicas antes das eleições, em outubro, apesar de reconhecer que eles fazem parte do conjunto de atividades que garant...

Versão irônica da Bíblia faz sucesso entre religiosos na Comic-Con 2014

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Do lado de fora do pavilhão onde acontece a Comic-Con 2014, em San Diego, religiosos com microfones da Madonna exortam os frequentadores do evento, dizendo que “a punição para o pecado é a morte” e...

Russia’s 4-Million-Ruble Procurement Order to Crack Tor Is Suddenly Revised · Global Voices

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Global Voices
globalvoicesonline.org - The Russian Interior Ministry has revised the language in a procurement order offering 3.9 million rubles (about USD $100,000) for developing a way to decipher user data on the Tor anonymity networ...

Personhood FL ProLife PAC Candidates Federal State Endorse

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Bryan Longworth
personhoodflprolifepac.com - Personhood FL ProLife PAC today contacted candidates running for federal, state, district wide, and local races to seek endorsement based on their prolife stance. Candidates seeking endorsement sho...

Ricos Por Uma Noite | Brasília em Crônicas

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Painel Brasil TV
brasiliaemcronicas.painelbrasil.tv - Aquela noite de domingo para segunda-feira não seria igual a outras para muitos brasileiros. O telefone de minha casa passou a chamar seguidas vezes e diferentes vozes se sucediam no aparelho, mas ...

El Papa alienta a rebelarse contra la corrupción en Caserta, territorio de la Camorra

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infocatolica.com - (La Razón/InfoCatólica) Estas palabras fueron pronunciadas por el obispo de Roma durante la misa que ofició este sábado en la plaza de Carlos III, frente al Palacio Real de Caserta, en honor a su p...
Meio Ambiente

Dez fatos absurdos da Coreia do Norte de Kim Jong-un - Internacional - Notícia - VEJA.com

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veja.abril.com.br - O ditador norte-coreano Kim Jong-Un durante uma visita ao Exército do Povo na Coreia do Norte (KCNA/Reuters) País mais fechado do mundo a República Popular Democrática de Coreia (RPDC) – nome ofici...

Amazon Kindle: A Highlight and Note by Edson Arantes from The Mammoth Book of Comic Quotes (Mammoth Books)

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Edson Aran
kindle.amazon.com - A Highlight and Note by Edson Arantes The Mammoth Book of Comic Quotes (Mammoth Books) by Tibballs See all posts on this book

Only one-third of Americans say impeach Obama

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Resist Tyranny
resisttyranny.net - We give up. Only one-third of Americans think President Barack Obama should be impeached. According to a CNN/ORC International poll released Friday, 33 percent of Americans think the president shou...

US must adapt foreign policy to solve migrant crisis, says bishop :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - Washington D.C., Jul 27, 2014 / 04:11 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The head of the U.S. bishops’ international justice and peace committee implored Secretary of State John Kerry to utilize U.S. foreign pol...

Mauricio de Sousa publica desenho em homenagem ao escritor Ariano Suassuna

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - O cartunista Mauricio de Sousa, criador da Turma da Mônica, prestou sua homenagem ao escritor Ariano Suassuna, que morreu em Recife nesta quarta-feira (23) após sofrer um acidente vascular cerebral...

‘Rescaldo do rescaldo’, um artigo de Roberto Pompeu de Toledo

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Augusto Nunes
veja.abril.com.br - Um anúncio da safra da Copa… anúncio de quê, mesmo? Houve tempo em que os anúncios iam direto ao ponto – “Beba Coca-Cola”. Hoje a criatividade sufoca as marcas. Houve um anúncio da safra da Copa, s...

Twitcom - Crie e participe de comunidades e grupos no Twitter

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jess cavalcante
twitcom.com.br - Para concluir sua inscrição, digite seu email para confirmação. Um email foi enviado, confirme clicando no link de validação. Houver tweets nos nests que sigo Alguém entrar nos nests que sigo Algué...

#015: Total Consecration to Mary [Podcast]

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Taylor Marshall
taylormarshall.com - Have you every done the Total Consecration to Mary? Our Lord Jesus Christ came from eternity and entered into time through the Blessed Virgin Mary. He has ordained that we can best know Him in that...

American Power: 'Think Progress' — and Karoli LOL! — Punk'd by Parody Claiming Michele Bachmann Wants Illegals in 'Camps'

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Robert Stacy McCain
americanpowerblog.blogspot.com - Crazy Eyes Bachmann Wants Central American Children Put In Indoctrination Camps (UPDATED) http://t.co/2y2k2y9y1d http://t.co/8vBOOzQI8a Now that's a correction http://t.co/RjMXtAHjob (h/t @mt_newman)

Abortion - Pro Life - Announcing National Christian Voter Registration Sundays

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Covenant Tabernacle
priestsforlife.org - Aside from the special national voter registration days above, this activity can be done on any day of the year. Voter registration drives fall within the activities that are permitted to tax-exemp...

Família ganha duas bolsas do governo, mas vive em invasão - Jornal O Globo

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Direita Brasil
oglobo.globo.com - RIO - Desempregados, Ana Paula Barreto e o marido montaram o barraco de madeira há sete meses no terreno do estaleiro McLaren, que saiu da região. Antes de o casal se mudar para lá, a família morav...

Fund-Raising for a Medieval Monastery: Indulgences and Great Bricett Priory

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medievalists.net -    Fund-Raising for a Medieval Monastery: Indulgences and Great Bricett Priory Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History: Vol.40:1 (2001) Although they tend to evoke derision ...

Dog faints from excitement at being reunited with owner after two years - Independent.ie

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enzo f arcangeli
independent.ie - A pet dog appeared to faint from ‘overwhelming joy’ after being reunited with a family member after two years. Rebecca Ehalt had been living and working in Slovenia. Returning to her home in Murrys...

Piedmont Environmental Council under scrutiny

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Resist Tyranny
resisttyranny.net - Robert Marmet knew he was supposed to inspect Martha Boneta’s farm, but he didn’t know exactly what for. He knew there were limits on what he could inspect, but he had no idea where they were. So w...

Folha Política: Cuba leiloa porto feito com dinheiro do povo brasileiro para EUA e Rússia, afirma jornalista

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folhapolitica.org - sábado, 26 de julho de 2014 Cuba leiloa porto feito com dinheiro do povo brasileiro para EUA e Rússia, afirma jornalista Imagem: Reprodução / FCS O jornalista Leandro Mazzini afirma que o governo c...

Professor muçulmano é assassinado por defender cristãos

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noticias.gospelmais.com.br - O professor muçulmano Mahmoud Al’Asali, que ensina leis no Departamento de Pedagogia da Universidade de Mosul, no Iraque, foi assassinado na última semana por não aceitar se silenciar diante da vio...

Turkey: Physical assaults on journalists increase

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Index on Censorship
mediafreedom.ushahidi.com - 14:09 Jul 25 2014 Istanbul, Fatih, İstanbul, Marmara Region, Turkey   Physical Violence   Legal Measure   Loss of Employment   Employer/publisher/colleague(s)   Government/political party/public of...

Esse gato perde a beleza drasticamente (e de forma hilária) a cada foto tirada

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - Conheça Setsu, um gato japonês que ficou famoso por causa de algo um pouco incomum. Quando você olhar as fotos de Setsu, vai logo pensar mais ou menos nessa ordem: “nossa, que gato lindo”, “que bon...

RNC angers many with fundraising email: ‘Did you abandon the Republican Party?' - Spokane Conservative

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examiner.com - Money, the saying goes, is the mother's milk of politics. Political parties and candidates constantly beg supporters for funds to run campaigns and get their message out. But a recent RNC fundraisi...

Sex Trouble: Radical Feminism and the Long Shadow of the ‘Lavender Menace’ : The Other McCain

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Robert Stacy McCain
theothermccain.com - “The supersensitivity of the [Women's Liberation] movement to the lesbian issue, and the existence of a few militant lesbians within the movement, once prompted [NOW founder Betty] Friedan herself ...

Discovering Law: Hayekian Competition in Medieval Iceland

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medievalists.net -    Discovering Law: Hayekian Competition in Medieval Iceland Abstract: The general consensus is that some minimal government is needed to provide law and enforce rules. However, between 930 and 126...

Galvão da Silva:“El caso Róger Pinto incomoda a Dilma Rousseff”

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Marisa Cruz
eldeber.com.bo - Un senador ‘olvidado’. Esa fue la historia que cautivó al productor brasileño ‘Dado’ Galvão para hacer un documental sobre Róger Pinto, que pasó 452 días encerrado en la embajada de Brasil en La Pa...

Blog do Coronel: Não seja assim simplório, Dr.Geraldo.

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coturnonoturno.blogspot.com - Várias pesquisas já comprovaram que apenas 30% do eleitorado pratica o voto partidário. Cerca de 50% vota no candidato sem olhar o partido. E apenas 1% vota em partido e candidato. É óbvio que o go...

Border Patrol points loaded gun at Iowa Boy Scouts

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Resist Tyranny
resisttyranny.net - Jim Fox, Boy Scout Troop 111 leader, told Iowa KCCI television the boys were threatened by the agents for taking a photo. “The agent took his camera. Told them they would be arrested. Fined possibl...

Fantástico - Juiz é suspeito de beneficiar traficantes clientes de advogada

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g1.globo.com - A Polícia Federal investiga um crime que pode ter sido cometido por aquele que mais deveria zelar pela Justiça. Um juiz de Minas Gerais está preso, acusado de beneficiar uma das maiores quadrilhas ...

Is the Left anti-Semitic? Sadly, it is heading that way – Telegraph Blogs

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Archbishop Cranmer
blogs.telegraph.co.uk - There has been a lot of talk over the past two weeks about whether it is anti-Semitic to oppose Israel’s attack on Gaza. Radical Leftists and liberal commentators have insisted (perhaps a bit too m...

In Search for Killer, DNA Sweep Exposes Intimate Family Secrets in Italy - NYTimes.com

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Index on Censorship
nytimes.com - ROME — The body of Yara Gambirasio, a 13-year-old student, was found on a chilly day in a quiet northern city in Lombardy in February 2011, three months after she was reported missing following a g...

Eleanor Holmes Norton says 'you don't have a right to know' what's going on in government

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washingtonexaminer.com - "You don't have a right to know everything in a separation-of-powers government, my friend. That is the difference between a parliamentary government and a separation-of-powers government," Norton ...
Meio Ambiente

Murder, Alchemy and the Wars of the Roses

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medievalists.net - Introduction: What follows is a kind of murder mystery, but not a whodunit. The identity of the man who carried out the crime, while indeed a mystery, is probably unknowable and actually unimportan...

End Abortion Now! ProLife - Support Campaign

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Covenant Tabernacle
twibbon.com - Join Personhood USA and Personhood organizations in all 50 states by praying and working to end abortion. The US Constitution assures that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property ...

Steampunk Les Paul Style Custom Relic Unique 1970s

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reverb.com -  Steampunk Les Paul style custom relic guitar 70s unique If you want a new steampunk guitar that’s completely unique and gets people’s interest on stage, in your house, or in your shop, then this g...

Más de 133.000 euros en multas lingüísticas | Cataluña

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elmundo.es - Sanciones de hasta 7.000 y 8.000 euros por no rotular en catalán o no tener en este idioma alguno de los servicios que se prestaban. Son ejemplos de las 88 multas que el Govern de CiU impuso el año...

El sector artesano madrileño genera el 12,5% del empleo artesano nacional - ABC.es

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PP de Madrid
abc.es - El sector artesano de Madrid representa el 12,5 por ciento del empleo artesano a nivel nacional, cuenta con un total de 8.205 empresas artesanas y una generación de autoempleo del 27,2 por ciento, ...

Region County City Church Pastor Life ProLife Personhood

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Covenant Tabernacle
bryanlongworth.com - I have a dream that one day all innocent human life will be protected by love and by law in Florida. For this to happen, we need your help to make the case for life in every region, every county, e...

1 minuto com Augusto Nunes: Há quase 12 anos a política externa da canalhice faz do Brasil um anão diplomático

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Marisa Cruz
veja.abril.com.br - Olá caro Augusto Augusto, complemento o meu comentário postado ontem sobre o seu 1 Minuto que diz respeito à celeuma que envolveu o Brasil e Israel na troca de insultos por Gaza. O Brasil é um giga...

O Santíssimo Sacramento nas palavras de Jesus - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - 15/10/2013 13:04 | Categorias: Igreja Católica, Espiritualidade É preciso crer na Eucaristia com a fé simples de um filho que dá todo o crédito às palavras de seu pai e de sua mãe Dos sete Sacramen...

'Meet The Press' Panel Laments ‘Do-Nothing Nature’ of Republicans In Congress

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newsbusters.org - A common theme among liberal journalists is to blame a “do-nothing Congress” when liberal policies fail to become law. Such was the case during a panel discussion on Sunday’s Meet the Press when mo...

Boundaries in the making – Historiography and the isolation of late medieval Bohemia

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medievalists.net - Boundaries in the making – Historiography and the isolation of late medieval Bohemia Paper delivered on the 7th Graduate Conference in European History (GRACEH): April 27 (2013) This paper deals wi...

El gobierno de Nicolás Maduro dice que Hugo Carvajal será liberado en las próximas horas

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Fitzcarraldo Çilva
infobae.com - Elías Jaua, quien se desempeña como ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, sostuvo este domingo que recibió de manos del embajador de Holanda un comunicado en el que ese país asegura que el ex jefe de ...

UN committee criticized for efforts to push abortion on Ireland :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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catholicnewsagency.com - Geneva, Switzerland, Jul 26, 2014 / 04:07 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Assertions by members of the U.N. Human Rights Committee that Irish abortion law violates international human rights agreements is err...

Fitch confirma los ratings de Madrid, Cataluña y Castilla-La Mancha

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PP de Madrid
europapress.es -    La agencia de calificación crediticia Fitch Ratings ha confirmado este viernes el rating 'BBB' de la Comunidad de Madrid, aunque ha elevado su perspectiva de 'negativa' a 'estable', y la nota 'B...


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Richard Bejah
richardbejah.com - Set some time aside to create your bucket list and stop putting off your dreams for “someday” The best way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as a magnificent adventure. This list is a ...

Combate em cidade do leste da Ucrânia mata 30 civis - Internacional - Estadão

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internacional.estadao.com.br - KIEV - Cerca de 30 civis morreram neste domingo atingidos por morteiros ou disparos de armas de fogo durante um combate entre forças do governo e milícias separatistas na cidade de Gorlovka, na Ucr...

ALO RESISTENTE - Métodos de Lucha Noviolenta - Dom 27 Jul 2014 #Venezuela, ALO RESISTENTE - Métodos de Lucha Noviolenta - Dom 27 Jul 2014 #Venezuela orvex ...

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Elio Aponte
ustream.tv - Canal al servicio de la resistencia noviolenta organizada de Venezuela y del exilio venezolano, que colabora para restablecer la efectiva vigencia de la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de ...

A Eucaristia é remédio para quem está em pecado mortal? - padrepauloricardo.org

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Padre Paulo Ricardo
padrepauloricardo.org - Para comungar do Corpo e Sangue do Senhor, “não basta a fé, mas é preciso perseverar na graça santificante e na caridade” O Doutor Angélico, ao falar do sacramento da Eucaristia, ensina que este é ...

Obamacare: 2011 GAO Report Confirms 'Speak-O' Gruber

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newsbusters.org - Liberals are now in damage control mode on the heels of the discovery of not one but two videos of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber claiming in January 2012 that the subsidies for that program w...

Till Death Do Them Part?

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Catholic News Live
commonwealmagazine.org - Those who are opposed to Cardinal Walter Kasper's proposal that some divorced and remarried Catholics be allowed to receive the Eucharist might want to reconsider whether the Church has been wise i...

Stanek Sunday funnies 7-27-14 - Jill Stanek

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jillstanek.com - Violations will be deleted and you may be banned. Threats will be immediately reported to authorities. Following these rules will make everyone's experience visiting JillStanek.com better. Our volu...

25 Awakening Characteristics 

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truthisscary.com - There is no doubt the Earth is evolving spiritually. People are experiencing intense changes within their life, work, behaviors and personal relationships. Many are awakening at a rate that can onl...

Campanha de Dilma Rousseff teria usado fotógrafo pago com dinheiro público

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ReginaBrasilia's S/A
brasilpolitico.net - A coligação Muda Brasil, que tem Aécio Neves como candidato à Presidência da República, protocolou representação no Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) pedindo aplicação de multa à presidente Dilma R...

Paraguay: Papa suspende ordenaciones sacerdotales en Ciudad del Este - Vatican Insider

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Andrés Beltramo A.
vaticaninsider.lastampa.it - Una medida inmediata y contundente para la diócesis paraguaya de Ciudad del Este. En los últimos días dos enviados del Papa realizaron una auditoría al gobierno del obispo Rogelio Livieres Plano y,...

Israel é uma ilha de civilização em um mar de barbárie. Assista ao vídeo de Bill Whittle, com minha tradução

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Edmilson Papo 10
veja.abril.com.br - Traduzo abaixo o vídeo fundamental “The case for Israel”, de Bill Whittle, que desde maio integra o timaço de David Horowitz no Freedom Center, mas que já aparecera antes aqui no blog, em artigo so...

Tony Dungy, Israel and the Media's Selective Religion Bigots

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newsbusters.org - Who’da thunk it? A winning Super Bowl coach and Israel combine to teach Americans a lesson in how the media’s religion bigots operate. The coach, of course, is Tony Dungy, the now retired coach of ...

MFAH | Master Tours “Houghton Hall: Portrait of an English Country House” - Monday, July 28, 2014 @ 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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Judy Rey Wasserman
mfah.org - Houghton Hall: Portrait of an English Country House brings the renowned collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts from England's Houghton Hall to the United States for the first time...

Skaf é 'mal orientado ou ingênuo', diz tesoureiro do PT - Política - Estado de Minas

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João Paulo M.
em.com.br - Para comentar essa notícia entre com seu e-mail e senha Caso você não tenha cadastro, Clique aqui e faça seu cadastro gratuito. Esqueci minha senha »

Levy Fidelix pode estrear carreta em frente ao prédio de Lula em SBC | Band - PRTB - Partido Renovador Trabalhista Brasileiro

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Levy Fidelix
prtb.org.br - O candidato do PRTB à presidência da República, Levy Fidelix, começará a campanha nas ruas no dia 2 de agosto. Ele promete fazer uma carreata pelo ABC Paulista para atacar o PT. O percurso, inclusi...

Charles Péguy, écrivain vivant - Livres - La Vie

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Rodrigo Coppe C
lavie.fr - «Je pense que Péguy est actuel parce que la situation que nous vivons est péguyste. Les travers qu’il a fustigés dans ce qu’il a appelé le “monde moderne” se sont encore renforcés. Dans son célèbre...

Video:The Hidden Power of Universal Frequency and Vibration  

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truthisscary.com - Frequency and vibration hold a critically important yet hidden power to affect our lives, our health, our society and our world. The science of Cymatics (meaning the study of visible sound and vibr...

Fighting intensifies near MH17 disaster site

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cnsnews.com - DONETSK, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian armed forces mounted a major onslaught against pro-Russian separatist fighters Sunday in an attempt to gain control over the area where a Malaysia Airlines plane w...

"The Lid": Laura Rozen is Distributing Document Typed/Edited By Al Jazeera As Kerry's Cease Fire Proposal

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Robert Stacy McCain
yidwithlid.blogspot.com - Laura Rozen is Distributing Document Typed/Edited By Al Jazeera As Kerry's Cease Fire Proposal Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Laura Rozen a veteran Middle Ea...

Israel and the US Have Dropped Bombs on 8 Muslim Countries This Year « Antiwar.com Blog

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antiwar.com - There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world today, with 49 countries having a predominantly Muslim population. Of these countries, 4 have been bombed by Israel, and 4 have been bombed by the US this...

E-books da Superinteressante dominam ranking de mais vendidos

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - Quatro dos cinco e-books mais vendidos na Amazon são lançamentos da Superinteressante. O título da Abril ganha destaque como marca reconhecida no mercado editorial, além da revista impressa.  O liv...

Oito em dez hospitais filantrópicos do País operam no vermelho - São Paulo - Estadão

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
sao-paulo.estadao.com.br - O acúmulo de dívidas não é exclusividade da Santa Casa de São Paulo. Pelo menos 83% dos 2.100 hospitais filantrópicos brasileiros operam no vermelho, segundo estimativas da Confederação das Santas ...

Maher: ObamaCare ‘So Much More of a Significant Achievement than Landing on the Moon’

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newsbusters.org - Citing the 45th anniversary last week of the Apollo 11 landing on the moon, Bill Maher on Friday night sneered: “I always hear that the moon landing was the last great thing that America did. I thi...

Dilma tem 60% de chances de perder eleição, diz consultoria - Política - Estado de Minas

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João Paulo M.
em.com.br - Para comentar essa notícia entre com seu e-mail e senha Caso você não tenha cadastro, Clique aqui e faça seu cadastro gratuito. Esqueci minha senha »

Alain Finkielkraut dénonce et défonce la gauche - Agoravox TV

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Rodrigo Coppe C
agoravox.tv - Vla l’jean... ne repprochez pas aux autres commentateurs d’AVtv de réagir comme vous le faites vous même et de la même façon... - Vous êtes accroché à ce forum assez souvent.... comme beaucoup d’au...

BBC Radio 4: Christian Concern's Ade Omooba discusses a political and social manifesto launched by African and Caribbean church leaders

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Christian Concern
christianconcern.com - BBC Radio 4: Christian Concern's Ade Omooba discusses a political and social manifesto launched by African and Caribbean church leaders Published: July 27th, 2014 | Social | Audio BBC Radio 4: Chri...

A Good Choice . . .: Keep God and His People Behind the Stained Glass Walls?

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agoodchoice.blogspot.com - Saturday, July 26, 2014 Keep God and His People Behind the Stained Glass Walls? Another controversial www.AlterNet article caught my eye tonight. “A New Wave of Wacko Evangelicals Swept GOP Primari...

G1 - Investigação mostra plano de ataque com molotovs na final da Copa - notícias em Rio de Janeiro

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Nariz Gelado
g1.globo.com - Um investigação da polícia do Rio aponta como um grupo pretendia fazer um ataque com molotovs no dia 13 de julho, na final da Copa do Mundo, próximo ao Maracanã, na Zona Norte do Rio. Gravações iné...

ConJur - Fim da carreira de delegado na PF opõe entidades de classe

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Paulo De Boni
conjur.com.br - O avanço de uma Proposta de Emenda à Constituição que cria carreira única na Polícia Federal gerou críticas da entidade que representa delegados da instituição e fez associações de agentes da políc...

iPhone App Review: Toolani International Calls

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Karen Woodham
emminlondon.com - Before I begin, let me just say that this post has nothing to do with Doctor Who but I thought this photo of the T.A.R.D.I.S. was a lot more original than any photos I might have of London phone bo...

Com quase 30 anos no ar, programa esportivo é extinto pela Jovem Pan

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portal.comunique-se.com.br - Vai ao ar hoje a partir das 20h desta terça, 22, a última edição do 'No Pique da Pan', um dos programas de esportes mais tradicionais do rádio do Brasil. A ideia da atração foi do Seu Tuta, proprie...

'Povo espera do governo qualidade de vida', diz Fernando Henrique - Política - Estadão

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Roberta C.M.Oliveira
politica.estadao.com.br - Alexa Salomão, Gabriel Manzano, Ricardo Grinbaum - O Estado de S.Paulo Seja quem for o presidente eleito em outubro, seu principal desafio será converter a ação do Estado em qualidade de vida para ...

I'm Not Making This Up -- 'Dating Naked' Premieres on TV

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - A tawdry and titillating TV trend is underway. Seven, that’s right, seven shows are being rolled out featuring one central theme: complete nudity. Romans 1:21-32, written to an enlightened civiliza...

The Limits of American Power: A Letter to the Left 

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - When I was young, a mantra among progressives was that America had to stop operating as global policeman. Vietnam was the signal episode of arrogant and ultimately self-defeating American overreach...

Cable on Ohio amusement park ride snaps, hurting 2

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cnsnews.com - SANDUSKY, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio amusement park ride that swings riders as high as 125 feet has been closed indefinitely after a cable snapped, injuring two visitors. Cedar Point spokesman Bryan Edwar...

Rhyl Beach Fest feat The Hoosiers - Sunday Schedule

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Karen Woodham
asktheusher.co.uk - Contagious – 14:30 Mav Mac – 15:00 Emmy J Mac – 16:00 James Smith (Britains Got Talent Finalist) – 17:00 Kitten and the Hip – 18:00 The Hoosiers – 19:00 Mark Garcia Kidd – 2014 winner of Volleyball...

What Would Jesus Do in Gaza? The Tears of Pope Francis Point the Way - The Daily Beast

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Brazzil Magazine
thedailybeast.com - PARIS — As the slaughter continues in Gaza, as bodies rain from the sky over Ukraine, as barbaric jihadists conquer swathes of Syria and Iraq, butchering their enemies and erasing the history of th...

Folha de S.Paulo - Poder - Ajuda financeira seletiva abre crise entre PT e PMDB - 27/07/2014

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folha.uol.com.br - Sem aval de seu partido, Renan Calheiros costurou apoio de R$ 35 milhões Negociação, que gerou mal-estar, beneficiaria só cinco peemedebistas que irão concorrer aos governos estaduais Negociação en...

WHXT - Hot 103.9 Columbia, SC - Listen Online

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Hollywood Dub
tunein.com - Big Boy's Neighborhood Mon-Fri 12pm - 4pm Location Columbia, SC Genres Hip Hop Language English Visit the station website Suggest an update AVAILABLE STREAMS 64 kb AAC 64 kb MP3

Painel Econômico - JBFM 99,9

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Alex Campos JBFM
jbfm.ig.com.br - "Trabalhou nas rádios Globo e CBN, nas revistas Manchete e Marie Claire e no Jornal do Brasil, além de O Globo e O DIA. Neste último, como Editor de Economia, chefiou uma equipe que colecionou 11 p...

'Sons of Anarchy' announces novel at Comic-Con

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Christian Del Monte
mashable.com - SAN DIEGO — As Sons of Anarchy heads into its final season the series announced Sunday at Comic-Con that they're building out the world of SAMCRO with a just-announced novel. Set in season 4, the b...

Using the Power of a Love Tribe to promote #PoemADay by @JulietEaston : The 7 Pillars Book

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Greg Weir
michaelqtodd.com - Hi I am Juliet Easton from Athens, Georgia. I am writing about how powerful your tribe of social media friends can be. Thank you so much for inviting me to guest post on your blog Michael. I am a m...

Bernie Sanders Comes Through Again For Vets As Deal Reached To Reform the VA

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Jeffrey Levin
politicususa.com - Sen. Bernie Sanders has delivered for our veterans. Sen. (I-VT) will be unveiling compromise legislation with House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Jeff Miller that will fund and reform the VA....

Portal A TARDE - Gastos com campanhas crescem 382% em 20 anos

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atarde.uol.com.br - Os 11 candidatos que vão concorrer à Presidência da República registraram no início de julho o limite de despesas de R$ 916 milhões para as campanhas deste ano. Embora se trate de uma previsão, o n...

Artículo: La sana diversión

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - La importancia de buscar actividades recreativas que nos permitan seguir creciendo en los valores humanos. El valor de la sana diversión consiste en saber elegir actividades que nos permitan sustit...

Redens.net - Apps para seu twitter

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#VCJáOlhouProCéuHoje - LikeDeck - um site que ajuda voce a conseguir mais conhecimento com seu twitter e outras redes sociais, todos os aplicativos aqui usados sao desenvolvidos apenas para ajuda os usuarios. sao aplicat...

How to Solve Big Problems: Lessons Learned From Cancer Scientists - James Clear

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Terry Kinder
jamesclear.com - In late November of 1991, a three-year-old girl was diagnosed with leukemia. There was a 30 percent chance she would die. In the coming months, she would receive a long list of chemotherapy drugs: ...

Polícia prende em Bangu um dos maiores ladrões do país - Brasil - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Alex Campos JBFM
veja.abril.com.br - Procurado desde 1984, o assaltante de bancos Gilberto Silva Morais, conhecido como Velho, de 55 anos, foi preso, por policiais da 34ª Delegacia de Polícia (Bangu, na Zona Oeste). Apontado como um d...

Women's Health: Olive Oil and Alzheimer's disease

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel Martiromo   Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder correlated with major reductions of neurons to the respective target areas, named after German physician Alois Alzheimer. Alzhe...

Metade de tudo o que se vê é céu

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Painel Brasil TV
brasiliaemcronicas.painelbrasil.tv - Ela andava com os olhos fitos no céu. Gostava, sobretudo, de caminhar pelos gramados ao pôr do sol, enquanto dava nome às cores que surgiam a cada instante que os últimos raios de sol tocavam ou pe...

Extremistas islâmicos destroem mesquita do século 14 no Iraque - 27/07/2014 - Mundo - Folha de S.Paulo

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Israel Almeida
folha.uol.com.br - Militantes do grupo radical Estado Islâmico (EI) destruíram uma mesquita do século 14 neste domingo (27), em Mossul, de acordo com moradores locais. É o sexto local sagrado a ser destruído na cidad...

Uma semana. Quatro fotos

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blasfemias.net - No Observador fiz uma espécie de blogue. Ficou assim: Finalmente Seguro percebeu que é líder do PS. Deixou de estar sempre a olhar para o lado a pensar no que vai dizer a família Soares, no que vão...

Book: Pope John Paul II's Mother Rejected Doctor's Abortion Suggestion

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lifenews.com - by Steven Ertelt | The Vatican | LifeNews.com | 10/16/13 4:54 PM A new report out today suggests Pope John Paul II’s mother rejected an abortion when pregnant with him. Under the headline “Blessed ...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Phytochemical Indole-3-carbinol and Lung cancer

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - By Kyle J. Norton Indole-3-carbinol is a phytochemical in the class of Indoles, by the breaking down of the glucosinolate glucobrassicin,  found abundantly in cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, rutab...

Ciberneticón » solotexto

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Fernando NunezNoda
ciberneticon.com - Just log on these types of time payday cash advances online payday cash advances online no obligation when agreed. Problems rarely check on secure bad pay day loans pay day loans and our online len...

Outside Money Drives a Deluge of Political Ads - NYTimes.com

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Jeffrey Levin
nytimes.com - WASHINGTON — An explosion of spending on political advertising on television — set to break $2 billion in congressional races, with overall spots up nearly 70 percent since the 2010 midterm electio...

Amazing Photo of a Modern Bridge Structure - "Blue Wire"

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Greg Wilson
gwpstudio.com - Striking Images such as this one can often finish a office or room and add that something special.

"¡Recordemos que todo se pierde con la guerra y nada se pierde con la paz!": Francisco en su llamamiento por la paz

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Enlace Católico.com
enlacecatolico.com - Aprendamos la trágica lección de la Primera Guerra Mundial, pidió el Papa Francisco renovando un apremiante llamamiento por la paz en Oriente Medio, Iraq y Ucrania. Recordando en particular el sufr...

Portal A TARDE - TRE-BA mantém multa contra Wagner por propaganda irregular

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atarde.uol.com.br - Foi mantida, na seção desta sexta-feira, 25, do Tribunal Regional Eleitoral da Bahia (TRE-BA), a multa contra o governador Jaques Wagner (PT) por irregularidade no uso da propaganda institucional d...

MLB trade deadline needs: NL East - CBSSports.com

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Algernon Fross
cbssports.com - With the July 31 non-waiver trade deadline just around the bend, we've been taking quick tours of each of baseball's six divisions and examining what the teams of each division need as said deadlin...

It Happened in Brazil: A Good Deed Is a Reward in Itself

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Brazzil Magazine
brazzil.com - She asked me for help to find her father, who she had seen only once when she was 2. According to her information, her father was a sailor from the Bahia state, Brazil, who met her mother in Tijuan...

Who’d a-thunk it? Socialism is demoralizing, socially corrosive, and promotes individual dishonesty and cheating?

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Terry Kinder
aei-ideas.org - Here’s the abstract of the research paper “The (True) Legacy of Two Really Existing Economic Systems“: By running an experiment among Germans collecting their passports or ID cards in the citizen c...

Giants acquire righty Jake Peavy from Red Sox

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cnsnews.com - SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The San Francisco Giants boosted their rotation for the stretch run by acquiring right-hander Jake Peavy from the Boston Red Sox on Saturday for a pair of minor league pitchers...

Women's Health: Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Smoothies can be a quick and simple part of your meals for your weight loss program. Preparing special meals to include the foods that are allowed on your weight loss plan can often be a drag and s...

“Ochenta por ciento de las personas perseguidas son cristianas” afirma Cardenal Kurt Koch

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CitizenGO es
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 26 Jul. 14 / 08:41 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Presidente del Consejo Pontificio para la Unidad de los Cristianos, Cardenal Kurt Koch, hizo un llamado a no quedarnos callados ante este ti...

Wagner Moura vai pedir desculpas pelas acusações que fez? Ou “A causa é minha, eu aplico onde eu quiser”?

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Alex Campos JBFM
veja.abril.com.br - Agora que a polícia prendeu os dois irmãos do caseiro (já preso) do Coronel Malhães e declarou encerradas as investigações do caso, descartando de vez a hipótese de queima de arquivo, o ator morali...

Masaccio: Rendering of the Tribute Money

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Art and the Bible
artbible.info - At Capernaum Jesus and his disciples are required to pay tax. The man with his back to the viewer is the publican, or tax collector. Jesus bids Peter cast his fishing line – in the mouth of the fir...
Meio Ambiente

Buriti da praça escreve poema épico

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Painel Brasil TV
brasiliaemcronicas.painelbrasil.tv - Sua função é das mais importantes: ainda na construção da cidade, o buriti, imponente presença nas veredas planaltinas, foi escolhido como árvore símbolo de Brasília; Em 1957, por determinação do e...

Thomas Hobbes “Sudden glory is the passion which maketh those grimaces called laughter.” — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « Sudden glory is the passion which maketh those grimaces called laughter. » Thomas Hobbes Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Twenty Reasons to Think Twice About Aborting a Baby With Anencephaly

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lifenews.com - The administrative clerk on the medical ward where I was working was heavily pregnant and I asked her when she was due. She gave me the date and before I could say anything else said, ‘my baby has ...

10 Mistakes People Make with the Holy Spirit (plus 1 bonus)

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aheartforgod.org - 10 Mistakes People Make with the Holy Spirit (plus 1 bonus): 1. Think He is a ghost like the King James Version of the Bible translates it (no, the Holy “Ghost” doesn’t frighten or spook people who...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Phytochemical Piperine and Obesity's inflammatory metabolic dysfunctions

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Phytochemical Piperine and Obesity's inflammatory metabolic dysfunctions Piperine is a phytochemical alkaloid in the class of organosulfur compound, found abundantly in white and black pepper, long...

Notícias - Gazetaweb.com

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gazetaweb.globo.com - Redes sociais podem decidir as eleições 2014 Expectativa é que cerca de 30% do eleitorado seja influenciado pelas postagens na internet As redes sociais nunca foram tão visadas em época de eleição....

Israel: The Palestinian People's Greatest Ally

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Matt Barber
barbwire.com - If a poacher shoots arrows at a pride of sleeping lions, are the lions to blame for rousing and defending themselves? What does one say of the shooter when he intentionally cowers behind the skirts...

Palestino gay pede asilo a Israel por medo de ser morto - Internacional - Notícia - VEJA.com

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Déborah Lima Oficial
veja.abril.com.br - Homem sacode bandeira do orgulho homossexual em parada gay de Tel Aviv, em Israel (David Silverman/Getty Images) Um homossexual palestino, que há uma década reside ilegalmente em Israel e corre o r...

Diplomata venezuelano detido em Aruba é libertado - Jornal O Globo

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Adeus #Petralhas
oglobo.globo.com - CARACAS — O diplomata venezuelano e ex-diretor de inteligência militar do país Hugo Carvajal, detido em Aruba, a pedido dos Estados Unidos, foi libertado neste domingo e já está na Venezuela. - Agr...
Meio Ambiente

Para fugir do colapso do dólar, Alemanha quer o BRICS - LIBERTAR.in - Frente de Libertação, Restauração e Resistência

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libertar.in - O analista financeiro Jim Willie categoricamente afirmou que a Alemanha está se preparando para abandonar o sistema unipolar apoiado pela NATO e os EUA e juntar-se às nações do BRICS, e por isso a ...

Carvajal no es el único general venezolano en la mira de EE UU

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Free Venezuela
el-nacional.com - A pesar de la tormenta diplomática con Caracas ocasionada por la captura del general Hugo Carvajal Barrios en Aruba, Estados Unidos sigue apuntando a más altos oficiales venezolanos relacionados co...

The Best Dog Fetch Toy, the Chuckit Ball Launcher,

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Dawn (USMC Mom)
pets.squidoo.com - Your dog loves to play fetch. I mean they REALLY love to play fetch. So you REALLY need the Chuckit Ball Launcher. Seriously you do.  Why? To save your arm, your sanity and your preserve your well ...

Chris Archer not a fan of David Ortiz admiring his home run - CBSSports.com

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Algernon Fross
cbssports.com - Boston ends Tampa Bay winning streak | Yaz says Ortiz 2nd best BOS hitter ever David Ortiz's three-run homer would be enough for the Red Sox to break the Rays' nine-game winning streak Sunday, 3-2....

BBC News - Aruba frees Venezuelan official Hugo Carvajal wanted by US

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Top Venezuelan official Gen Hugo Carvajal has been released by the Dutch Caribbean island of Aruba, after being detained over US accusations of drug-trafficking activities. The US Treasury said he ...

Israel rejeita prorrogar trégua humanitária em Gaza após violação do Hamas, diz jornal - Jornal O Globo

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oglobo.globo.com - TEL AVIV — Israel rejeitou neste domingo uma proposta das Nações Unidas e do Hamas para uma trégua humanitária na Faixa de Gaza, afirmou o jornal israelense "Haaretz", citando um oficial do governo...

"Victory for Pro-life, Pro-family Catholics and Other Christians"

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nomblog.com - From Aleteia, more on the recent marriage victory in Europe: ...the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) lowered the boom on European progressives. And, the wind was taken out...

Women's Health: Licorice and Endometrial Cancer

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Licorice and Endometrial Cancer Posted by Chantel Martiromo The incidence of endometrial cancer among white women are higher in comparison to black. According to the statistic, the risk of endometr...

'Breitbart News Sunday' on SXM 125: Sen Sessions on Melting Down the Phone Lines in DC to Stop Obama's Amnesty

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Doug Ray
breitbart.com - Bannon will speak to Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) about the massive wave of migrant children from central America who are illegally pouring over the border. Sessions has relentlessly pushed back again...

Giveaway: 3 Copies of JENI’S SPLENDID ICE CREAM DESSERTS by Jeni Britton Bauer

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Sweet Paul Magazine
sweetpaulmag.com - ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jeni Britton Bauer has been making ice cream since 1996 when she opened Scream Ice Cream in Columbus, Ohio’s North Market. Today, she is the founder and chief creative officer of ...

Rahm Emanuel Faces Controversy Over Red-Light Cameras

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dailysignal.com - Brady Cremeens is a reporter for Watchdog.org, a national network of investigative reporters covering waste, fraud and abuse in government. Watchdog.org is a project of the nonprofit Franklin Cente...

Virgil: Trust one who has tried. — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Part 4/6: Obamacare vs. Women

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Accuracy In Media
conservativeuniversity.org - Are women just focused on free contraceptives and birth control? Independent Women’s Forum Director of Health Policy, Hadley Heath Manning, says no; women care about accessible and affordable healt...
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Painel Brasil TV - Passaporte Verde

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Painel Brasil TV
painelbrasil.tv - O Governo Federal lançou uma campanha de incentivo ao turismo sustentável, durante a qual publicou um guia prático chamado Passaporte Verde, que é uma cartilha com dicas e informações para estimula...

Portal A TARDE - TSE nega pedido do MP para multar PT e Dilma

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atarde.uol.com.br - O Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) rejeitou ação proposta pelo Ministério Público Eleitoral para multar o PT e a presidente Dilma Rousseff por propaganda antecipada. O MPE alegava que o PT usou ir...

Is It Really You, God, in My Life?

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aheartforgod.org - “Now when John in prison heard of the works of Christ, he sent word by his disciples, and said to Him, ‘Are You the expected One, or shall we look for someone else?’” (Matthew 11:2-3) I’ve always b...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Duodenal ulcers : The Risk factors

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Duodenal ulcers, a type of peptic ulcer is defined as a condition of a localized tissue erosion in the lining  the duodenum as a result of bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) in most cases. Acc...
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15 curiosidades de la “Confesión de Pujol” «

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dolcacatalunya.com - El día de Santiago de 2014 se produjo uno de los momentos definitivos del nacionalismo catalán: la Confesión de Pujol. El refundador del nacionalismo catalán envió una misiva a los medios donde rec...


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Déborah Lima Oficial
gritosdealerta.blogspot.com - O trabalho de jornalismo, informação e opinião que tenho executado por meio deste blog é valoroso e dispendioso, pois requer muita dedicação e pesquisa. No entanto, tenho realizado este serviço tão...

Oscar Taveras, Stephen Piscotty headline Cardinals' updated Top 20 list

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Esteban Eordogh
stlouis.cardinals.mlb.com - With the passing of the Draft signing deadline, teams have had a recent influx of talent into their farm systems, and with that, we've updated the Top 20 Prospects lists of all 30 teams. To be on a...

Alerta Total: Dá para confiar em nossa Justiça?

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Adeus #Petralhas
alertatotal.net - domingo, 27 de julho de 2014 Dá para confiar em nossa Justiça? Lá vamos nós. É difícil manter a esperança em nosso país, em nossa Justiça. O desembargador Siro Darlan, da 7ª Câmara Criminal do Trib...

Toothy Grins Store: The Power of Inexpensive Alkaline Water

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David Snape
blog.toothygrinsstore.com - The Power of Inexpensive Alkaline Water  Alkaline water is good for your teeth. Most people think its  good for a lot of other reasons too.  A higher pH in the mouth retards 'bad' bacteria from gro...
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Banco Mundial e as Nações Unidas estão tomando terras africanas - LIBERTAR.in - Frente de Libertação, Restauração e Resistência

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libertar.in - Sob a máscara de combater as "alterações climáticas", os programas de "carbono" das Nações Unidas e do Banco Mundial estão a causar uma tomada de terras maciça, uma deslocalização forçada dos povos...

Entrepreneurs break all the Rules – Aerospike goes Open Source

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Greg Wilson
aerospike.com - We are excited to announce that the Aerospike database is now open source. Aerospike’s mission is to disrupt the entire field of databases by offering an addictive proposition: a database literally...

La promoción militar de los dólares Cadivi

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Free Venezuela
el-nacional.com - El coronel Manuel Barroso era presidente de la extinta Comisión de Administración de Divisas, Cadivi, cuando esa institución aprobó en 2012 más de 23,5 millones de dólares a 2 importadoras con apen...

Unborn baby killed through medical incompetence » Personhood USA

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Bryan Longworth
personhoodusa.com - CNN-IBN reports that a doctor in India gave a pregnant mother an abortion pill “by mistake”, killing her baby. Could you imagine going to the doctor for some medical assistance and instead getting ...

Boehner Sues Obama in Order to Implement Health Law Faster 

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - When I learned that House Speaker John Boehner is suing President Barack Obama, I thought about a number of good reasons for something to limit executive actions. Would it be to limit NSA spying on...

Julio Severo: Papa Francisco é escolhido como “Personalidade do Ano” pela maior revista gay do mundo

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Respondendo ao Antônio, Amigo Antônio, Já que você mencionou o anticristo, eu digo o seguinte: sabemos que não vai demorar muito para que o anticristo seja revelado ao mundo, já que isto está previ...

MLB Recap - Washington Nationals at Cincinnati Reds - Jul 27, 2014 - CBSSports.com

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Algernon Fross
cbssports.com - CINCINNATI (AP) The slumping Cincinnati Reds were no match for a record-setting Doug Fister. The rolling right-hander took advantage of facing the Reds to extend the best season-opening start by an...

BBC News - Cartoonist's view of war and peace in Afghanistan

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Grimacing insurgents, fierce warlords and confused voters are the subjects of caricaturist Mohammad Erfani's drawings. An exhibition of the artist's cartoons at the French institute in Kabul shows ...

Melhor Coréia também não curte a Baleia e manda China tirar do ar vídeo do Grande Líder

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Danilo Simões
meiobit.com - O humor é talvez a arma mais temida por qualquer regime totalitário. A incapacidade de rir de si mesmo é uma constante. Stalin mandou um monte de engraçadinhos para a Sibéria. Hitler prendeu comedi...

6 illegal alien MS-13 gang members arrested for murder : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Obama’s illegals, aka those ‘poor children’ have been arrested for ‘allegedly’ murdering a homeless man Amos Milburn Jones. Some of the six illegals are reportedly emmebers of the MS-13 gang. These...

Federal judge declares D.C. ban on carrying handguns in public unconstitutional - The Washington Post

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Doug Ray
washingtonpost.com - A federal judge has declared that one of the District’s principal gun control laws is unconstitutional and ordered that its enforcement be halted. The ruling by Judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr., made...

Women's Health: Vitamin E and Cervical Cancer

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Vitamin E and Cervical Cancer    Posted by Chantel Martiromo  According to the American Cancer Society's, in 2014, 12,360 new cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed with the death of  ...

Jóvenes judíos del mundo entero se unen voluntariamente al ejército de Israel para apoyar su lucha contra Hamas

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canalntn24.com - Miles de jóvenes de origen judío alrededor del mundo se han unido al ejército de Israel para apoyarlos en su lucha contra el grupo islamista Hamas. Muchos de ellos manifestaron que darían sus vidas...

Apple iPhone 5S Specs & Stats

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thechrisvossshow.com - New Fingerprint Technology New Tweaked But Same Camera Twice As Fast Processor As iPhone 5 Lame iOS 7 Largely Copies Android IS THAT ALL? OMG

FREE! Do You Want To Make Your First $600 Online In The Next 7 Days?

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Harry Gordon
simplefreedom.com - FREE! Do You Want To Make Your First  $600 Online In The Next 7 Days? Put Your Wallet Away, I'll Teach You How For Free ($97 Value) Folks - obviously, the income examples shown are extraordinary. T...

Aristotle “We must no more ask whether the soul and body are one than ask whether the wax and the figure impressed on it are one.” — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « We must no more ask whether the soul and body are one than ask whether the wax and the figure impressed on it are one. » Aristotle Your email address will not be published. Required fields are ma...

Why Validation is For Parking, Not Street Photography

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erickimphotography.com - (Above image reads, “Somebody is watching you”. (From my Korea: The Presentation of Self series) I recently read a book titled, “Ignore Everybody: and 39 Other Keys to Creativity” – which was writt...


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Esteban Eordogh
paulocoelhoblog.com - Begona Miguel of the Huelgas Monastery says: “San Juan de La Cruz teaches us that silence has its own music; it is silence that enables us to see ourselves and the things around us. “I would like t...

El País afirma que carta do Santander a correntistas 'caiu como uma bomba no Planalto' - Jornal O Globo

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Edmilson Papo 10
oglobo.globo.com - RIO - O jornal espanhol “El País” repercutiu neste sábado o mal-estar gerado entre o banco Santander e o governo brasileiro com carta enviada pela instituição a correntistas, junto ao extrato do mê...

78% of Pregnant Women Seeing an Ultrasound Reject Abortions

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lifenews.com - by Sarah Terzo | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 2/7/13 11:44 AM Ultrasounds before abortions are routine in some abortion clinics. In others, they are performed only under certain circumstances. F...
Meio Ambiente

Arquivo para Devocional Diário - [DIÁRIO DE BORDO]

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diariodebordo.net.br - Graça e paz seja da parte de Deus nosso Pai e de Jesus Cristo    Romanos 16 17 E rogo-vos, irmãos, que noteis os que promovem dissensões e escândalos contra a doutrina que aprendestes; d...

10 Mistakes People Make with the Name of Jesus (plus 1 bonus)

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aheartforgod.org - 10 Mistakes People Make with the Name of Jesus (plus 1 bonus): 1. Don’t realize those who have surrendered their lives to God are rescued from sin and death and kept for Heaven through His name (“T...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Vegan and raw recipe - Mango Chutney

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Raw food, volume 2, Healthy, delicious vegetarian cuisine made with living foods  by Lisa Montgomery, editor, Hatherleigh By Wendy Landiak Prep. 20 minutes 3 cups mango 1 tbsp. vinegar 1 tbsp. lime...

These Are The Most Unique And Clever Lamp Designs Out There. But #6 Is Simply Extraordinary…

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viralspell.com - Only a couple of weeks ago I shared with you the incredible Cloud — an extravagantly clever light piece, created by designer Richard Clarkson who, as anyone who has seen this thing might guess, enj...

Alerta Total: Hezbollah: O Partido de Deus?

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Adeus #Petralhas
alertatotal.net - Filho do homem, os moradores destes lugares desertos da terra de Israel, falam, dizendo: Abraão era um só, e possuiu esta terra; mas nós somos muitos; esta terra nos foi dada em possessão. Dize-lhe...

United States Marine Corps Gifts

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Dawn (USMC Mom)
astore.amazon.com - The page you requested is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Blog de Daltro Emerenciano Canguaretama - Ex-prefeitos e vereadores anunciam apoio aos deputados Walter e Ezequiel » Blog de Daltro Emerenciano

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Antonio Figueiredo
blogdedaltroemerenciano.com.br - A dobradinha do PMDB, Walter Alves e Ezequiel Ferreira ganharam forte aliados na corrida eleitoral desse ano. Na noite deste sábado (26), os dois peemedebistas receberam apoio dos ex-prefeitos Well...

Vizinhos do viaduto que desabou em BH deixam residências - Brasil - MSN Estadão

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estadao.br.msn.com - Moradores dos condomínios Savana e Antares, vizinhos do viaduto que desabou em Belo Horizonte no início de julho, começaram a deixar voluntariamente as residências, ameaçadas pela alça norte da est...

BBC News - Ethiopian mother angry over murdered son

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - "Yeshi" is still trying to come to terms with the trauma of discovering the body of her son being carried through the streets of the Ethiopian city of Ambo. A rickshaw driver in his 20s, he had bee...

Julio Severo: Fantástico ataca televangelistas

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Julio Severo
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Nossa irmão Julio você um grande jornalista e comunicador você nem sabe as potencialidades que têm isso muito comum de acontecer as vezes outras pessoas precisam nós alertar e mostrar que temos o d...

Exclusivo o interrogatório de Ricardo Salgado - Expresso.pt

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expresso.sapo.pt - O ex- presidente do BES é conduzido até à sala de interrogatórios onde há uma secretária e cinco cadeiras, além de uma mesa com seis cadeiras e uma cadeira sem mais nada.  Justiça - Muito bem-vindo...

Com mais um socorro a elétricas, conta deve subir 24% em 2015 - Jornal O Globo

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Paulo De Boni
oglobo.globo.com - BRASÍLIA e RIO - O governo federal fechou a concessão de mais um socorro para as distribuidoras de energia, no valor de R$ 6,5 bilhões. O acordo, fechado na semana passada com um consórcio de dez g...

MLB Recap - Arizona Diamondbacks at Philadelphia Phillies - Jul 27, 2014 - CBSSports.com

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Algernon Fross
cbssports.com - PHILADELPHIA (AP) The new rule designed to protect catchers helped the Philadelphia Phillies gain a victory. Ryan Howard homered in his second game since a three-game benching and scored the go-ahe...

The US’s western states are guzzling water so fast they don’t realize they’re running out – Quartz

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Cynthia Kelly
qz.com - To residents of the southwestern United States, the rising incidence of drought in recent decades has made speedy showers and yellowing lawns facts of life. Little do they know that things are abou...

If you love your kids or Grand kids - You owe it to them to listen to this excellent video on Common Core - Tom O'Halloran

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
tomohalloran.com - Have you heard about Common Core? The chilling truth behind these new national educational “standards” will terrify you. Common Core represents the latest and most comprehensive step in the drive t...
Meio Ambiente

Chikungunya: Venezuela eleva para 86 os casos confirmados de febre pelo vírus | Notícias

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Fusca Brasil
ebc.com.br - As autoridades venezuelanas emitiram neste domingo (27) um comunicado confirmando a existência de 29 novos casos de febre causados pelo vírus Chikungunya o que eleva para 86 o número total de regis...

Deal reached on VA reforms - Lauren French - POLITICO.com

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Jeffrey Levin
politico.com - Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Jeff Miller have reached an agreement to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs, according to an aide briefed on the matter. The legislation, which is to be unveiled...

Women's Health: Obesity and abnormal cholesterol levels

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Chantel Martiromo
thetruestoriesstories.blogspot.com - Obesity and abnormal cholesterol levels  Posted by Chantel Martiromo,  Article By Kyle J. Norton  Obesity is defined as a medical condition of excess body fat has accumulated overtime, while overwe...

Saint Augustine: Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation. — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation. » Saint Augustine Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

A importância da Santa Ceia - [DIÁRIO DE BORDO]

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diariodebordo.net.br - Graça e paz sejam da parte de Deus nosso Pai e de Jesus Cristo A Santa Ceia. Qual é a importância que ela tem na vida de um cristão? Deixe nos comentários sua opinião. Agora de verdade, sei que tod...

These Photos Are Going To Seriously Mess With Your Brain.

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Dawn (USMC Mom)
2centstoday.com - If You See Game of Thrones, You Will Get These Photos They might have meant well, but these people certainly did NOT get what they wished for...the results are hilarious! You don't know it now, but...

Alerta Total: Carta de uma Cidadã para Dilma

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Adeus #Petralhas
alertatotal.net - O castigo de diversos povos PESO da palavra do Senhor contra a terra de Haldrach, e DAMASCO, o seu repouso; porque o olhar do homem, e de todas as tribos de Israel se volta para o Senhor. E também ...

Justiça suspende licença ambiental do Porto de São Sebastião - Fausto Macedo

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Blog Olho na Mira
blogs.estadao.com.br - Juiz vê “risco real” ao ecossistema e dá liminar a ação conjunta do Ministério Público Federal e do MP Estadual A Justiça Federal suspendeu os efeitos da licença prévia emitida pelo Instituto Brasi...

Prophecy and a Wedding Dress

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aheartforgod.org - “‘Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps, and went out to meet the bridegroom.’” (Matthew 25:1) In a recent Sunday morning service a woman came to the fr...

Kyle J. Norton Health Tips for Better Living and Living Health: Cluster Headache Treatments In conventional medicine perspective

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Kyle J.Norton
kylejnorton.blogspot.com - Cluster Headache Treatments In conventional medicine perspective Cluster Headache Cluster Headache also known as suicide headache, is defined as an uncommon distinctive neurovascular syndrome occur...

Runaway Sierra Leone Ebola patient dies in ambulance - Yahoo News

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Bryan Longworth
ca.news.yahoo.com - FREETOWN (Reuters) - A Sierra Leone Ebola patient whose family sparked a nationwide hunt when they forcefully removed her from a treatment center and took her to a traditional healer, died in an am...
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The Cabulouso: Melancolia Amarela - Parabéns

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Blog Tá Duvidando?
thecabulouso.blogspot.com - Uma vez, postei aqui um conto em quatro partes chamado "Inferno" (PARTE 1, PARTE 2, PARTE 3, PARTE 4). Conta uma história de uma garota que possui uma experiência horrível na vida... Pois bem. Esse...

VIDEO: The Brilliant @EvanSayet Explains How Liberals ‘Think’ : The Other McCain

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Robert Stacy McCain
theothermccain.com - Evan Sayet has been called “brilliant” so often by so many people that I hesitate to call him brilliant for fear of being accused of plagiarism, but to call him merely “smart” is to underestimate h...

How To Drive Traffic with Your Outdated Content [CHECKLIST]

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Kimberly Castleberry
trafficgenerationcafe.com - An up-to-date relevant older post will result in just as much attention in social media, bring in just as much traffic back to your blog, will be just as likely to be linked to and ranked in the se...
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'Os alemães foram os responsáveis. Só eles podiam deter a invasão' - Geral - Estadão

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Nivaldo Cordeiro
estadao.com.br - Historiador militar e jornalista consagrado, jardineiro e pescador nas horas vagas, sir Hugh MacDonald Max Hastings começou a escrever sobre guerra há 54 anos e não abandonou nunca mais esse campo ...

Peru: Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Astronomy Lab In Peruvian Ruins

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Cynthia Kelly
ibtimes.com - Archeologists have stumbled upon a site where ancient people observed the stars thousands of years ago in Peru, a country famous for using drones to help uncover and map archeological treasures, as...

Costa assume “negociação” do Tratado Orçamental, da dívida e necessidade de investimento - PÚBLICO

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publico.pt - Era para ser uma convenção para debater os problemas “estruturais” e a “visão estratégica” para o país mas, no discurso de encerramento da iniciativa Mobilizar Portugal, em Aveiro, o candidato às p...

BBC News - Germany's super-shy super-rich

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The Daily PR
bbc.co.uk - Nobody could accuse the richest people in Germany of flaunting their wealth, quite the opposite. With the death of Karl Albrecht, there was no announcement for nearly a week, and not until the smal...

Illegals invading the border flooding 911 now (Video) : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

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fireandreamitchell.com - Not only are illegals invading the border and draining resources from Texas and Arizona, they are also calling 911 demanding to speak to someone who speaks Spanish and whining about needing aqua (o...

Scalise: No Government Shutdown

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John Sykes
nationalreview.com - The federal government will not run out of money until October 1, but new House majority whip Steve Scalise (R., La.) has already announced Republicans’ intention to surrender to President Obama an...


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Fusca Brasil
militarlegal.blogspot.com - CARTA AOS ROMANOS1,18 A ira de Deus se manifesta do céu contra toda impiedade e injustiça dos homens, que com a injustiça sufocam a verdade. 19 Pois aquilo que é possível conhecer de Deus foi manif...

Sense, la esfera que cuida tu sueño

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Algo que contar
unocero.com - Cuando es hora de dormir, hay quienes aseguran que “caen como piedra” en la cama, pero también existen muchas personas que tiene problemas para conciliar el sueño. Un sistema externo que ayude a te...

Stanek weekend Q: Is abortion battle increasingly "corrosive"?

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Personhood Florida
jillstanek.com - There is little doubt that such behaviors are increasing, bug whether they are increasing because of pro-lifers is debatable. We might just be obvious targets from people who feel increasing rage t...

Grupo Pão de Açúcar demite 3 mil funcionários no 2º trimestre - Economia - Notícia - VEJA.com

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arq pedrinho2
veja.abril.com.br - Grupo Pão de Açúcar totalizou 154 mil funcionários no segundo trimestre (Divulgação) O Grupo Pão de Açúcar (GPA) encerrou o segundo trimestre com 154 mil funcionários, depois de cortar 3 mil postos...

Jihad On America with Tom O’Halloran – Show 4 – June 6

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✪Tom O'Halloran✪
patriotradioshow.com - http://patriotradioshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Jihad-On-America-June-6-Show-4.mp3Jihad On America with Tom O’Halloran – Show 4 – June 6

Janer Cristaldo

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Janer Cristaldo
cristaldo.blogspot.com.br -   QUANDO FILA DÁ STATUS Entre as coisas que evito na vida, estão as filas, e já perdi muita coisa boa por causa disso. Durante meus anos de Paris, jamais subi na torre Eiffel. Por duas razões. Prim...
Meio Ambiente

David Hume: Scholastic learning and polemical divinity retarded the… — Philosophical Quotes

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Philosophers quotes
philosophical-quotes.com - « Scholastic learning and polemical divinity retarded the growth of all true knowledge. » David Hume Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Health Effects of Vitamins: Folic acid and Cognitive function

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Chantel Martiromo
healthbenefitsofvitamins.blogspot.com - Posted by Chantel M. Contributed by US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health In the study of "Folic acid with or without vitamin B12 for the prevention and treatment of healthy...

Hamilton right not to let Rosberg past - Lauda - F1 Fanatic

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Esteban Eordogh
f1fanatic.co.uk - In the round-up: Mercedes’s non-executive chairman Niki Lauda has voiced his support for Lewis Hamilton’s decision to not allow his team mate past after he was told to. Your daily digest of F1 news...

Michelle Obama Tells Democrats To Be 'Hungry' For Midterm Victories

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Jeffrey Levin
huffingtonpost.com - First Lady Michelle Obama is joining get out the vote efforts ahead of the midterm elections, telling Democrats it's time to be as "passionate" and "hungry" as they were working up to the 2008 and ...
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Números de casas: merchandaising na loja

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numerodacasa.blogspot.com - abaixo são vários exemplo Norte Americanos de placas para divulgação no ponto de venda  design não convencional cores de impacto com alto contraste peças construída em 3D (ganho de volume e peso do...

Create a health home – free of chemicals

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Karl Dickey
bluesharkhw.wordpress.com - When it comes to keeping your home clean and the earth safe, you shouldn’t have to choose one over the other. GetClean is a non-toxic and natural choice in cleaning that is safe, powerful, green an...

Toothy Grins Store: Tea Tree Oil - Amazing Stuff From Mother Nature...

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David Snape
blog.toothygrinsstore.com - Tea Tree Oil - Amazing Stuff From Mother Nature... Have you discovered the power of Tea Tree Oil Yet?   Mother nature is the most intelligent of all scientists, isn't she?   http://toothynext.com/T...

Q&A – Who Owns the Copyright? – Updated

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photoattorney.com - Q. If I hand my camera to another person to shoot a few frames, who owns the copyright for the images? A. Copyright protection subsists from the time the work is created in fixed form.  The copyrig...

These Stunning Travel Photos Bring To Life The Vacations You Dream You’ve Had. Especially #7…

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viralspell.com - The spectacular images below are the winners of the international Travel Photographer of the Year awards, which are hosted by the Royal Geographical Society and are currently on display at an exhib...

Projeto do porto privado mais caro do País está travado no Ibama - Economia - Estadão

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Blog Olho na Mira
economia.estadao.com.br - O mais ambicioso projeto portuário do País travou no Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Ibama). O Porto Central de Presidente Kennedy (ES), que prevê investim...


liberdade de expressão; livre comunicação; free speech; libertad de expresión; contra censura; against censorship; liberdade religiosa; religious freedom

Nota do editor

Este é um jornal gerado automaticamente pelo Paper.li a partir de links postados ou retuitados pelas pessoas que acompanhamos no Twitter. http://twitter.com/livrexpress Liberdade de Expressão - Free Speech http://liberdadedeexpressao.multiply.com



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