22 August 2014

CP 21.08.2014 @CristPolit


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Malafaia vai de Marina | Radar on-line - Lauro Jardim - VEJA.com

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Marcos Matias
veja.abril.com.br - O texto do post corretamente inicia no condicional: “Se …”. Mas, a provável candidata do PSB deve se cercar de todas as garantias, estabelecer uma espécie de cordão sanitário em relação a possíveis...

Pr. Everaldo defende nossos princípios no Jornal Nacional; assista a entrevista na íntegra

Partilhado por
Silas Malafaia
verdadegospel.com - O candidato à Presidência da República, Pr. Everaldo Pereira (PSC), apoiado pelo Pr. Silas Malafaia, concedeu entrevista ao Jornal Nacional nesta terça-feira (19) e defendeu nossas posições. Clique...

Cranmer: As long as Obama spouts the fallacy that the Islamic State "speaks for no religion", we will never kill the root

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Archbishop Cranmer
archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.co.uk - It would appear that the barbaric Islamist who decapitated US journalist James Foley was a dude named John, probably from East London, who took a brief sojourn in Syria with his mates Mustafa and A...

Paycheck for Terrorism: $5,300 for Suicide Attack

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Heritage Foundation
dailysignal.com - Wasfiyeh Idris, mother of suicide bomber Wafa Idris, surrounded by other female family members, holds a portrait of her daughter at her home in the al-Amari refugee camp near the West Bank town of ...

Por Graça Pela Fé -

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Foco Cristão
maxlucado.com.br - A força suprema na salvação é a graça de Deus. Não é as nossas obras. Não é os nossos talentos. Nem nossos sentimentos. Nem nossa força. A fé não nasce na mesa de negociação onde nós barganhamos os...

Gobierno chino intensifica esfuerzos por establecer cristianismo “nacionalista”

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BEIJING, 21 Ago. 14 / 05:36 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El gobierno chino anunció que aumentará sus esfuerzos para promover y desarrollar una teología cristiana nacionalista, para ejercer un mayor con...

Pr. Everaldo reforça posicionamento contra aborto, casamento gay e fala em privatizar a Petrobrás

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guiame.com.br - Na última terça-feira, o Jornal Nacional recebeu o Pr. Everaldo (PSC) para uma entrevista sobre o seu plano de governo. Outros candidatos à presidência da república, como Dilma Rousseff, Aécio Neve...

JM Notícia

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jmnoticia.com.br - Ana Clara Costa Eduardo Campos e Marina Silva em vídeo inédito da campanha de TV (Reprodução/VEJA) O horário eleitoral desta quinta-feira na televisão marcou a estreia de Marina Silva como candidat...
Meio Ambiente

Rezemos pelas vocações

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Kátia Bertunes
luziasantiago.cancaonova.com - “Nenhuma vocação nasce por si nem vive para si. A vocação brota do coração de Deus e germina na terra boa do povo fiel, na experiência do amor fraterno” (Papa Francisco). Neste mês de agosto, somos...

Presidenta de Argentina envía sus condolencias al Papa Francisco

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - BUENOS AIRES, 20 Ago. 14 / 08:52 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- La presidenta de Argentina, Cristina Fernández, expresó al Papa Francisco sus condolencias a nombre del pueblo argentino por el fallecimien...

Clima de tensão na República Centro-Africana

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Paulo Teixeira 3147
portasabertas.org.br - Há três dias, o filho de um chefe local foi sequestrado por membros do grupo islâmico radical Seleka. A família do garoto pediu aos rebeldes para que o libertassem, mas eles o mataram e o seu corpo...

Padraig Reidy: When everyone is a journalist, is anyone? - Index on Censorship

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Index on Censorship
indexoncensorship.org - If we are all journalists now, what happens to the privileges journalists used to claim? As news spread of a video showing the murder of American journalist James Foley by the Islamic State (ISIS),...
Meio Ambiente

Diante do Trono se desliga da Som Livre

Partilhado por
Foco Cristão
musica.gospelprime.com.br - O CD "Tu Reinas" chegará às lojas de forma independente a partir do mês de setembro A cantora Ana Paula Valadão gravou um vídeo para dizer que o CD “Tu Reinas” será lançado no mês de setembro tendo...

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge creates chilly conflict with pro-life values

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Matthew Warner
liveactionnews.org - While many Americans are pouring buckets of ice water over their heads in the name of research for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, few are aware of the ...

Iraq: Letter / Pray for Iraq / Featured / Home / Catholic News - The Catholic Church for England and Wales

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Catholic Church
catholicnews.org.uk - Bishop Declan Lang is one of a number of UK-based religious leaders who have signed a letter calling on the international community to send "a clear signal of intent" to the militants committing at...

Al Jazeera Contributor Leaves Ferguson over Media Coverage: ‘We Should All Be Ashamed’

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Ann Coulter
mediaite.com - Ryan Schuessler, a self-identified freelance journalist, wrote a post on his personal blog Thursday shaming the news media’s behavior while they cover the events unfolding in Ferguson, Mo. Schuessl...

Julio Severo: As traições de Marina Silva

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Marcos Matias
juliosevero.blogspot.com - Marina Silva é exatamente igual à melancia: é verde por fora, mas é vermelha por dentro. Para que ninguém daqui não tenha mais nenhuma dúvida sobre o esquerdismo (ou o "interior vermelho") de Marin...

“Niños son las silenciosas e inocentes víctimas”, lamenta párroco argentino en Franja de Gaza

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 20 Ago. 14 / 08:17 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- En la más reciente de sus crónicas, el P. Jorge Hernández, sacerdote del Instituto del Verbo Encarnado y párroco en la Franja de Gaza, relató la ay...

Gramsci e a comunização do Brasil - por Anatoli Oliynik.

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Não Ao Mensalão
sacralidade.com -      Não há ninguém que o doutor Li despreze tanto quanto a primeira-dama Jiang Qing. Mao casou-se quatro vezes. O primeiro foi um casamento imposto pelo pai, que parece não ter sido consumado. A s...

Black Ferguson Resident: “Why Didn’t They Shoot Those Looters?” (Video)

Partilhado por
Ann Coulter
thegatewaypundit.com - “Obama Stop Getting Distracted” Ferguson protesters call out to Barack Obama on the golf course. (Kenny Bahr – St. Louis) A black Ferguson resident spoke with News Channel 5 TV in St. Louis. He sai...

Termina hoje prazo para cadastrar voto em trânsito - Notícias - R7 Eleições 2014

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Alex Lima
noticias.r7.com - O eleitor que estiver fora do domicílio eleitoral poderá votar para o cargo de presidente durante o primeiro e segundo turno das eleições deste ano, basta se cadastrar para votar em trânsito. O cad...

Livros > Destaque > Livro Pertencemos a Deus : Loja Virtual

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Com. Canção Nova
loja.cancaonova.com - Neste seu último livro – produzido durante os quase dez meses em que lutou contra o câncer –, Pe. Léo nos apresenta uma realidade ao mesmo tempo simples e transformadora que diz respeito a todo ser...

Cultos | Lagoinha

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - 18/08/2014 17/08/2014 – Culto Noite – Pr. Márcio Valadão 18/08/2014 17/08/2014 – Culto Manhã – Pr. Márcio Valadão 18/08/2014 12/08/2014 – Culto Fé – Pr. André Valadão, Ana Paula e Mariana Valadão 1...
Meio Ambiente

Vídeo: profecia incrível sobre as eleições no Brasil, dita em 2011

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Silas Malafaia
verdadegospel.com - Assista à impressionante profecia sobre as eleições no Brasil, dita em 2011, em uma igreja brasileira nos EUA:

Como encontrar com Jesus diante das orações?

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Com. Canção Nova
blog.cancaonova.com - Encontre-se com Jesus no íntimo de sua alma, em oração, em qualquer tempo e em qualquer lugar; é você quem marca a hora e o local para falar com Jesus. Pode ser no seu quarto, no seu carro, na sua ...

Carência emocional

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Igreja da Lagoinha
lagoinha.com - Em nossos atendimentos conhecemos muitos homens e mulheres tão necessitados de “alguém” que em sua ansiedade de sanar essa carência se precipitam tomando decisões erradas, ou têm tanto medo de perm...
Meio Ambiente

Report: EPA CO2 Rules A Huge Boon To The Wind Power Industry - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Federal regulations forcing coal-fired power plants to retire could present a huge business opportunity for the wind power industry, according to a government report. The Energy Department reported...

Sad, enraging summation: How ‘appalled’ by Foley beheading was Obama? THIS appalled

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David Limbaugh
twitchy.com - What sacrifice? Why, President Tee Time’s of course! As Twitchy reported, the NY Daily News scored with a blistering Obama-slamming front page. You see, Obama gave a statement on ISIS and the barba...

Observador vaticano pide evitar que en Irak se repita el genocidio de Ruanda

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 20 Ago. 14 / 07:27 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Observador Permanente de la Santa Sede ante la ONU, Mons. Silvano Tomasi, exhortó a la comunidad internacional a actuar con decisión y deten...

Transcripción de la rueda de prensa al Papa Francisco en su viaje de regreso de Corea

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - VATICANO, 21 Ago. 14 / 10:16 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- La Santa Sede publicó este 21 de agosto la transcripción completa –en español-, de la rueda de prensa realizada al Papa Francisco durante su vu...

LEIAM ABAIXO | Reinaldo Azevedo - Blog - VEJA.com

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Reinaldo Azevedo
veja.abril.com.br - — Pronto! Marina enterrou Eduardo Campos. Líder da Rede já jogou no lixo os primeiros compromissos e deu um pé no traseiro do PSB. Quem está surpreso? Ou: de novo, a vespa e a joaninha inocente; — ...

Catholic.net - Jesús es el Señor

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es.catholic.net - Jesús es el Señor Catecismo de la Conferencia Episcopal Española Versión multimedia Iniciamos aquí la publicación en formato multimedia del catecismo para niños Jesús es el Señor. Arguments agradec...

Uma pergunta que todo casado deve responder

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Edir Macedo
bispomacedo.com.br - Uma pergunta para você que é casado: Você pretende um dia trair seu cônjuge? Antes de responder, pense comigo. Quando pretendemos fazer algo, nossa mente logo entra em um processo de planejamento p...

Dom João Inácio Müller visita TV Canção Nova

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TV Cancao Nova
tv.cancaonova.com - Na manhã desta terça-feira, Dom João Inácio Müller, Bispo Diocesano da cidade de Lorena (SP), visitou as instalações da TV Canção Nova em Cachoeira Paulista (SP). A manhã desta quarta-feira, 20 de ...

Prazo para solicitar voto em trânsito termina hoje

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Canção Nova Notícias
noticias.cancaonova.com - Eleitores que pretendem votar fora de sua cidade devem solicitar o voto em trânsito até esta quinta-feira, 21 O prazo para que o eleitor solicite à Justiça Eleitoral o voto em trânsito termina nest...

Da Marina quero distância, diz secretário-geral do PSB - Política - Estadão

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politica.estadao.com.br - DAIENE CARDOSO E JOÃO DOMINGOS - O Estado de S. Paulo Brasília - O secretário-geral do PSB e coordenador da campanha presidencial do partido, Carlos Siqueira, deixou nesta quinta-feira, 21, a funçã...
Arte & Entretenimento

Wanted: Men (and Women) for Christ - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - It is always wise to revisit great books written by great men. The words of the great saints always are of value, and one can never drink too often from these deep springs of biblical truth and spi...

Morning Catholic must-reads: 21/08/14

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Nick Donnelly
catholicherald.co.uk - American Archbishop Paul Coakley has filed a lawsuit against the organisers of a Black Mass in Oklahoma City (Fr Roger Landry, Damian Thompson). Cardinal George Pell has appeared before Australia’s...

Catholic.net - Evangelizar en Google + y otras redes sociales

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es.catholic.net - Aparte de Facebook y Twitter existen muchas más redes sociales. Vamos a tratar algunas de ellas y reseñar qué estrategias se pueden utilizar. Google +: Es una red social generalista, similar a Face...

Ecco perché le parole di Francesco contro l'aggressore in Iraq sono coerenti con la pace e la dottrina della Chiesa - Famiglia Cristiana

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Dom Odilo Scherer
famigliacristiana.it - Ha ragione Alberto Melloni sul "Corriere della sera": le parole di Francesco sulla “Terza Guerra Mondiale fatta a pezzi, a capitoli” e sulla liceità di “fermare l’aggressore” in Iraq, hanno già fat...

Shalom realiza "Caia na Real" em Chaves

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - A Comunidade Católica Shalom em Chaves (PA) realiza de 22 a 24 de agosto o “Caia na Real”, cujo objetivo é levar a experiência com o amor de Deus a jovens e adultos. O principal momento do evento é...

Leigos generosos e atuantes a serviço do Reino

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CNBB Nacional
cnbb.org.br - Dom Roberto Francisco Ferreria Paz Bispo de Campos (RJ) O último domingo de agosto focaliza e celebra a vocação e missão dos fieis leigos/as. A palavra leigo no português parece indicar aquele que ...

Pakistán: Líderes cristianos piden a comunidad internacional reaccionar frente a persecución en Irak

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 20 Ago. 14 / 05:16 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Líderes cristianos reunidos recientemente en Lahore (Pakistán), condenaron la violencia y la migración masiva de los cristianos iraquíes a raíz de ...

Carta Aberta de Dilma Rousseff aos Evangélicos

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Gospel Prime
artigos.gospelprime.com.br - Mas não sei quando vocês vão ler a minha carta. Então é um bom dia, mas também pode ser uma boa tarde. E, é claro, a gente sabe que pode ser também uma boa noite. Uma dessas coisas. E vocês recebam...

Memorial of Saint Pius X, Pope

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usccb.org - Gospel mt 22:1-14 Jesus again in reply spoke to the chief priests and the elders of the people in parables saying, “The Kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast for his s...

Homilía en la Beatificación de Paul Yun Ji-chung y 123 compañeros mártires (Papa Francisco)

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infocatolica.com - Puerta de Gwanghwamun, Seúl, Sábado 16 de agosto de 2014. «¿Quién nos separará del amor de Cristo?» (Rm 8,35). Con estas palabras, san Pablo nos habla de la gloria de nuestra fe en Jesús: no sólo r...

Vaticano apresenta tema do Dia Mundial da Paz 2015

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Canção Nova Notícias
noticias.cancaonova.com - Santo Padre escolheu tema relacionado à escravidão, uma realidade problemática, porém ainda atual “Não mais escravos, mas irmãos”. Este é o tema que o Papa Francisco escolheu para o 48º Dia Mundial...

Portas Abertas ajuda mais de 50 famílias iraquianas

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Portas Abertas
portasabertas.org.br - Muitas pessoas deslocadas internamente (IDP, sigla em inglês para o termo internally displaced people)  – ou seja, refugiados em seu próprio país – encontram abrigo nesta cidade do norte do Iraque ...

Forgetting the Meaning of Freedom - Dr. Ben Carson - Page 1

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Drew McKissick
townhall.com - Many people in this country were shocked when the U.S. Navy recently announced the removal of all Bibles from military hotels under their control. This was in response to pressure from the Freedom ...

Polícia Federal intima Serra a depor sobre cartel de trens em São Paulo - 21/08/2014 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo

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Diácono Nelsinho CN
folha.uol.com.br - A Polícia Federal intimou o ex-governador paulista e candidato ao Senado José Serra (PSDB) para depor sobre os contatos que manteve com empresas do cartel de trens que atuou no Estado entre 1998 e ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Phone call home | Features

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N. Catholic Register
marquette.edu - Marquette University has always been a friend to me. The kind who challenges you to do more and be better and ultimately shapes who you become. With Marquette, I went on some volunteer trips to Sou...

Catholic.net - Foro de laicos en España: "No ser indiferentes ante la situación iraqui"

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es.catholic.net - Foro de laicos en España: "No ser indiferentes ante la situación iraqui" La Comisión Permanente del Foro de Laicos de España emitió un comunicado en el que considera "una obligación, alzar su voz c...

Evangelização nas escolas: jovens evangelizam jovens

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Na sexta-feira, 15 de agosto, jovens da Comunidade Católica Shalom em Quixadá (CE) realizaram um momento de evangelização com os estudantes de uma escola local, durante o intervalo das aulas. Tendo...

Jovens de Uruaçu participam do evento vocacional Despertai

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CNBB Nacional
cnbb.org.br - Jovens de diferentes lugares da diocese de Uruaçu (GO) reuniram-se pela primeira vez no dia 2 de agosto, no Seminário Diocesano São José, para participar do “Despertai” 2014. O público estimado de ...

Um marcador inteligente que tuíta para lembrá-lo de voltar a ler

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Se você deixar a leitura de lado por mais de uma semana, o perfil do escritor aparece no seu Twitter para convidá-lo a retornar para as páginas do impresso Ainda que eu goste muito de ler, consegui...

A safer nation

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WND News
wnd.com - Cast your vote now. All answers are stored anonymously.

In New York, Another Attack on Religious Freedom - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Religious liberty continues to fall under attack from homosexual activists and their “useful idiots” in government. The list has grown quite long of places like Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Ne...
Arte & Entretenimento

Métodos naturales: Los méritos de la Iglesia (con un fallo)

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infocatolica.com - (Aleteia/InfoCatólica) De hecho comienza a observarse una falta de confianza de las mujeres en una libertad sexual que arriesga su propia salud y una propaganda de la contracepción química que cont...

Catholic and Orthodox patriarchs visit Irbil to support displaced Iraqis

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - A delegation of Catholic and Orthodox patriarchs visited Irbil, Iraq, to show their support and solidarity with the more than 100,000 Christians and minorities displaced in the country by the advan...

Ten Things I Learned the Hard Way about Sending Kids to School |Blogs

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N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - As I've mentioned a million times, we have tried nearly every form of schooling that is out there. We make changes when they are necessary, and we try to learn from the adjustments we've had to mak...

As modernas escravaturas serão tema do Dia Mundial da Paz

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Não mais escravos, mas irmãos”. Este é o título da Mensagem para o 48º Dia Mundial da Paz, a segunda escrita pelo Papa Francisco. Na manhã de quinta-feira, 21, o Pontifício Conselho da Justiça e da...

Aluno do IEAD testemunha sobre curso Ardor Missionário

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ieadrccbrasil.com.br - Com objetivo de inflamar nas lideranças cristãs o carisma para assumir sua vocação missionária no seio da Igreja e da sociedade, o Instituto de Educação a Distância da RCCBRASIL oferece o curso Ard...

Amazon passa a vender livro em papel no Brasil

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Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - A varejista online Amazon lança no Brasil, nesta quinta-feira (21), a venda de livros em papel em português. A empresa já vendia livros digitais aqui. Com um catálogo de 150 mil títulos de 2.100 ed...
Arte & Entretenimento

Kent Brantly’s remarks upon his release from hospital

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dennyburk.com - I can’t tell you how full my heart is at the news of Dr. Kent Brantley’s recovery. I can only imagine how his family must be feeling to have him back after thirty very dark days of uncertainty and ...

Diocese de Oeiras (PI) sedia Assembleia Regional de Presbíteros

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CNBB Nacional
cnbb.org.br - Desde o dia 19 de agosto, mais de 27 padres das dioceses de Oeiras, São Raimundo Nonato, Picos, Teresina, Parnaíba e Floriano participam da 20ª Assembleia de Presbíteros do regional Nordeste 4 da C...
Arte & Entretenimento

A Christian Response to Ferguson - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - When will the rioting in Ferguson, MO stop? There has been much mayhem—including the police using tear gas—and much looting in the St. Louis suburb. The media covers this story heavily. Some estima...

Obispo de Irak advierte que Occidente será pronto otra víctima del islamismo

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 20 Ago. 14 / 04:28 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Arzobispo Caldeo de Mosul (Irak), Mons. Emil Nona, advirtió que los cristianos de todo el mundo enfrentarían el mismo sufrimiento que su arquidi...

Misericordia y compasión, claves del viaje de Francisco a Filipinas

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infocatolica.com - (AICA/InfoCatólica) Pocas horas después de terminada la visita apostólica a Corea, la Iglesia en Filipinas relanzó el sitio oficial del viaje apostólico que el papa Francisco realizará al país entr...
Arte & Entretenimento

Esta noche, vuelve a disfrutar con Derecho a Vivir Ávila del mejor cine por la Vida

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hazteoir.org - Tras la exitosa proyección de Crescendo, vuelve este jueves el Ciclo de DAV Ávila "La Vida en Cine", con Blood Money: a las 22.00 h, de nuevo en el Auditorio de San Francisco de la capital. Gratuit...

Tuition Pays for This - Walter E. Williams - Page 1

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Drew McKissick
townhall.com - According to College Board, average tuition and fees for the 2013-14 school year totaled $30,094 at private colleges, $8,893 for in-state residents at public colleges and $22,203 for out-of-state r...

Labour doesn't value family life says Maurice Glasman

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The Catholic Herald
dailymail.co.uk - By Jack Doyle, Political Correspondent, For The Daily Mail Labour does not understand or appreciate the importance of family life, according to a former guru of Ed Miliband. In a highly critical in...

Lord Glasman: ‘Catholicism has entered the mainstream’

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - Lord Glasman’s Hackney office overlooks the synagogue where his grandparents married. It’s a mosque now but was “a huge, thriving shul [Jewish religious community]” up until about thirty years ago....
Arte & Entretenimento

This Disabled Man's Performance Will Make Your Jaw Drop – One Leg and Break Dancing, WOW! (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Your first thought of a dancer losing a leg is probably the end of their hopes and dreams. But don't tell this man that. He breaks it down like a pro and makes the dance look even cooler with just ...
Meio Ambiente

Quem são mesmo os vendidos? | Rodrigo Constantino - VEJA.com

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Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Por João Luiz Mauad, publicado no Instituto Liberal Quem quer que defenda ou divulgue publicamente o liberalismo já foi alguma vez acusado de estar a serviço de “interesses comerciais” – ou pior, d...

The Caregiver - By Russell Shaw

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - The 36-Hour Day (Grand Central Life & Style) is a handbook familiar to many caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. That seemingly mysterious title is no mystery to the c...

Liturgia | Quarta-feira – 20ª Semana do Tempo Comum – Ano A

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Bernardo nasceu na última década do século XI, no ano 1090, em Dijon, França. Era o terceiro dos sete filhos do cavaleiro Tecelim e de sua esposa Alícia. A sua família era cristã, rica, poderosa e ...

A Second Act For The Internet Of Things

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Arnaud Meunier
techcrunch.com - Editor’s note: David Hirsch is co-founder and partner of Metamorphic Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm headquarterd in New York City. Prior to Metamorphic, he spent eight years at Googl...

Pastor Everaldo promete Estado Laico Mínimo

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - TEMPLO DE SALOMÃO – Transformado em mártir após resistir aos ataques do fariseu William Bonner, o pastor Everaldo esculpiu suas propostas na pedra fundamental do Templo de Salomão. “São 10 mandamen...

Catholic.net - Algunas cuestiones sobre el altar, las velas, las flores y la comunión en la mano.

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es.catholic.net - Algunas cuestiones sobre el altar, las velas, las flores y la comunión en la mano. Algunas cuestiones litúrgicas sobre: 1. El Altar, el crucifijo, las velas y los santos. 2. La eucaristía en la man...
Arte & Entretenimento

Sister Joan Chittister on freedom in our later years

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US Catholic magazine
uscatholic.org - “Old age,” the Austrian novelist Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote, “transfigures or fossilizes.” It is a very comforting feeling to know that age does not change us. On the contrary. In some ways, ...
Arte & Entretenimento

We need Jesus' human spirit to learn to welcome others into our midst

Partilhado por
ncronline.org - As we listened to the Scriptures last Sunday, you may remember we reflected on one of the greatest mysteries of our faith: the incarnation of God in Jesus, son of God and son of Mary. And we reflec...

The Catholic Review > Home > During inflight news conference, pope talks airstrikes in Iraq, his health, possible U.S. visit

Partilhado por
L'Osservatore Romano
catholicreview.org - During inflight news conference, pope talks airstrikes in Iraq, his health, possible U.S. visit August 19, 2014 ABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT FROM SEOUL, South Korea - Pope Francis said the use of force ...

Unrest in Ferguson

Partilhado por
Catholic Courier
stlouisreview.com - With strife and violence in the aftermath of Michael Brown's shooting death by a police officer in Ferguson, more than 500 St. Louis Catholics gathered for a Votive Mass for peace and justice, Aug....

Estuvieron 87 años casados y les dieron el Guiness: sus sencillos secretos para un matrimonio feliz - ReL

Partilhado por
Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Herbert: Estuvimos separados dos meses cuando Zelmyra estuvo en el hospital con nuestro quinto hijo. Fue el momento más difícil de mi vida. La madre de Zelmyra me ayudó con la casa y los otros niño...

El número dos de Podemos acaba en los juzgados acusado de agredir a un ciudadano - Libertad Digital

Partilhado por
libertaddigital.com - El número dos de Podemos acaba en los juzgados acusado de agredir a un ciudadano Juan Carlos Monedero se enfrenta a una denuncia interpuesta por un vecino de Almería que afirma que le agredió e inc...

Irak: el líder kurdo Barzani ofrece armar a voluntarios cristianos

Partilhado por
infocatolica.com - (AICA/InfoCatólica) Esta disponibilidad fue expresada en un comunicado emitido por la Presidencia de la Región en la tarde del lunes 18 de agosto, tras una reunión entre el mismo Barzani y el Minis...

Ferguson and Mainstream Media Malfeasance - BarbWire.com

Partilhado por
barbwire.com - Liberals are always touting their anti-war credentials, denouncing its toll on human lives. But in Ferguson, there is one war they can’t seem to promote enough—race war. I’m as black as Obama, whic...
Arte & Entretenimento


Partilhado por
ccef.org - Our faculty’s work is at the heart of what CCEF does. They seek to engage wise discipleship in churches. They influence students around the world being trained for the hands-on part of pastoral min...

Power point del Rosario MisioneroEcclesia Digital

Partilhado por
Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Ecclesia Relacionado:   power point rosario Power point para el Domingo 20 Tiempo Ordinario (17-8-2014) Power point de José-Román Flecha Domingo 20 Tiempo Ordinario, A (17-8-2014) Power point Domin...

Good things are happening!

Partilhado por
Drew McKissick
gopfaith.com - Thanks so much for supporting the new GOP Faith Engagement project! Things have been moving very quickly for us. Within the past few weeks our project has been promoted in media outlets that reach ...

Suffering of Christians by ISIS Terrorists Is 'Unbelievable and Makes Me Cry,' Says Open Doors Field Worker

Partilhado por
The Christian Post
christianpost.com - A field worker with persecution watchdog group Open Doors helping refugees in Iraq has spoken out about the "unbelievable" suffering going on in the country, which is under attack by the Islamic St...

Prayer is a source of strength for family of slain US journalist

Partilhado por
The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - In April 2013, the parents of slain U.S. journalist James Foley attended a prayer vigil at Marquette University in Milwaukee to pray for their son, who at that time had disappeared in Syria. Before...

Se não tem tu, vai tu mesmo! Ou: Roleta russa é melhor que tiro certo. Ou ainda: Coalizão ou colisão?

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Um banqueiro de investimentos, daqueles que gostaria de Aécio Neves subindo a rampa do Palácio do Planalto em janeiro de 2015, analisava o novo quadro eleitoral ontem à tarde desta forma: - Prefiro...

Twitcom - Crie e participe de comunidades e grupos no Twitter

Partilhado por
Julio Cesar
twitcom.com.br - Para concluir sua inscrição, digite seu email para confirmação. Um email foi enviado, confirme clicando no link de validação. Houver tweets nos nests que sigo Alguém entrar nos nests que sigo Algué...

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci: A Man for Others, a Universal Treasure - By Sr. Joan L. Roccasalvo, C.S.J.

Partilhado por
Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - As the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) since 1984, Dr. Anthony Fauci, an immunologist, is regularly invited on television for his expert information about infectious diseases.  ...

Behind Ferguson: How Black and White Christians Think Differently About Race | Gleanings

Partilhado por
Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - As protests and vigils have become daily occurences in Ferguson, Missouri, so have online debates over how black and white Christians have (broadly speaking) reacted differently since teenager Mich...

Your Parish Needs Better Graphics (And Here's How To Help) - BrandonVogt.com : BrandonVogt.com

Partilhado por
Matthew Warner
BrandonVogt.com - Michael Marchand knows parishes. He’s been a youth minister for ten years and he helps run ProjectYM.com, one of the largest youth ministry sites in the world. During his years of experience he’s n...

Richard Dawkins: 'immoral' to allow Down's syndrome babies to be born - Telegraph

Partilhado por
Rodney Eloy
telegraph.co.uk - Almost 1,000 abortions are carried out on foetuses with Down’s in England and Wales a year, according to an independent register. But it emerged earlier this year that almost half of them were miss...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ebola and the Glory of God: An Interview with Nancy Writebol's Family (including Nancy's Comments) | The Exchange

Partilhado por
Ed Stetzer
christianitytoday.com - Before August 2, no one infected with Ebola had ever stepped foot in the United States, but that changed when Dr. Kent Brantly landed in Atlanta and walked into Emory University Hospital. Dr. Nancy...

Ministério Fiel

Partilhado por
Editora Fiel
ministeriofiel.com.br - De acordo com pesquisas recentes, 81% dos americanos adultos acreditam no céu, e 80% esperam ir para lá quando morrerem. Em comparação, cerca de 61% acredita no inferno, mas menos de 1% pensa que é...
Arte & Entretenimento

Phone call home | Features

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
marquette.edu - Marquette University has always been a friend to me. The kind who challenges you to do more and be better and ultimately shapes who you become. With Marquette, I went on some volunteer trips to Sou...

Catholic.net - Foro de laicos en España: "No ser indiferentes ante la situación iraqui"

Partilhado por
es.catholic.net - Foro de laicos en España: "No ser indiferentes ante la situación iraqui" La Comisión Permanente del Foro de Laicos de España emitió un comunicado en el que considera "una obligación, alzar su voz c...

Evangelização nas escolas: jovens evangelizam jovens

Partilhado por
Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Na sexta-feira, 15 de agosto, jovens da Comunidade Católica Shalom em Quixadá (CE) realizaram um momento de evangelização com os estudantes de uma escola local, durante o intervalo das aulas. Tendo...

Jovens de Uruaçu participam do evento vocacional Despertai

Partilhado por
CNBB Nacional
cnbb.org.br - Jovens de diferentes lugares da diocese de Uruaçu (GO) reuniram-se pela primeira vez no dia 2 de agosto, no Seminário Diocesano São José, para participar do “Despertai” 2014. O público estimado de ...

Um marcador inteligente que tuíta para lembrá-lo de voltar a ler

Partilhado por
Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Se você deixar a leitura de lado por mais de uma semana, o perfil do escritor aparece no seu Twitter para convidá-lo a retornar para as páginas do impresso Ainda que eu goste muito de ler, consegui...

A safer nation

Partilhado por
WND News
wnd.com - Cast your vote now. All answers are stored anonymously.

In New York, Another Attack on Religious Freedom - BarbWire.com

Partilhado por
barbwire.com - Religious liberty continues to fall under attack from homosexual activists and their “useful idiots” in government. The list has grown quite long of places like Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Ne...
Arte & Entretenimento

Métodos naturales: Los méritos de la Iglesia (con un fallo)

Partilhado por
infocatolica.com - (Aleteia/InfoCatólica) De hecho comienza a observarse una falta de confianza de las mujeres en una libertad sexual que arriesga su propia salud y una propaganda de la contracepción química que cont...

Catholic and Orthodox patriarchs visit Irbil to support displaced Iraqis

Partilhado por
The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - A delegation of Catholic and Orthodox patriarchs visited Irbil, Iraq, to show their support and solidarity with the more than 100,000 Christians and minorities displaced in the country by the advan...

Ten Things I Learned the Hard Way about Sending Kids to School |Blogs

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - As I've mentioned a million times, we have tried nearly every form of schooling that is out there. We make changes when they are necessary, and we try to learn from the adjustments we've had to mak...

As modernas escravaturas serão tema do Dia Mundial da Paz

Partilhado por
Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Não mais escravos, mas irmãos”. Este é o título da Mensagem para o 48º Dia Mundial da Paz, a segunda escrita pelo Papa Francisco. Na manhã de quinta-feira, 21, o Pontifício Conselho da Justiça e da...

Aluno do IEAD testemunha sobre curso Ardor Missionário

Partilhado por
ieadrccbrasil.com.br - Com objetivo de inflamar nas lideranças cristãs o carisma para assumir sua vocação missionária no seio da Igreja e da sociedade, o Instituto de Educação a Distância da RCCBRASIL oferece o curso Ard...

Amazon passa a vender livro em papel no Brasil

Partilhado por
Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - A varejista online Amazon lança no Brasil, nesta quinta-feira (21), a venda de livros em papel em português. A empresa já vendia livros digitais aqui. Com um catálogo de 150 mil títulos de 2.100 ed...
Arte & Entretenimento

Kent Brantly’s remarks upon his release from hospital

Partilhado por
dennyburk.com - I can’t tell you how full my heart is at the news of Dr. Kent Brantley’s recovery. I can only imagine how his family must be feeling to have him back after thirty very dark days of uncertainty and ...

Diocese de Oeiras (PI) sedia Assembleia Regional de Presbíteros

Partilhado por
CNBB Nacional
cnbb.org.br - Desde o dia 19 de agosto, mais de 27 padres das dioceses de Oeiras, São Raimundo Nonato, Picos, Teresina, Parnaíba e Floriano participam da 20ª Assembleia de Presbíteros do regional Nordeste 4 da C...
Arte & Entretenimento

A Christian Response to Ferguson - BarbWire.com

Partilhado por
barbwire.com - When will the rioting in Ferguson, MO stop? There has been much mayhem—including the police using tear gas—and much looting in the St. Louis suburb. The media covers this story heavily. Some estima...

Obispo de Irak advierte que Occidente será pronto otra víctima del islamismo

Partilhado por
ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 20 Ago. 14 / 04:28 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Arzobispo Caldeo de Mosul (Irak), Mons. Emil Nona, advirtió que los cristianos de todo el mundo enfrentarían el mismo sufrimiento que su arquidi...

Misericordia y compasión, claves del viaje de Francisco a Filipinas

Partilhado por
infocatolica.com - (AICA/InfoCatólica) Pocas horas después de terminada la visita apostólica a Corea, la Iglesia en Filipinas relanzó el sitio oficial del viaje apostólico que el papa Francisco realizará al país entr...
Arte & Entretenimento

Esta noche, vuelve a disfrutar con Derecho a Vivir Ávila del mejor cine por la Vida

Partilhado por
hazteoir.org - Tras la exitosa proyección de Crescendo, vuelve este jueves el Ciclo de DAV Ávila "La Vida en Cine", con Blood Money: a las 22.00 h, de nuevo en el Auditorio de San Francisco de la capital. Gratuit...

Tuition Pays for This - Walter E. Williams - Page 1

Partilhado por
Drew McKissick
townhall.com - According to College Board, average tuition and fees for the 2013-14 school year totaled $30,094 at private colleges, $8,893 for in-state residents at public colleges and $22,203 for out-of-state r...

Labour doesn't value family life says Maurice Glasman

Partilhado por
The Catholic Herald
dailymail.co.uk - By Jack Doyle, Political Correspondent, For The Daily Mail Labour does not understand or appreciate the importance of family life, according to a former guru of Ed Miliband. In a highly critical in...

Lord Glasman: ‘Catholicism has entered the mainstream’

Partilhado por
The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - Lord Glasman’s Hackney office overlooks the synagogue where his grandparents married. It’s a mosque now but was “a huge, thriving shul [Jewish religious community]” up until about thirty years ago....
Arte & Entretenimento

This Disabled Man's Performance Will Make Your Jaw Drop – One Leg and Break Dancing, WOW! (VIDEO)

Partilhado por
The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Your first thought of a dancer losing a leg is probably the end of their hopes and dreams. But don't tell this man that. He breaks it down like a pro and makes the dance look even cooler with just ...
Meio Ambiente

Quem são mesmo os vendidos? | Rodrigo Constantino - VEJA.com

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Por João Luiz Mauad, publicado no Instituto Liberal Quem quer que defenda ou divulgue publicamente o liberalismo já foi alguma vez acusado de estar a serviço de “interesses comerciais” – ou pior, d...

The Caregiver - By Russell Shaw

Partilhado por
Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - The 36-Hour Day (Grand Central Life & Style) is a handbook familiar to many caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. That seemingly mysterious title is no mystery to the c...

Liturgia | Quarta-feira – 20ª Semana do Tempo Comum – Ano A

Partilhado por
Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Bernardo nasceu na última década do século XI, no ano 1090, em Dijon, França. Era o terceiro dos sete filhos do cavaleiro Tecelim e de sua esposa Alícia. A sua família era cristã, rica, poderosa e ...

A Second Act For The Internet Of Things

Partilhado por
Arnaud Meunier
techcrunch.com - Editor’s note: David Hirsch is co-founder and partner of Metamorphic Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm headquarterd in New York City. Prior to Metamorphic, he spent eight years at Googl...

Pastor Everaldo promete Estado Laico Mínimo

Partilhado por
Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - TEMPLO DE SALOMÃO – Transformado em mártir após resistir aos ataques do fariseu William Bonner, o pastor Everaldo esculpiu suas propostas na pedra fundamental do Templo de Salomão. “São 10 mandamen...

Catholic.net - Algunas cuestiones sobre el altar, las velas, las flores y la comunión en la mano.

Partilhado por
es.catholic.net - Algunas cuestiones sobre el altar, las velas, las flores y la comunión en la mano. Algunas cuestiones litúrgicas sobre: 1. El Altar, el crucifijo, las velas y los santos. 2. La eucaristía en la man...
Arte & Entretenimento

Sister Joan Chittister on freedom in our later years

Partilhado por
US Catholic magazine
uscatholic.org - “Old age,” the Austrian novelist Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote, “transfigures or fossilizes.” It is a very comforting feeling to know that age does not change us. On the contrary. In some ways, ...
Arte & Entretenimento

We need Jesus' human spirit to learn to welcome others into our midst

Partilhado por
ncronline.org - As we listened to the Scriptures last Sunday, you may remember we reflected on one of the greatest mysteries of our faith: the incarnation of God in Jesus, son of God and son of Mary. And we reflec...

The Catholic Review > Home > During inflight news conference, pope talks airstrikes in Iraq, his health, possible U.S. visit

Partilhado por
L'Osservatore Romano
catholicreview.org - During inflight news conference, pope talks airstrikes in Iraq, his health, possible U.S. visit August 19, 2014 ABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT FROM SEOUL, South Korea - Pope Francis said the use of force ...

Unrest in Ferguson

Partilhado por
Catholic Courier
stlouisreview.com - With strife and violence in the aftermath of Michael Brown's shooting death by a police officer in Ferguson, more than 500 St. Louis Catholics gathered for a Votive Mass for peace and justice, Aug....

Estuvieron 87 años casados y les dieron el Guiness: sus sencillos secretos para un matrimonio feliz - ReL

Partilhado por
Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Herbert: Estuvimos separados dos meses cuando Zelmyra estuvo en el hospital con nuestro quinto hijo. Fue el momento más difícil de mi vida. La madre de Zelmyra me ayudó con la casa y los otros niño...

El número dos de Podemos acaba en los juzgados acusado de agredir a un ciudadano - Libertad Digital

Partilhado por
libertaddigital.com - El número dos de Podemos acaba en los juzgados acusado de agredir a un ciudadano Juan Carlos Monedero se enfrenta a una denuncia interpuesta por un vecino de Almería que afirma que le agredió e inc...

Irak: el líder kurdo Barzani ofrece armar a voluntarios cristianos

Partilhado por
infocatolica.com - (AICA/InfoCatólica) Esta disponibilidad fue expresada en un comunicado emitido por la Presidencia de la Región en la tarde del lunes 18 de agosto, tras una reunión entre el mismo Barzani y el Minis...

Ferguson and Mainstream Media Malfeasance - BarbWire.com

Partilhado por
barbwire.com - Liberals are always touting their anti-war credentials, denouncing its toll on human lives. But in Ferguson, there is one war they can’t seem to promote enough—race war. I’m as black as Obama, whic...
Arte & Entretenimento


Partilhado por
ccef.org - Our faculty’s work is at the heart of what CCEF does. They seek to engage wise discipleship in churches. They influence students around the world being trained for the hands-on part of pastoral min...

Power point del Rosario MisioneroEcclesia Digital

Partilhado por
Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Ecclesia Relacionado:   power point rosario Power point para el Domingo 20 Tiempo Ordinario (17-8-2014) Power point de José-Román Flecha Domingo 20 Tiempo Ordinario, A (17-8-2014) Power point Domin...

Good things are happening!

Partilhado por
Drew McKissick
gopfaith.com - Thanks so much for supporting the new GOP Faith Engagement project! Things have been moving very quickly for us. Within the past few weeks our project has been promoted in media outlets that reach ...

Suffering of Christians by ISIS Terrorists Is 'Unbelievable and Makes Me Cry,' Says Open Doors Field Worker

Partilhado por
The Christian Post
christianpost.com - A field worker with persecution watchdog group Open Doors helping refugees in Iraq has spoken out about the "unbelievable" suffering going on in the country, which is under attack by the Islamic St...

Prayer is a source of strength for family of slain US journalist

Partilhado por
The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - In April 2013, the parents of slain U.S. journalist James Foley attended a prayer vigil at Marquette University in Milwaukee to pray for their son, who at that time had disappeared in Syria. Before...

Se não tem tu, vai tu mesmo! Ou: Roleta russa é melhor que tiro certo. Ou ainda: Coalizão ou colisão?

Partilhado por
Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Um banqueiro de investimentos, daqueles que gostaria de Aécio Neves subindo a rampa do Palácio do Planalto em janeiro de 2015, analisava o novo quadro eleitoral ontem à tarde desta forma: - Prefiro...

Twitcom - Crie e participe de comunidades e grupos no Twitter

Partilhado por
Julio Cesar
twitcom.com.br - Para concluir sua inscrição, digite seu email para confirmação. Um email foi enviado, confirme clicando no link de validação. Houver tweets nos nests que sigo Alguém entrar nos nests que sigo Algué...

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci: A Man for Others, a Universal Treasure - By Sr. Joan L. Roccasalvo, C.S.J.

Partilhado por
Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - As the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) since 1984, Dr. Anthony Fauci, an immunologist, is regularly invited on television for his expert information about infectious diseases.  ...

Behind Ferguson: How Black and White Christians Think Differently About Race | Gleanings

Partilhado por
Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - As protests and vigils have become daily occurences in Ferguson, Missouri, so have online debates over how black and white Christians have (broadly speaking) reacted differently since teenager Mich...

Your Parish Needs Better Graphics (And Here's How To Help) - BrandonVogt.com : BrandonVogt.com

Partilhado por
Matthew Warner
BrandonVogt.com - Michael Marchand knows parishes. He’s been a youth minister for ten years and he helps run ProjectYM.com, one of the largest youth ministry sites in the world. During his years of experience he’s n...

Richard Dawkins: 'immoral' to allow Down's syndrome babies to be born - Telegraph

Partilhado por
Rodney Eloy
telegraph.co.uk - Almost 1,000 abortions are carried out on foetuses with Down’s in England and Wales a year, according to an independent register. But it emerged earlier this year that almost half of them were miss...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ebola and the Glory of God: An Interview with Nancy Writebol's Family (including Nancy's Comments) | The Exchange

Partilhado por
Ed Stetzer
christianitytoday.com - Before August 2, no one infected with Ebola had ever stepped foot in the United States, but that changed when Dr. Kent Brantly landed in Atlanta and walked into Emory University Hospital. Dr. Nancy...

Ministério Fiel

Partilhado por
Editora Fiel
ministeriofiel.com.br - De acordo com pesquisas recentes, 81% dos americanos adultos acreditam no céu, e 80% esperam ir para lá quando morrerem. Em comparação, cerca de 61% acredita no inferno, mas menos de 1% pensa que é...
Arte & Entretenimento

Phone call home | Features

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
marquette.edu - Marquette University has always been a friend to me. The kind who challenges you to do more and be better and ultimately shapes who you become. With Marquette, I went on some volunteer trips to Sou...

Catholic.net - Foro de laicos en España: "No ser indiferentes ante la situación iraqui"

Partilhado por
es.catholic.net - Foro de laicos en España: "No ser indiferentes ante la situación iraqui" La Comisión Permanente del Foro de Laicos de España emitió un comunicado en el que considera "una obligación, alzar su voz c...

Evangelização nas escolas: jovens evangelizam jovens

Partilhado por
Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Na sexta-feira, 15 de agosto, jovens da Comunidade Católica Shalom em Quixadá (CE) realizaram um momento de evangelização com os estudantes de uma escola local, durante o intervalo das aulas. Tendo...

Jovens de Uruaçu participam do evento vocacional Despertai

Partilhado por
CNBB Nacional
cnbb.org.br - Jovens de diferentes lugares da diocese de Uruaçu (GO) reuniram-se pela primeira vez no dia 2 de agosto, no Seminário Diocesano São José, para participar do “Despertai” 2014. O público estimado de ...

Um marcador inteligente que tuíta para lembrá-lo de voltar a ler

Partilhado por
Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - Se você deixar a leitura de lado por mais de uma semana, o perfil do escritor aparece no seu Twitter para convidá-lo a retornar para as páginas do impresso Ainda que eu goste muito de ler, consegui...

A safer nation

Partilhado por
WND News
wnd.com - Cast your vote now. All answers are stored anonymously.

In New York, Another Attack on Religious Freedom - BarbWire.com

Partilhado por
barbwire.com - Religious liberty continues to fall under attack from homosexual activists and their “useful idiots” in government. The list has grown quite long of places like Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Ne...
Arte & Entretenimento

Métodos naturales: Los méritos de la Iglesia (con un fallo)

Partilhado por
infocatolica.com - (Aleteia/InfoCatólica) De hecho comienza a observarse una falta de confianza de las mujeres en una libertad sexual que arriesga su propia salud y una propaganda de la contracepción química que cont...

Catholic and Orthodox patriarchs visit Irbil to support displaced Iraqis

Partilhado por
The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - A delegation of Catholic and Orthodox patriarchs visited Irbil, Iraq, to show their support and solidarity with the more than 100,000 Christians and minorities displaced in the country by the advan...

Ten Things I Learned the Hard Way about Sending Kids to School |Blogs

Partilhado por
N. Catholic Register
ncregister.com - As I've mentioned a million times, we have tried nearly every form of schooling that is out there. We make changes when they are necessary, and we try to learn from the adjustments we've had to mak...

As modernas escravaturas serão tema do Dia Mundial da Paz

Partilhado por
Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Não mais escravos, mas irmãos”. Este é o título da Mensagem para o 48º Dia Mundial da Paz, a segunda escrita pelo Papa Francisco. Na manhã de quinta-feira, 21, o Pontifício Conselho da Justiça e da...

Aluno do IEAD testemunha sobre curso Ardor Missionário

Partilhado por
ieadrccbrasil.com.br - Com objetivo de inflamar nas lideranças cristãs o carisma para assumir sua vocação missionária no seio da Igreja e da sociedade, o Instituto de Educação a Distância da RCCBRASIL oferece o curso Ard...

Amazon passa a vender livro em papel no Brasil

Partilhado por
Sérgio Pavarini
livrosepessoas.com - A varejista online Amazon lança no Brasil, nesta quinta-feira (21), a venda de livros em papel em português. A empresa já vendia livros digitais aqui. Com um catálogo de 150 mil títulos de 2.100 ed...
Arte & Entretenimento

Kent Brantly’s remarks upon his release from hospital

Partilhado por
dennyburk.com - I can’t tell you how full my heart is at the news of Dr. Kent Brantley’s recovery. I can only imagine how his family must be feeling to have him back after thirty very dark days of uncertainty and ...

Diocese de Oeiras (PI) sedia Assembleia Regional de Presbíteros

Partilhado por
CNBB Nacional
cnbb.org.br - Desde o dia 19 de agosto, mais de 27 padres das dioceses de Oeiras, São Raimundo Nonato, Picos, Teresina, Parnaíba e Floriano participam da 20ª Assembleia de Presbíteros do regional Nordeste 4 da C...
Arte & Entretenimento

A Christian Response to Ferguson - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - When will the rioting in Ferguson, MO stop? There has been much mayhem—including the police using tear gas—and much looting in the St. Louis suburb. The media covers this story heavily. Some estima...

Obispo de Irak advierte que Occidente será pronto otra víctima del islamismo

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ACI Prensa
aciprensa.com - ROMA, 20 Ago. 14 / 04:28 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Arzobispo Caldeo de Mosul (Irak), Mons. Emil Nona, advirtió que los cristianos de todo el mundo enfrentarían el mismo sufrimiento que su arquidi...

Misericordia y compasión, claves del viaje de Francisco a Filipinas

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infocatolica.com - (AICA/InfoCatólica) Pocas horas después de terminada la visita apostólica a Corea, la Iglesia en Filipinas relanzó el sitio oficial del viaje apostólico que el papa Francisco realizará al país entr...
Arte & Entretenimento

Esta noche, vuelve a disfrutar con Derecho a Vivir Ávila del mejor cine por la Vida

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hazteoir.org - Tras la exitosa proyección de Crescendo, vuelve este jueves el Ciclo de DAV Ávila "La Vida en Cine", con Blood Money: a las 22.00 h, de nuevo en el Auditorio de San Francisco de la capital. Gratuit...

Tuition Pays for This - Walter E. Williams - Page 1

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Drew McKissick
townhall.com - According to College Board, average tuition and fees for the 2013-14 school year totaled $30,094 at private colleges, $8,893 for in-state residents at public colleges and $22,203 for out-of-state r...

Labour doesn't value family life says Maurice Glasman

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The Catholic Herald
dailymail.co.uk - By Jack Doyle, Political Correspondent, For The Daily Mail Labour does not understand or appreciate the importance of family life, according to a former guru of Ed Miliband. In a highly critical in...

Lord Glasman: ‘Catholicism has entered the mainstream’

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - Lord Glasman’s Hackney office overlooks the synagogue where his grandparents married. It’s a mosque now but was “a huge, thriving shul [Jewish religious community]” up until about thirty years ago....
Arte & Entretenimento

This Disabled Man's Performance Will Make Your Jaw Drop – One Leg and Break Dancing, WOW! (VIDEO)

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Your first thought of a dancer losing a leg is probably the end of their hopes and dreams. But don't tell this man that. He breaks it down like a pro and makes the dance look even cooler with just ...
Meio Ambiente

Quem são mesmo os vendidos? | Rodrigo Constantino - VEJA.com

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Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Por João Luiz Mauad, publicado no Instituto Liberal Quem quer que defenda ou divulgue publicamente o liberalismo já foi alguma vez acusado de estar a serviço de “interesses comerciais” – ou pior, d...

The Caregiver - By Russell Shaw

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - The 36-Hour Day (Grand Central Life & Style) is a handbook familiar to many caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. That seemingly mysterious title is no mystery to the c...

Liturgia | Quarta-feira – 20ª Semana do Tempo Comum – Ano A

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Comunidade Shalom
comshalom.org - Bernardo nasceu na última década do século XI, no ano 1090, em Dijon, França. Era o terceiro dos sete filhos do cavaleiro Tecelim e de sua esposa Alícia. A sua família era cristã, rica, poderosa e ...

A Second Act For The Internet Of Things

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Arnaud Meunier
techcrunch.com - Editor’s note: David Hirsch is co-founder and partner of Metamorphic Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm headquarterd in New York City. Prior to Metamorphic, he spent eight years at Googl...

Pastor Everaldo promete Estado Laico Mínimo

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Sérgio Pavarini
pavablog.com - TEMPLO DE SALOMÃO – Transformado em mártir após resistir aos ataques do fariseu William Bonner, o pastor Everaldo esculpiu suas propostas na pedra fundamental do Templo de Salomão. “São 10 mandamen...

Catholic.net - Algunas cuestiones sobre el altar, las velas, las flores y la comunión en la mano.

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es.catholic.net - Algunas cuestiones sobre el altar, las velas, las flores y la comunión en la mano. Algunas cuestiones litúrgicas sobre: 1. El Altar, el crucifijo, las velas y los santos. 2. La eucaristía en la man...
Arte & Entretenimento

Sister Joan Chittister on freedom in our later years

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US Catholic magazine
uscatholic.org - “Old age,” the Austrian novelist Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach wrote, “transfigures or fossilizes.” It is a very comforting feeling to know that age does not change us. On the contrary. In some ways, ...
Arte & Entretenimento

We need Jesus' human spirit to learn to welcome others into our midst

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ncronline.org - As we listened to the Scriptures last Sunday, you may remember we reflected on one of the greatest mysteries of our faith: the incarnation of God in Jesus, son of God and son of Mary. And we reflec...

The Catholic Review > Home > During inflight news conference, pope talks airstrikes in Iraq, his health, possible U.S. visit

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L'Osservatore Romano
catholicreview.org - During inflight news conference, pope talks airstrikes in Iraq, his health, possible U.S. visit August 19, 2014 ABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT FROM SEOUL, South Korea - Pope Francis said the use of force ...

Unrest in Ferguson

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Catholic Courier
stlouisreview.com - With strife and violence in the aftermath of Michael Brown's shooting death by a police officer in Ferguson, more than 500 St. Louis Catholics gathered for a Votive Mass for peace and justice, Aug....

Estuvieron 87 años casados y les dieron el Guiness: sus sencillos secretos para un matrimonio feliz - ReL

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Religión en Libertad
religionenlibertad.com - Herbert: Estuvimos separados dos meses cuando Zelmyra estuvo en el hospital con nuestro quinto hijo. Fue el momento más difícil de mi vida. La madre de Zelmyra me ayudó con la casa y los otros niño...

El número dos de Podemos acaba en los juzgados acusado de agredir a un ciudadano - Libertad Digital

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libertaddigital.com - El número dos de Podemos acaba en los juzgados acusado de agredir a un ciudadano Juan Carlos Monedero se enfrenta a una denuncia interpuesta por un vecino de Almería que afirma que le agredió e inc...

Irak: el líder kurdo Barzani ofrece armar a voluntarios cristianos

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infocatolica.com - (AICA/InfoCatólica) Esta disponibilidad fue expresada en un comunicado emitido por la Presidencia de la Región en la tarde del lunes 18 de agosto, tras una reunión entre el mismo Barzani y el Minis...

Ferguson and Mainstream Media Malfeasance - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Liberals are always touting their anti-war credentials, denouncing its toll on human lives. But in Ferguson, there is one war they can’t seem to promote enough—race war. I’m as black as Obama, whic...
Arte & Entretenimento


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ccef.org - Our faculty’s work is at the heart of what CCEF does. They seek to engage wise discipleship in churches. They influence students around the world being trained for the hands-on part of pastoral min...

Power point del Rosario MisioneroEcclesia Digital

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Ecclesia Digital
revistaecclesia.com - Ecclesia Relacionado:   power point rosario Power point para el Domingo 20 Tiempo Ordinario (17-8-2014) Power point de José-Román Flecha Domingo 20 Tiempo Ordinario, A (17-8-2014) Power point Domin...

Good things are happening!

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Drew McKissick
gopfaith.com - Thanks so much for supporting the new GOP Faith Engagement project! Things have been moving very quickly for us. Within the past few weeks our project has been promoted in media outlets that reach ...

Suffering of Christians by ISIS Terrorists Is 'Unbelievable and Makes Me Cry,' Says Open Doors Field Worker

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - A field worker with persecution watchdog group Open Doors helping refugees in Iraq has spoken out about the "unbelievable" suffering going on in the country, which is under attack by the Islamic St...

Prayer is a source of strength for family of slain US journalist

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The Catholic Herald
catholicherald.co.uk - In April 2013, the parents of slain U.S. journalist James Foley attended a prayer vigil at Marquette University in Milwaukee to pray for their son, who at that time had disappeared in Syria. Before...

Se não tem tu, vai tu mesmo! Ou: Roleta russa é melhor que tiro certo. Ou ainda: Coalizão ou colisão?

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Rodrigo Constantino
veja.abril.com.br - Um banqueiro de investimentos, daqueles que gostaria de Aécio Neves subindo a rampa do Palácio do Planalto em janeiro de 2015, analisava o novo quadro eleitoral ontem à tarde desta forma: - Prefiro...

Twitcom - Crie e participe de comunidades e grupos no Twitter

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Julio Cesar
twitcom.com.br - Para concluir sua inscrição, digite seu email para confirmação. Um email foi enviado, confirme clicando no link de validação. Houver tweets nos nests que sigo Alguém entrar nos nests que sigo Algué...

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci: A Man for Others, a Universal Treasure - By Sr. Joan L. Roccasalvo, C.S.J.

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Catholic News Agency
catholicnewsagency.com - As the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) since 1984, Dr. Anthony Fauci, an immunologist, is regularly invited on television for his expert information about infectious diseases.  ...

Behind Ferguson: How Black and White Christians Think Differently About Race | Gleanings

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Christianity Today
christianitytoday.com - As protests and vigils have become daily occurences in Ferguson, Missouri, so have online debates over how black and white Christians have (broadly speaking) reacted differently since teenager Mich...

Your Parish Needs Better Graphics (And Here's How To Help) - BrandonVogt.com : BrandonVogt.com

Partilhado por
Matthew Warner
BrandonVogt.com - Michael Marchand knows parishes. He’s been a youth minister for ten years and he helps run ProjectYM.com, one of the largest youth ministry sites in the world. During his years of experience he’s n...

Richard Dawkins: 'immoral' to allow Down's syndrome babies to be born - Telegraph

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Rodney Eloy
telegraph.co.uk - Almost 1,000 abortions are carried out on foetuses with Down’s in England and Wales a year, according to an independent register. But it emerged earlier this year that almost half of them were miss...
Arte & Entretenimento

Ebola and the Glory of God: An Interview with Nancy Writebol's Family (including Nancy's Comments) | The Exchange

Partilhado por
Ed Stetzer
christianitytoday.com - Before August 2, no one infected with Ebola had ever stepped foot in the United States, but that changed when Dr. Kent Brantly landed in Atlanta and walked into Emory University Hospital. Dr. Nancy...

Ministério Fiel

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Editora Fiel
ministeriofiel.com.br - De acordo com pesquisas recentes, 81% dos americanos adultos acreditam no céu, e 80% esperam ir para lá quando morrerem. Em comparação, cerca de 61% acredita no inferno, mas menos de 1% pensa que é...

Alerta Total: Com Graça em desgraça, grupo de Lula quebra a cabeça para escolher novo comando para Petrobras

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alertatotal.net - O grupo do Presidentro Lula já definiu que é insustentável a manutenção de Graça Foster na Presidência da Petrobras. As revelações sobre transferência de imóveis, sob o risco de ter os bens bloquea...

St. Toribio de Mogrovejo: Apostle of Peru - Crisis Magazine

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Crisis Magazine
crisismagazine.com - During the sixteenth century, in the Spanish colonies of the Americas, many conquistadors and colonists, giving vent to their avarice, debauchery, and cruelty, abused the native peoples, treating t...

Court ends part of Arkansas desegregation lawsuit

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cnsnews.com - LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — A federal judge Thursday ended a large part of an Arkansas desegregation case rooted in the Little Rock Central High School crisis of 1957 but a lawyer for black schoolchil...

The birth of Impressionism calculated to the nearest minute - The Art Newspaper

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Judy Rey Wasserman
theartnewspaper.com - By Martin Bailey. Web only Published online: 21 August 2014 The birth of Impressionism can now be dated to a precise time: 7.35am on 13 November 1872. New research has identified when Claude Monet ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Box Office Predictions: 'If I Stay' Surprises, Tops 'Sin City' Sequel

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Big Hollywood
breitbart.com - Sensei's weekend predictions and revenue results are as follows: 1. If I Stay ($19 Million) - Going with the upset here. If anything, The Fault in Our Stars showed how strong the young teen demogra...

Royal Pains | TV Review

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Focus on the Family
pluggedin.com - Who says doctors don't make house calls? In USA's light, escapist medical dramedy Royal Pains, Dr. Hank Lawson makes nothing but house calls. He's what is known as a "concierge doctor," a physician...

Todd VanEk named to leadership at ministry - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - USA (MNN) — Revelation 7:9 says, “There before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” Unf...

Million Minutes Online Coordinator (Voluntary) :: Catholic Youth Ministry, News, Development, Programs

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catholicyouthwork.com - CatholicYouthWork.com » Forum » Jobs in Catholic Youth Ministry » Catholic Youth Ministry Jobs UK » Million Minutes Online Coordinator (Voluntary) Author Topic: Million Minutes Online Coordinator (...

How to confront evil in the world

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - On Aug. 12, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue issued a declaration condemning “the unspeakable criminal acts” being committed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (known as ISIS)...

Pro-Abortion Congressional Candidate Mails Condoms to Pro-Lifers

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lifenews.com - by Jill Stanek | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 8/21/14 7:24 PM Why do I think Democrat pro-abortion congressional candidate James Woods is slimy? Aside from the fact Woods retaliated against a pr...

Four Tips That Will Put You over The Edge Using Social Media - by roseanderson - Newsvine

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Scott Williams
roseanderson.newsvine.com - For all of us who use social media as a marketing medium and channel there is an urgent need to use social media hacks to make sure that our marketing strategies are effective. There are so many so...

Other Publications - MELISA Institute

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Ignacio Arsuaga ن
melisainstitute.com - by Elard Koch, John Thorp, Miguel Bravo, and Sebastián Gatica, on behalf of the CMMRI On May 23rd, the Alan Guttmacher Institute (GI) released an advisory comment entitled “Review of a Study by Koc...

Actualidad - Los turistas dan la nota más alta a la oferta comercial y al Metro y a las citas culturales

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PP de Madrid
madrid.org - La valoración de los encuestados sobre el nivel de satisfacción global de su visita a la Comunidad de Madrid es de un 8,4 de media, y mejora una décima con respecto a 2011, siendo la valoración med...

 Orientações para as comunidades católicas da Arquidiocese de São Paulo

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Aliança Misericórdia
misericordia.com.br - A Arquidiocese de São Paulo publicou um documento com orientações para as comunidades católicas sobre as eleições 2014. Com apoio da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) e da Uniã...
Arte & Entretenimento

How Should We Respond to Vicky Beeching?

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charismamag.com - Believers throughout the English-speaking world were shocked and saddened to hear that Vicky Beeching, a greatly loved songwriter and worship leader, has announced that she is gay. How should we re...

Catholic New World - WTTW airing documentary about Old St. Patrick’s Aug. 21

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Catholic New World
catholicnewworld.com - Old St. Pat's Block Party, seen in this 2009 file photo, has been a visible part of the parish's role in revitalizing the community. (Brian J. Morowczynski / Catholic New World) When Father Jack Wa...

Alexandria parish celebrates golden jubilee - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - It was a weekend of festivities for Queen of Apostles Parish in Alexandria with a gala dinner Saturday night, culminating with a Mass of thanksgiving Aug. 17. The Mass marked the end of a year of c...

Criacionismo: Papa aprova uso da força militar americana no Iraque

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quarta-feira, agosto 20, 2014 Papa aprova uso da força militar americana no Iraque "É lícito deter o agressor" O papa Francisco deu sinal verde nesta segunda-feira (18/8) para o uso da força milita...
Meio Ambiente

Boston College Theologian: Babies Cause 'Global Warming!' - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Has anyone ever wondered just how far the “Global Warming” enthusiasts will go? Well, according to an article by Philip Hodges on August 15, 2014, now babies are part of the “Global Warming” proble...

Britain must act to bring the perpetrators of Iraq atrocities to justice - Telegraph

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telegraph.co.uk - These violations are, however, sadly part of a global pattern of increased hostility in society towards freedom of religion or belief, together with government restrictions of them. Governments, in...

Concurso Cultural Literário (85)

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livrosepessoas.com - 16 de agosto às 15h Livraria Leitura Shopping Pátio Savassi Av. do Contorno, 6.061 – Belo Horizonte (MG) 16 de agosto às 10h30 Livraria do Chain Rua General Carneiro, 441 - Alto da Glória Curitiba ...

3 Barriers to the Church's Ability to Love Others

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relevantmagazine.com - In recent years, my family has navigated some rough patches; death, cancer treatments, open heart surgeries, chronic disease, etc. It often seems that in these times of trauma or tragedy, family co...

Paris Review – “Why Read?”, Sadie Stein

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By Common Consent
theparisreview.org - While browsing the New York Public Library’s menu archives—a fine way to pass a few hours—a friend of mine ran across this document, from a 1919 insurance pamphlet called “Why Read?”, and rightly s...
Arte & Entretenimento

My Bible Plans

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Craig Webb
mybibleplans.com - 107:1 Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he has redeemed from trouble and gathered in from the lands, from...

BBC News - Foley killers 'wanted $132m ransom'

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Angelica Saldaña
bbc.co.uk - Islamic State jihadists demanded $132m (£80m) ransom for release of US journalist James Foley, employer says US jets carry out fresh strikes in Iraq, despite threats from militants to kill a second...

Richard Dawkins Exposes the Immorality of His Atheism

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Giving further ammunition to those who say that atheists cannot fully value all human life, Richard Dawkins has now stated that it would be "immoral" not to abort a baby with Down syndrome. Are you...

TIS |  Curriculum

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truthisscary.com - Welcome to the TRUTH IS SCARY “Curriculum”…your gateway to the “Rabbit Hole”. Whether you are a new or experienced Truth Seeker, the Curriculum is meant  to increase your Awareness of the Truth tha...
Arte & Entretenimento

Female Comics Fans Upset Over Spider Woman's Ass

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Big Hollywood
breitbart.com - For the upcoming issue, Marvel hired Italian artist Milo Manara, an artist quite well known in the world of comic book illustration, well known, that is, for his erotic style approach to comics. No...

Police Union: 'Justice Needs to Go Both Ways'

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - Sergeant Kevin Ahlbrand, president of the Missouri Fraternal Order of Police, says the police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown has been vilified in the press and by politic...

Central Asia is a hard place to be a church - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Central Asia (MNN) — Violence against churches in Ukraine and Russia continue to grow, and legal reigns are tightening. The effects are wide-reaching. Governments in Central Asian countries are fee...

Economia - Criação de empregos formais tem pior mês de julho em 15 anos

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Pr.Roberto Luiz
g1.globo.com - O Brasil criou 11.796 empregos com carteira assinada no mês de julho, informou o Ministério do Trabalho nesta quinta-feira (21), com base em dados do Cadastro Geral de Empregados e Desempregados (C...
Arte & Entretenimento

Waiting to Belong | The Connected Child

Partilhado por
Focus on the Family
waitingtobelong.ca - Waiting to Belong started as a movement to help the more than 30,000 kids in Canada who are waiting to be adopted. Our goal is to see as many waiting kids as possible be placed into loving, forever...

Pope honors martyrs, inspires Korea’s youth

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - Pope Francis’ journey to South Korea from Aug. 13-18 inaugurated the first of three visits to Asian countries over the next five months and announced the pontiff’s clear focus on a continent that i...

Veja como três estudantes decidiram melhorar o dia de um morador de rua

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mob de leitura
livrosepessoas.com - Nossa rotina nas grandes cidades é sempre muito agitada, tanto que muitas vezes passamos por pessoas e lugares sem reparar no mundo que está ao redor. A partir dessa observação, estudantes da cidad...

Can the Government Control Your Conscience? « Alliance Defending Freedom Blog

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blog.alliancedefendingfreedom.org - Kevin Stormans faced an impossible choice: violate his conscience or do what he knew was right and lose his pharmacy business. When the Washington State Pharmacy Board required pharmacies in the st...

A Successful Leadership Culture Goes Beyond The Numbers

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Scott Williams
bigisthenewsmall.com - Leadership success seems to be relatively easy to measure. You look at the numbers, the success, the growth and the bottom line. Those items are half of the equation; however there is another equal...
Arte & Entretenimento

Actress Alexa Vega on Being Christian in Hollywood - Aleteia

Partilhado por
New Advent
aleteia.org - Last week actress Alexa Vega offered a candid interview with The Christian Post about the struggles of being Christian in Hollywood. She has been known to share her Christian faith on her Twitter a...

Finalizan las obras entre las estaciones de Chamartín y Nuevos Ministerios

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PP de Madrid
madridactual.es - En áreas que se habiliten para la participación de los USUARIOS (a título enunciativo envíos, foros, chats, comentarios, comparticiones, etc.) el PORTAL se limitará a habilitar un espacio, pero no ...

9 Reasons to Say No to Soy

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charismamag.com - The information I posted on soy on my Facebook page in March 2013 created a big response. Many people have posted the problems they've experienced after consuming soy products. Take a look on my Fa...

Campers learn about the monastic life - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - Campers at St. Louis Church “Vocation” Bible School in Alexandria traded neon VBS shirts for handmade habits Aug. 4-8. Volunteers sewed more than 40 mini-habits so that each day the campers could d...

Cristiano en Iraq: "o te vas o la espada"

Partilhado por
Elentir ن
citizengo.org - ULTIMA HORA (13 de agosto) El vaticano pide a los líderes musulmanes que condenen la violencia de los radicales ULTIMA HORA (11 DE AGOSTO) Filoni: Los cristianos iraquíes necesitan sentir que la Ig...
Arte & Entretenimento

Does God Want Us to Be Happy? - Blog - Think Eternity

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Think Eternity
thinke.org - Have you ever asked yourself the question, based on God's Word, does God want us to be happy? Does he care about that? Do the little concerns of our life matter to him, or is he mainly concerned wi...

Residential Team Members

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Evangelical Alliance
easilyfound.it - An exciting opportunity has arisen to serve both practically and spiritually. Small Christian Retreat House set in the unspoilt countryside of the Suffolk/Norfolk border. email: carolandmiles@hotma...

Crivella gera polêmica na internet ao ligar maconha a problemas em aviões da Fokker

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pavablog.com - Tema gerou pico de comentários no Twitter; candidato reafirmou o caso em entrevista nesta quarta-feira O tema era sério, mas arrancou risos. O candidato ao governo do Rio pelo PRB Marcelo Crivella,...

Russia, Obamacare, Israel: Where are the liberal success stories?

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commdiginews.com - BOZEMAN, Mont., August 20, 2014 — When Barack Obama swept into office on a rainbow of hope, change and messianic chants of “Yes, we can,” the expectation was that something, somewhere would improve...

JovemX - Tudo para Cristo, tudo por Ele!

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jovemx.com - ATENÇÃO: Serão sorteados 10 ingressos sendo eles 05 no Facebook e 05 no Instagram. Promoção encerra no dia 21 de Agosto às 13h00. O resultado será divulgado aqui na página da após apuração dos venc...

Clima de tensão na República Centro-Africana - CPADNews

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cpadnews.com.br - Contatos da Portas Abertas no país relataram um intenso combate que aconteceu perto das dez horas dessa terça-feira (19/08), no bairro PK5 da capital Bangui, entre membros do Seleka e jovens locais...
Arte & Entretenimento

Say it with a Saturday’s Warrior GIF: Part 1 – By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog

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By Common Consent
bycommonconsent.com - I had the idea to give Saturday’s Warrior the GIF treatment shortly after my BCC debut. Because of the length of the film, it didn’t make sense to summarize the entire plot by way of animations lik...

Pope Francis Announces Theme of Message for 48th World Day of Peace on January 1

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Zenit English
zenit.org - Below is the communique issued this morning by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace which, on behalf of the Holy Father, announces the theme of the message for the 48th World Day of Peace, ...

Arrested For 100 grams of Marijuana, Jackie Chan’s Son Could Face Execution 

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truthisscary.com - Chinese actor and singer Jaycee Chan was arrested for marijuana consumption and possession in Beijing Monday. The son of Jackie Chan, he could face up to three years in prison or, at worst, even ex...

Alerta Total: Com Graça em desgraça, grupo de Lula quebra a cabeça para escolher novo comando para Petrobras

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alertatotal.net - O grupo do Presidentro Lula já definiu que é insustentável a manutenção de Graça Foster na Presidência da Petrobras. As revelações sobre transferência de imóveis, sob o risco de ter os bens bloquea...

St. Toribio de Mogrovejo: Apostle of Peru - Crisis Magazine

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Crisis Magazine
crisismagazine.com - During the sixteenth century, in the Spanish colonies of the Americas, many conquistadors and colonists, giving vent to their avarice, debauchery, and cruelty, abused the native peoples, treating t...

Court ends part of Arkansas desegregation lawsuit

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cnsnews.com - LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — A federal judge Thursday ended a large part of an Arkansas desegregation case rooted in the Little Rock Central High School crisis of 1957 but a lawyer for black schoolchil...

The birth of Impressionism calculated to the nearest minute - The Art Newspaper

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Judy Rey Wasserman
theartnewspaper.com - By Martin Bailey. Web only Published online: 21 August 2014 The birth of Impressionism can now be dated to a precise time: 7.35am on 13 November 1872. New research has identified when Claude Monet ...
Arte & Entretenimento

Box Office Predictions: 'If I Stay' Surprises, Tops 'Sin City' Sequel

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Big Hollywood
breitbart.com - Sensei's weekend predictions and revenue results are as follows: 1. If I Stay ($19 Million) - Going with the upset here. If anything, The Fault in Our Stars showed how strong the young teen demogra...

Royal Pains | TV Review

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Focus on the Family
pluggedin.com - Who says doctors don't make house calls? In USA's light, escapist medical dramedy Royal Pains, Dr. Hank Lawson makes nothing but house calls. He's what is known as a "concierge doctor," a physician...

Todd VanEk named to leadership at ministry - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - USA (MNN) — Revelation 7:9 says, “There before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” Unf...

Million Minutes Online Coordinator (Voluntary) :: Catholic Youth Ministry, News, Development, Programs

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catholicyouthwork.com - CatholicYouthWork.com » Forum » Jobs in Catholic Youth Ministry » Catholic Youth Ministry Jobs UK » Million Minutes Online Coordinator (Voluntary) Author Topic: Million Minutes Online Coordinator (...

How to confront evil in the world

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - On Aug. 12, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue issued a declaration condemning “the unspeakable criminal acts” being committed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (known as ISIS)...

Pro-Abortion Congressional Candidate Mails Condoms to Pro-Lifers

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lifenews.com - by Jill Stanek | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 8/21/14 7:24 PM Why do I think Democrat pro-abortion congressional candidate James Woods is slimy? Aside from the fact Woods retaliated against a pr...

Four Tips That Will Put You over The Edge Using Social Media - by roseanderson - Newsvine

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Scott Williams
roseanderson.newsvine.com - For all of us who use social media as a marketing medium and channel there is an urgent need to use social media hacks to make sure that our marketing strategies are effective. There are so many so...

Other Publications - MELISA Institute

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Ignacio Arsuaga ن
melisainstitute.com - by Elard Koch, John Thorp, Miguel Bravo, and Sebastián Gatica, on behalf of the CMMRI On May 23rd, the Alan Guttmacher Institute (GI) released an advisory comment entitled “Review of a Study by Koc...

Actualidad - Los turistas dan la nota más alta a la oferta comercial y al Metro y a las citas culturales

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PP de Madrid
madrid.org - La valoración de los encuestados sobre el nivel de satisfacción global de su visita a la Comunidad de Madrid es de un 8,4 de media, y mejora una décima con respecto a 2011, siendo la valoración med...

 Orientações para as comunidades católicas da Arquidiocese de São Paulo

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Aliança Misericórdia
misericordia.com.br - A Arquidiocese de São Paulo publicou um documento com orientações para as comunidades católicas sobre as eleições 2014. Com apoio da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) e da Uniã...
Arte & Entretenimento

How Should We Respond to Vicky Beeching?

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charismamag.com - Believers throughout the English-speaking world were shocked and saddened to hear that Vicky Beeching, a greatly loved songwriter and worship leader, has announced that she is gay. How should we re...

Catholic New World - WTTW airing documentary about Old St. Patrick’s Aug. 21

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Catholic New World
catholicnewworld.com - Old St. Pat's Block Party, seen in this 2009 file photo, has been a visible part of the parish's role in revitalizing the community. (Brian J. Morowczynski / Catholic New World) When Father Jack Wa...

Alexandria parish celebrates golden jubilee - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - It was a weekend of festivities for Queen of Apostles Parish in Alexandria with a gala dinner Saturday night, culminating with a Mass of thanksgiving Aug. 17. The Mass marked the end of a year of c...

Criacionismo: Papa aprova uso da força militar americana no Iraque

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Michelson Borges
criacionismo.com.br - quarta-feira, agosto 20, 2014 Papa aprova uso da força militar americana no Iraque "É lícito deter o agressor" O papa Francisco deu sinal verde nesta segunda-feira (18/8) para o uso da força milita...
Meio Ambiente

Boston College Theologian: Babies Cause 'Global Warming!' - BarbWire.com

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barbwire.com - Has anyone ever wondered just how far the “Global Warming” enthusiasts will go? Well, according to an article by Philip Hodges on August 15, 2014, now babies are part of the “Global Warming” proble...

Britain must act to bring the perpetrators of Iraq atrocities to justice - Telegraph

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telegraph.co.uk - These violations are, however, sadly part of a global pattern of increased hostility in society towards freedom of religion or belief, together with government restrictions of them. Governments, in...

Concurso Cultural Literário (85)

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livrosepessoas.com - 16 de agosto às 15h Livraria Leitura Shopping Pátio Savassi Av. do Contorno, 6.061 – Belo Horizonte (MG) 16 de agosto às 10h30 Livraria do Chain Rua General Carneiro, 441 - Alto da Glória Curitiba ...

3 Barriers to the Church's Ability to Love Others

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relevantmagazine.com - In recent years, my family has navigated some rough patches; death, cancer treatments, open heart surgeries, chronic disease, etc. It often seems that in these times of trauma or tragedy, family co...

Paris Review – “Why Read?”, Sadie Stein

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By Common Consent
theparisreview.org - While browsing the New York Public Library’s menu archives—a fine way to pass a few hours—a friend of mine ran across this document, from a 1919 insurance pamphlet called “Why Read?”, and rightly s...
Arte & Entretenimento

My Bible Plans

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Craig Webb
mybibleplans.com - 107:1 Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he has redeemed from trouble and gathered in from the lands, from...

BBC News - Foley killers 'wanted $132m ransom'

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Angelica Saldaña
bbc.co.uk - Islamic State jihadists demanded $132m (£80m) ransom for release of US journalist James Foley, employer says US jets carry out fresh strikes in Iraq, despite threats from militants to kill a second...

Richard Dawkins Exposes the Immorality of His Atheism

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The Christian Post
christianpost.com - Giving further ammunition to those who say that atheists cannot fully value all human life, Richard Dawkins has now stated that it would be "immoral" not to abort a baby with Down syndrome. Are you...

TIS |  Curriculum

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truthisscary.com - Welcome to the TRUTH IS SCARY “Curriculum”…your gateway to the “Rabbit Hole”. Whether you are a new or experienced Truth Seeker, the Curriculum is meant  to increase your Awareness of the Truth tha...
Arte & Entretenimento

Female Comics Fans Upset Over Spider Woman's Ass

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Big Hollywood
breitbart.com - For the upcoming issue, Marvel hired Italian artist Milo Manara, an artist quite well known in the world of comic book illustration, well known, that is, for his erotic style approach to comics. No...

Police Union: 'Justice Needs to Go Both Ways'

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cnsnews.com - (CNSNews.com) - Sergeant Kevin Ahlbrand, president of the Missouri Fraternal Order of Police, says the police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown has been vilified in the press and by politic...

Central Asia is a hard place to be a church - Mission Network News

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Mission Network News
mnnonline.org - Central Asia (MNN) — Violence against churches in Ukraine and Russia continue to grow, and legal reigns are tightening. The effects are wide-reaching. Governments in Central Asian countries are fee...

Economia - Criação de empregos formais tem pior mês de julho em 15 anos

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Pr.Roberto Luiz
g1.globo.com - O Brasil criou 11.796 empregos com carteira assinada no mês de julho, informou o Ministério do Trabalho nesta quinta-feira (21), com base em dados do Cadastro Geral de Empregados e Desempregados (C...
Arte & Entretenimento

Waiting to Belong | The Connected Child

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Focus on the Family
waitingtobelong.ca - Waiting to Belong started as a movement to help the more than 30,000 kids in Canada who are waiting to be adopted. Our goal is to see as many waiting kids as possible be placed into loving, forever...

Pope honors martyrs, inspires Korea’s youth

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Our Sunday Visitor
osv.com - Pope Francis’ journey to South Korea from Aug. 13-18 inaugurated the first of three visits to Asian countries over the next five months and announced the pontiff’s clear focus on a continent that i...

Veja como três estudantes decidiram melhorar o dia de um morador de rua

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mob de leitura
livrosepessoas.com - Nossa rotina nas grandes cidades é sempre muito agitada, tanto que muitas vezes passamos por pessoas e lugares sem reparar no mundo que está ao redor. A partir dessa observação, estudantes da cidad...

Can the Government Control Your Conscience? « Alliance Defending Freedom Blog

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blog.alliancedefendingfreedom.org - Kevin Stormans faced an impossible choice: violate his conscience or do what he knew was right and lose his pharmacy business. When the Washington State Pharmacy Board required pharmacies in the st...

A Successful Leadership Culture Goes Beyond The Numbers

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Scott Williams
bigisthenewsmall.com - Leadership success seems to be relatively easy to measure. You look at the numbers, the success, the growth and the bottom line. Those items are half of the equation; however there is another equal...
Arte & Entretenimento

Actress Alexa Vega on Being Christian in Hollywood - Aleteia

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New Advent
aleteia.org - Last week actress Alexa Vega offered a candid interview with The Christian Post about the struggles of being Christian in Hollywood. She has been known to share her Christian faith on her Twitter a...

Finalizan las obras entre las estaciones de Chamartín y Nuevos Ministerios

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PP de Madrid
madridactual.es - En áreas que se habiliten para la participación de los USUARIOS (a título enunciativo envíos, foros, chats, comentarios, comparticiones, etc.) el PORTAL se limitará a habilitar un espacio, pero no ...

9 Reasons to Say No to Soy

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charismamag.com - The information I posted on soy on my Facebook page in March 2013 created a big response. Many people have posted the problems they've experienced after consuming soy products. Take a look on my Fa...

Campers learn about the monastic life - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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Catholic Herald
catholicherald.com - Campers at St. Louis Church “Vocation” Bible School in Alexandria traded neon VBS shirts for handmade habits Aug. 4-8. Volunteers sewed more than 40 mini-habits so that each day the campers could d...

Cristiano en Iraq: "o te vas o la espada"

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Elentir ن
citizengo.org - ULTIMA HORA (13 de agosto) El vaticano pide a los líderes musulmanes que condenen la violencia de los radicales ULTIMA HORA (11 DE AGOSTO) Filoni: Los cristianos iraquíes necesitan sentir que la Ig...
Arte & Entretenimento

Does God Want Us to Be Happy? - Blog - Think Eternity

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Think Eternity
thinke.org - Have you ever asked yourself the question, based on God's Word, does God want us to be happy? Does he care about that? Do the little concerns of our life matter to him, or is he mainly concerned wi...

Residential Team Members

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Evangelical Alliance
easilyfound.it - An exciting opportunity has arisen to serve both practically and spiritually. Small Christian Retreat House set in the unspoilt countryside of the Suffolk/Norfolk border. email: carolandmiles@hotma...

Crivella gera polêmica na internet ao ligar maconha a problemas em aviões da Fokker

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pavablog.com - Tema gerou pico de comentários no Twitter; candidato reafirmou o caso em entrevista nesta quarta-feira O tema era sério, mas arrancou risos. O candidato ao governo do Rio pelo PRB Marcelo Crivella,...

Russia, Obamacare, Israel: Where are the liberal success stories?

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commdiginews.com - BOZEMAN, Mont., August 20, 2014 — When Barack Obama swept into office on a rainbow of hope, change and messianic chants of “Yes, we can,” the expectation was that something, somewhere would improve...

JovemX - Tudo para Cristo, tudo por Ele!

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jovemx.com - ATENÇÃO: Serão sorteados 10 ingressos sendo eles 05 no Facebook e 05 no Instagram. Promoção encerra no dia 21 de Agosto às 13h00. O resultado será divulgado aqui na página da após apuração dos venc...

Clima de tensão na República Centro-Africana - CPADNews

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cpadnews.com.br - Contatos da Portas Abertas no país relataram um intenso combate que aconteceu perto das dez horas dessa terça-feira (19/08), no bairro PK5 da capital Bangui, entre membros do Seleka e jovens locais...
Arte & Entretenimento

Say it with a Saturday’s Warrior GIF: Part 1 – By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog

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By Common Consent
bycommonconsent.com - I had the idea to give Saturday’s Warrior the GIF treatment shortly after my BCC debut. Because of the length of the film, it didn’t make sense to summarize the entire plot by way of animations lik...

Pope Francis Announces Theme of Message for 48th World Day of Peace on January 1

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Zenit English
zenit.org - Below is the communique issued this morning by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace which, on behalf of the Holy Father, announces the theme of the message for the 48th World Day of Peace, ...

Arrested For 100 grams of Marijuana, Jackie Chan’s Son Could Face Execution 

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truthisscary.com - Chinese actor and singer Jaycee Chan was arrested for marijuana consumption and possession in Beijing Monday. The son of Jackie Chan, he could face up to three years in prison or, at worst, even ex...


Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia

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